Obia'Syela/Newspaper - The Mute Herald: Difference between revisions

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| The Editor
| The Editor
| Marshal Stepped Down   (39 minutes ago)
| *Marshal Stepped Down - Boltgan Starck, Count of Cjelegy, Marshal of the Enlightenment has stepped down as the marshal of the Enlightenment.
message to the Enlightenment army
Boltgan Starck, Count of Cjelegy, Marshal of the Enlightenment has stepped down as the marshal of the Enlightenment.
Here is the reason he gave: Enlightened of Obia'Syela,
Here is the reason he gave: Enlightened of Obia'Syela,

Sometimes the change is good, and I think this time it is. I have decided to step aside in the leadership of the Enlightenment. I will keep serving as Templar to the Veiled Goddess protecting and caring for her sacred territories.
*Sometimes the change is good, and I think this time it is. I have decided to step aside in the leadership of the Enlightenment. I will keep serving as Templar to the Veiled Goddess protecting and caring for her sacred territories. It was an honor to serve as your Marshal. I am sure that my successor will do an excellent job. May the light of Obeah guide us ~Boltgan Starck, Count of Cjelegy
It was an honor to serve as your Marshal. I am sure that my successor will do an excellent job.
May the light of Obeah guide us
Boltgan Starck
Count of Cjelegy
*New Marshal Announced (just in) The sponsor of the Enlightenment, Royal Lady Rania Eastersand JeVondair, has announced a new marshal: Dame Maura Arnickles Renodin.
*New Marshal Announced (just in) The sponsor of the Enlightenment, Royal Lady Rania Eastersand JeVondair, has announced a new marshal: Dame Maura Arnickles Renodin.

Revision as of 15:48, 19 June 2018

The Mute Herald
Obia's #1 Newsource
est. May 2018 - 7th Age

READ ALL ABOUT IT! The #1 place to find up-to-date news on everything Obia'Syela!


Editors Note - Rules

Hello there, fair reader! Please note that while we at the Mute Herald appreciate all submissions, we must ask that you adhere to the following style guides.

  • SPECIAL EDITIONS released on the 5th week of a given month.
  • HOW TO: The best way to contribute to this paper is to use the EDIT WIKI PAGE function to copy the wiki formatting, edit it with your article/report, preview for fidelity, then save.
  • VIP Titles: When reporting on a noble, especially a member of the Sacred Court, always introduce them by title first. If you need to refer to them again, it is acceptable to simply use their last name UNLESS the hold a Ruling Council Seat, is a Senior member of the church, are Royal, or hold a Ducal Title. In the Case of the first two, the proper mode is His/Her Eminence or Excellency. In the case of the latter two, His/Her Grace. BE AWARE that if the topic is religious, you should use the religious title (if applicable). Similarly, if the topic is seculalr/political or military-related, use the appropriate corresponding titles.
  • If you think up a nice short headline for your entry, Capitalize it and place it at the front of your wikiline!
  • Short & Sweet: We have limited sheet space so it's important to make your point as quickly as possible. (try to keep a single entry under 5 wikilines.
  • Please refer to the Community Portal page for wiki templates/guides and a library of relevant information.
  • Make it SOUND like a real newspaper! The AP Style Guide utilized by American journalist is an OUTSTANDING resource for this!

General News - Week in Review

Summary of weekly events to be updated every Sunday.

