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Q: ''How can I join?''
Q: ''How can I join?''
A: Simple. Follow the Blazing Cross of the Southern Sky, and journey as far southeast as you can in [[Atamara]].  the realms there have many guilds, if you know where to look.
A: Simple. Find a Templar Guild near you and sign up!
Enter the Guildhouse, and announce your intention, or ask a member for help if you know of one.
Q: ''What Religion do I need to be?''
A: The Templars are a tolerant and multiethnic and multireligious body. However, as a Templar, you are committed to the defence of the Pantheist Path, the One True Faith, so ideally you should follow that faith. Don't worry, though, untill religion is implemented fully in Atamara, the Templars remain a secular body.

We hope these have been helpful!
We hope these have been helpful!
==Rules of the Templars==
'''Rules of conduct Templar vs Templar'''
1.1. Every Templar, within our halls or outside our halls, shall properly behave to other Templar members.
1.1.1. A Templar member shall not treat an other Templar member under no circumstances. If a templar member is found guilty of threatening an other member of the Templar Order this member shall be punished by min temp ban till a max of banishment for life from the Order.
1.1.2. A Templar member shall not insult an other Templar member under no circumstances. If a Templar Member is found guilty of insulting an other Templar member this member shall be punished by min an official warning till max banishment for life from the Order
NOTE: If by the court is decided to let the convicted Templar Member stay an apology should written and be send to all the members of the Order. By removing or Banishment the victim is allowed to challenge the convicted for a duel if pleased (read deals under Rules of Conduct Templar vs Non Templar)
1.1.3. A Templar member shall not challenge an other Templar member to duel unless approved by they Templar Council. Punishment for challenging an other Templar member to a duel without permission shall be punished by min a warning till max banishment for life from the Order.
1.1.4. A Templar member shall not challenge an other Templar member to duel till the death under no circumstances. There are NO exceptions on this rule and when broken the Templar members who broke it shall be punished by banishment for life.
1.1.5. A Templar member shall not accept any challenge to a deal unless this duel is authorised by the templar Council. A member accepting a challenge to a deal that’s not authorised shall be punished by min a warning till max banishment for life from the Order.
1.1.6. A templar member shall never accuse an other Templar member of a crime unless this is done in front of the Templar Council and with the proper proof. Punishment for accusing an other Templar member in public of committing a crime shall be punished by min a warning till max banishment for live from the Order.
'''Rules of Conduct Templar vs Non Templar'''
1.2. Every Templar shall properly behave to other Non Templar members.
1.2.1. A Templar member shall not treat an other Templar member under no circumstances. If a templar member is found guilty of threatening an other member of the Templar Order this member shall be punished by min temp ban till a max of banishment for life from the Order.
1.2.2. A Templar member shall not insult an other Templar member under no circumstances. If a Templar Member is found guilty of insulting an other Templar member this member shall be punished by min an official warning till max banishment for life from the Order
1.2.3. A Templar member shall not challenge a non Templar member to duel, incl duels till the death, unless approved by they Templar Council. Punishment for challenging a non Templar member to a duel without permission shall be punished by min a warning till max banishment for life from the Order with a duel to the death punished by min banishment for life from the Order.
1.2.4. A Templar member shall not accept any challenge to a deal unless this duel is authorised by the Templar Council. A member accepting a challenge to a deal that’s not authorised shall be punished by min a warning till max banishment for life from the Order.
'''Rules of Duels'''
1.3. Duels Templar vs Templar
1.3.1. Challenging an other Templar member to a duel. Any duel is illegal unless the Templar Council permits it. With exception the Duel to the death, those are forbidden under all circumstances. A duel shall need to be requested by the Templar Council properly to be approved. A request send to the Council shall need to include who the counter party is, what type of duel and it’s reason. It’s helpful to add any detail you think might convince the Council to allow the duel. The Templar Council is allowed to reject, and so not giving it’s permission, and request for a duel. The Templar Council does not need to inform why your request is rejected.
1.3.2. Accepting a challenge to a duel from an other Templar members. Any duel is seen illegal unless the Templar Council permits it, when a duel request is permitted the counter party will be informed by the Templar Council. If this is not done the deal challenge is illegal and so is accepting it.
1.4. Duels Templar vs Non Templar
1.4.1. Challenging a non Templar member to a duel. Any duel is illegal unless the Templar Council permits it. A duel shall need to be requested by the Templar Council properly to be approved. A request send to the Council shall need to include who the counter party is, what type of duel and it’s reason. It’s helpful to It’s helpful to add any detail you think might convince the Council to allow the duel. The Templar Council is allowed to reject, and so not giving it’s permission, and request for a duel. The Templar Council does not need to inform why your request is rejected.
1.4.2. Accepting a challenge to a duel from a non Templar members When challenged to a duel the Templar Council needs to be informed about it with the correct information. Any duel is seen illegal unless the Templar Council permits it. When informed the Templar Council will inform the Templar members if the duel is permitted or not.

