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(New page: '''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' As Sir Skyndarbau introduced himself to the King and Queen, Lycan took the opportunity to pull Sorsha aside. The cold manner and hints she directed at hi...)
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'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
As Sir Skyndarbau introduced himself to the King and Queen, Lycan took the opportunity to pull Sorsha aside. The cold manner and hints she directed at him were starting to bother him. He did only what any other loyal knight would if encountered a stranger inside the Palace. Especially with the latest events, he had every reason to be suspicious.
He lowered a bit and spoke for her ears only. "May I talk to you for a minute?"
Lycan stepped aside and led her to a corner of the room where they could talk more privately. Everyone was paying attention to the new guest so no one would really notice them.
Lycan looked into her eyes. "Have I done something wrong? I can read between the lines you know..." Lycan said in a low voice
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
When Lycan pulled Sorsha aside, she followed quietly. In the void, she could not feel much of the emotions he was throwing at her, but she nodded that she understood his words. Of course Lycan of all people should know her when she was in this state, she gave no one mercy, in fact she wasn’t capable of it.
“I am curious Lycan, do you make it a habit of walking through hidden passages in the Palace? Even so, I had though a person such as yourself would have a bit more tact. I should not need to remind you, it is not your place to walk through the passages in this palace and dictate who belongs and who does not. There are Black Lions posted at this very moment to ensure this. If he got this far it would be for a reason.
I understand recent events have caused anyone to be wary, and he didn’t exactly leave much to the imagination, but I would have expected a different…welcoming for this noble.” She nodded in Skyndarbau’s direction.
“I do not wish him to take back the image of a man jumping at shadows and brandishing his sword callously. What if that person had been set there for a purpose? Since when does the Royal Fiduciary make it a point to question every person who is in the Royal Palace? Were it your estate I would understand but it is not. You were out of line.” She finished plainly, her eyes devoid of emotion.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
Lycan’s eyebrow rose at her tone and words. She was his Marshal, true but she wasn’t considering everything.
“Alright, first of all I did not tell myself “hey let’s see if I can find some secret passages”. I happened to be stretching my legs when I heard something and went to see what it was.
“Two, if he was a guest why did he not enter this palace in plain sight? Instead of wandering the halls until someone found him? Apparently those Black Lions weren’t doing their job.” He took a breath and continued in the same low voice he had started with “and three what would you have done in my place? You find a man you can’t identify due to the dimmer light of a torch. Whether he was there because the King commanded it or not he should not fear to reply to a simple question from the Royal Fiduciary and one of the Black Lions would he now?” he said a bit irritated. “You seem to forget not very long ago, we had people impersonating Black Lions that actually managed to kidnap Mathias. So excuse me for being overzealous.” He looked down as the look on her face was still impassive.
“As for the impression I may have caused, I will apologize to him and explain the situation. You need not worry.” he was about to turn away when he stopped and added. “Sorsha you know me better than this. You should have asked my side of the story before making judgments.”
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha listened to Lycan, allowing him to finish and replied. “Sir Lycan, you will change your condescending tone with me. In this I am not your friend but your Marshal. One, from this moment until further notice you will forget those passages even exist, you may have stumbled upon them but you will do well to remember their purpose.
Second, apparently you seem to think the King’s intelligence diminished if you think he would allow just anyone free access to these passages and “enter” without having thought this might occur. The elite do not work in plain sight, you of all people should know of this.
Three, unlike some we watch before making accusations. Upon my entry to these passages I was informed of his presence and I approached to determine the threat. And I did watch you Lycan, and he would have had cause for fear because you took out your sword before you bothered to ask him what he was doing there in the fist place. I did see your reaction, you simply jumped to conclusions...” He seemed to be about to say something else and she raised her hand. “We will forget this incident, I commend you for your loyalty and your valor Lycan, but in the future, I would like you to be a bit more… tactful.” She then turned dreadfully cold eyes on him. “I know very well what happened with Mathias, I do not need a reminder,” she hissed. “You will also do well to remember how he was taken in the first place.”