Obiaicon.png 1st Issue - Week 97 - May 2018

News Headline Author Article
Domestic News 1st ISSUE - RUEFELLO ENLIGHTENED? Editor of the Mute Herald
  • Her Holy Grace, Duchess Rania Eastersand JeVondair, commemorates the commissioning and founding of The Mute Herald
  • The rural province of Ruefello is Enlightened, but Rebels and anarchists are freely operating in the region. Her Holy Grace, Duchess Rania Eastersand JeVondair, entrust the lordship of the region to Vice-Marshal Astros Renodin to the surprise of many in the Sacred Court as rumors from undisclosed sources reported that the Vice-Marshal had so angered the Duchess that she had his estate in Rines cut in half. At this time, her Grace has declined to comment.
  • Grand Templar Vahanian petitioned the Grand Council to open ALL ruling council positions to regular elections, which many percieved as a swipe at the Grand Herald himself. His motion was stymied, however, when the Oracle herself spoke up in favor of the status quo. The Grand Templar also voiced his concerns over the Grand Herald's new private military force, the HERALDS EXTERNAL FORCE.
  • Locals in Rines warn of impending food shortages.
Military News WHERE ARE THE TEMPLARS? Editor of the Mute Herald
  • Monsters are rampaging in Ajitmon, Rueffelo, and Ardmore while Undead are rampaging in Athol Margos and Rueffelo! Over 15 peasants were reported as eaten, stomped, or otherwise killed by the monsters. Marshal Boltgan captured by Rouges in a skirmish in Ruefello when his forces were ambushed and overwhelmed. Estimated strengths: 370 attackers vs. 240 defenders. Current whereabouts are unknown, but family and well-wishers offer their hopes and prayers for his safe return. Several other Templars under his command were also wounded.
Inquisitor News LICENCE TO CLEANSE? Editor of the Mute Herald
  • A series of Inquisitorial raids have resulted in multiple arrests, confessions, and summary executions, reports an aid in the Grand Inquisitor's office. The investigation, lead by Inquisitor Adolphus, into Lady Jane Howard has revealed a cell of daimon worshipers operating in the vicinity of Rines. Investigation into the cell will continue, and Jane Howard has been declared guilty after a confession of Heresy. Another cell of heretics has been rooted out and cleansed by the team of Inquisitor Maura in the vicinity of Avengmil. Numerous heretic devices were confiscated, and shall be processed accordingly. Confessions of Heresy were obtained from two commoners, Widar and Hoary.
Foreign News LEGENDARY HERO BURIED Editor of the Mute Herald
  • The De La Fere family commemorates the dead hero Richard II, a legend known all over the world. Admirers, friends and even enemies visit his grave.
Gossip/Opinions WHO's THE FAIREST OF THEM ALL? Editor of the Mute Herald
  • This week we take a look at the aristocratic women of the Sacred Court! We polled farmers and craftsman from villages all over the realm to learn who they believe the most attractive noblewoman in the land is. Naturally, many were swift to name Priestess Kiki Raven, the Lady of Melegra. However, our investigators found this to be more the result of heresay as few who named her could even describe her features! Suffices to say that the votes were narrowed to a fierce competition between Lady Maura (27) of the Inquisition and Lady Antonia (25) of the Templars. Lady Maura won out over her younger counterpart by JUST ONE VOTE! After requesting anonymity, the caster of the deciding ballot later admitted that, having found BOTH women to be of equal beauty, he selected Lady Maura stating "Well, the two are literally as different as night an day, but Lady Maura has the same exotic Desert-of-Silhouettes features as the Oracle, right? When you take that into consideration, well, my vote practically cast itself"
  • Rumor has it that Lady Janis, the former Grand Inquisitor, may or may not currently be involved with someone...

Obiaicon.pngWeek 98 - June 2018

News Headline Author Article
  • Following the executions last week, Her Eminence The Grand Inquisitor Jessica Gildre has launched an aggressive recruiting campaign designed to bring more followers into the folds of the Inquisition. Sponsored Adventurers are set to receive monetary assistance from their noble sponsors in exchange for investigatory work.
  • In response to the commencement of the campaign, 12 Adventurers immediately signed up. Unfortunately, due to an over-zealous "interview" process, 10 did not survive.
  • The Inquisition is happy to welcome Ulrika and Apostate to these coveted positions, having survived the interview!
Domestic News A NEW COUNT/ESS IN TOWN? The Editor
  • With Herald Kiki Raven, Countess of Melegra, has stepped down from her administrative responsibilities following a week of being unable to perform. Her Holy Grace, Duchess Rania, has since announced that she will be reviewing candidates to fill that position along with her intent to make a decision that same day.
  • Lady Rania Eastersand JeVondair, Royal of Obia'Syela, Duchess of Amen Keffa, Margravine of Rines, Priestess of Heralds of Obeah has appointed Boltgan to the vacant lordship position in Cjelegy.
  • Lady Rania Eastersand JeVondair, Royal of Obia'Syela, Duchess of Amen Keffa, Margravine of Rines, Priestess of Heralds of Obeah has appointed Divus to the vacant lordship position in Melegra.
  • Lord temporarily absent...AGAIN! Boltgan Starck, Count of Cjelegy, Marshal of the Enlightenment has been captured by (rogue) forces during the battle in Ardmore. Lord Boltgan had only recently escaped their clutches. Perhaps the beast like the way he smells?
Gossip/Opinions THE NAUGHTY PRIESTESS The Editor
  • Rumors abound as to the exact whereabouts and disposition of Kiki Raven, renowned beauty, socialite, and lately countess of Melegra. Raven, who is infamously narcissitic, was last seen on the mainland in the region of Icyrambar adjacent to Holy Keffa. Could she be on a pilgrimage to that place where Obeah once touched the Earth? Or perhaps a secret lover awaits her to the north and west? More details as we receive them...
  • In an unprecedented move, the Grand Herald has issued an ultimatum to the Grand Templar: Break the TO of Ardmore, or lose freedom of command. This shocking development has lead to a rushed assault on the occupied region, with the forces of the Holy Obeah facing down several hordes of beasts and undead. Will the Grand Templar pull off this daring rescue of Ardmore? Or will the forces of good fall short against the monsters of Belutera?

Obiaicon.pngSecond Issue - Week 99 - June 2018

News Headline Author Article
News Section HEADLINE Your Character's name here Article

Obiaicon.pngThird Issue - Week 100 - June 2018

News Headline Author Article
Military News A NEW MARSHAL IN TOWN The Editor *Marshal Stepped Down - Boltgan Starck, Count of Cjelegy, Marshal of the Enlightenment has stepped down as the marshal of the Enlightenment.