==Code of the Templars==
==Code of the Templars==

''To protect the church.
1.To protect the church.
To protect against disloyalty.
2.To protect against disloyalty.
To honor the priesthood.
3.To honor the priesthood.
To guard the poor from injustice.
4.To guard the poor from injustice.
To uphold peace in your region.
5.To uphold peace in your region.
To shed blood for your brothers in arms.  
6.To shed blood for your brothers in arms.  
And when necessary give your life for the good cause.''
7.And when necessary give your life for the good cause.
Unlike the rules, which dictate the behaviour of a Templar amongst other Templars, the above are moral dicta which guide your behaviour, rather than enforce it. These are moral guidelines, not rules, although breaking them will be frowned upon.
This code is the spirit of the Templars, whereas the rules listed above are its body, both working together in harmony.
==Ranks of the Templars==
The Great Templars are divided into several subsects and orders, each with a different task and duty to preform. All are bound by the code, and are expected to serve it in the way their talents best present. Promotion from one rank to another does not come easily, and as the Templars continue to expand and grow, many dangers will likely be encountered, and many may fall by the wayside. But for those few who are worthy, they will be bestowed with one of these titles.
Commander of Knights
Banner Carrier
The figure head of the Order. Together with 2 Seneschals the Grandmaster is in charge of the Order and in most cases the suprime judge in the Order.
The Seneschals lead the order together with the Grandmaster. They could be appointed suprime judge for a trail.
'''Commander of Knights:'''
Every realm, that has a minimum of five active full members in the Order and atleast one with the Knight title, can elect one of the Knights from their realm to be their Commander of Knights (exeptions to this rule can be given by the Templar Council).
The Commander of Knights is responsable for the proper registration of all members from his/her realm. Beside this the Command of Knights is the main voice of his/her realm and the members of his/her realm that are in the Order to the Order and visa versa. With this the Commander of Knights get a active advisor role of the Templar Council.
Sargeants can promote to Knight afther hard work for the Templar Order.
Templar Knights are those that go above and byond for the Order.
If a Banner Carrier knows everything that must be knowned about the Order and has showned to life by the Templar rules the Banner Carrier will be promoted to Sargeant. (The Templar Knight to witch the Banner Carrier is assigned will have to request this promotion to his/her Command of Knights and to the Templar Council)
For probebly most people Sargeant title will be the highest title they will hold within the Templar Order.

'''Banner Carrier'''
If a Turcopole afther one month shows to be following then rules of the Order and are active, the Commander of Knights of his/her realm can make the request to the Templar Council to promote the Turcopole to Banner Carrier and with that making the Turcopole a full member of the Order.
As Banner Carrier you still have to proof a lot to be able to become a Templar Sargeant.
Every one will be Banner Carrier for a minimum time of one month and a maximum time of two months and will be assigned to a Templar Knight of his/her realm by the Commander of Knights from his/her realm (If there are no Templar Knights from that realm he/she will be assigned to a Templar Sargeant instead). The Templar Knight will teatch the Banner Carrier everything he/she knows about the Order and makes sure the Banner Carrier knows everything he/she must know to stay a member of the Order.
If within two months the Banner Carrier doesn’t learn all there is to know and/or doesn’t act like a Templar member should the Banner Carrier will be removed and he/she has to wait one month to rejoin if that is his/her wish.

