McDowell Family/Kaylan McDowell/logan: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 00:26, 31 May 2014

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Logan’s head of dark blond hair reflected what light there was and he looked up at the door. His small hands tightened around the small paper, and he took a deep breath. He may have been young but he was old enough to understand what was happening. He felt terrible, he had failed her and now she was sending him away. He would probably never see her again. Of course he was in no position to argue with his Lady therefore he left quietly at her request.

The door opened before he could knock and he backed up allowing room for whoever was coming out.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm had come to answer the door himself when one of the servants had recognized the livery on the petitioner, and Malcolm recognized Logan indeed...And after reading the letter, Malcolm's eyes lost their friendliness, although his cordial smile never left, and his gesture inviting Logan in was perfunctory at best.

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Recognizing who stepped out Logan couldn’t help himself and smiled, she had chosen someone he liked at least. When the man in question noticed his presence, he looked down with a bit of surprise.

“A letter from my lady,” he spoke quickly and held out his hand. He didn’t know the contents because she wrote it personally, but he had an idea what it may contain.

Sir Malcolm,

I write this letter by my own hand and trust you will keep its contents confidential. I have been meaning to send word, but alas time has evaded me it seems, and I have only now found a moment of peace. I know our night was quite short and I apologize, if it’s any consolation, the little time we did have remains in my thoughts.

Unfortunately I’m afraid things are looking grim, I have an eerie feeling, and I anticipate battle at any moment.

I know this is a rare request, and you are the only one I can turn to. You remember Logan I am sure. He sure has not forgotten you and has taken quite a liking to you, at the mere mention of your name his eyes light up. You did once say if there was anything I needed that house Bedwyr would be at my service, and I’m afraid that time has come.

He is very dear to me, and I fear for his safety especially now, he has a knack for finding trouble and I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to him. If you would allow him to remain at your estate for a short time, I would be eternally grateful, and I promise to return the favor. As soon as the chaos recedes, I will personally retrieve him home.

I am in your debt,

Kaylan McDowell

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

"Ah, Logan...Seems you will be joining my household for the time being..."

Malcolm briefly introduced Logan to Simon, the steward, before dismissing everyone else from the room, and boring his suddenly grey eyes into Logan's.

"And now I want you to tell me everything you can about why you are here. If your lady has forbidden you, then do not speak, but anything you can..."

Malcolm's posture as he lay back on the couch looked languorous...At first glance. A quick examination revealed tense and coiled muscles that were taut and quivering. Malcolm was a very unhappy man...

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Sir Malcolm sat down nonchalantly, but Logan could see he was controlling every movement. Logan had seen the look in his eyes before and now that it was aimed at him, he swallowed. In his mind, he tried to escape the question anyway he knew how, but no matter how much he tried to come up with a way to weasel himself out of his predicament, he truly didn’t want to. She hadn’t specifically forbidden him to say anything, the order was left unspoken. But he worried so for his lady, he loved her very much and wouldn’t want anything to happen in his absence, maybe he could get her some help.

He swallowed one more time, and when he tried to speak, he let out a small squeak. Blushing a furious red, he tried to recompose himself and tried again. “My lady is in danger…” he blurted quickly. “You see there are these bad men…she’s taken care of them before, but this time they’re different, they’re so big,” he motioned with his hands and lifted off his toes to show how big. “And she’s been hiding… and well not really hiding,…” Logan’s voice began to take on speed and Malcolm frowned trying to follow his words. “He wants her for himself,” he finally blurted out and went pale when he realized he basically let out her entire secret.

There was a long stretch of silence and Logan’s eyes went as round as they could go and he whimpered. “I’m… in so much trouble,” he finally admitted and desperately dry washed his small hands.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm became perfectly still for a long, tense moment. Then his eyes slitted, and his fingers clenched into the couch with enough force that the veins on his neck stood out.

"I see. You need say no more. My men are already tired out today, but I have no current orders, and I must head to Oligarch to hire some healers and more soldiers. Then..."

Malcolm rippled to his feet and his pocket knife appeared in his hand, slamming to the hilt into the wooden wall.

"We shall render all necessary aid."

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Seeing the quick movement Logan jumped at the sound and gulped. “Lady Kaylan will never forgive me,” he exclaimed and his small voice rose with panic. “You can’t tell her I told you! Promise me,” he begged in a small voice and his eyes watered slightly. “Please…”

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm growled, then closed his eyes, and breathed deep.

"I will not tell her that you told me. But, you will need to keep me posted on where she plans to go, otherwise I will be of no assistance. I assume you still have contacts in her household?"

Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell

Eager to please, Logan’s head nodded quickly. “Yes, ” he said meekly, his muscles felt like water. Sir Malcolm had an easy smile that usually made him comfortable, but the anger he was displaying now was frightening. Deep down he felt relieved, he had chosen well and he was finally getting Lady Kaylan the help she needed.

Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr

Malcolm grinned like a cat with a mouse between its claws.

"Good...Now...I need to call a favor or two in...If you will excuse me..."

Malcolm nodded and walked off, eyes distant. How to manage this...


"Milord Malcolm, we've grabbed all the boys we could round up from the bars and whorehouses, and the ones from the docks should be showing up shortly."

Malcolm nodded, and bared his teeth in something no one would ever mistake for a grin.

"Good. They know they are not to attempt to follow Lady Kaylan?"

"Yes milord. The silver you passed out made them remarkably compliant. They'll hold, keep an eye out, and only interfere if they see her attacked or running. And no, I didn't tell them anymore than they needed to know, and just made you out like a paranoid with an exaggerated sense of nobility."

Malcolm laughed approvingly, and continued toward the building he'd claimed for his stay in Oligarch. That was one set of safeguards in place, but not for the most apparent reason...He had no doubt that whomever was behind this would spot his watchers, laugh, and dismiss them...And hopefully think that was the only additional defense.

Malcolm's characteristic lazy smile returned. Now, to see how well they played the game...