McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/hexic duel: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' Hexic walked out into the circle, surveying the crowd that had gathered. He drew his two-handed sword and stood impassively, not betraying the fighting...)
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'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
{{Delete|No longer playing.}}
Hexic walked out into the circle, surveying the crowd that had gathered. He drew his two-handed sword and stood impassively, not betraying the fighting style he was using.
On the other side Sorsha withdrew the two scythed daggers at her belt, twirling them expertly over her hands and crossed them before him as if in silent warning.
Now still again, her blue violet eyes looked over the blades at him, starting from his feet, making a slow trajectory to his face and she gave him a secret lopsided grin, only he could see.
And then it started, immediately as if in a flash Hexic came at her, his sword swinging in a powerful and quick strike and she threw herself back knees bent, onto her hands, barely getting out of harms way. But as she did, he struck her across the face with his gauntlet sending her reeling to the side off her hands and to the ground.
It is as if she wants me to defeat her, as if she wants me to dominate over her. Is that what she has been trying to tell me?
She looked up at him from the side, in time to see his sword coming at her again. Hexic was a ruthless, and practiced fighter. There wasn’t much time for recovery on her part, his movements were quick, and she had felt first hand just how powerful.
Staying in her position, she waited for the sword to almost make contact and then pushed herself off the ground leaving him to cut the air with a whistle only she could hear. Before he was able to bring the sword back for another strike, this time she pushed herself off her hands, swung a boot over to hit the side of his head, and in a simultaneous movement struck with her other.
He staggered back slightly dazed and she took the advantage and tightened her fists on the pommels of her daggers, using the steel to put more damage behind her hits.
She put all her strength behind each fist as she struck, one then the other but before she could strike with her elbow, he slammed his fist into her chin, cutting her momentum short and she fell back with a groan.
As he hit her, the edge of his gauntlet cut deeply into her chin, and she reached up to touch it, drawing back bloody fingers.
Hexic then used the flat of his blade in a round-house to knock Sorsha on her back, and put himself in a position to quickly kneel and put his blade over her throat, pinning her.
"That’s going to leave a scar," she told him matter of fact and he replied cockily, "want me to kiss it better?" She grinned at his question and wrapped her legs around his waist squeezing lightly and he grinned confidently moving in. Their lips almost made contact but Sorsha took advantage of the moment. She pushed his sword back at his chest and elbowed him in the chin catching him with her gauntlet, to which they both separate. Hexic loses grip of his sword, and instinctively draws his dagger and seeing an opportunity, strikes Sorsha in the side of the head, rendering unconscious but doing no permanent damage.
With the duel won, the Duke thinks he finally understands. A part of Sorsha has longed for him, but she did not consider herself worthy be be with him. To have lasted so long against a superior fighting style proved them equals in Hexic's eye.
Hexic lifted Sorsha in his arms, and ignoring the crowd, ignoring Rathan and Mathias, carried Sorsha back to her manor, Hexic's Hexs forming an honour guard around the two.
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Hexic brought Sorsha to her chambers, escorted by Lorlan. Setting Sorsha on her bed he turned to Lorlan "If you ever want to gaze upon the exotic dancers in Qubel Lighthouse, you will double the guard outside this room and ensure our privacy, denying even Duke Mathias and Marquis Rathan. Healers and servants are of course exempt from this, as long as they are absolutely necessary."
Snapping to attention at the threat of being denied to even gaze upon the dancers, it was almost as if Lorlan changed his allegiance to the Duke. "As you command sire." Lorlan left the room, and locked the door. Doubling the guard, he personally saw to it than none shall enter unless their duties absolutely required them to.
Pulling up a chair, Hexic held Sorsha's hand. The Duke whispered in Sorsha's ear "You are an enigma no more to me. Should you permit it, I will never leave your side." Not honestly expecting a response, the Duke simply sat there, holding the Marshal's hand.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias slowly walked up to Sorsha's estate still feeling the some of the pain from the past few days. Upon entrance he noticed that there were some of Hexics guards placed around the area. Walking up the stairs to the Ladies room he noticed two of Hexics guards placed outside the door, and they had immediately informed the Duke that he was not allowed to enter by word of Duke Hexic, "Ha! and let me guess the good duke is inside?" To which the guards nodded. Mathias then took a step forward and the guards prepared themselves to forcefully keep him out.
