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|The Xerarch holds undefined power over their demesne.
|The Xerarch holds undefined power over their demesne.
|Proin Xerarch habet potestatem in dominico.
|Matters of importance to the Imperium are handled directly by the Xerarch. Other correspondence with foreign powers regarding the Imperium is strictly unofficial, a subversion of the will of the Xerarch, and treasonous. The Xerarch may appoint ambassadors to serve at leisure.
|Matters of importance to the Imperium are handled directly by the Xerarch. Other correspondence with foreign powers regarding the Imperium is strictly unofficial, a subversion of the will of the Xerarch, and treasonous. The Xerarch may appoint ambassadors to serve at leisure.
|Sempronio imperium habenti handled est momenti de rebus quae directe ad Xerarch. Aliae vires alienigenas de Correspondentia cum imperio fuerit mere privata, ad evertendam rem ad arbitrium Xerarch et proditorie. Et Xerarch legatos nominari potest militare otium.
|The direct vassals of the Xerarch are subject to taxes at the leisure of the Xerarch.
|The direct vassals of the Xerarch are subject to taxes at the leisure of the Xerarch.
|De recta sunt subiectum ad tributa clientes a Xerarch ad otium Xerarch.
!|On the Strategos and Armies
!|On the Strategos and Armies
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|The Xerarch may declare a special levy, summoning the Armies of the Imperium. These armies are officially sponsored and led by a Marshal and Vice-Marshal, appointed at the leisure of the Strategos.
|The Xerarch may declare a special levy, summoning the Armies of the Imperium. These armies are officially sponsored by the Xerarch and led by a Marshal and Vice-Marshal of the Xerarch's choosing and the Stratego's recommendation, appointed at the leisure of the Strategos.
|Et enarrent magnalia Xerarch specialem dilectus convocavit domum Domini exercituum Sempronio imperium habenti. Haec publice orae conterritus erat sub patrocinio et Xerarch ducitur a Vice-Imperatoris et Marescallus de Xerarch est in eligendo, et Stratego commendaticiis, constituit ad otium Strategos.
|In case of such a levy, vassals are obliged to fight for their suzerain in exchange for pay and in lieu of taxation.
|In case of such a levy, vassals are obliged to fight for their suzerain in exchange for pay and in lieu of taxation.
|Et si talis est dilectus, pro sua gesserunt, quae officium habent in suzerain et stipendium ad commutationem pro tributo conficerent.
|Knights are obliged to raise as many men as they are able from their estates. These knights are to serve in officially sponsored armies under military direction of the Imperium.
|Knights are obliged to raise as many men as they are able from their estates. These knights are to serve in officially sponsored armies under military direction of the Imperium.
|Totidem milites alere cogimur ex bonis possunt. Auctores belli publicum ministerium turmas militum ad directionem Imperium.
|Lords are obliged to raise both their knights and able bodied men from their direct demesne. The lords are to serve in officially sponsored armies under military direction of the Imperium.
|Lords are obliged to raise both their knights and able bodied men from their direct demesne. The lords are to serve in officially sponsored armies under military direction of the Imperium.
|Equites ducibus suis tenentur alere posset suis directum dominium fortium. Auctores sunt principes exercitus militari fungerer officio moderante imperium.
|Dukes are obliged to raise their levy to the satisfaction of the Xerarch. Failure to do so will be punished.
|Dukes are obliged to raise their levy to the satisfaction of the Xerarch. Failure to do so will be punished.
|Duces tenentur ad satisfactionem Xerarch dilectum tollunt. Defectum id accipient prolixius iudicium.
|The Strategos manages the Armies of the Imperium with the authority of the Xerarch. If the Strategos is dead or unable to serve, the most senior Marshal will assume the office temporarily. If the most senior Marshal is similarly unable to serve, the Xenophon will assume control temporarily.
|The Strategos manages the Armies of the Imperium with the authority of the Xerarch. If the Strategos is dead or unable to serve, the most senior Marshal will assume the office temporarily. If the most senior Marshal is similarly unable to serve, the Xenophon will assume control temporarily.
|Et exercitus qui sunt in Strategos manages cum imperio auctoritatem ex Xerarch. Si mortuus sit vel non potuit Strategos serve, maxime senior officium marescalli dicturi ad tempus. Si Marescallus senior summa est itidem posse ministrare, qui Xenophontis Quae dicionis erit ad tempus.
