McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/an exchange: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' Sorsha had run to the palace doors when she realized she had no idea where to look. She needed answers, clues, more so, she also needed help. Turnin...)
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'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Sorsha had run to the palace doors when she realized she had no idea where to look. She needed answers, clues, more so, she also needed help. Turning around she returned down the hall and was informed the king was not available. She inquired with the guards and was informed the King had just left and Marquis Rathan was locked away in a cell. At this her eyes darkened and she clenched her jaw and demanded to speak with him.
The guard gave her a wary gaze and she stood taller, her face now cold and expressionless. “Do you know who I am?” she asked. Sorsha wasn’t the type of person to use rank on anyone or even titles, she honestly didn’t care where she stood in the hierarchy of matters but if this was what it took, then for once she would use it. “I am Sorsha McDowell, I am as the King’s own daughter, he would not refuse me, and would frown upon the fact you are.” She cocked her head watching him and he swallowed. “Not only that but I am your Marshal,” she hissed. She quietly thanked Cenarious for doubling the guards with Black Lions.
The guard shifted nervously and her eyes narrowed. “Do you like your position? Do you wish to keep your position?” she spoke meaningfully and he nodded. “Then take me to the Marquis,” she demanded and he looked around to make sure no one was there to stop them and took her to the cells below the palace.
He unlocked one door, and beyond there were another set of guards. The guard leading her announced who she was and why she was there. Then a new guard led her down several locked doors until she arrived to Rathan’s cell. “Leave us,” she told him quietly and the guard left them alone.
She watched Rathan from where she stood, her eyes empty, her hand gripped into fists. “This cell does not suit you Rathan,” she told him softly.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan smiled grimly.
"No, I believe it doesn't. What brings you here?"
He said, looking her over suspiciously, the hair on his neck starting to stand up.
"Has the King decided to have me executed with no trial, no proof, nothing and sent you to do it, or has he decided to set aside his arrogance, and listen for a change?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
“I am not here on behalf of the King, I am here for myself,” she told him as she approached and put her hands around the bars. She loved the man that stood before her but slowly she had begun to lose him, as if he was fading away from her completely until she could almost believe he was a stranger once more. “Why would you suspect that I would be the one to fetch you for an execution? Have you something done something so grave, so unforgivable to me, it would warrant my wrath, my unbridled anger…?” she trailed off and her hands tightened on the bars.
“How much did you truly love me Rathan?” she asked him as she tried to look into his eyes, but the muted light in the room was no help. “Don’t lie to me anymore, you yourself did say I was smarter. I may have been knocked out, but the confusion has already passed… If you help me, I will do what I can to help you.”
She looked him over from head to toe and tried to ignore the sensation in the pit of her stomach. “How are your injuries?” She asked him knowing full well when the masked man… Rathan had tried to get her off the burning ship he had hurt himself. “A healer should have a look at you."
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan stood up, slowly, wincing as he did.
"I will be fine, I've survived much worse." he said as he stood. He walked over to the bars, and ran his hand along her face.
"A thaisce, you were everything to me. I would do anything for you..." he said sincerely, the pain obvious in his eyes.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
She reached through the bars to take his hands. “Then will you tell me where Mathias is?” she asked and lowered her eyes. “Why did you take him away from me Rathan? What was your plan?”
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
She hated having to go down to the holding cells knowing full well that she would find Rathan there. She paced in her studies looking over the list of charges that had been placed over Rathan and she stopped and shook her head.
"Call me crazy if you would, but something in the pit of my stomach is telling me that Rathan may have put himself at the wrong place and the wrong time" she looked up at Ugyel.
"Why would you say that" Ugyel took the list of charges from her hand and began to read "Well seems like you have your work cut out for you today" he sat and looked up at her
"Well it would seem so" she grabbed her papers and made her way out to the holding cell.
As she entered the cells hallway she could hear voices in the distance, she stopped and listened closer. The voice was somewhat familiar but she couldn't quite make out who it was, but one thing she knew it wasn't the voice of Rathan, it was feminine. She walked closer without making any sounds, she knew the King had doubled up on the guards, and she also knew he had specifically told the guards to let no one enter or speak to the Marquis. Coming around the corner she noticed the guards standing before the door and she frowned.
"Who is in there with the Marquis" she asked the guards who were now looking back at each other at the question.
"Speak up" she demanded, but both soldiers looked down to their feet "If you do not wish to clean animal feces for the rest of your life in my stables you will answer my question" she said firmly
"It is Marshal Sorsha my Queen" he lowered his head shamefully
"Marshal Sorsha" she said surprised "I thought the King ordered no one to enter that cell" and she looked at the men
"And he did my Lady" he paused and looked at the other soldier "I have a family to think about I will not take responsibility for this" he straighten himself to take reprimand "Marshal Sorsha told us that she would have our positions if we did not let her see the Marquis" he held his head high "She is my Marshal" he said in his defense.