Every new members starts at this title.
They will stay this for a minimum time of one month till a maximum time which the Templar Council decides on a case by case situation.
Before they truly can join they need to make a great step towards living their lifes in the Templar way.

…For centuries destruction and mayhem have ruled this world.  A dark continent locked in perpetual violent and desolate war. Fearing yet another lawless and doomed century, valiant lords have united together in the common defense of all that is sacred. Within these walls gathers nobility of all aspects and affiliations, everyone is welcome...
NOTE: This will most likely be affected by religion as well!

The strength of the Templar Order resides in its interconnected fidelity and extended brotherhood…

==Religion of the Templars==
Enter only if you are selfless and worthy of trust.

Though the Preisthood has not yet been formed, and the Templars stand ready, waiting for the day the Gods return to Atamara, let it be known that the Templars follow  [[The Pantheist Path]], and will defend it, before and after its rise to prominence as the Truth.


[[Category: Guilds]]
[[Category: Guilds]]
[[Category: Atamara]]
[[Category:Guilds of Atamara]]

Latest revision as of 06:25, 22 March 2014 The Templar Order

Welcome to the Guild of the Templars. We are a Brother and Sisterhood of honorable and worthy Knights of many walks of life, and we have come together as one to follow our sworn code. Our code is simple, and can be summed up thus- to uphold honour, to protect the defenceless, to aid those in need, and to be courageous and chivalrous in all things. Below are some oft-asked questions. If you have a question, do not be afraid to contact the Templar Order- there are guilds in nearly 5 realms of Atamara, and we are growing regularly.

Common Questions

Q: What is a Templar? A: The origins of the name are somewhat misty, and our Wise Founder may alone know its true origins. But in modern times, it has come to mean a nobleman- knight, landed lord, hero, beaureaucrat, soldier, trader and even infiltrators- who have banded together beneath one roof and sworn to uphold the Templar Code, regardless of national allegiances.

Q: What does the Guild Offer? A: Although large and growing rapidly, our guild as yet is not fully organized. For most people who Join, the Guild is a union of like-minded individuals commited to a noble cause, one that transcends realm boundaries. But for a worthy few, the Guild will open up its treasury for reasonable use, in exchange for a monthly membership fee. Loans, too, can be taken out by particularly favoured Templars, often used to help in the construction of new Guilds or other worthy goals.

Q: Who founded the Guild? A: Our Wise Founder's Identity is currently hidden, as the realms occupied by the Templars are in a state of total war, and those who oppose the Templar creed may send assassins to harm them. However, in time, their identity may be revealed as peace returns to our lands.

Q: Is it true the Templars need to do X and X to gain membership? A: No, to Join the Templars, you do not need to do anything special, other than to be regarded an honorable and worthy knight, and to give your word to remain so. Higher Membership is reserved only for those who deserve it most. As we expand, more spaces are made available for people to be made higher members.

Q: What do Templars look like? A: Like any ordinary nobleman or knight. However, many, especially those of higher rank, wear white tabards or some form of garment which bears the red cross of our order. This is not compulsory, but many Templars take pride in displaying their membership.

Q: Do the Templars have Enemies? A: Yes. as Mentioned above, their are those who would oppose us solely for our templar allegiance, although as yet we have fortunately not encountered them directly. For the most part, the Templar guild is not considered an influential force, but this may soon change.

Q: How can I join? A: Simple. Find a Templar Guild near you and sign up!

Q: What Religion do I need to be? A: The Templars are a tolerant and multiethnic and multireligious body. However, as a Templar, you are committed to the defence of the Pantheist Path, the One True Faith, so ideally you should follow that faith. Don't worry, though, untill religion is implemented fully in Atamara, the Templars remain a secular body.