Here is the reason he gave: Enlightened of Obia'Syela,

*Sometimes the change is good, and I think this time it is. I have decided to step aside in the leadership of the Enlightenment. I will keep serving as Templar to the Veiled Goddess protecting and caring for her sacred territories. It was an honor to serve as your Marshal. I am sure that my successor will do an excellent job. May the light of Obeah guide us ~Boltgan Starck, Count of Cjelegy
  • New Marshal Announced (just in) The sponsor of the Enlightenment, Royal Lady Rania Eastersand JeVondair, has announced a new marshal: Dame Maura Arnickles Renodin.

Record of Ruminations

Roleplays involving 3 or more characters.

Obia'Syela Party



Travel & Tourism

Region Name Region Type


Local Industry Recruitment Centers Economic Structures Monuments/Statues Guildhouses/Temples Real Estate Prominent Family Homes Description
Rines City


  • Manufacturing
  • Trade
  • Templar Wrathbows Archers 90 70 75 4
  • Paladins of the Oracle Special Forces 95 90 85 0
  • Houses of Healing
  • Banner Manufacture
  • 2 Granary
  • Marketplace
  • Weapon/Armour Smith
  • Academy
  • Cartbuilder
  • a large temple of Heralds of Obeah
  • a small guildhouse of The Inquisition
  • a large guildhouse of Templars of Obeah
  • Runes of Riombara
  • The Holy Basilica of Rines
  • Keffa Memorial
  • Prophet's Landing
  • Grand Temple of the Veiled Goddess
  • The Great Moongate
  • Templar Nexus
  • Port of Four Cities
  • Offices of the Inquisition
  • Seacliff Lighthouse Tavern
  • Sacred Obian Academy of Rines
  • Royal Gardens
  • Blint
  • Tenle
Nestled between the sapphire waters of the Sea of Four Cities and wooded hills of the Athol Margos Peninsula sits the most populous city in all of Beluaterra... Rines: a sprawling City of Moonlight and eighth-largest settlement in the world. The city's bustling streets and quiet urban homests are surrounded by strong walls and high watchtowers, resplendent in moon-white stone, guarding the peaceful inhabitants. A deep-water port stands sentinel at the entrance to the city's waterways and trade centers. Guiding ships safely to harbor, the Seacliff Lighthouse stands sentinel just outside the city fortifications; remodeled to double as an inn and tavern for sailors and other patrons who prefer to be outside the well-policed walls.

Though busy, the wide streets of Rines are rarely clogged, many bridges connecting the City to the small island that lay at its center, provide an excellent, scenic alternate to the winding streets of Rines. At the center of it all stands the palatial Basilica of Rines, a beacon of artful white stone and soaring minarets. As day turns to night, watchtower flames roar to life to ring the great city in light, a comforting sight to any weary traveler looking for a place to lay their head.

Athol Margos City


Local Industry Recruitment Centers Economic Structures Monuments/Statues Guildhouses/Temples Real Estate Prominent Family Homes Description
Cjelegy Rural


Local Industry Recruitment Centers Economic Structures Monuments/Statues Guildhouses/Temples Real Estate Prominent Family Homes Description
Rueffilo Townsland


Local Industry Recruitment Centers Economic Structures Monuments/Statues Guildhouses/Temples Real Estate Prominent Family Homes Description
Melegra Rural


Local Industry Recruitment Centers Economic Structures Monuments/Statues Guildhouses/Temples Real Estate Prominent Family Homes Description
Ajitmon Rural


Local Industry Recruitment Centers Economic Structures Monuments/Statues Guildhouses/Temples Real Estate Prominent Family Homes Description
Avengmil Townsland


Local Industry Recruitment Centers Economic Structures Monuments/Statues Guildhouses/Temples Real Estate Prominent Family Homes Description
Ardmore Rural


Local Industry Recruitment Centers Economic Structures Monuments/Statues Guildhouses/Temples Real Estate Prominent Family Homes Description
Region Name Region Type Local Industry Recruitment Centers Economic Structures Monuments/Statues Guildhouses/Temples Real Estate Prominent Family Homes Description
Region Name Region Type Local Industry Recruitment Centers Economic Structures Monuments/Statues Guildhouses/Temples Real Estate Prominent Family Homes Description

Inquisitorial Edicts

List of Rules for Visitors


Issue One | Issue Two | Issue Three | Issue Four | Issue Five

Past Editions
Archive January February March April May June July August September October November December
Year One N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Issue One
Year Two N/A N/A N/A Issue Two Issue Three Issue Four Issue Five Issue Six Issue Seven Issue Eight Issue Nine Issue Ten
Year Three Issue Eleven Issue Twelve Issue Thirteen Issue Fourteen Issue Fifteen Issue Sixteen Issue Seventeen Issue Eighteen Issue Nineteen N/A N/A N/A
Year Four N/A Issue Twenty N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Year Five Issue Twenty One N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Special Editions
Gander Was Right! Thanatos Shocks! Wetham Uprising