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'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:'''

All at once, the city of Port Nebel is shaken by fireworks fired from the recently arrived ship. A crowd gathers by the harbour to see the plank reach the ground and prepare to handle its important guest.
Black Bowie Ironsides emerges from the ship and begins to walk on the wooden connector. He stretches out his arms taking the quiet praise from the D’Haran peasants, then speaks.
“D’Hara, I have returned! You will once again be acquainted with Dwilight’s best known demon. My journey to the north was a serious failure, but, I was able to achieve a wonderful new name. You may now fear the name Black Bowie all the more thanks to the Imperial Chancellor.
Behold, Black Bowie, Prince and Overlord, Demon of Dwilight, Fugitive of Fissoa, Outcast of Madina, Pariah of D’Hara and now, Badmouther of the Raivanlands!
I have sent a messenger to fetch some things for me earlier and bring them here. Goofon, are you in the crowd?”
A man standing beside a woman and baby steps forth and raises his hand, “I am here Lord.”
“That with you, is that who it should be?”
“It is my Lord.”
“Good, then I may settle this issue immediately. I have returned to claim my bastard daughter from the hands of the harlot –“
Melani interrupts, “Highborn, please, her name is –“ but Bowie waves his hand to her in silence. Goofun shoves her back.
“It does not matter what you called her you filthy woman, she is mine. From now on, this girl is an Ironsides and she will be known as Selena. Goofon take her, and you, woman, disappear. You have done your damage.”
Goofon gives baby Selena to Bowie who holds her in his arms and gives her one kiss on the forehead.
“Peasants, bow to the young lady!”
They do on compulsion. Melani is in tears and she drifts into the crowd. Never to be seen again.
“Goofon take the child to my hotel room in Port Nebel. I must unload my things. Peasants! You are dismissed.”
He turns and reenters the ship.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
Mathias happened to be riding past the Port Nebel docks when he heard what must have the most pompous voice ever to cross his ears.
<i>Peasants! You are dismissed.</i>
"Why I know that voice. Hell only one man in all of Dwilight can make such a ruckus." said Mathias.
With that Mathias dismounted his horse and walked through the crowd towards Sir Bowie, and at which of reaching him decided to tap him on the shoulders.
<i>How dare a commoner approach me, and the gal for him to even touch me! I shall see you hung for this action!</i>
"Sir Bowie, you best hold your tongue lest you find yourself in the dungeon."
At which point Bowie turned to find Sir Mathias standing behind him.
"My friend, it's hard to understand why you have so few who would call you such, seeing your mannerisms. (He said with a smirk.) But please,if you would walk with me to the local speakeasy, I would happily treat you to a drink. As I was on the way to treat my men to such a privilege."
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:'''
Black Bowie and Sir Mathias were walking towards the local drinkhole.
"You were smart to flea back to D'Hara when you did. Our delegation was completely unsuccessful. Sir Adrathorn went on to Springdale to find it consumed by Morek, and Sir Kratos and I stayed in the Raivanlands, which can by no definition be considered an Empire. Sir Kratos should be on his way home as well. We had enough of that place. Was it worth coming home? I bet things have changed a great deal. I see that the Lighthouse is lost, and what happened to the Royal Fiduciary Machiavel? He was a tolerable fellow."
They near the speakeasy...
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
As the two enter the speakeasy, Mathias begins to answer Bowie's questions.
"Well as you know full well. I received a letter from the queen requesting that I return to D'Hara for what at the time was a multitude of reason that need not further explanation. However when I arrived back in Port Nebel I was alerted to a large monster horde approaching the Lighthouse. I mustered what soldiers I could and went to aid in it's defense. It pleases me to say that we were able to hold for the first two charges, but unfortunately we would eventually be overpowered and outnumbered. However as to the good bankers disappearance. I have no clue. He disappeared about the same time I arrived back in D'Hara. I shall tell you this, I shed no tear for his disappearance. Him and his collectors, BAH! *spits on the floor*"
At this point Mathias has finished ordering drinks for his few men, Bowie, and himself. Mathias dismisses his men for the night, telling them that they shall ride north come morning. After which Mathias leads Bowie and himself to a booth in the corner of the building.
"My friend, I am curious. You have still yet to explain how you have gained this new title. As one of many titles myself I am curious to hear as to how you gained it?"
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:'''
"Oh yes, yes, now I remember why you left. The whole Paisly thing...It is too bad about the banker I would think. Unless there was something that I had not known about, tax fraud?"
Black Bowie nodded as he drank, listening to Sir Mathias then smirked.
"You mean Badmouther of the Raivanlands? It is a title which endlessly amuses me. I earned it very recently, near my departure in fact, when I told the Raivans how it was. I said that they were going to get what they brought on themselves, that their empire could not even be considered an outpost, that their cooking was terrible, AND I told the Imperial Chancellor that he was weak and stupid just like the Grand Duke of Fissoa. He responded by giving me a bad mark. A bad mark! Hahahaaahaa. It is a title that I am most proud of. I once again assert myself as Master. No Royal nor Lord shall subject me freely."