That being said, Sorsha walked away from Lycan and approached the Queen. Leaning closer she spoke for her alone and then took her seat beside the King and Mathias.
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
At the announcement Cenarious had stood to greet Wasylis as he was announce followed by the Queen. Cenarious smiled and took the bottle of wine thanking him (once again Dreen will have to pick up when he gets up I cannot speak for him here :D) Kisharianda greeted him in turn.
"Welcome to D'Hara Warden Wasylis it is an honor to meet you" she smiled and looked over at Skyndarbau who was enjoying the hors d'oeuvres before him "As I told Sir Skyndarbau I hope your travels were a pleasant one" she looked over at the bottle of wine "this will surely be a delight" her eyes examining the bottle "I fear you have found one of our weaknesses" she laughed "We do enjoy a good vintage" she sat back down "The King also has brothers one in Atamara and one in the far east who have also produce some fine wines and brandy, my father for one has spent years fermanting the best brandy I have tasted he still has shipments brought to us here in D'Hara bless his heart" she raised her glass
"A toast to our guest who have traveled from far to join us in unity at this table to bring our lands and purposes together in form of friendship, may your lives be rewarded with health, and wealth and may your travels back to your homeland be swift and may the Gods clear a path for you until you return to your loved ones." she looked at both Wasylis and Skyndarbau "To new friendships" she sipped her wine
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha and Mathias raised their glass to the guests. As she drank Sorsha felt rather than saw a servant approach Mathias and whisper for his ears alone.
Mathias nodded to him, and then squeezed her hand. “My King, Queen, follow nobles and guests. Unfortunately matters in Port Nebel demand my immediate attention. I regret that I have to leave so shortly after your arrival but should you have any questions do not hesitate to come see me.” With those words, he leaned closer to Sorsha and kissed her cheek. “I will see you soon mo searc.”
Sorsha looked at him with a grin. “Absolutely.”
Mathias then got up to leave, not without taking another glass of wine on the way and taking a couple hors d’oeuvres. He did always enjoy the Queen’s choices in food.
After he was gone, Sorsha sat quietly and examined her surroundings with a careful eye.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
Lycan let her speak and pondered her words. Of course he didn’t think the King didn’t take measures to ensure his family’s and guests’ safety. Of course the elite didn’t work in plain sight…
Perhaps he did jump to conclusions but if anyone was out of place in that room it was the other man. One he had never seen before and couldn’t make out any detail that identified him as a friend or if he was armed or not. So yes, he did ask his intentions at the same time he draw his sword but it was common to do so. No one would lower their weapon without knowing the other’s intentions. Only a fool would.
He shook his head and walked to the table where he took his seat. He would talk to Sir Skyndarbau later and explain the situation. He would also talk to Sorsha later.
He sat at the table as the Queen started to introduce everyone to the Myern guests. He bowed to each in turn and sat enjoying the hors d’oeuvres.
A few moments after Mathias stood and left having to tend to his duties. Lycan just sat there and tried to enjoy his food and signaled a servant to pour him some wine.
'''Roleplay from Skyndarbau Melphrydd'''
Quietly Skyndarbau enjoyed his wine, without interrupting the babbling of the Nobles around him. It was not his intention to let his lips lose a hastefully spoken word, and in that way cause trouble between the different Nobles of this realm. Although they seemed to get along just fine, he sensed some kind of tension, and he was just hoping he didn't cause it with his stumbling about. Not that the stumbling hadn't been useful. As the Queen was asking questions, for a moment he felt like he was cut off from the world, and pulled into her eyes. Luckily he managed to keep track of the conversation.