|The Armies of the Imperium will heed the orders of their Marshal, who acts under direction of the Strategos. The Vice-Marshal serves as a second to the Marshal, only able to issue orders in lieu of the Marshal.
|The Armies of the Imperium will heed the orders of their Marshal, who acts under direction of the Strategos. The Vice-Marshal serves as a second to the Marshal, only able to issue orders in lieu of the Marshal.
|Imperium in imperio exercitus exaudiet Marescallus Strategos qui sub directione. Vice-Imperatoris et marescallo serves as a secunda, non potest precipere pro marescalli.
|A Xavax Military Tribune, created by the Xerarch and Strategos, will decide strategy. In the event there is no Strategos to serve, the Tribune will issue orders to the Marshals by consensus.
|A Xavax Military Tribune, created by the Xerarch and Strategos, will decide strategy. In the event there is no Strategos to serve, the Tribune will issue orders to the Marshals by consensus.
|A Xavax Military Tribune, quod creatum est ab Xerarch Strategos, belli decernet. In eventu non est Strategos ut ministraret in normam cum mandatis ad Tribune Imperatores a consensus.
|In case of a complete break in military command, the suzerains will lead their levies in defence of the Imperium.
|In case of a complete break in military command, the suzerains will lead their levies in defence of the Imperium.
|Cum completi intermitti imperio, pro imperio delectus conscripti ducam.
!|On the Arbiter and Arbitration
!|On the Arbiter and Arbitration
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|The Arbiter will administer justice according to proper noble decorum and laws of fealty.
|The Arbiter will administer justice according to proper noble decorum and laws of fealty.
|Huius iudicent ex decorum, et nobilissimae leges propriis fidelitatis.
|At the level of the Imperium, the Arbiter will investigate direct threats and issue punishments accordingly. These will be regarded as high treason and expected punishments will be execution and banishment. Collusion, conspiracy, and incitement to commit high treason will be treated the same as committing an act of high treason. Foreign nobility committing crimes in Greater Xavax are subject to the laws of the Imperium.  
|At the level of the Imperium, the Arbiter will investigate direct threats and issue punishments accordingly. These will be regarded as high treason and expected punishments will be execution and banishment. Collusion, conspiracy, and incitement to commit high treason will be treated the same as committing an act of high treason. Foreign nobility committing crimes in Greater Xavax are subject to the laws of the Imperium.  
|At planities a Sempronio imperium habenti arbiter erit recta investigate minas et poenas exitus narravimus. Haec poena erit pro exsecutione maiestatis expectarent exitium. Caret, coniurare, et fomenta committere laesae maiestatis facinore admisso quod te esse tractata eundem actum crimine laesae maiestatis. Aliena principes qui commiserunt, in Xavacum sunt in legibus de imperio subiecti.
|A break of decorum will be dealt with according to severity.
|A break of decorum will be dealt with according to severity.
|A confractus ex decorum non est de hac quaestione secundum severitatem adhibeas quaeso.
|Insubordination and a break of feudal oaths will be dealt with taking into account the suggested punishment from the offended suzerain.
|Insubordination and a break of feudal oaths will be dealt with taking into account the suggested punishment from the offended suzerain.
|Et per factionem datos intermissum tercie imitans ipse ut eas poenas a ratione amare succenset suggesserant suzerain.
|In case of a quarrel between nobles of equal peerage in the same fief, they will duel to surrender or death according to severity. If they do not duel, their suzerain will judge the case and the Arbiter will issue the punishment. If the suzerain does not elect to judge the case within three days, it will be submitted to the Arbiter for arbitration.
|In case of a quarrel between nobles of equal peerage in the same fief, they will duel to surrender or death according to severity. If they do not duel, their suzerain will judge the case and the Arbiter will issue the punishment. If the suzerain does not elect to judge the case within three days, it will be submitted to the Arbiter for arbitration.
|Ex aequo certamine procerum Peerage in eodem feodo et in morte duello deditionem cavit. Quod si non duellum, suzerain eorum judicaturus est ac si arbiter poenam ex te egredientur. Si autem judicas suzerain non eligo quod si intra triduum est, subicienda est ad arbitrium arbiter.
