McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Rathan: Difference between revisions

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(New page: ---- '''Letter from Rathan Himoura''' Lady McDowell, The Royal Fiduciary and Marquis of Nebel, Rathan Himoura cordially extends his invitation for you to join him tomorrow afternoon...)
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'''Letter from Rathan Himoura'''
Lady McDowell,
The Royal Fiduciary and Marquis of Nebel, Rathan Himoura cordially extends his invitation for you to join him tomorrow afternoon for a quiet luncheon at his manor in Nebel.
Sir Rathan Himoura
Royal Fiduciary of D'Hara, Marquis of Nebel
'''Letter from Sorsha McDowell'''
Marquis Rathan,
I gladly accept your invitation. and look forward to it.
Until we meet,
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
It had only been a day since Sorsha had left the Ducal Palace in silent tears but the pain was still incredibly fresh.
Upon her arrival to her estate she had received a letter. At first she had looked at it with a frown but after what had occurred she quickly took up the invitation for a chance to do something other than to sit there and wallow in self-pity. She had no idea what to expect but she wanted to forget what had happened. The sooner the better.
Now she stood before the large door and the man standing guard and let out a wavering sigh.  The small light blue straps of her gown sat off her shoulders allowing the warm wind to kiss her skin, but she shivered at the contact, everything just felt surreal for her right now. Her tumultuous thoughts had made her forget a shawl to cover her tanned skin, rolling her eyes she mentally reprimanded herself the oversight. She couldn’t very well return now.
Her eyes were probably still red from the incessant crying she had allowed herself in the dead of night only barely managing to find sleep. She tried to pat her cheeks to allow a bit of color to her face, to at least appear as if she was still alive and the man before her frowned slightly.
“Please inform Marquis Rathan that Sorsha McDowell has arrived as per his invitation,” she gave a weak smile.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''
Sorsha was led to Rathan's study, and he stood to greet her, his robes flowing around him, an eloquent sword hung at his side.
"Welcome m'lady. Please, have a seat. I just had a fresh pot of tea put on, would you care for some? Or perhaps something stronger? Given what you've been through the last day, I'm sure you could use it."
Rathan walked over to her, and put his hand lightly on her back, pointing towards a nearby armchair.
"I'm so sorry to hear."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Sorsha was incredibly confused by his action and continued to smile even though it was killing her to do so. Rathan was being so nice.
Had news of what happened between her and Mathias actually spread? “How…? She began to ask as she took a seat and nodded her thanks at his offer.
“I will take some tea,” she said weakly. Maybe the picture was drawn too clearly on her face. She looked incredibly dull she knew, not even her dress managed to uplift her appearance. Had he been able to read the sad tale on her face and demeanor alone?
“Thank you for the invitation Milord. It is good to have returned to Nebel. I have missed it so,” she said fondly.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''
"You really think much goes on in D'hara without me knowing? M'lady I was good friends with Duke Conrac, and as a result have many friends in Port Nebel. Word reached my ears rather quickly. I felt obliged to offer what comfort I could."
Rathan took a seat next to her and motioned for his servant to fetch the tea.
"I thought being back here would do you some good. It is a beautiful region."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
At the mention of Conrac’s name, Sorsha stomach tightened into knots. She had not heard from him in so long. Her lips trembled and she bit her cheek to keep fresh tears from coming forth. She would not cry. How would she appear before him if she turned into a bubbling weeping fool? First Conrac and now Mathias. Was she truly such a horrible person that she did not deserve…. She brushed the thoughts off. Now was not the time to fall into traps of self-pity.
Her blue violet eyes looked up. She could not do much about their glossy appearance but to wipe them but she refused to do that simple action to show him how weak she truly was at the moment. “Yes Nebel is beautiful,” she managed a whisper. “It is the only place in D’Hara that reminds me of home.”
His servant appeared with the tea and poured her a cup. She took it gracefully with small thanks and lowered it before her in her lap. She took a small sip this time avoiding his gaze. “Thank you, maybe this is what I need,” she told him quietly. 