"...uite the travel story as I understand it takes nearly a month to travel to the Islands? You must have met some fascinating people on your way here. I hope all went well and you didn't encounter to many undead and monsters while traveling the lands"
"Your Majesty, we have met many difficulties on our journey. Right before we were about to depart, monsters attacked Myern from the West, and they pillaged Garuck Udor, the land where the people live I have sworn to protect. Me and Wasylis, had to take care of some business before we could leave our lands first." Saying this, Skyndarbau touched four of the markings on his left arm. "At first, the plan had been to travel North, as that was by far the shortest route. We only had to go through one region controlled by Pian and Luries, however, those swampy scavenge-Err.. forgive me My Lady, the Nobles of that realm refused to let us pass, although  we had no hostile intentions. Even though this mission was secret until a few days later, perhaps their queen knew what our goal was, and she  tried to prevent this. We might never know. So our feet took us back South. I had to take a longer route than expected, through Sulorte, Grodno and Vaal, because of the Undead threat in the Smokey Hills. Next up was the Sea of Palms, which is a seemingly never ending realm of Leaf and Tree, a real maze. Maintaining communication with Wasylis became difficult." Skyndarbau touched another scar. He took a moment to regain his focus. "Once we got out of that region, we took some time to rest in Drowenton, a small city on the other side. The people there were very kind to us, strangers, and I even shared my second best bottle of mead with a friendly lad in the inn. Then, we swiftly went on to Fissoa, without any problems, where we also enjoyed great hospitality, as Myern has it's very roots there.
After that, we embarked on a ship, taking us to Madina. Duke Sage Meadowcrest is in command there. His and my family have common ties in Makar, through his relative, DrSeptre Meadowcrest. I experienced some financial difficulties there. There was no way to convert my bonds, as I needed a minimun fee before I could exchange them. Since then, my men have been proving their loyalty by staying on my side unpaid. Also, Wasylis stayed in Madina for a while, for reasons he previously stated. Next, our quest took us on to Paisley, and eventually here, where a lot seems to be going on."
"Along the way, I have heard stories of the Witch that used to control this region. If a stone is thrown in the water, it casts wrinkels. The further away from where the stone hit the water, the harder it is to deduct the seize of the stone, compared to the size of the wrinkels. Would I go too far if I asked you to tell me the story as it actually happened, Your Majesty?"
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
"No of course not, the former Queen had started out with the best of intentions when this realm was founded. She was a woman with great expectations and a great hunger to spread the lands, in her efforts to do this she tried to manipulate some ties along the way making a few other rulers quite uncomfortable. Being a woman in power over the land of D'Hara she tried to maintain her approaches and disregarded many factors along the way and in her quest she made many enemies.
Safe to say that she lost the trust from many nobles in the realm including her Champion which as you know is now our King" she turned and smiled to Cenarious who kept picking at the plates before him "Many of the Dukes and government in position at that time tried to persuade her that she should take a different approach on the matters before her but her stubbornness showed no ends. She continued to foolishly disregard the advice and greed started to settle in as she noticed that some of her subjects were pulling away. Trying to maintain her courts and subjects she pulled herself back and decided after furiously engaging with the other rulers that had she would show her authority here in our lands.
Now you can understand after many months of hardship and not to mention the nobles who had brought their families here in the land along with many other friends that they would not sit by and just let a mad Queen destroy everything they all had worked so hard to accomplish just be thrown away so easily. Hence came the rebellion with those who believed in the cause, she was quickly taken down from her Royal position, and Cenarious led us to where we are today with the help of so many others who still to this day watch over her lands." she paused and sipped her wine
"Do not get me wrong I loved the Queen and she was a good woman with good intentions but I believe that her lust for power and wealth made her ill to the point of being disillusion and paranoid which ended her reign, at the end she had grown furious with rights I mean her subjects were turning on her and she tried to the very last days to keep her throne, she raised our taxes to the maximum she trusted no one and all who tried to talk to her to make her see the errors in her ways was punished, some were even banned without probable cause that is when we all realized that she was ill and her mind was slipping her driving her mad. From what I hear she is better now when it comes to her madness I would never hold that over her, she fought for what she thought was right in her mind but what she failed to realize is that you cannot build a realm and maintain it if you are eager to get the fruit without growing the seed" she smiled