|In case of a quarrel between nobles of unequal peerage in the same fief, the common suzerain will judge the case and the Arbiter will issue the punishment. If the suzerain does not elect to judge the case within three days, it will be submitted to the Arbiter for arbitration.
|In case of a quarrel between nobles of unequal peerage in the same fief, the common suzerain will judge the case and the Arbiter will issue the punishment. If the suzerain does not elect to judge the case within three days, it will be submitted to the Arbiter for arbitration.
|Impari certamine procerum in casu eodem feudo Peerage communis causae arbiter suzerain iudicaturus faciet vindictam. Si autem judicas suzerain non eligo quod si intra triduum est, subicienda est ad arbitrium arbiter.
|In case of a quarrel between nobles of equal or unequal peerage in different fiefs, their case will be submitted to arbitration.
|In case of a quarrel between nobles of equal or unequal peerage in different fiefs, their case will be submitted to arbitration.
|Dispari in causa iurgio Peerage aliis principibus feuda par eorum arbitratu poterit exhiberi.
|Any case may be dealt with via duel in lieu of arbitration. Arbitrations may demand a duel take place. Refusal of a duel shall be punishable according to a breach of decorum. A duellist may petition the Arbiter for a champion to take their place. Death of the champion will see them fined a wergild to a designated person as well as loss of their case.
|Any case may be dealt with via duel in lieu of arbitration. Arbitrations may demand a duel take place. Refusal of a duel shall be punishable according to a breach of decorum. A duellist may petition the Arbiter for a champion to take their place. Death of the champion will see them fined a wergild to a designated person as well as loss of their case.
|Ut nullo casu Duellum de qua via pro arbitrium. Arbitrations postulet, ut generatio singulare certamen. Durum est singulare certamen erit ei ad poenam ex decorum per contritionem. A duellist champion may quoque oramus ut arbiter in locum suum. Vir fortissimus mortem condemnavit videbit designandi personam praeiudicare non tam in amissione causae.
|Any case may see the suzerain officially request an escalation. Escalating a case means the suzerain views it as a personal offence; consequently, they become the primary party and afford their peerage and seniority to the case.
|Any case may see the suzerain officially request an escalation. Escalating a case means the suzerain views it as a personal offence; consequently, they become the primary party and afford their peerage and seniority to the case.
|Aliqua re videre potest quod peto suzerain publice propagationis eorum. Personalis views in quod significet casum Escalating suzerain episcopus pariter desiluit; quod consequens est, prima pars, et facti sunt illis ad iij Calendas aetate praestare, ut causam.
|Arbitration is a binding judgement. Breaking the arbitration is to be regarded as treason and dealt with accordingly. The judgement of a suzerain may be appealed by submission to arbitration. Failure of the appeal will see a further punishment for breach of decorum.
|Arbitration is a binding judgement. Breaking the arbitration is to be regarded as treason and dealt with accordingly. The judgement of a suzerain may be appealed by submission to arbitration. Failure of the appeal will see a further punishment for breach of decorum.
|Arbitrium sit obstrictio judicium. Solveret arbitrium non consummatum censendum est maiestatis, qua potest. Iudicium appellari poterit suzerain arbitris obsequiis. Defectum autem adhuc poena ad contritionem ex decorum appellationis videbunt.
!|On the Xenophon
!|On the Xenophon
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|The Xenophon will be considered paramount in trade and distribution of grain.
|The Xenophon will be considered paramount in trade and distribution of grain.
|De Xenophontis Quae potest considerari et trade in intimam secum fert, et frumentatione.
|The Xenophon is empowered to deal directly with foreign nobility to trade for grain, which is not a subversion of the Xerarch.
|The Xenophon is empowered to deal directly with foreign nobility to trade for grain, which is not a subversion of the Xerarch.
|Xenophontis Quae est enim alienam potestatem quaestiones tractet cum nobiles populo negotiationis frumenti, qui non evertendam rem Xerarch.
|The Xenophon may, in the interests of grain distribution, expedite special cases to arbitration. Even in lieu of an offended suzerain, the Xenophon may attest to violations of fealty and submit their accusations to the Arbiter.
|The Xenophon may, in the interests of grain distribution, expedite special cases to arbitration. Even in lieu of an offended suzerain, the Xenophon may attest to violations of fealty and submit their accusations to the Arbiter.
|De Xenophontis Quae sit in distribution utilitates frumenti, expedite in casibus speciali arbitrium. Sed offensus vicem suzerain et ut testatur Xenophon stupra committere criminis fidelitatis et arbiter.