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''
Rathan places a gentle hand on her knee, seeing the pain in her expressions, and gives her a sympathetic look.
"Its okay to let it out. You'll feel better afterwards. I am here for you should you need a listening ear, or a shoulder to cry on. Mathias allows his ego to guide his every action, thinks he's the center of the universe."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Sorsha gave a small sniff and looked down, absently noticing his hand on her knee. A tear rolled down her cheek and she blinked to allow more. Was she so far gone she was reduced to confiding in someone she hardly knew? A lump formed in her throat and she swallowed painfully. “Thank you,” she took another sip of her tea, noticing he had yet to drink his. 
“Mathias is…” she shook her head at her own words. She loved him, yet the disappointed was such that the use of slander became easily tempting but she refused to follow that course. “He is his own person, extremely wary of everyone with good reason,” she eventually managed, “but it’s obvious now there is no room for me in his universe.”
Wiping her cheek, she blushed furiously, again averting her gaze. “I am so sorry, had I known I would be this weak…” Why was he being so nice to her? The sympathy in his eyes and action was overwhelming and she caved. All she had asked of Mathias was a bit of tenderness and here it was, given freely. She wasn’t able to say anything else and a sob escaped her lips and she finally cried. 
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''
"Don't be sorry. You're not weak. From all I've heard you are a very strong woman. Everyone needs to release now and then. It’s in our nature."
Rathan gently gave her knee a gently, but affectionate squeeze and moved his hand away from her, and produced a handkercheif and offered it to her.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
Duke Mathais had been sitting at his desk for the past couple of hours dealing with the situation at hand between him and the Marquis Rathan. It had been decided between the two to let bygones be bygones but only after a duel between the two.
He then wrote two letters and called upon his servant Duad to carry them out.
"Duad take this letter to Count Bowie requesting the use of his dueling circle, and this one to the lady Sorsha. The one to the lady is most important. find her and make sure it is delivered."
'''Letter from Mathias Ridder'''
Lady Sorsha,
I must apologize for my actions yesterday I was not myself. What I said has pained me dearly since saying it, but I am sure it has pained you even more to hear it. I wish to make for my actions with any means possible. You ask it and I shall do it. I still want you my lady. I would ask that you join me in Qubel for the duel that is to take place this Friday.
I am truly sorry,
Sir Mathias Ridder
Duke of Port Nebel
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Sorsha took the handkerchief timidly and sniffed a bit as she dabbed her eyes with embarrassment. “And who has said that I am a strong person?” she asked curiously her voice still filled with emotion. If anything all she seemed to be doing lately was to appear needy and pitiful. She was NOT dependant! 
“You say you were good friends with Conrac. I miss him terribly,” she admitted softly. If he had been close to Conrac then she could afford to feel some security being near him in some incredibly odd sense.  Then again in the back of her mind, she had a wary sensation. Was her state of vulnerability making her blind to everything around her but the pain she felt?
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''
"I did. The way you handled the fiasco with Bowie and Mathias, it shows you are of strong character, that’s but one example. Yes, I know all about that incident. Who doesn't?"
Rathan sipped his tea, and set the cup back down.
"I miss Conrac as well. He was a good friend."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
At the reminder of the near second duel between Bowie and Mathias she gave a lopsided grin. “I did handle that well,” she agreed with amusement. Then quietly wondered how much else had been said. Hopefully nothing would ever be made public at how much she had failed to handle the whiskey. That thought made her blush again and she bit her lip. 
Her tears seemed to have dried up somewhat and she tucked the handkerchief in the palm of her hand. “Did Conrac… ever speak of me?” she wondered out loud and fixed her gaze on his.  She actually didn’t even think he would have. What would there be to say anyway.  She turned away, already anticipating his answer.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
"No. He didn't need to though. You could tell when he had just talked with you. He practically floated the rest of the day."
