Dacara Family/In memory of/Sinted: Difference between revisions

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=The Itoruntian experience=
=The Itoruntian experience=

Revision as of 13:11, 19 July 2013

The Itoruntian experience

Sinted started his military career in the very same realm his family origins from, Itorunt. They were warring Ibladesh, a realm just north of them. Sinted had ambition, and rather soon was appointed as Lord of Dayr Az Zawr. A region we now better now as the seperate 'Dayr' and 'Zawr'. It was situated on the front lines. Itorunt had to travel there by boat, while Ibladesh could access it over land. That was the reason that it switched realms so many. It was one bloody warzone. Sinted, however, has the honour to say that under his command, Itorunt had never lost the region.

The new continent: Colonies

Outer Tilog

Not long after his first experience in serving a realm, the news was spread about a new continent. It was promising and with the ambitions Sinted had, he could not resist the temptation to go there and climb higher on the ladder. And that is what he did. He arrived in a new realm named Outer Tilog. He got elected General and started to march into the unknown to make the regions civilised and made the population live under the banner of Outer Tilog. Realising it was too early to be a real warrior king, he ran for the position of Duke of Outer Tilog (City) when the spot was vacant and left the General position to someone more experienced.

The Taselak/Oritolon Adventure

When things got boring in Outer Tilog, Sinted decided to accept an offer to join a rebellion in Taselak, on South East Island. After it had failed he was deported from the continent, back to the Colonies. He joined Oritolon instead, seeking a new adventure, starting a new quest. However, the same habits arised and once again he felt like doing something new. The adventure on Colonies would definately end, with promising him self never to return again out of free will.

The Ibladesh

Sinted, once immigrated on the East Island and in the realm Ibladesh, worked his way up to Count of Oc Lu Pesh. A beautiful woodland bordering the lake and the capital, the White City, Ibladesh. A half month later he found himself as Duke of that same city, the capital of Ibladesh, the White City everyone talked about. He would find himself a long period in that position. In the meantime he got elected Banker once by accident but soon after got elected as Pontifex Maximus as Sir Terminus Recena was taking a step back. He succeeded in his first difficult mission, to get Caligus off their backs and fight a 1 on 1 war with Itorunt. He had a busy life, needing to be in his city and other places for his presence at the same time. After a while he decided that it didn't work the way he wanted and took a step back from commanding the city, and appointed his sister Helena Dacara as Duchess of Ibladesh. Now he could concentrate the full 100% on ruling the realm.