We hope these have been helpful!

Rules of the Templars

Rules of conduct Templar vs Templar

1.1. Every Templar, within our halls or outside our halls, shall properly behave to other Templar members. 1.1.1. A Templar member shall not treat an other Templar member under no circumstances. If a templar member is found guilty of threatening an other member of the Templar Order this member shall be punished by min temp ban till a max of banishment for life from the Order. 1.1.2. A Templar member shall not insult an other Templar member under no circumstances. If a Templar Member is found guilty of insulting an other Templar member this member shall be punished by min an official warning till max banishment for life from the Order NOTE: If by the court is decided to let the convicted Templar Member stay an apology should written and be send to all the members of the Order. By removing or Banishment the victim is allowed to challenge the convicted for a duel if pleased (read deals under Rules of Conduct Templar vs Non Templar) 1.1.3. A Templar member shall not challenge an other Templar member to duel unless approved by they Templar Council. Punishment for challenging an other Templar member to a duel without permission shall be punished by min a warning till max banishment for life from the Order. 1.1.4. A Templar member shall not challenge an other Templar member to duel till the death under no circumstances. There are NO exceptions on this rule and when broken the Templar members who broke it shall be punished by banishment for life. 1.1.5. A Templar member shall not accept any challenge to a deal unless this duel is authorised by the templar Council. A member accepting a challenge to a deal that’s not authorised shall be punished by min a warning till max banishment for life from the Order. 1.1.6. A templar member shall never accuse an other Templar member of a crime unless this is done in front of the Templar Council and with the proper proof. Punishment for accusing an other Templar member in public of committing a crime shall be punished by min a warning till max banishment for live from the Order.

Rules of Conduct Templar vs Non Templar

1.2. Every Templar shall properly behave to other Non Templar members. 1.2.1. A Templar member shall not treat an other Templar member under no circumstances. If a templar member is found guilty of threatening an other member of the Templar Order this member shall be punished by min temp ban till a max of banishment for life from the Order. 1.2.2. A Templar member shall not insult an other Templar member under no circumstances. If a Templar Member is found guilty of insulting an other Templar member this member shall be punished by min an official warning till max banishment for life from the Order 1.2.3. A Templar member shall not challenge a non Templar member to duel, incl duels till the death, unless approved by they Templar Council. Punishment for challenging a non Templar member to a duel without permission shall be punished by min a warning till max banishment for life from the Order with a duel to the death punished by min banishment for life from the Order. 1.2.4. A Templar member shall not accept any challenge to a deal unless this duel is authorised by the Templar Council. A member accepting a challenge to a deal that’s not authorised shall be punished by min a warning till max banishment for life from the Order.

Rules of Duels

1.3. Duels Templar vs Templar 1.3.1. Challenging an other Templar member to a duel. Any duel is illegal unless the Templar Council permits it. With exception the Duel to the death, those are forbidden under all circumstances. A duel shall need to be requested by the Templar Council properly to be approved. A request send to the Council shall need to include who the counter party is, what type of duel and it’s reason. It’s helpful to add any detail you think might convince the Council to allow the duel. The Templar Council is allowed to reject, and so not giving it’s permission, and request for a duel. The Templar Council does not need to inform why your request is rejected. 1.3.2. Accepting a challenge to a duel from an other Templar members. Any duel is seen illegal unless the Templar Council permits it, when a duel request is permitted the counter party will be informed by the Templar Council. If this is not done the deal challenge is illegal and so is accepting it.

1.4. Duels Templar vs Non Templar 1.4.1. Challenging a non Templar member to a duel. Any duel is illegal unless the Templar Council permits it. A duel shall need to be requested by the Templar Council properly to be approved. A request send to the Council shall need to include who the counter party is, what type of duel and it’s reason. It’s helpful to It’s helpful to add any detail you think might convince the Council to allow the duel. The Templar Council is allowed to reject, and so not giving it’s permission, and request for a duel. The Templar Council does not need to inform why your request is rejected. 1.4.2. Accepting a challenge to a duel from a non Templar members When challenged to a duel the Templar Council needs to be informed about it with the correct information. Any duel is seen illegal unless the Templar Council permits it. When informed the Templar Council will inform the Templar members if the duel is permitted or not.

