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(New page: '''Roleplay from Eleanor Orgauth''' Eleanor was going to visit Sorsha in her estate in Haji. She was alone mounting a splendid white mare named Tempest. The mare came from Dwilight and wa...)
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'''Roleplay from Eleanor Orgauth'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Eleanor was going to visit Sorsha in her estate in Haji. She was alone mounting a splendid white mare named Tempest. The mare came from Dwilight and was bought in the markets of D'Hara. But it never felt at ease in the Tomb always felt restrained and melancholic. But now it was different they were on a vast continent in Sint, full of grass covered plains to ride freely. The two were developing a "connection", they rode for hours just for the thrill and to feel the wind blowing.Eleanor could even be seen riding her in the rain and in nights.
She was finally living, at least, after so many restrictions after so many things biding her and dragging her downwards. She was finding life, she was a child learning about the wonders of the world, for she had only known the horrors. She was pursuing her own interests now, not what people expected her to do but what she wanted to do. She didn't need to pretend being strong now, she was, she was becoming what she really wanted to be all the time...just herself.
Finally she arrived on the estate early in the night, all wet from the rain outside. She looked healthier, sturdier, her frail looks only survived in her gentle innocent face. The young girl body was gone too, she was a woman now. Also she wasn't wearing the uncomfortable and luxurious long dresses she normally used. But brown leather pants and a loose white shirt. Her hair as always, locked in a single braid. Her pale skin was looking healthier. The gladius sheathed and tied to a belt around her waist.
She awaited on the door as a servant took note of her arrival.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Lorlan greeted the lady at the door, and led her into a waiting area. “I will inform my Lady you are here,” he said before retreating from the room.
Sorsha was in her bedchamber, lying on her bed in a moment of absolute tenderness she watched her son sleeping, occasionally tracing small part of him. First his lips, then his tiny fingers, and she couldn’t help the love and smile on her face. “You are so beautiful,” she whispered to him and his small eyelids fluttered and he sucked on his lip.
There came a small knock on the edge of her open door, and Altair moved a bit. Sorsha looked over her shoulder, and Lorlan bowed. “My Lady, Dame Eleanor Orgauth is here to see you, shall I tell her you’re unavailable?” he asked seeing she was spending time with the child. She seemed to be doing nothing but, lately. She had left to battle in Pomatin, but the moment she returned, she had taken to caring for her son as if she would never see him again. Of course Lorlan could understand the incredible attachment and need she felt; considering his father’s fate.
“No… I will greet her, a moment,” she said and he bowed, leaving the room.
Sorsha carefully swaddled the child in a soft blanket, and cradled him in her arms. She walked to the waiting area, and nodded upon seeing the other woman. “Lady Eleanor, what an unexpected surprise,” she said softly. “Please, come in.”
'''Roleplay from Eleanor Orgauth'''
Eleanor was trying to dry her clothes a bit when Sorsha appeared. She then examined her as if looking at the woman for the first time again. She then bowed slightly and said in a polite tone.
"I am sorry for being all wet Lady Sorsha, but I just like the rain and had just heard the news of your return, it's a pleasure to see you again however"
And as she finished saying she walked in and following her with interest, her stance was much more firm and proud but not nearly as pompous and arrogant as before. Her boots were still wet and brought some water in a fact that made her slightly embarassed.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“Do not apologize, my maidservant will accommodate you. I believe I have a fresh gown you may like,” she offered and nodded to her nearest servant. “See the lady is taken care of,” she ordered. Sorsha didn’t much need her dresses, seeing as she almost always wore her leathers. Eleanor was taken into one of her guest rooms to change.
Sorsha did notice how much the lady’s demeanor had changed however. There was an air of assuredness that wasn’t there before, more freedom of movement as if not so forced. It had actually been years, since she’d last been with the young lady. The last time they had spoken, the young woman had seemed so naïve and socially gauche but she was glad of the change.
When the young lady returned, her hair had been dried, and she wore a new gown. “You may keep it,” Sorsha told her, admiring the sky blue color and the velvet texture. It was a dress fit for a Princess, she didn’t even regret giving it away.
When Eleanor walked into the room, Sorsha invited her to sit near her. “I don’t believe you’ve met my son, Altair” she smiled, this time the softness in Sorsha was obvious.
'''Roleplay from Eleanor Orgauth''' 
Eleanor exchanged her clothes with the help of the maid. Riding in the rain and feeling it was good but remaining with wet clothes afterwards wasn’t. The gown was wondrous and before she would absolutely love it, it wasn’t less beautiful now but she felt it was too much for her. Still only the two of them and the servants were there and it was offered by the owner of the house so she wouldn’t pass as pompous.
As she returned to see Sorsha and discovered that it was gift she blushed and said in a kind tone. “Thank you very much”. It wasn’t something she’d use often but she would certainly remember it in case of an important social occasion. She slowly walked towards the woman and sat at her side. Then she looked to the baby and smiled saying in a kind and light tone.