!|On Peerage, Landed Nobility, and Fealty
!|On Peerage, Landed Nobility, and Fealty
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|High peerage shall be regarded as knights, lords, and dukes of the Imperium.
|High peerage shall be regarded as knights, lords, and dukes of the Imperium.
|Princeps habeatur Peerage equester dominos duces Imperium.
|Knights hold estates, ruling a tract of land and peasants as determined by their suzerain. They may be titled Baron(ess), or according to local non-Xavax customs such as Thane or Reeve.
|Knights hold estates, ruling a tract of land and peasants as determined by their suzerain. They may be titled Baron(ess), or according to local non-Xavax customs such as Thane or Reeve.
|Milites tenuit predia dominator eorum fundus agrestiumque suzerain determinatae. Ut excolamini et Baro (ess), aut secundum consuetudines locorum, ut non-Xavax Juche aut Prepositus.
|Lords and dukes hold fealty over other estates. They may choose a manor or estate as their demesne if desired.
|Lords and dukes hold fealty over other estates. They may choose a manor or estate as their demesne if desired.
|Alia praedia tenere fidelitate dominorum ducum. Sive quod fundum ei aliquod manerium in dominico suo ut eligere ad libitum.
|Laws of Fealty are paramount. They will be judged by the suzerain and punishments accorded by the Arbiter. Cases will be submitted to arbitration as outlined in 1.5.
|Laws of Fealty are paramount. They will be judged by the suzerain and punishments accorded by the Arbiter. Cases will be submitted to arbitration as outlined in 1.5.
|Leges enim ad fidem intimam secum fert. Illi autem judicandus est suzerain et supplicia concordabat ab arbitro tribuatur. 1.5 In casibus erit subiciantur ad arbitrium est outlined.
|All high peers are entitled to tax their vassals. In the case of knights, their suzerain will dictate a tax to be levied upon the peasantry. Suzerains may also tax their sworn vassals an amount agreed to upon the swearing of a feudal oath.
|All high peers are entitled to tax their vassals. In the case of knights, their suzerain will dictate a tax to be levied upon the peasantry. Suzerains may also tax their sworn vassals an amount agreed to upon the swearing of a feudal oath.
|Culmen vasallos suos pares iure tributum. In equitibus suis in dicto tributo suzerain levari agrestibus iniecisse. Ut etiam vectigalis in tax Iuravit conscripti sua moles, ut constat in racionabilia iurantis testisque fuerit quod de juramento.
!|On Decorum and Duelling
!|On Decorum and Duelling
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|Nobles are expected to maintain proper decorum including usage of proper titles and respect. Slander, libel, insults, and other breaches of decorum are punishable by the Arbiter.
|Nobles are expected to maintain proper decorum including usage of proper titles and respect. Slander, libel, insults, and other breaches of decorum are punishable by the Arbiter.
|Procerum expectata ponere propriis ex decorum inter propriis titles et respectu usus. Calumniis libello iniuriis et sarta puniantur decorum ab arbitro tribuatur.
|Acceptable forms of public address include the highest ranking proper title followed by full name, highest ranking proper title followed by surname, respected epithets, highest ranking proper title. For example: Sir Kepler Kepleri, Count Kepleri, Bane of Evilstan, Duke Keplerstan. Outlaws and unknighted nobility shall be referred to as Master or Mistress. Knights may be referred to as either Sir/Dame or Baron(ess) of their Estate without offence.
|Acceptable forms of public address include the highest ranking proper title followed by full name, highest ranking proper title followed by surname, respected epithets, highest ranking proper title. For example: Sir Kepler Kepleri, Count Kepleri, Bane of Evilstan, Duke Keplerstan. Outlaws and unknighted nobility shall be referred to as Master or Mistress. Knights may be referred to as either Sir/Dame or Baron(ess) of their Estate without offence.