"Have you heard that I have produced another offspring? It is the damnedest thing. A while back I had taken some time to relax in a brothel, and the woman whom I shared time with tracked me down! Then in a letter she sent to me in Aegir, says that I have a baby girl waiting for me in Port Raviel. Well, you may already know how I handled that. Little Selena will be a noble, not a whore."
He takes another drink.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
The two slowly getting drunker and drunker continued to talk the night away.
"Ah. So you had another kid? Wait a sec, wait a sec...*hic Your a father?" Wow, well all I can say is don't tell her who her mother was. Or anyone else for that matter. Though you may be trying to raise her as a noble. If word gets around of who birthed her she will be nothing more than a bastard to the rest of the world."
Mathias and Bowie continue their drink. Still getting louder and louder. Now they are starting to draw attention to themselves amongst the other patrons.
"Oh. did you hear? I think Conrac and Sorsha are to be married or something. If not they hide their fancy for each other poorly. Oh! That reminds me. the reason why I have to hide my drinking in this god forsaken city. The DUKE...tried to outlaw the consumption of alcohol in the city. A PORT NONE-THE-LESS! But I got the best of him. I have funded from my own pocket, these series of speakeasies throughout his city."
Mathias then stands up tankard still in hand. Taking another swig from it he continues.
"I have the greatest idea. Lets go down to the ducal palace, and question Conrac on this whole Sorsha deal, and generally just ruffle his feathers. What do you say?"
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:'''
"Wait...waaaiit, the Duke and who are what? Banned alcohol! When? This dive is yoursh, Sir, I salooot you. "
Bowie tipped his glass to his forehead and spilled out the drink on his face. Wipping it off he smiles.
"I would have preferrrrd brothels to speakeasy but we all know where that ends up." Then whispering, "To the Dookes house you want? Thatsh the greatest idea I've ever seen."
He stands up and stumbles over his chair, but straightens up and points to the door.
"Off we go, onto the upwards and outsides!"
He and Mathias happily skip out the door knocking over chairs and plates from servers hands as they leave. Glass and food fall to the ground. Mathias looks at Bowie and says,
"Hey, that's my plates you're destroying."
"You did it too!" Bowie replies,
And they walk down the cobblestoned street of Port Nebel, drunk to the pits.
Bowie says, "You know, ain't villainy the bestest thing ever? Who elsh can be smack drink in the middle of a port town with no alcohol thanks to the Dooooke."
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
"HEY...HeY...hey....I'mmmm not a villain! Your a villain. I my friend am the King!"
Mathias then finds a soap box lying around on the streets, and proceeds to try and stand on top. After a few minutes he is finally successful in this death defying act.
With eyes squinted, Mathias notices that he has drawn the attention of a few peasants who had just begun to awaken from their slumber. However all he could concentrate on was Bowie standing there laughing. Apparently at some point during the night Mathias had ripped his pants down the back seem, and his behind was clearly visible.
"Oh My. You subject. Kindly give me your trousers lest I take them by force."
With a new set of trousers on him, both he and Sir Bowie continue their journey to the palace.
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:'''
Down the street they furthered, stammering and laughing. Mathias walking more gingerly concerned that this new pair of trousers would rip too.
"Soo, King Mathias, you have earned yourshelf a news name! Mathias the Windypants! You like it? I'ma goonna write it all over that dog," pointing to a sleeping mutt in front of a shoemaker's shop.
Bowie approaches the dog and, holding back his laughter, starts to talk to it. Mathias laughs and relieves himself on the wall a bit ahead of Bowie and the dog.
"You, dog, do you know who Ize am? I bet out of averyone in this town, YOU would know. Don'tya? Hold still, let me get my ink quill..."
The dog awakes and stares at the inebriated noble fumbling back. It grunts, gets up and leaves before Bowie could say anything.
"Ahh OHHH! My friend, my friend has left me. Mathias, the dog, it. AHHHH! Curse this street corner of abandonment. Curst that shoe shop."
"Don't worry Black Bagg there are plenty of ducks in the Dukes' palace. That rhymes! Right?"
"There better be, or I'll unleash a terrible storm of electricity and wrath just like that powerful Emperor from my childhood stories."
Mathias rolls his eyes and pulls the sulking Bowie along.
"Nice speech by the way. Thosh peasants will surely march with you now."
Drunk as they go, off to the Ducal Palace.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
Slowly stumbling through the city the two finally make it to the gate surrounding the palace. The two then taking a moment to slightly sober up as so that they may pass the guards. Managing to pull it off only slightly they walk up to the door and begin banging on it.
Moments later a servant opens the door inquiring as to why they are here, and banging on his masters door.
"I have nothing to say to you. I wish only to speak to your master." said Mathias.
"Well, I am sorry sir but he is not here at the moment." he replied.
"Then we shall wait. If you would please go bring us some chairs that my friend and I might sit and await his arrival."
'''Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:'''
"Of course Sir Mathias and Sir Bowie would you like some tea as you wait."
In another part of the palace a servant approached Conrac. "Duke Conrac, Sir Bowie and Sir Mathias have arrived...and wish an audience."
Conrac stared... "Tell them I died..."
"Umm are you sure...I mean they are nobles of the realm."