"Well she may be your Marshal, but you have deliberately disobeyed a direct order from your King who happens to control the Black Lions, she may be your Marshal but she does not take command or overrule any orders from the King and furthermore do you even know why the Marquis is being held here" she asked furious and both soldiers shook their heads
"One of the many charges happens to be poisoning a noblewoman who happens to be the lady you just let into the holding cell" she got closer to the guards "You have better hope that nothing happens to the lady while she is down here, because if the King finds out that you let his Marshal in here without his permission or guard to over see the conversation, scooping feces will seems like a walk in the garden after the King gets through with you" she looked back at her own personal guard "Have these two men replaced and send two more" she snapped
"You are relieved of duty" she ordered "You will see your way out when the guards arrive, and you will speak to no one of this event if you wish to keep wearing that" she tapped the Black Lions crest on his armor as she arrogantly walked passed both soldiers
"No one is to enter this area unless otherwise ordered by the King is that clear" she barked back "Yes my Queen" both soldier answered quickly and clearly
She walked down the hall to the next door and looked at the two guards standing there. "You have a lot of explaining to do, but I have no time to get into this with you two, you have violated a direct order from your King" she breathed in heavily. One of the guards stood straight "My Queen, we only let her in because she was let through the first guards and I" he was disrespectfully interrupted
"Silence! I will not hear your excuses, now open that door" she hissed and the guards unlocked the heavy door behind them "See that no one enters these chambers while I am here is that understood or should I have you replaced like I did those two" she pointed directly behind her "No my lady, we understand" one of the guards answered and gripped his spear tighter
Opening the door she could hear Sorsha's voice clearer now "Don't lie to me anymore, you yourself did say I was smarter. I may have been knocked out, but the confusion has already passed… If you help me, I will do what I can to help you." Kisharianda leaned back against discreetly "Help him? Now why would she want to help him after what he has done?" she continued to listen without making a sound.
"Then will you tell me where Mathias is?" "Why did you take him away from me Rathan? What was your plan?"
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"It wasn't my plan at all. I took a job, and it was to make sure no one interfered with the Bachelor Party. I was hired by Bowie... And I may be able to help you find Mathias. I didn't know this was going to happen..."
He said, and leaned against the bars.
"Let us be quick, and I may be able to help you before Bowie goes through with his plan."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
At his words she closed her eyes. “Why would Bowie hire you not to interfere with a bachelor party? Was he planning on doing something to Mathias there? But why and what was his motive? Why was that boat set on fire?” She closed her eyes, trying to wrap her head around the facts she knew of and leaned her head on the bars.
She brought their hands to the bars, still gripping his and looked down the hallway to make sure no one was with them. “I can’t take you out of here,” she whispered. “I shouldn’t even be here as it is. Just tell me where I can find Mathias and how I can get him free… and I promise once I find him and bring him back I will return and we can set this disaster right again. Please Rathan…” she could see he probably wouldn’t tell her unless he was sure of his freedom. “Help me get him back, I will do anything…” her blue violet eyes pleaded.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"No, I cannot let you go alone, it is too dangerous. Who knows what men guard Mathias? You need me for this. Take me with you." he pleaded.
"I will not divulge his location if you are not suitably protected. I am the only qualified individual for this type of thing."
He turned his back to her.
"Make your choice."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
She watched him turn his back to her and lowered her hands from the bar. “I can’t…” She looked down away again and then back to his back. “If you tell me where Mathias is and how I can free him,” she closed her eyes. “I will remain with you…I will give myself to you in exchange for his safety and his whereabouts, only if he is safe and unharmed.”
She paused and waited for his reaction.
“Make your choice.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan furrowed his brow, deep in thought. The decision before him weighed heavily.
"It is a small island, North of Port Nebel. It is an unnamed sloop. A score or so of men guard it... Sorsha... Be careful."
He said, not liking the choices before him... But he had to do it.
"Go, make sure he is safe..."
Rathan reached through the bars and took her hand.
"I'm so sorry."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha’s heartbeat accelerated when he told her where Mathias was. She didn’t care how guarded it was, she would get to him out no matter what it took, even if it cost her, her life.
She then looked down as Rathan took hold of her hand and her eyes became empty. “No you’re not. You got exactly what you wanted,” she pulled her hand away in disgust and stepped back. “Think long and hard on what you’ve done this day,” she said coldly and turned away from him. She walked back through the door without looking back.
When she called out, a guard approached to unlock the door, his face ashen and he looked over her shoulder. He seemed to be afraid of helping her, but she ignored him completely and left. She didn’t think of anything else around her, she was on a mission. She had managed to find out where Mathias was, now she needed to gather help. The guard had also mentioned other nobles being detained. She made a small detour and searched out to see if Lycan was one of them.
When she walked into the room, she looked over to him and smiled with relief. “Lycan,” she said his name and hugged him. “I need your help,” she whispered in his ears, “and right now you’re one of the only ones I can trust, will you help me?”