|Gratum includit formas publica inscriptio in summa sequitur pleno ranking propriis titulum nomine appellari fas secuta est dignior cognomen erat, in reverentiam habitus enim artifex docuit, summum ranking appellari. For example: Domine Kepleri ie comitis Kepleri, perniciosa Evilstan, Dux Keplerstan. Exules principes unknighted fuerit referred to as minus aut matrona consideraverit. Vel quia potest referri ad milites Sir / Domina vel barone (ess) Estate sua absque offendiculo.
|Duelling is a respected art and a valid judgement of legal cases. It shall not be restricted in any sense.
|Duelling is a respected art and a valid judgement of legal cases. It shall not be restricted in any sense.
|Dimicatione paritur hoc iudicium a terendo es validum et legitimum casibus. Hoc restringi non potest ullo sensu.
|In the event of an unlawful death, wergilds are payable to the suzerain in the following pieces: retainers of the Xerarch, 30000 gold; dukes, 14400 gold; margraves and equivalent, 4800 gold; barons and equivalent, 1200 gold; huscarls and gentry, 200 gold; peasants, 1 gold 8 silver.
|In the event of an unlawful death, wergilds are payable to the suzerain in the following pieces: retainers of the Xerarch, 30000 gold; dukes, 14400 gold; margraves and equivalent, 4800 gold; barons and equivalent, 1200 gold; huscarls and gentry, 200 gold; peasants, 1 gold 8 silver.
|Eventus iniusta morte solvuntur wergilds suzerain in sequenti partes Xerarch clientelam, (XXX) aurum Duces (XIV)CD aurum marchionem et convertuntur (IV)DCCC aurum barones convertuntur MCC aurum huscarls et proceres, CC aurum; tumultuariae agrestium I aurum argentum VIII.

Latest revision as of 15:11, 16 July 2017

The Codex of Laws of the Greater Xavax Imperium
Preface Praefatio
To enshrine the laws of the Greater Xavax Imperium and the privileges bestowed. Quia continere leges Xavacis et beneficia dantur.
On Governance De regimine
The Greater Xavax Imperium governs the lands of Greater Xavax, the lands surrounding Xavax proper and the cities which are deemed vassals of the Imperium. Imperium Xavacis territoria Xavacum, Xavax, et urbes serviens regit.
The Imperium is governed by the Xerarch, elected for life from the high peerage of the Imperium, until death or abdication. Imperium per Xerarch regitur, quod electus ad vitam per patricii Xavacum usque ad mortem vel abdicatione.
The armies of the Imperium are directed by the Strategos, appointed at the leisure of the Xerarch. Legiones imperi per Strategos regitur, quod addictus per Xerarch.
The laws of the Imperium are upheld by the Arbiter, elected quarterly by the high peerage of the Imperium. Leges imperi per Arbiter regitur, quod electus quibusque trimestribus per patricii Xavacum.
The grain and trade of the Imperium is managed by the Xenophon, elected quarterly by the high peerage of the Imperium. Messis imperi per Xenophon regitur, quod electus quibusque trimestribus per patricii Xavacum.
Titles of landed nobility are distributed as seen fit by the suzerain. High peers are free to establish their rule of law within their demesne. Honores imperi per domini datur. Patricii dominia regit.
On the Imperium De imperio
The Imperium exists to administer the lands of Greater Xavax. Pro regendo territoria Xavacis, Imperium Xavacis est.
The Xerarch holds demesne over Xavax, and by extension Greater Xavax. The peerage of dukeship is appointed at the leisure of the Xerarch. In dominio Xavax, itaque territoria Xavacis, Xerarch tenet. Duces per Xerarch addicitur.
The Greater Xavax Imperium holds Xavax and the corresponding duke as first amongst equals. In Imperium Xavacis, dux de Xavax primus inter pares est.
The dukes serve as stewards of the Xerarch, as the Xerarch deals with matters of concern to the whole of the Imperium. They are empowered to bestow fiefs in the name of the Xerarch and collect taxes and military service from those sworn to fealty. Duces Xerarchi serviunt, Xerarch imperium regit. Duces in nomine de Xerarch beneficia dant et tributa militandumque colligant.
The special positions of governance, the Strategos, Arbiter, and Xenophon, are retainers of the court of the Xerarch and hence are above the dukes of the Imperium in respect and peerage. Strategos atque Arbiter et Xenophon Xerarchi serviunt. Haec, sunt digniora quam duces.