"I doubt there here on official business.." Conrac thought annoyed. Mathias was no doubt here to do something stupid while Bowie was probably going to do something interesting...either way he wanted nothing to do with it... But still, there was a slight, very slight chance that they might actually need something. He most certainly couldn't just ignore nobles on official business.
Conrac sighed "Alright send them in..." He had a very good feeling he was going to regret this.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
But a few minutes after the servant left the two alone he returned saying that the Duke would see him now.
Looking at the servant Mathias silently said, "You lied to me..."
Second latter screaming at the servant, "YOU LIED TO ME! HOW DARE YOU LIE TO YOUR BETTER! Why back on the estate I would get 20 lashings if I was caught lying!"
The servant then scared out of his mind began to plead, "My Lord, please. I was only following my lords orders to tell everyone he was not home."
"BAH! THAT IS NO EXCUSE, why....Aw. look at yourself. I think you just wet yourself. Look, I was only joking with you. You know trying to get a laugh." said Mathias.
Confused and still frightened the servant lead both Bowie and Mathias to the Duke.
Upon enter the room, and having made their greetings, both Mathias and Bowie took a seat.
"My Friend Duke Conrac.we have come each with a question for you. One old and one new. Firstly what is this hear between you and Dame Sorsha? Do you plan to make her your bride? What is this?I wish to know."
'''Roleplay from Keiran Macloed:'''
Keiran whistled for his sribe. I want to you to deliver this letter for me. Keiran looked over the letter one last time.
Lady Sorsha,
I witnessed the ceremony that made you Lady of Nebel and I am impressed that you have come such a long way. The oath that you took really sounded like a wedding ceremony. It shocked me a little bit that it was taken that far. So I was thinking that if you are in that frame of mind then I am going to officially do this.
Lady Sorsha, will you have my hand in marriage?
I would love to be able to do this in person, but I am currently chasing monsters around D'Hara. I await your answer.
Keiran folded the letter and placed his seal on it. I want you to deliver this and then I want you to wait until you get a response.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Now concerned over the recent letter, Sorsha left the blanket behind and walked back to her estate. She gave each of Alec’s written words careful consideration but occasionally returned to it refreshing her memory, hoping she would be able to give him some sound advice.
After everyone thinking Kaylan was dead, she had returned alive and well. Well not so well according to Alec. She had scars and had been with child. This made Sorsha stop in her tracks.
“What on earth happened?” she whispered. She had only found out in that letter her cousin had even been pregnant at all.
“How terrible,” she murmured and her hand reached up to touch her abdomen. She could only imagine how she would be if the same thing had occurred to her. Without being in the same position she knew Kaylan was devastated. That type of ordeal was not forgotten easily no matter what anyone may think. Then as if that wasn’t bad enough, she was now separated from the man she loved.
Would this Bedwyr leave because he needed to move on from Kaylan’s supposed death or had something else called to him? What would she have done if she had been in love with someone and was forced to carry on with her life without them in it? Would it be that easy to start over and so soon? She knew every time she looked around, something or someone would remind her of them. Would she be strong enough to take in that type of heartache and agony day in and day out?
No. She would leave, to start fresh to pray that time would heal the pain and sorrow. She would look for a chance to fill the emptiness with mundane things, not replace the one she loved.
Then there was the question of how she would react if someone were to tell her after accepting their death, “sorry it wasn’t true, the person you thought was dead is alive after all.” Would she believe? More importantly, would she want to? She really didn’t know.
Was it up to her and Alec to decide Kaylan’s fate in this matter? Who were they to interfere with her life? Sorsha had received one letter from her cousin and Alec was right, she had sounded eerily too happy. But if Kaylan knew Malcolm was gone, why would she not seek him out herself to prove to him she was still alive, in person, he deserved to know.
Was it because after all she didn’t want to go after him? Had she truly closed that chapter of her life because in reality it was too painful to look into her unborn child’s father’s eyes and know she could never get that back.
Sorsha was so lost in thought she walked into something and stumbled back. She shook the thoughts from her mind and looked down. “Oh I’m sorry,” she mumbled an apology at the young man she bumped into. “I’m afraid I wasn’t looking where I was going,” she explained shyly.
Instead of saying anything he bowed and handed her a letter. “Oh,” she said softly and took the letter. She broke the unfamiliar seal and read.
Her eyes grew bigger and her face turned red at the assumption of this man’s words, wedding vows? It didn’t stop there and she gaped at his marriage proposal, her skin was so hot, her heartbeat pounded in her ears and her mouth turned dry.
She tried to fan herself with the letter. Disorientation set in and the young man was apparently still waiting, before she could say anything her world tilted and she fainted.
'''Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:'''
Conrac blinked? "My bride? I don't think so... Although her life is mine, I don't foresee any opportunity for carnal relations with the lady of Nebel. Tends to make things very uncomfortable and destabilizes the chain of orders."
"And I doubt I have the right to pick who I'm going to marry anyway” Conrac muttered under his breath.