"Many others may have a different version of what happened as you know I am a Priestess as well as Confessor and in that time I was merely a Priestess I consulted with the Queen of religion, government matters weren't of my concern so I am sure there was more to be added to this event but that's how I can remember most of the details as they actually happened." she sighed remembering the former Queen she had loved her so and she look back up
"But D'hara is in good hands now, and our King is far from greed and the nobles who live in this land along with all the faithful have a relationship that cannot be weighed in gold therefore our King listens to all propositions and weights them carefully if it is sound and within reasons he will implement them so I guess you can say that although this may be a Monarchy realm, every one has a voice" she placed her hand on top of Cenarious' "I believe that with our King we will accomplish many great things and with his kind heart we will be able to expand our friendship to others who are willing to take it" she smiled
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
After listening to his wife speak for a time, Cenarious finally interjected. "The Mad Queen made numerous errors in her time.. pocketing taxes, inviting invasions from her personal enemies, exiling loyal Dukes, insulting and threatening my wife, not to mention her greed for the lands of others.. but by far her biggest mistake, the one that no doubt haunts her, was breaking her vow to me. As her Champion I could do nothing but protest, but with my vows dissolved she left me no choice but to end the cruelty of her reign. It wasn't even a week after she dissolved my oath that I had successfully freed the Isles from her tyranny.. it was a turbulent and troubling time, but in the end much good has come of it. I ended the invasions at their sources, brought the Mad Queen's enemies to my table as allies, pushed back the monsters that threatened our borders, and possibly the most importantly thing was that I kept D'Haran gold here in D'Hara building an infrastructure to strengthen this land far beyond what it was before."
Sipping his brandy Cenarious examined his guests as he waited to judge their reactions to his next words. "Change is a fact of life here in Dwilight I'm afraid, and it is not always for the better, but it is what we choose to make of it I believe. For example I am not entirely certain what we should make of some of the more recent news I've received. As you might or might not find this letter to be a precursor of change, perhaps you should hear it for yourselves.. I am eager to hear your thoughts on it.."
At a casual gesture from Cenarious, Maurice stepped forward from his position behind the King's shoulder and read the letter softly aloud before passing it to the guests from Myern so that they could discern its legitimacy by examining the seals for themselves.
Letter from Devan Hawkeye (3 days, 14 hours ago)
Dragon King,
I as are the rest of Myern, am very interested in strengthening the relationship between our two realms. The nobles you speak of were travelling through the ports of Madina in order to return home after their diplomatic mission to the countries around us. They should have left Madina and be on their way back home as this message reaches you.
Our two realms have always treated favourably with each other and I hope that this relationship can continue during my rule.
Devan Hawkeye
Wolf King of Myern </i>
As a military man, it had always been Cenarious' responsibility to read the expressions and body language of both his foes and his soldiers in order to ascertain a solid grasp of his surroundings and the tactics they required. As a King this talent was even more important, and he did his duty quite well. From the expressions of surprise on his guests' faces it seemed they were honestly shocked by this news. Now to hear their thoughts on it...
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had been watching the room quietly, listening to the Queen speak. She actually had some choice words about the previous mad Queen but she wasn’t about to start cutting in. Kisharianda was right, everyone remembered Katayanna differently as did she. Should Sorsha or Mathias see her again, there was no telling what they would do to her.
Sorsha was thinking of this, when the King began to speak. She grew curious to his words, and then even more so when the letter was read aloud. At this she looked up and watched the men in question, waiting quietly.
'''Roleplay from Skyndarbau Melphrydd''' 
Skyndarbau took a few moments to overthink this. "So, Devan the Hawkeyed seems to be warming the throne now. It is not my place to state my personal opinion about this, but I will tell you as follows: it was Erasel who sent me here. I vowed to him that my oath to him would never fade. Only Erasel can relieve me of that oath." With his thoughts elsewhere, Skyndarbau touched the wolf cut in his arm. "Strange that Devan mentions that we would have been returning back home three days ago, although this was not the case. He did not even order us to do so! What are his intentions with this letter? Does he not realize the importance of this mission? Besides, I have received word; Erasel would have lost his throne because of his absence, but what I have heard is that he had an epiphany of the great Wolf himself, taking him deep into the forest! One should not take this lightly, and I must say, if Erasel would claim back the throne, I would be the first one to guard his back."