Stopping himself he then said to the guards, "So. Let me get this straight. You are refusing me entry because of what your lord said. Well then here in the duchy of Port Nebel your Lord has no say over me. Now then you will either step to the side and allow me entry...OR...I will have you two drug outside and hung. Now then what will it be?"
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
Lorlan was returning with the double guard, to discover Mathias already attempting to gain entry to the Marshal's chambers. Lorlan nodded to Hexic's men, and they nodded in return. They marched off to return to their encampment outside town.
Replacing Hexic's guards with Sorsha's Lorlan spoke to Duke Mathias. "My liege, Duke Hexic's men were only temporary while I fetched some of Marshal Sorsha's. To prevent any unnecessary... strain to the present situation, I am only permitting one visitor to be with my lady, and that so happens to be Duke Hexic for the time being."
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias straightened his outfit then said to Lorlan, "I will respect this and wait here outside her door. Though I warn you do not keep me waiting. I do this only for her sake and not for your or the Dukes wishes. Understand that." With that Mathias walked down stairs and grabbed a chair then beginning to walk up the stairs he stopped. Thinking to himself, "Better grab two. I expect Rathan is not far behind." Mathias then turned around and grabbing two chairs walked up to her room and set the two chairs outside her door. There he sat and waited to hear of Sorsha's condition.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"No I'm not."
Rathan entered, as if on cue.
"Now where is the bastard, I am obligated to duel him myself."
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias turned to see Rathan enter the estate yelling, "Now where is the bastard, I am obligated to duel him myself." Standing up and facing him Mathias said in a calm tone, "Marquis, he is in the room with lady Sorsha who is still recovering. I would appreciate it if you would keep your voice down while she is still recovering."
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"My apologies. But, no man does that to a woman, especially my vassal, and gets away clean." Rathan said, his voice low, and dripping with hate.
"It goes against every principal I was raised with. Every last one."
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
"Marquis, I know that you are upset that she was injured, but you must understand she knew what she was getting into when she accepted the duel. Now then, it is admirable that you are worried about her condition, but I do believe that you should just sit down here and cool off while we wait to see her." Mathias said patting the seat next to him. "Also, might I ask how your dinner went with Sorsha before the duel?"
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"It went fine, though she does have a knack to snoop in places that she shouldn't."
Rathan sat.
"He punched her! What kind of sporting conduct is that. I ought to just stick him where he stands. Teach him how to treat a lady. Nothing wrong with crossing swords with one, but I'll be damned if you punch one and not hear about it from me. I'll skewer him."
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
"He punched her?!" said Mathias standing up. "I was unable to attend the duel, and so did not know that he did that." Then clinching his fist Mathias forced himself to sit down. Taking deep breathes he calmed himself. "I am sorry Marquis...I still cannot allow you to enter. It is only for her sake that I say this. I don't want to stress her more than she already is. I understand that you do not want to stand out here and want to enact vengeance on Hexic for his barbarity, but if you cannot bring yourself to sit out here of you own free will. Then consider it an order for your own sake."
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias had grown tired of waiting. Looking at Lorlan he could tell that he knew Mathias was getting impatient. "Well...I told you not to keep me waiting too long. I do believe the good Duke has had more that his share of time with Lady Sorsha, and not to mention that the Marquis here wishes to see her as well." he said pointing to Rathan sitting behind him. "Now then please stand aside."
With that Lorlan stood to the side and walked into Sorsha’s room, sitting beside her was Hexic who was holding her hand. Looking somewhat remorseful for what he had done. Walking up behind him he rests his hand on his shoulder and calmly said, "I think you should let others have some time alone with her as well. However I will not force you to leave...though if you do set up shop right there for much longer I might have to ask you to start paying taxes." Mathias then let out a small forced laugh as he slapped Hexic on the back. "Though as it has been requested only one at a time." Mathias then sat next to Sorsha and waited for Hexic to leave. Before he looked to her and waited hoping she would awake soon.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha opened her eyes with a slow flutter and groaned. She turned her head and immediately regretted doing so. Her vision focused and for a moment she saw Hexic and beside him Mathias, both looking at her anxiously.