Conrac shook his head. "Anyway do you want any tea? It’s quite good, you wouldn't believe what most barbarians here drink, that disgusting substance called alcohol."
He waved his hand over a nearby teapot and stared questionably. "I hope your second question has something to do with official business or have you come to gossip" Conrac smiled lightly. These two men would be the death of him, no matter what could be said about these two, they were incredibly entertaining and deeply admirable in their own "unique" way...
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
Having been somewhat satisfied, yet disbelieving with Conrac’s answer, Mathias turned to Bowie wondering why he had yet to ask his question. Looking upon Bowie he realized that at some point during the past few minutes he had passed out.
"Ah. Well he did have a long night.whisperingteetotaler."
Looking back to Conrac.
"Well I guess in his place I shall have to ask for him. You see last night we both happened to about the city have some of that nefarious beverage that you speak of."
At that moment a servant came up to him, a glass of tea. "Would you like some tea sir?"
"Oh yes, I would love it. With uh...some lemon and sugar if you don't mind. Now where was I oh yes. We were both very drunk, and well I happened to mention a past meeting with you when I found that you had outlawed the consumption of said beverage. Well needless to say, after a while both of our minds had left us, and well, I guess the politest way to ask is have you lifted said ban yet? Or are you still going to try and keep this liquid bread from the hard working sailors and citizens of your fair city?"
'''Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:'''
"Alcohol is an abomination and should be loudly proclaimed as such." Conrac frowned. "Although it seems you have been able to hide a stash from my guards."
"And yes I plan on trying to continue to ban the evil thing from the Port. Although I suppose since people like you are simple going to hand out free bottles I should just give into fate, legalize it and then tax it to oblivion." Conrac tapped his finger on the desk.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Sorsha turned her head to the side and frowned when she noticed Lorlan sitting beside her with a worried expression. Looking up, she noticed the ceiling, assuming she was in her own room and then glanced down, realizing she was in bed, fully dressed.
“What happened?” she touched her forehead and tried to sit up. A healer she hadn’t noticed was immediately at her side, taking her hand. She frowned at him and tried to take her hand back. “You fainted milady,” he told her quickly, gripping tighter. “Was there a wound you did not report?” he asked seriously and she rolled her eyes at the question, “no.”
“Do you have a history of feeling faint?” He touched her forehead and she moved back at the intrusion of cold fingers. “No,” she answered with a snap. “I’m fine,” she told him but he ignored her and continued. “Have you been eating well? More importantly, have you had relations with a man? Is there a possibility…”
“NO!” she cut him off and pulled her hand back. “Honestly,” she said darkly and her face turned scarlet.
What was wrong with everyone lately? “If I were I would tell you, as for the other I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” she hissed with insult, “or anyone else’s for that matter,” she added loudly hoping if there were eavesdroppers that she would settle the matter before any rumors began. Then she thought of the reason why she had fainted in the first place and froze.
“Leave me,” she ordered them and they began to protest, “but My…”
“NOW!” she said using the same tone she did when on the battlefield, the unmistakable command was loud and clear and they both quickly scurried.
When they left, she sighed miserably and closed her eyes. Her hand reached up and she lightly rubbed her temples.  “Marriage…” she whispered the word and moaned at the situation she found herself in.
She knew who Sir Keiran was, how could she not? He was a member of the Queen’s Dragon Guard and she made it a point to know each and every member. Other than fighting alongside the other knight, she had never even talked with the man let alone discuss the matters of her heart.
From what she could remember, he was quiet, kept to himself, but he always followed orders to the letter. That was about as much as she could sum out about him, oh and he was handsome, she had to give him that, but… “Marriage?” she repeated with disbelief. Her face reddened at the very idea again and she fanned her face.
He had assumed her oath was a marriage ceremony, and this made her stop to think. Was this a cruel joke? To dare mock her oath this way?
Yes, it had been explicitly clear on loyalty and faithfulness but in regards to his safety and the ruling of Nebel. But nowhere had she made promises of love to Conrac unless… <i>oh no…</i> She replayed the exchange of words between Conrac and herself again and groaned dejectedly. The oath was extremely complex but now she could see how one would mistake it for something other than it was, especially in relation to Conrac, where an arranged marriage wasn’t uncommon and the simple idea flew around his person as did the wind. It was an awful tradition of union for gain in her perspective but he allowed it to be his fate... She wouldn’t, not unless she loved the man first.
Sadly for Keiran, she would not… She bit her lip, at her decision. Well at least she would like to meet him first… Was she considering this?
No, she was not considering it, no, that was her final answer. Truly why had he sent her this letter… he must have known how the outcome would be. If he was brave enough to ask her and he was actually serious then it would not hurt him to tell her why.  Why had he chosen out of all the nobles, shy and simple Sorsha when there were more beautiful and exotic women to choose from? Others who would throw themselves at this chance gladly, and blindly no less….