On the Xerarch De xerarcha
The Xerarch holds undefined power over their demesne. Proin Xerarch habet potestatem in dominico.
Matters of importance to the Imperium are handled directly by the Xerarch. Other correspondence with foreign powers regarding the Imperium is strictly unofficial, a subversion of the will of the Xerarch, and treasonous. The Xerarch may appoint ambassadors to serve at leisure. Sempronio imperium habenti handled est momenti de rebus quae directe ad Xerarch. Aliae vires alienigenas de Correspondentia cum imperio fuerit mere privata, ad evertendam rem ad arbitrium Xerarch et proditorie. Et Xerarch legatos nominari potest militare otium.
The direct vassals of the Xerarch are subject to taxes at the leisure of the Xerarch. De recta sunt subiectum ad tributa clientes a Xerarch ad otium Xerarch.
On the Strategos and Armies De strategine et legionibus
The Xerarch may declare a special levy, summoning the Armies of the Imperium. These armies are officially sponsored by the Xerarch and led by a Marshal and Vice-Marshal of the Xerarch's choosing and the Stratego's recommendation, appointed at the leisure of the Strategos. Et enarrent magnalia Xerarch specialem dilectus convocavit domum Domini exercituum Sempronio imperium habenti. Haec publice orae conterritus erat sub patrocinio et Xerarch ducitur a Vice-Imperatoris et Marescallus de Xerarch est in eligendo, et Stratego commendaticiis, constituit ad otium Strategos.
In case of such a levy, vassals are obliged to fight for their suzerain in exchange for pay and in lieu of taxation. Et si talis est dilectus, pro sua gesserunt, quae officium habent in suzerain et stipendium ad commutationem pro tributo conficerent.
Knights are obliged to raise as many men as they are able from their estates. These knights are to serve in officially sponsored armies under military direction of the Imperium. Totidem milites alere cogimur ex bonis possunt. Auctores belli publicum ministerium turmas militum ad directionem Imperium.
Lords are obliged to raise both their knights and able bodied men from their direct demesne. The lords are to serve in officially sponsored armies under military direction of the Imperium. Equites ducibus suis tenentur alere posset suis directum dominium fortium. Auctores sunt principes exercitus militari fungerer officio moderante imperium.
Dukes are obliged to raise their levy to the satisfaction of the Xerarch. Failure to do so will be punished. Duces tenentur ad satisfactionem Xerarch dilectum tollunt. Defectum id accipient prolixius iudicium.
The Strategos manages the Armies of the Imperium with the authority of the Xerarch. If the Strategos is dead or unable to serve, the most senior Marshal will assume the office temporarily. If the most senior Marshal is similarly unable to serve, the Xenophon will assume control temporarily. Et exercitus qui sunt in Strategos manages cum imperio auctoritatem ex Xerarch. Si mortuus sit vel non potuit Strategos serve, maxime senior officium marescalli dicturi ad tempus. Si Marescallus senior summa est itidem posse ministrare, qui Xenophontis Quae dicionis erit ad tempus.
The Armies of the Imperium will heed the orders of their Marshal, who acts under direction of the Strategos. The Vice-Marshal serves as a second to the Marshal, only able to issue orders in lieu of the Marshal. Imperium in imperio exercitus exaudiet Marescallus Strategos qui sub directione. Vice-Imperatoris et marescallo serves as a secunda, non potest precipere pro marescalli.
A Xavax Military Tribune, created by the Xerarch and Strategos, will decide strategy. In the event there is no Strategos to serve, the Tribune will issue orders to the Marshals by consensus. A Xavax Military Tribune, quod creatum est ab Xerarch Strategos, belli decernet. In eventu non est Strategos ut ministraret in normam cum mandatis ad Tribune Imperatores a consensus.
In case of a complete break in military command, the suzerains will lead their levies in defence of the Imperium. Cum completi intermitti imperio, pro imperio delectus conscripti ducam.
On the Arbiter and Arbitration De arbitro et arbitrando
The Arbiter will administer justice according to proper noble decorum and laws of fealty. Huius iudicent ex decorum, et nobilissimae leges propriis fidelitatis.