“It’s such a beautiful child, so innocent, pure. It’s always a great thing to see one. Oblivious to the worries of the world around them. I don’t know if I would be a good mother. My childhood didn’t last long, I barely remember it, I don’t know what it means to be a child.”
The last words were sad and brought that same sadness to her light blue eyes. But it wasn’t empty and morbid as before. It was something better, more human, more caring.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha’s eyes grew sad at the other woman’s words. “I only knew a warrior’s life,” she informed her. “I do not think I would be a good one myself, but I will try. He is loved and protected, that is what matters and… he is all I have left of Rathan,” Sorsha said softly, trying to mask the grief in her voice.
'''Roleplay from Eleanor Orgauth'''
Eleanor sighed as she heard Sorsha and thought for a moment before she looked at her. She had suspected it had been him, and though she never knew the man personally she had pretty much only heard bad things about him. Love wasn't a conscious choice, she knew that the memory still to fresh on her mind, not as fresh as before but equally if not even more painful.
With tears on her eyes she looked to Sorsha and said in a melancholic but gentle tone;
“What if I said I know exactly what you’re going through?”
She was serious stared deeply into the other woman’s eyes.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“I would scarcely believe it,” she said bluntly, the bitterness and coldness returning. She then turned away from Altair to the other woman. “Did you watch as they executed the man you loved and you were helpless to stop it?” Sorsha’s eyes despite her attempt at control, filled with tears.
“Read their letters as they continuously congratulated one another, as they invited each other to feasts to celebrate his capture, and then his death? As they did you felt like the world you knew was ending, like sand slipping through the hourglass all you could be sure of was that time was slipping through your fingers and in the end, what life you felt, what love you could have ever had, was utterly and completely taken from you?” Sorsha’s lips trembled and she took a deep breath.
“Tell me, how could you know exactly what I am going through?”
'''Roleplay from Eleanor Orgauth'''
Eleanor remained impassive except for the tears which runned down her face, and when she finished listening to it all she finally said in a desperate tone.
"Yes I do all of that aside for letters...because in my case it all had been done by one person alone."
She then hesitated for a moment, her hand trembling and more and more tears coming, her cheeks were pinkish.
"My mother died giving birth to me, my father grew bitter, he blamed me for her death and cursed me for looking like her...He was still a father or almost until I reached 5 more or less...then he locked me home, and I became his servant, he had already fired all servants long ago...we lived in cliff close to the sea in Nebel."
She then paused to take a deep breath before proceeding.
"I served him, and couldn't go outside and beat me for everything I did wrong...but sometimes when he was sleeping I managed to steal his keys and escape for a moment, I was 14 when I met him."
"His name was Philip he was 16, son of a local merchant, he was my only friend, and...soon more than that, I loved him, he was the only person I ever knew besides my father"
She was sobbing but with a great effort she stopped and proceeded telling about her past.
"One day, two years after we met, he planned to rescue me, my father was getting worse, there were days he beat me so badly while drunk that I couldn't move. Philip managed to pick the lock at night and we were leaving silently, but as if guessing my father woke up just at that moment. We fled, he was holding my hand and guiding me through the small woods nearby."
"But we weren't fast enough and I stumbled in a father reached us, Philip had bought a sword for the occasion with money from his father...but he was not a knight he was no father killed him slowly and I watched it all...his blood spilled over my face as my father at last beheaded him"
She was having a hard time proceeding and looked as desperate as someone in the scene but kept telling.
"Then...he came for me, he raped me there...besides Philip's dead his blood...and he called me by my mother's name...he was so drunk and so furious...he knew about Philip...and...then...after he was done I picked up Philip's sword and despite my state...he was leaving me there...he was distracted...I killed him...I stabbed him in the back and he fell...and I hated him so much...and I kept stabbing him and crying..."
She then paused for a moment, losing all control before she finished.
"Then I fled to the woods...covered in blood...the only two persons in my life dead...I didn't know what to do...I wandered days with my tattered old dress...and hid there...until I felt empty, until I felt life didn't mean anything...then I returned home, got my clothes...and...and I joined D'Hara..."
Eleanor was broken, it was clear she had never told this to anyone else before and the horror and agony were too much, she was crying desperately. It all seemed too much for someone so young.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha listened to Eleanor’s tale and hearing the horrors the young woman had lived through before ever joining the D’Haran ranks brought fresh pain as she empathized with her.  Had her father not already been dead, Sorsha would have offered to do it herself. “People like that, don’t deserve to live,” she said crossly. “As for their punishment, a swift death is too good for them. They should be made to suffer. Whether in this life, or the next, they will get their due torment.” Her words were meant for Eleanor’s father, but also for those who had wronged her.
“I guess, you do know what I am going through…” she said at last and then returned her gaze to the child in her arms. Sorsha was extremely cold, and somewhere along the way, she seemed to have lost her ability to comfort others. She watched the other woman for a moment, and then looked up. “I am no longer able to provide the warmth and comfort you need,” she said honestly. “But I can give you some advice… take that pain, and the anger you feel, and turn it into strength. Women like us need it to survive.

Latest revision as of 14:23, 17 December 2012

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