Latest revision as of 18:59, 31 August 2017

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:

All at once, the city of Port Nebel is shaken by fireworks fired from the recently arrived ship. A crowd gathers by the harbour to see the plank reach the ground and prepare to handle its important guest.

Black Bowie Ironsides emerges from the ship and begins to walk on the wooden connector. He stretches out his arms taking the quiet praise from the D’Haran peasants, then speaks.

“D’Hara, I have returned! You will once again be acquainted with Dwilight’s best known demon. My journey to the north was a serious failure, but, I was able to achieve a wonderful new name. You may now fear the name Black Bowie all the more thanks to the Imperial Chancellor.

Behold, Black Bowie, Prince and Overlord, Demon of Dwilight, Fugitive of Fissoa, Outcast of Madina, Pariah of D’Hara and now, Badmouther of the Raivanlands!

I have sent a messenger to fetch some things for me earlier and bring them here. Goofon, are you in the crowd?”

A man standing beside a woman and baby steps forth and raises his hand, “I am here Lord.”

“That with you, is that who it should be?”

“It is my Lord.”

“Good, then I may settle this issue immediately. I have returned to claim my bastard daughter from the hands of the harlot –“

Melani interrupts, “Highborn, please, her name is –“ but Bowie waves his hand to her in silence. Goofun shoves her back.

“It does not matter what you called her you filthy woman, she is mine. From now on, this girl is an Ironsides and she will be known as Selena. Goofon take her, and you, woman, disappear. You have done your damage.”

Goofon gives baby Selena to Bowie who holds her in his arms and gives her one kiss on the forehead.

“Peasants, bow to the young lady!”

They do on compulsion. Melani is in tears and she drifts into the crowd. Never to be seen again.

“Goofon take the child to my hotel room in Port Nebel. I must unload my things. Peasants! You are dismissed.”

He turns and reenters the ship.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:

Mathias happened to be riding past the Port Nebel docks when he heard what must have the most pompous voice ever to cross his ears.

Peasants! You are dismissed.

"Why I know that voice. Hell only one man in all of Dwilight can make such a ruckus." said Mathias.

With that Mathias dismounted his horse and walked through the crowd towards Sir Bowie, and at which of reaching him decided to tap him on the shoulders.

How dare a commoner approach me, and the gal for him to even touch me! I shall see you hung for this action!

"Sir Bowie, you best hold your tongue lest you find yourself in the dungeon."

At which point Bowie turned to find Sir Mathias standing behind him.

"My friend, it's hard to understand why you have so few who would call you such, seeing your mannerisms. (He said with a smirk.) But please,if you would walk with me to the local speakeasy, I would happily treat you to a drink. As I was on the way to treat my men to such a privilege."

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:

Black Bowie and Sir Mathias were walking towards the local drinkhole.

"You were smart to flea back to D'Hara when you did. Our delegation was completely unsuccessful. Sir Adrathorn went on to Springdale to find it consumed by Morek, and Sir Kratos and I stayed in the Raivanlands, which can by no definition be considered an Empire. Sir Kratos should be on his way home as well. We had enough of that place. Was it worth coming home? I bet things have changed a great deal. I see that the Lighthouse is lost, and what happened to the Royal Fiduciary Machiavel? He was a tolerable fellow."

They near the speakeasy...

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:

As the two enter the speakeasy, Mathias begins to answer Bowie's questions.

"Well as you know full well. I received a letter from the queen requesting that I return to D'Hara for what at the time was a multitude of reason that need not further explanation. However when I arrived back in Port Nebel I was alerted to a large monster horde approaching the Lighthouse. I mustered what soldiers I could and went to aid in it's defense. It pleases me to say that we were able to hold for the first two charges, but unfortunately we would eventually be overpowered and outnumbered. However as to the good bankers disappearance. I have no clue. He disappeared about the same time I arrived back in D'Hara. I shall tell you this, I shed no tear for his disappearance. Him and his collectors, BAH! *spits on the floor*"

At this point Mathias has finished ordering drinks for his few men, Bowie, and himself. Mathias dismisses his men for the night, telling them that they shall ride north come morning. After which Mathias leads Bowie and himself to a booth in the corner of the building.

"My friend, I am curious. You have still yet to explain how you have gained this new title. As one of many titles myself I am curious to hear as to how you gained it?"

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:

"Oh yes, yes, now I remember why you left. The whole Paisly thing...It is too bad about the banker I would think. Unless there was something that I had not known about, tax fraud?"

Black Bowie nodded as he drank, listening to Sir Mathias then smirked.

"You mean Badmouther of the Raivanlands? It is a title which endlessly amuses me. I earned it very recently, near my departure in fact, when I told the Raivans how it was. I said that they were going to get what they brought on themselves, that their empire could not even be considered an outpost, that their cooking was terrible, AND I told the Imperial Chancellor that he was weak and stupid just like the Grand Duke of Fissoa. He responded by giving me a bad mark. A bad mark! Hahahaaahaa. It is a title that I am most proud of. I once again assert myself as Master. No Royal nor Lord shall subject me freely."