Rathan took the damp handkerchief back and handed it to his servant and gestured for her to leave. She took it and hurriedly left, leaving Rathan and Sorsha alone.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
His words made her smile and she looked down. “I still have the doll he gave me,” she said softly. “It was made in my image... As a matter of fact, it is hidden in the walls of this mansion,” she stated, having lived there before him.  “I wanted to keep it safe, in case I wasn’t able to come back for it,” she informed him awkwardly.
Trying to change the subject, she rose from the chair and walked to the large window, looking out over the horizon. She took a moment to drink in the scenery. “I don’t mean to sound completely ungrateful milord,” she began, “but surely you did not simply ask me here to offer a damsel a shoulder to cry on and a handkerchief to dry her pitiful tears. I would hate for this moment to be only about me… It would be a tedious task and I would hate to become the burden. I realize I know next to nothing about you…” She turned to face him as he watched her.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''':
Rathan smiled at Sorsha,
"I consider myself a gentleman, and when I heard what had happened, I felt obliged to offer what comfort I could. It is no trouble at all, really. If you wish to retrieve the doll, be my guest."
Rathan stroked his chin briefly
"Myself? What is there to know really? I started out on the Far East some time ago, and left in search of new lands to explore, where no man had been before. Explored a good deal of the west side of the continent before settling down here. Assassinated the Dragon Queen during the rebellion, when you disappeared Conrac put me in charge here, and eventually when the post opened up my talents were recognized and I was made Fiduciary. I fancy myself a scholar, if you'll note the massive amount of books, scrolls and the like hanging around. A collector too. For example, I just acquired this sword, the Ebony Longsword of Flame."
Rathan stood and drew the blade out a bit, revealing a blade made of the finest ebony, and wreathed in flame.
"I can't figure out why it burns, but it does..."
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides:'''
The Dark Count dispatched a messenger to his agents in Qubel which read thus:
Prepare the duelling ring. Its space is required.
The news of this match made him very pleased. He was excited for the coming conflict.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Sorsha smiled at the information. Of course a scholar it was no wonder he and Conrac were close friends. “I will retrieve the doll when the time is right. I wish to leave it here, it only makes me nostalgic,” she admitted sadly. “I never did step down from being Lady of Nebel actually. I had contacted Conrac to inform him I was still within the realm, but it was too late, he had already contacted you.” She told him, knowing exactly what had taken place. “Perhaps if I had been quicker, I would most likely still be living here.”
She was about to ask something else but Rathan’s servant walked in leading a scribe behind him. “The lady McDowell,” he informed the boy and the boy walked in timidly and handed her a letter. She stopped looking at Rathan and examined the seal. When she noticed who it was from, her eyes became moist and she squeezed her fist around it. Now he decides to write to her. She idly wondered what he had to say before she bothered to look.
“Please excuse me milord,” she apologized and left the room to have a bit of privacy and opened it. When she finished reading Mathias’ letter, her hand covered her mouth stifling a small whimper and she leaned against the wall, her legs weak. His words were so that she wanted to run back, talk to him to tell him she still loved him, but she was still too incredibly hurt by what had happened. She took a moment to pull herself together, wiped her cheeks and returned to the room.
When Rathan looked at her, she swallowed painfully. “Mathias wishes my presence for a duel at the Lighthouse,” she said her voice barely above a whisper and her lips trembled. Her heart was pounding so hard. “I don’t know what to do,” she admitted and took the chair beside him, and buried her face in her hands.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''
Rathan wrapped a gentle arm around Sorsha and spoke softly.
"Do what you feel is right. First, ask yourself if he is really who you want, and if he is giving you want you want. If he isn't, don't see him again."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
At the moment Sorsha did not know what she wanted. The only thing her mind could register was confusion.
In her sadness, she took the only comfort that was available and held on to Rathan’s neck, holding him tightly, crying on his shoulder. “I don’t even know what to say to him anymore,” she sobbed, her voice muffled.