Upon seeing them she smiled warmly, and then she felt pressure in her hand and realized Hexic was holding it. She looked to his face and noticed a cut to his chin. “Now that’s going to leave a scar,” she whispered and laughed softly, eyes dancing with amusement.
“Good duel, and nice finish,” she complimented the Marshal and reached for her head, touching the tenderness lightly.
Beside him Mathias still sat expectantly and her gaze focused on him and she held out her hand to him. “Mathias…you came back.”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias looked into Sorsha's eyes as she asked why he had returned "Mo Searc," he said in her native tongue almost as if he had been speaking it for years. "I almost left and had in fact began my journey back to the city when I decided that I could not leave your side. I made a promise never to leave you...I intend to keep it." Mathias then leaned in and gave her a kiss on her forehead. Then brushing her hair out of the way he continued to look into her eyes.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
When Mathias spoke the words My love , Sorsha blinked and then a small smile reached her lips and eyes. And then he explained why he remained and she closed her eyes as he kissed her forehead.
“How?” she began to ask and then sat up almost excitedly but the pain in her head stopped her. “I will have to be careful of that,” she grinned and then slumped back into her cushion. “Am I dreaming?” she asked confused and then looked to Mathias and he shook his head.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
"Mo Searc, you're not dreaming, and please don't strain yourself. If you need anything please let me know and I shall have it fetched for you." Mathias then leaned in again and whispered into her ear, "Tá mo chroí istigh ionat Sorsha." Mathias then pulled away and gave her a smile, "I have been practicing your native language. I do hope I am not too far off in my speech."
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
“Now that’s going to leave a scar,” she whispered and laughed softly, "Yes, yes it will." Hexic replied in a similar whisper, chuckling as he did so.
Hexic remained silent throughout the exchange. Not liking the tone of Mathias' voice, jealousy started up inside him. Hexic thought it would be best to leave the room. Soon the Marquis would be in here as well, and it would be too crowded for the Duke.
Clearing his throat rather loudly, Hexic made an excuse to leave "I have held off my business in Port Nebel longer than I originally anticipated, I must be off." Hexic clapped his hands to his knees, and rose from the chair. "Marshal. Duke" Hexic bowed to each in turn, and made his exit, only to be stopped by the Marquis who hand placed a hand on his chest to stop him.
The Marquis went off on the Duke about hitting a lady, and that his conduct in combat was barbaric. "CLEARLY," The Duke said loudly, perhaps a little too loudly, in an attempt to cut off the Marquis, "you do not consider Sorsha an equal. You consider her a trophy, one that must not be scratched, not be dented, or tarnished. If you wish to pursue this, you will have to bring an army upon Qubel Lighthouse!" Hexic stormed down the hall, indicating to Lorlan that he would like a word as he passed by him.
"You let them in." Hexic said in a stern voice, still walking down the corridor, leaving Rathan to choose between Sorsha and Hexic. "Mathias is my Duke sire, I could only delay him, not deny him." "Your loyalty is strong, an admirable quality. When your lady permits, you may visit Qubel Lighthouse, and I will have my dancers put on a show for you. Now tend to your mistress." Lorlan stopped, wanting to thank the Duke, but the Duke did not slow as he continued to make his way out of the estate.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"What's wrong, too scared to fight a man? Run along then, tail between your legs, like a scared puppy. You are pathetic. I don't need an army to get you, I can get you anytime, anywhere." Rathan hollered after Hexic before walking into the room with Sorsha and Mathias, the guards uneasily stepping aside for the Marquis to pass.
"My lady Sorsha, are you alright?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
As Hexic rose to leave, Sorsha gave him a small smile. There were no hard feelings between them. They had both been weighed and measured, and they had both fought admirably – No matter if in the end he had injured her, Sorsha wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. They had both walked away with something to remember.
Now, she hoped the other Marshal would come to have the same respect for her as she did for him. “Farewell Marshal,” she called after him.
As he walked away she then turned to face Mathias once more. “Where did you learn to speak like that?” She had forgotten how beautiful her language was when spoken by someone else but her. Besides Lorlan, it seemed like forever since she last heard it. “And no… it’s perfect,” she said and a light pink color rose to her cheeks at the words he had just whispered to her.