"Have you heard that I have produced another offspring? It is the damnedest thing. A while back I had taken some time to relax in a brothel, and the woman whom I shared time with tracked me down! Then in a letter she sent to me in Aegir, says that I have a baby girl waiting for me in Port Raviel. Well, you may already know how I handled that. Little Selena will be a noble, not a whore."

He takes another drink.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:

The two slowly getting drunker and drunker continued to talk the night away.

"Ah. So you had another kid? Wait a sec, wait a sec...*hic Your a father?" Wow, well all I can say is don't tell her who her mother was. Or anyone else for that matter. Though you may be trying to raise her as a noble. If word gets around of who birthed her she will be nothing more than a bastard to the rest of the world."

Mathias and Bowie continue their drink. Still getting louder and louder. Now they are starting to draw attention to themselves amongst the other patrons.

"Oh. did you hear? I think Conrac and Sorsha are to be married or something. If not they hide their fancy for each other poorly. Oh! That reminds me. the reason why I have to hide my drinking in this god forsaken city. The DUKE...tried to outlaw the consumption of alcohol in the city. A PORT NONE-THE-LESS! But I got the best of him. I have funded from my own pocket, these series of speakeasies throughout his city."

Mathias then stands up tankard still in hand. Taking another swig from it he continues.

"I have the greatest idea. Lets go down to the ducal palace, and question Conrac on this whole Sorsha deal, and generally just ruffle his feathers. What do you say?"

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:

"Wait...waaaiit, the Duke and who are what? Banned alcohol! When? This dive is yoursh, Sir, I salooot you. "

Bowie tipped his glass to his forehead and spilled out the drink on his face. Wipping it off he smiles.

"I would have preferrrrd brothels to speakeasy but we all know where that ends up." Then whispering, "To the Dookes house you want? Thatsh the greatest idea I've ever seen."

He stands up and stumbles over his chair, but straightens up and points to the door.

"Off we go, onto the upwards and outsides!"

He and Mathias happily skip out the door knocking over chairs and plates from servers hands as they leave. Glass and food fall to the ground. Mathias looks at Bowie and says,

"Hey, that's my plates you're destroying."

"You did it too!" Bowie replies,


And they walk down the cobblestoned street of Port Nebel, drunk to the pits.

Bowie says, "You know, ain't villainy the bestest thing ever? Who elsh can be smack drink in the middle of a port town with no alcohol thanks to the Dooooke."

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:

"HEY...HeY...hey....I'mmmm not a villain! Your a villain. I my friend am the King!"

Mathias then finds a soap box lying around on the streets, and proceeds to try and stand on top. After a few minutes he is finally successful in this death defying act.


With eyes squinted, Mathias notices that he has drawn the attention of a few peasants who had just begun to awaken from their slumber. However all he could concentrate on was Bowie standing there laughing. Apparently at some point during the night Mathias had ripped his pants down the back seem, and his behind was clearly visible.

"Oh My. You subject. Kindly give me your trousers lest I take them by force."

With a new set of trousers on him, both he and Sir Bowie continue their journey to the palace.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:

Down the street they furthered, stammering and laughing. Mathias walking more gingerly concerned that this new pair of trousers would rip too.

"Soo, King Mathias, you have earned yourshelf a news name! Mathias the Windypants! You like it? I'ma goonna write it all over that dog," pointing to a sleeping mutt in front of a shoemaker's shop.

Bowie approaches the dog and, holding back his laughter, starts to talk to it. Mathias laughs and relieves himself on the wall a bit ahead of Bowie and the dog.

"You, dog, do you know who Ize am? I bet out of averyone in this town, YOU would know. Don'tya? Hold still, let me get my ink quill..."

The dog awakes and stares at the inebriated noble fumbling back. It grunts, gets up and leaves before Bowie could say anything.

"Ahh OHHH! My friend, my friend has left me. Mathias, the dog, it. AHHHH! Curse this street corner of abandonment. Curst that shoe shop."

"Don't worry Black Bagg there are plenty of ducks in the Dukes' palace. That rhymes! Right?"

"There better be, or I'll unleash a terrible storm of electricity and wrath just like that powerful Emperor from my childhood stories."

Mathias rolls his eyes and pulls the sulking Bowie along.

"Nice speech by the way. Thosh peasants will surely march with you now."

Drunk as they go, off to the Ducal Palace.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:

Slowly stumbling through the city the two finally make it to the gate surrounding the palace. The two then taking a moment to slightly sober up as so that they may pass the guards. Managing to pull it off only slightly they walk up to the door and begin banging on it.

Moments later a servant opens the door inquiring as to why they are here, and banging on his masters door.

"I have nothing to say to you. I wish only to speak to your master." said Mathias.

"Well, I am sorry sir but he is not here at the moment." he replied.

"Then we shall wait. If you would please go bring us some chairs that my friend and I might sit and await his arrival."

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

"Of course Sir Mathias and Sir Bowie would you like some tea as you wait."