At the level of the Imperium, the Arbiter will investigate direct threats and issue punishments accordingly. These will be regarded as high treason and expected punishments will be execution and banishment. Collusion, conspiracy, and incitement to commit high treason will be treated the same as committing an act of high treason. Foreign nobility committing crimes in Greater Xavax are subject to the laws of the Imperium. At planities a Sempronio imperium habenti arbiter erit recta investigate minas et poenas exitus narravimus. Haec poena erit pro exsecutione maiestatis expectarent exitium. Caret, coniurare, et fomenta committere laesae maiestatis facinore admisso quod te esse tractata eundem actum crimine laesae maiestatis. Aliena principes qui commiserunt, in Xavacum sunt in legibus de imperio subiecti.
A break of decorum will be dealt with according to severity. A confractus ex decorum non est de hac quaestione secundum severitatem adhibeas quaeso.
Insubordination and a break of feudal oaths will be dealt with taking into account the suggested punishment from the offended suzerain. Et per factionem datos intermissum tercie imitans ipse ut eas poenas a ratione amare succenset suggesserant suzerain.
In case of a quarrel between nobles of equal peerage in the same fief, they will duel to surrender or death according to severity. If they do not duel, their suzerain will judge the case and the Arbiter will issue the punishment. If the suzerain does not elect to judge the case within three days, it will be submitted to the Arbiter for arbitration. Ex aequo certamine procerum Peerage in eodem feodo et in morte duello deditionem cavit. Quod si non duellum, suzerain eorum judicaturus est ac si arbiter poenam ex te egredientur. Si autem judicas suzerain non eligo quod si intra triduum est, subicienda est ad arbitrium arbiter.
In case of a quarrel between nobles of unequal peerage in the same fief, the common suzerain will judge the case and the Arbiter will issue the punishment. If the suzerain does not elect to judge the case within three days, it will be submitted to the Arbiter for arbitration. Impari certamine procerum in casu eodem feudo Peerage communis causae arbiter suzerain iudicaturus faciet vindictam. Si autem judicas suzerain non eligo quod si intra triduum est, subicienda est ad arbitrium arbiter.
In case of a quarrel between nobles of equal or unequal peerage in different fiefs, their case will be submitted to arbitration. Dispari in causa iurgio Peerage aliis principibus feuda par eorum arbitratu poterit exhiberi.
Any case may be dealt with via duel in lieu of arbitration. Arbitrations may demand a duel take place. Refusal of a duel shall be punishable according to a breach of decorum. A duellist may petition the Arbiter for a champion to take their place. Death of the champion will see them fined a wergild to a designated person as well as loss of their case. Ut nullo casu Duellum de qua via pro arbitrium. Arbitrations postulet, ut generatio singulare certamen. Durum est singulare certamen erit ei ad poenam ex decorum per contritionem. A duellist champion may quoque oramus ut arbiter in locum suum. Vir fortissimus mortem condemnavit videbit designandi personam praeiudicare non tam in amissione causae.
Any case may see the suzerain officially request an escalation. Escalating a case means the suzerain views it as a personal offence; consequently, they become the primary party and afford their peerage and seniority to the case. Aliqua re videre potest quod peto suzerain publice propagationis eorum. Personalis views in quod significet casum Escalating suzerain episcopus pariter desiluit; quod consequens est, prima pars, et facti sunt illis ad iij Calendas aetate praestare, ut causam.
Arbitration is a binding judgement. Breaking the arbitration is to be regarded as treason and dealt with accordingly. The judgement of a suzerain may be appealed by submission to arbitration. Failure of the appeal will see a further punishment for breach of decorum. Arbitrium sit obstrictio judicium. Solveret arbitrium non consummatum censendum est maiestatis, qua potest. Iudicium appellari poterit suzerain arbitris obsequiis. Defectum autem adhuc poena ad contritionem ex decorum appellationis videbunt.
On the Xenophon De xenophone
The Xenophon will be considered paramount in trade and distribution of grain. De Xenophontis Quae potest considerari et trade in intimam secum fert, et frumentatione.
The Xenophon is empowered to deal directly with foreign nobility to trade for grain, which is not a subversion of the Xerarch. Xenophontis Quae est enim alienam potestatem quaestiones tractet cum nobiles populo negotiationis frumenti, qui non evertendam rem Xerarch.