But then she was distracted by the seeming loud voices coming from the hallway between Rathan and Hexic. At their words her delicate brow furrowed, wondering what on earth had brought that on. She then frowned at Mathias and then looked to see Rathan walking in.
“I am fine,” she said softly. “Marquis Rathan, did I just overhear you threaten the Marshal?” her voice grew cold, no matter her injury she still had the presence of mind to put two and two together.  “Why?” she asked him slowly.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan shrugged nonchalantly.
"A little. If he didn't completely ignore my challenge to a duel, like a coward. First he conducts himself in an ungentlemanly manner, throwing a fist against a woman in a duel is unacceptable. Furthermore, he injured you. I'm required to challenge him. But enough of that. I'm concerned about you, not the whims of a man who waltzes into another man's region and completely disrespects him."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“I am fine now, thank you,” she told him, and looked to Mathias. “Can we please have a moment alone?”
To which Mathias nodded once and left.
Once alone with Rathan, she patted the bed beside her so he would sit. “I would not have wanted it any differently; if I am to put myself in a position to duel the Marshal then I would not want him to hold back, because I certainly did not.”
Then she gave a small grin, “for instance if I were to challenge you to a duel Rathan would you hold back?” She looked up into his dark eyes, “would you lead me to believe lies and let me win out of default simply because I am a woman?”
She then gave a small grin, “I am faced with battles every day, as you well know. I have seen and faced worse on the battlefield, it is who I am. I did not get here, because people have been easy on me.”
She then seemed to drop the subject entirely and grew silent. Waiting for him to talk to her.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
A long silence stretched on between Sorsha and Rathan. Maybe he didn’t know what to say to her? So she finally spoke. “Have you completed the sleep potion?” she asked softly and her hands gripped the blanket before her. “I know I have much to think about, but that is one thing I was not able to forget… the fear of sleep.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"Indeed, I have."
Rathan rummaged in the pouch hanging from his belt, and produced several vials.
"And, no I would not hold back. But neither would I punch you in the face. Such a thing is brutish, and well... Unbecoming of a noble when a man employs it against a woman. But forget it, if he is going to run, he's going to run. I've got the process of making this stuff being run nearly automatically now, I just have to collect it from its tank, and make sure the ingredients are added. It took some time, and considerable investment, but I believe it was well worth it. I'll show you the machine sometime, it is a rather wondrous work of mine."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha took one of the vials and looked at it slowly. “Thank you,” she smiled. “I will take one tonight.”
And then she looked back up at him. “Perhaps we can try another dinner? Without interruption this time, I know I should not have gone near your office, but like I said I could not help myself. You’re not terribly vexed with me are you?”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"No, not at all. I just didn't want my office going up in flames. When you've had a good night's rest, and have recovered, drop by, and we'll have dinner. Until then, I don't want you exerting yourself. Heal up, you've been through a lot recently, you deserve some rest. I'll leave the rest of these with you, should you need them."
Rathan set the vials on a nearby nightstand.
"Don't take more than one at once though. You might not wake up."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
“I might not wake up…” she repeated absently and then looked back to the several vials he had put on her nightstand. Now she didn’t really know if she should be grateful or fearful for these. But already within her she felt a strong desire to ignore that dangerous fact, only because she wanted to sleep so badly.
Seeing as her nightstand wasn’t the safest place for them, she got out of bed, took the vials and hid them in a large chest at the foot of her bed. “Then if you don’t have anything else you wish of me, or to speak about with me…” she let trail off as she returned to the bed and held open one of the vials before her. “Then I shall take one now,” she said as she pulled off the stopper.
She didn’t drink immediately, she waited a few moments to see if he had anything else to add first, she remembered all too well what had happened the last time. A part of her was actually hesitating. 
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Seeing as Rathan didn’t have anything else to say, she then touched his hand, “thank you for this. Now I wish to be alone,” she told him.
She waited until he left the room, then she drank the contents of the vial. She sunk deeper into her cushions and examined the vial in her hands for a few minutes, turning it in her hands, watching the last drop of it swirl around, and then she fell asleep.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan nodded, and left the room, walking past Mathias, ignoring him. He drew a pair of curved short swords from sheaths on his back, concealed by his cloak, and walked out of Sorsha's estate. He was relentless, and wouldn't stand for such insult.

Latest revision as of 14:13, 17 December 2012

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