In another part of the palace a servant approached Conrac. "Duke Conrac, Sir Bowie and Sir Mathias have arrived...and wish an audience."

Conrac stared... "Tell them I died..."

"Umm are you sure...I mean they are nobles of the realm."

"I doubt there here on official business.." Conrac thought annoyed. Mathias was no doubt here to do something stupid while Bowie was probably going to do something interesting...either way he wanted nothing to do with it... But still, there was a slight, very slight chance that they might actually need something. He most certainly couldn't just ignore nobles on official business.

Conrac sighed "Alright send them in..." He had a very good feeling he was going to regret this.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:

But a few minutes after the servant left the two alone he returned saying that the Duke would see him now.

Looking at the servant Mathias silently said, "You lied to me..."

Second latter screaming at the servant, "YOU LIED TO ME! HOW DARE YOU LIE TO YOUR BETTER! Why back on the estate I would get 20 lashings if I was caught lying!"

The servant then scared out of his mind began to plead, "My Lord, please. I was only following my lords orders to tell everyone he was not home."

"BAH! THAT IS NO EXCUSE, why....Aw. look at yourself. I think you just wet yourself. Look, I was only joking with you. You know trying to get a laugh." said Mathias.

Confused and still frightened the servant lead both Bowie and Mathias to the Duke.

Upon enter the room, and having made their greetings, both Mathias and Bowie took a seat.

"My Friend Duke Conrac.we have come each with a question for you. One old and one new. Firstly what is this hear between you and Dame Sorsha? Do you plan to make her your bride? What is this?I wish to know."

Roleplay from Keiran Macloed:

Keiran whistled for his sribe. I want to you to deliver this letter for me. Keiran looked over the letter one last time.

Lady Sorsha,

I witnessed the ceremony that made you Lady of Nebel and I am impressed that you have come such a long way. The oath that you took really sounded like a wedding ceremony. It shocked me a little bit that it was taken that far. So I was thinking that if you are in that frame of mind then I am going to officially do this.

Lady Sorsha, will you have my hand in marriage?

I would love to be able to do this in person, but I am currently chasing monsters around D'Hara. I await your answer.

Keiran folded the letter and placed his seal on it. I want you to deliver this and then I want you to wait until you get a response.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Now concerned over the recent letter, Sorsha left the blanket behind and walked back to her estate. She gave each of Alec’s written words careful consideration but occasionally returned to it refreshing her memory, hoping she would be able to give him some sound advice.

After everyone thinking Kaylan was dead, she had returned alive and well. Well not so well according to Alec. She had scars and had been with child. This made Sorsha stop in her tracks.

“What on earth happened?” she whispered. She had only found out in that letter her cousin had even been pregnant at all.

“How terrible,” she murmured and her hand reached up to touch her abdomen. She could only imagine how she would be if the same thing had occurred to her. Without being in the same position she knew Kaylan was devastated. That type of ordeal was not forgotten easily no matter what anyone may think. Then as if that wasn’t bad enough, she was now separated from the man she loved.

Would this Bedwyr leave because he needed to move on from Kaylan’s supposed death or had something else called to him? What would she have done if she had been in love with someone and was forced to carry on with her life without them in it? Would it be that easy to start over and so soon? She knew every time she looked around, something or someone would remind her of them. Would she be strong enough to take in that type of heartache and agony day in and day out?

No. She would leave, to start fresh to pray that time would heal the pain and sorrow. She would look for a chance to fill the emptiness with mundane things, not replace the one she loved.

Then there was the question of how she would react if someone were to tell her after accepting their death, “sorry it wasn’t true, the person you thought was dead is alive after all.” Would she believe? More importantly, would she want to? She really didn’t know.

Was it up to her and Alec to decide Kaylan’s fate in this matter? Who were they to interfere with her life? Sorsha had received one letter from her cousin and Alec was right, she had sounded eerily too happy. But if Kaylan knew Malcolm was gone, why would she not seek him out herself to prove to him she was still alive, in person, he deserved to know.

Was it because after all she didn’t want to go after him? Had she truly closed that chapter of her life because in reality it was too painful to look into her unborn child’s father’s eyes and know she could never get that back.

Sorsha was so lost in thought she walked into something and stumbled back. She shook the thoughts from her mind and looked down. “Oh I’m sorry,” she mumbled an apology at the young man she bumped into. “I’m afraid I wasn’t looking where I was going,” she explained shyly.

Instead of saying anything he bowed and handed her a letter. “Oh,” she said softly and took the letter. She broke the unfamiliar seal and read.

Her eyes grew bigger and her face turned red at the assumption of this man’s words, wedding vows? It didn’t stop there and she gaped at his marriage proposal, her skin was so hot, her heartbeat pounded in her ears and her mouth turned dry.

She tried to fan herself with the letter. Disorientation set in and the young man was apparently still waiting, before she could say anything her world tilted and she fainted.

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

Conrac blinked? "My bride? I don't think so... Although her life is mine, I don't foresee any opportunity for carnal relations with the lady of Nebel. Tends to make things very uncomfortable and destabilizes the chain of orders."