The Xenophon may, in the interests of grain distribution, expedite special cases to arbitration. Even in lieu of an offended suzerain, the Xenophon may attest to violations of fealty and submit their accusations to the Arbiter. De Xenophontis Quae sit in distribution utilitates frumenti, expedite in casibus speciali arbitrium. Sed offensus vicem suzerain et ut testatur Xenophon stupra committere criminis fidelitatis et arbiter.
On Peerage, Landed Nobility, and Fealty De patriciis
High peerage shall be regarded as knights, lords, and dukes of the Imperium. Princeps habeatur Peerage equester dominos duces Imperium.
Knights hold estates, ruling a tract of land and peasants as determined by their suzerain. They may be titled Baron(ess), or according to local non-Xavax customs such as Thane or Reeve. Milites tenuit predia dominator eorum fundus agrestiumque suzerain determinatae. Ut excolamini et Baro (ess), aut secundum consuetudines locorum, ut non-Xavax Juche aut Prepositus.
Lords and dukes hold fealty over other estates. They may choose a manor or estate as their demesne if desired. Alia praedia tenere fidelitate dominorum ducum. Sive quod fundum ei aliquod manerium in dominico suo ut eligere ad libitum.
Laws of Fealty are paramount. They will be judged by the suzerain and punishments accorded by the Arbiter. Cases will be submitted to arbitration as outlined in 1.5. Leges enim ad fidem intimam secum fert. Illi autem judicandus est suzerain et supplicia concordabat ab arbitro tribuatur. 1.5 In casibus erit subiciantur ad arbitrium est outlined.
All high peers are entitled to tax their vassals. In the case of knights, their suzerain will dictate a tax to be levied upon the peasantry. Suzerains may also tax their sworn vassals an amount agreed to upon the swearing of a feudal oath. Culmen vasallos suos pares iure tributum. In equitibus suis in dicto tributo suzerain levari agrestibus iniecisse. Ut etiam vectigalis in tax Iuravit conscripti sua moles, ut constat in racionabilia iurantis testisque fuerit quod de juramento.
On Decorum and Duelling De decore et duello
Nobles are expected to maintain proper decorum including usage of proper titles and respect. Slander, libel, insults, and other breaches of decorum are punishable by the Arbiter. Procerum expectata ponere propriis ex decorum inter propriis titles et respectu usus. Calumniis libello iniuriis et sarta puniantur decorum ab arbitro tribuatur.
Acceptable forms of public address include the highest ranking proper title followed by full name, highest ranking proper title followed by surname, respected epithets, highest ranking proper title. For example: Sir Kepler Kepleri, Count Kepleri, Bane of Evilstan, Duke Keplerstan. Outlaws and unknighted nobility shall be referred to as Master or Mistress. Knights may be referred to as either Sir/Dame or Baron(ess) of their Estate without offence. Gratum includit formas publica inscriptio in summa sequitur pleno ranking propriis titulum nomine appellari fas secuta est dignior cognomen erat, in reverentiam habitus enim artifex docuit, summum ranking appellari. For example: Domine Kepleri ie comitis Kepleri, perniciosa Evilstan, Dux Keplerstan. Exules principes unknighted fuerit referred to as minus aut matrona consideraverit. Vel quia potest referri ad milites Sir / Domina vel barone (ess) Estate sua absque offendiculo.
Duelling is a respected art and a valid judgement of legal cases. It shall not be restricted in any sense. Dimicatione paritur hoc iudicium a terendo es validum et legitimum casibus. Hoc restringi non potest ullo sensu.
In the event of an unlawful death, wergilds are payable to the suzerain in the following pieces: retainers of the Xerarch, 30000 gold; dukes, 14400 gold; margraves and equivalent, 4800 gold; barons and equivalent, 1200 gold; huscarls and gentry, 200 gold; peasants, 1 gold 8 silver. Eventus iniusta morte solvuntur wergilds suzerain in sequenti partes Xerarch clientelam, (XXX) aurum Duces (XIV)CD aurum marchionem et convertuntur (IV)DCCC aurum barones convertuntur MCC aurum huscarls et proceres, CC aurum; tumultuariae agrestium I aurum argentum VIII.