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan had been waiting in the room for quite sometime. He had become impatient even. But this was the King demanding his presence so he simply waited.
Just when he was about to count how many flies there were in the room, AGAIN he heard the door open and he immediately got up expecting to see the King.
Instead he saw Lady Sorsha enter. Relief washed over him when he saw her well. Since he had found out, at the harbour, she was missing he hadn't known any other news about her.
She hugged him and whispered in his ear she needed his help and words of only trusting him. He frowned and looked down into her eyes and then said in a low voice only she could hear. "Of course I will, what do you need?" he said simply without asking for more explanations. It was obvious something wasn't right.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan visibly flinched at her words, they struck him like a hammer blow. He turned, and hung his head in shame until she left. When she he had gone, he turned, and drew a lock pick, a dagger and a blackjack. He grinned. The guards hadn't been thorough enough. He quickly picked the lock, and crept down the hallway, and kicked the door open suddenly, hitting one of the guards, knocking him out. He quickly subdued the other guard and relieved him of his sword. Knocking the other two out was no problem. He turned and called down the hallway.
"You can add this to my charges if you wish Confessor, but I cannot let her go there without my protection. I hope you understand."
He left, quickly, and took up position where he would see Sorsha when she left, without being seen himself.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha smiled weakly at his words and then took looked down. Bowie was within earshot and apparently Duke Hexic was nowhere to be seen. She was sure all nobles involved would still be there. She took his hand and pulled him aside to a corner of the room and made sure Lycan was facing her so that no one would be able to read her lips, and then she whispered to make sure her voice wouldn’t carry.
“Mathias has been taken away, and I just found out the location. He is being held under guard. We need to get him out, but it won’t be easy. I will understand if you don’t wish to put yourself in harm’s way…but you were the first person I could think of to help me.”
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan followed her has she pulled him aside. When he heard the concern and suspicion in her words he simply winked and turning to Bowie saying.
"Duke Bowie, it seems the King wants to see us separately. We will be back shortly." He motioned Sorsha to take the lead and he followed her outside the room
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
When they left the room, Sorsha walked down the hall and motioned for Lycan to follow giving him a confident gaze. When they reached the end of the hall, she whispered for him to wait and left. It was a few moments before she returned. They then continued out of the palace. “I have some things to get in Port Nebel, and I need to gather my army.” They took the quickest ship out of the port and made their way back to Port Nebel.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan followed them quietly, and hopped on the boat as well. He slowly walked up to Sorsha, and put a hand on her shoulder.
"I agreed to respect your decision, and if it is Mathias instead of me, I accept that. But, I do believe I said I wasn't going to let you go without my protection."
He looked at Lycan, and turned back to Sorsha.
"Please forgive me."
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' 
"You can add this to my charges if you wish Confessor, but I cannot let her go there without my protection. I hope you understand."
Kisharianda turned quickly and yelled out to the guards "Rathan has escaped, double the guards at the exits of the palace, the river everywhere your feet can take you" her eyes frowned in anger and her lips tightened "BRING HIM BACK, I do not care how you do it just do it!" she yelled as she watched the guards almost trip over each other as she barked her demands. She was a very passive woman, soft and gentle in her words, she had taken up Rathan's defense so many times in the past but now that was ancient history this time he had crossed the line, and he was going to pay for his actions.
She walked out of the prison and marched to the front gate ordering more men to his pursuit. She ordered her horse to be readied and for traveling gear. She would make sure the men were not gonna come back empty handed, he may have been swift in the past in getting everything he wanted, controlling all situation to his benefit and she just now was starting to see that the King had been right about him all along and she clenched her fist.
She returned in the castle and got into her gear, it was but a couple minutes that she had retired her long white dress to be replaced by her leather armor and weapons. It had been a long time since she had wore these clothes but she was a warrior before she was even a priest or a wife and mother. The anger boiled inside of her like a bubbling volcano waiting to erupt, she got on her horse and rode out with six of her personal guards to begin the search on Rathan.
Hours had passed and the soldiers continued to search the city, since the King had doubled the watch at the peer it would be impossible for him to travel by water no matter how clever he was which meant there was only one way out of the city and that the old road. Taking her horse to a gallop she turned to her men.
"You three meet the guards at the old road and make sure all carts, wagon, carriage are emptied" she licked her lips and rubbed them together tightly "Anyone caught with Rathan is to be brought in for questioning for harboring a prisoner" she turned "MOVE"
"M'Lady" a guard approached her horse "We have found Rathan on a ship with Lady Sorsha and the Fiduciary Lycan they are bringing him to you" he stood before her waiting
"About time" she turned her horse and made her way to the harbor. "Quite the arrogance you have Marquis, to return to the harbor, that was a big mistake" she whispered to herself as she rode out with her men.

Latest revision as of 14:16, 17 December 2012

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