"And I doubt I have the right to pick who I'm going to marry anyway” Conrac muttered under his breath.

Conrac shook his head. "Anyway do you want any tea? It’s quite good, you wouldn't believe what most barbarians here drink, that disgusting substance called alcohol."

He waved his hand over a nearby teapot and stared questionably. "I hope your second question has something to do with official business or have you come to gossip" Conrac smiled lightly. These two men would be the death of him, no matter what could be said about these two, they were incredibly entertaining and deeply admirable in their own "unique" way...

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:

Having been somewhat satisfied, yet disbelieving with Conrac’s answer, Mathias turned to Bowie wondering why he had yet to ask his question. Looking upon Bowie he realized that at some point during the past few minutes he had passed out.

"Ah. Well he did have a long night.whisperingteetotaler."

Looking back to Conrac.

"Well I guess in his place I shall have to ask for him. You see last night we both happened to about the city have some of that nefarious beverage that you speak of."

At that moment a servant came up to him, a glass of tea. "Would you like some tea sir?"

"Oh yes, I would love it. With uh...some lemon and sugar if you don't mind. Now where was I oh yes. We were both very drunk, and well I happened to mention a past meeting with you when I found that you had outlawed the consumption of said beverage. Well needless to say, after a while both of our minds had left us, and well, I guess the politest way to ask is have you lifted said ban yet? Or are you still going to try and keep this liquid bread from the hard working sailors and citizens of your fair city?"

Roleplay from Conrac Amcastra:

"Alcohol is an abomination and should be loudly proclaimed as such." Conrac frowned. "Although it seems you have been able to hide a stash from my guards."

"And yes I plan on trying to continue to ban the evil thing from the Port. Although I suppose since people like you are simple going to hand out free bottles I should just give into fate, legalize it and then tax it to oblivion." Conrac tapped his finger on the desk.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:

Sorsha turned her head to the side and frowned when she noticed Lorlan sitting beside her with a worried expression. Looking up, she noticed the ceiling, assuming she was in her own room and then glanced down, realizing she was in bed, fully dressed.

“What happened?” she touched her forehead and tried to sit up. A healer she hadn’t noticed was immediately at her side, taking her hand. She frowned at him and tried to take her hand back. “You fainted milady,” he told her quickly, gripping tighter. “Was there a wound you did not report?” he asked seriously and she rolled her eyes at the question, “no.”

“Do you have a history of feeling faint?” He touched her forehead and she moved back at the intrusion of cold fingers. “No,” she answered with a snap. “I’m fine,” she told him but he ignored her and continued. “Have you been eating well? More importantly, have you had relations with a man? Is there a possibility…”

“NO!” she cut him off and pulled her hand back. “Honestly,” she said darkly and her face turned scarlet.

What was wrong with everyone lately? “If I were I would tell you, as for the other I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” she hissed with insult, “or anyone else’s for that matter,” she added loudly hoping if there were eavesdroppers that she would settle the matter before any rumors began. Then she thought of the reason why she had fainted in the first place and froze.

“Leave me,” she ordered them and they began to protest, “but My…”

“NOW!” she said using the same tone she did when on the battlefield, the unmistakable command was loud and clear and they both quickly scurried.

When they left, she sighed miserably and closed her eyes. Her hand reached up and she lightly rubbed her temples. “Marriage…” she whispered the word and moaned at the situation she found herself in.

She knew who Sir Keiran was, how could she not? He was a member of the Queen’s Dragon Guard and she made it a point to know each and every member. Other than fighting alongside the other knight, she had never even talked with the man let alone discuss the matters of her heart.

From what she could remember, he was quiet, kept to himself, but he always followed orders to the letter. That was about as much as she could sum out about him, oh and he was handsome, she had to give him that, but… “Marriage?” she repeated with disbelief. Her face reddened at the very idea again and she fanned her face.

He had assumed her oath was a marriage ceremony, and this made her stop to think. Was this a cruel joke? To dare mock her oath this way?

Yes, it had been explicitly clear on loyalty and faithfulness but in regards to his safety and the ruling of Nebel. But nowhere had she made promises of love to Conrac unless… oh no… She replayed the exchange of words between Conrac and herself again and groaned dejectedly. The oath was extremely complex but now she could see how one would mistake it for something other than it was, especially in relation to Conrac, where an arranged marriage wasn’t uncommon and the simple idea flew around his person as did the wind. It was an awful tradition of union for gain in her perspective but he allowed it to be his fate... She wouldn’t, not unless she loved the man first.

Sadly for Keiran, she would not… She bit her lip, at her decision. Well at least she would like to meet him first… Was she considering this?

No, she was not considering it, no, that was her final answer. Truly why had he sent her this letter… he must have known how the outcome would be. If he was brave enough to ask her and he was actually serious then it would not hurt him to tell her why. Why had he chosen out of all the nobles, shy and simple Sorsha when there were more beautiful and exotic women to choose from? Others who would throw themselves at this chance gladly, and blindly no less….