'''Roleplay from Wasylis Zond''' 
...Wasylis' eyebrows furrowed at this unexpected news and he then leaned back calmly to stroke his beard, lost in thought to contemplate the situation. There certainly had been a breakdown in communication in their travels all this long way. It came as a surprise, but not entirely all that surprising.
Wasylis listened to his comrade Sir Skydarbau give his take on things and gave reassuring nods in support of his knight. "Truth be told, I had heard of strange rumors, but was unsure... I do at least know of the past story of glory and tragedy of his run in with the great wolf which earned the majestic title in the first place. To be haunted by such a specter is no surprise, yet I was unsure of the details and validity of the change of throne and had sent a report to my Duke and liege, Devan Hawkeye on our travels and to ascertain more news of what was happening back home. Yet, I have no idea if my report even made it back to them at all. And now it seems we have more concrete truth and a reply."
Wasylis sighed. "By all means, Sir Skyndarbua here speaks with true passion and loyalty in his heart, and he does carry an honor bound oath, please do not fault him for that. But as Warden I must hear and weigh this surprising information with a healthy balance of the mind. I do recognize this, in having foreknowledge of our laws, I can certainly understand that an unexpected absence of the throne by King Erasel would indeed necessitate a replacement regent whether temporary or permanent." Wasylis continued on contemplatively with some determination behind his words, "We shall indeed honor and recognize our new majesty, Wolf King Devan Hawkeye's ascension, and would like to send word to him on the success of our mission for the honor and glory of D'Hara and Myern. It seems now that there is simply a breakdown in communication and perhaps King Devan, Second Wolf, does not entirely know of our current situation and our original honor bound agreement to see this mission through proper. -Or it could just be that he has received my original report back when I was in Madina lands and assumes we have already finished our meeting with you Your Majesty and the lords and ladies here in D'Hara, having joined the League of Chivalry guild and believes us to already be on our merry way back home by now. I must confess, I am confused and lost on time...
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha had listened, watching body language. Her gaze swept the room, taking in Skyndarbau and Wasylis. Their words seemed genuine, and she could feel there was no ill intentions coming from them. It must be as they said, a series of miscommunication, which could easily be taken into account considering their recent change in figurehead.
She turned to the king, and gave him a small look, as if speaking her very thoughts through her glance alone.
A she did so, a servant walked through the room and approached both the King and Queen with whispered words. First the Queen frowned, and then a look of displeasure crossed her features. Next the King whose facial expression had yet to change, looked on with a calculating gaze. He seemed to be in a completely different room altogether, and she could tell when his attention was directed elsewhere. Something was taking place.
Sorsha decided a small distraction was in order. At least until all parties involved would give everyone their full attention.
She looked to Skyndarbau. “It is unfortunate this mission has taken you both from your homes this long. I am sure a reasonable explanation can be deducted from this and recent events in your realm. Sir Skyndarbau I understand your fierce and unwavering loyalty to the man whose binding oath you’ve given, as I share the same passion and loyalty towards my King. I commend you.”
She then turned to Wasylis, “Lord Wasylis, I am sure we will be able to get to the heart of the matter quickly. It must be as you say, a breakdown in communication. Much has time to occur when word takes so long to reach home and vice versa. If your King has been absent, then I hope he returns shortly, meanwhile a new King does sit on the throne. You would surely understand from where we stand how this information can be misconstrued. Nevertheless he is your new King and his words must be taken with more weight than just a measure of a grain of salt.”
She then noticed several servants were beginning to file through the room, now with more food. 
“Let us not have this moment soured and enjoy this wonderful banquet the Queen has had prepared for us. I am sure you are both famished and have much you wish to discuss. Please take every advantage of this opportunity. It is not every day you can make such a long journey.”
Sorsha’s eyes glanced again in the King’s direction and she took to her seat again. She didn’t show any emotions towards the rest of the nobles in the council room, to betray her unease at the Crown’s sudden silence.

Latest revision as of 14:20, 17 December 2012

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