Code of the Templars


1.To protect the church. 2.To protect against disloyalty. 3.To honor the priesthood. 4.To guard the poor from injustice. 5.To uphold peace in your region. 6.To shed blood for your brothers in arms. 7.And when necessary give your life for the good cause.

Unlike the rules, which dictate the behaviour of a Templar amongst other Templars, the above are moral dicta which guide your behaviour, rather than enforce it. These are moral guidelines, not rules, although breaking them will be frowned upon. This code is the spirit of the Templars, whereas the rules listed above are its body, both working together in harmony.

Ranks of the Templars

The Great Templars are divided into several subsects and orders, each with a different task and duty to preform. All are bound by the code, and are expected to serve it in the way their talents best present. Promotion from one rank to another does not come easily, and as the Templars continue to expand and grow, many dangers will likely be encountered, and many may fall by the wayside. But for those few who are worthy, they will be bestowed with one of these titles.

Grandmaster Seneschal

Commander of Knights Knight Sargeant Banner Carrier


Grandmaster: The figure head of the Order. Together with 2 Seneschals the Grandmaster is in charge of the Order and in most cases the suprime judge in the Order.

Seneschals: The Seneschals lead the order together with the Grandmaster. They could be appointed suprime judge for a trail.

Commander of Knights: Every realm, that has a minimum of five active full members in the Order and atleast one with the Knight title, can elect one of the Knights from their realm to be their Commander of Knights (exeptions to this rule can be given by the Templar Council). The Commander of Knights is responsable for the proper registration of all members from his/her realm. Beside this the Command of Knights is the main voice of his/her realm and the members of his/her realm that are in the Order to the Order and visa versa. With this the Commander of Knights get a active advisor role of the Templar Council.

Knight: Sargeants can promote to Knight afther hard work for the Templar Order. Templar Knights are those that go above and byond for the Order.

Sargeant: If a Banner Carrier knows everything that must be knowned about the Order and has showned to life by the Templar rules the Banner Carrier will be promoted to Sargeant. (The Templar Knight to witch the Banner Carrier is assigned will have to request this promotion to his/her Command of Knights and to the Templar Council) For probebly most people Sargeant title will be the highest title they will hold within the Templar Order.

Banner Carrier If a Turcopole afther one month shows to be following then rules of the Order and are active, the Commander of Knights of his/her realm can make the request to the Templar Council to promote the Turcopole to Banner Carrier and with that making the Turcopole a full member of the Order. As Banner Carrier you still have to proof a lot to be able to become a Templar Sargeant. Every one will be Banner Carrier for a minimum time of one month and a maximum time of two months and will be assigned to a Templar Knight of his/her realm by the Commander of Knights from his/her realm (If there are no Templar Knights from that realm he/she will be assigned to a Templar Sargeant instead). The Templar Knight will teatch the Banner Carrier everything he/she knows about the Order and makes sure the Banner Carrier knows everything he/she must know to stay a member of the Order. If within two months the Banner Carrier doesn’t learn all there is to know and/or doesn’t act like a Templar member should the Banner Carrier will be removed and he/she has to wait one month to rejoin if that is his/her wish.

Turcopole: Every new members starts at this title. They will stay this for a minimum time of one month till a maximum time which the Templar Council decides on a case by case situation. Before they truly can join they need to make a great step towards living their lifes in the Templar way.

NOTE: This will most likely be affected by religion as well!

Religion of the Templars

Though the Preisthood has not yet been formed, and the Templars stand ready, waiting for the day the Gods return to Atamara, let it be known that the Templars follow The Pantheist Path, and will defend it, before and after its rise to prominence as the Truth.