“I don’t want to tell him how to love me,” she inhaled softly. “I want it to come from him. I want it to be genuine, not to become a set of orders. How do you ask a man to show tenderness? That you enjoy being touched on the cheek when he looks at you. To hold your hands and whisper kind words in your ear. You know?” she backed up and looked at him. Her eyes were tremendously sad. “To know that I am the delicate object of his affection and that I am everything... Am I being incredibly impossible? Are these not the things one does when they are in love?” She passed her lower lip through her teeth. “Another duel, I barely stomached the last one. I don’t even know who it’s against.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''
"You cannot tell a man how to do those things. If he doesn't do them now, he won't ever. If he can't give you what you need... Move on."
Rathan reached up and gently wiped a tear from her face.
"The duel is with me... Well my champion rather. I'm far too busy to spend time playing with swords. If I draw mine, its going to be to kill someone, quickly, not dealing with this until surrender nonsense."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Sorsha heard his words loud and clear, she was just not sure she even believed him. “Perhaps not, I’m afraid to move on…” she admitted reluctantly.
She felt his hand on her cheek and was frozen in place with shock at the following information. Somewhere in her dazed state she managed to find her voice at last and then everything came together quickly in her mind. “You knew?” she questioned, a duel for surrender made it somewhat bearable but she hated it nonetheless. “And if not you, then who is this Champion that is fighting in your stead? Do you realize how this affects me?”
Is this why she was here? She felt so betrayed. Was everyone set out to intentionally hurt, or use her for an ulterior motive?
His answer had better be a good one, she watched weighing his next movements. How incredibly gullible she was. She had craved for some kind of attention and it had been somewhat given and now she felt incredibly foolish.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''
"Yes I knew. I don't know how it affects you, but m'lady rest assured, Sir Alden Clarke will do no lasting harm to the Duke. I don't care for it much either, but it is a lot more civil than other alternatives."
Rathan reached over to dry a tear on her other cheek.
"You should never be afraid to move on. It will save you from more hurt."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
She had no idea who Sir Alden was and hoped Rathan was right in his assumption.
“It affects me in that if harm comes to him, then harm comes to me.” She may be unsure of what was to happen between her and Mathias from this moment forth, but she didn’t want him hurt either, the she would worry herself sick. “I will attend, to make sure he is well.”
She knew moving on was something she may have to do. She had to remind herself before she came here she had been alone and she still woke up every morning able to breathe and with a beating heart in her chest. It wasn’t the end of the world, but it hurt so much.
“I have terrible luck,” she sighed as looked down, playing with her hands. Her ring finger still only adorned with a white sunless line. “I don’t think I am meant to ever find what I am looking for,” she said sadly. 
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''
Rathan reaches down and takes her hand in his.
"Maybe you just haven't been looking in the right place."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''':
Sorsha looked down to their hands for a long moment. A part of her telling her to remove hers run the other way and never look back, but the other part craved the warm tenderness.
She silently looked back up into his eyes. The tears had made the violet overpower the blue. Every thought in her head evaporated and she parted her lips to say something, but had no words. Was he right? The answer became incredibly elusive and her eyes tightened.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''':
Rathan squeezed her hand lightly, and looked into her eyes, his black eyes warm and welcoming. He could not think of words to say, to express himself, but his face was full of affection for her, and the seconds seemed to him as hours.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Drawn in by his dark eyes, she felt her heart beat at an incredible speed in her chest. A long silence stretched between them and with an inconceivable amount of sheer will she managed to pull her gaze away.
“I’m sorry…” she whispered softly. “I… should…” she stopped talking. This was completely unexpected and too soon. While he watched her, she bit her lip trying to ward off the tumultuous thoughts in her head.
Was she getting this all wrong? No matter what she did, or how far she looked, maybe it was she who ruined everything. Was she the problem? Did she fall too quickly and expect matters to magically fall into perfect synchronization? Could such a thing even exist?
Without realizing it, her hand tightened around his.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''
"Shhh." Rathan shushed her gently, and leaned in slowly, seconds lengthening from hours to an eternity each, and then he kissed her lightly, and pulled back slightly, awaiting her reaction.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
The light kiss was enthralling and she closed her eyes at the softness of his mouth on hers. Her already racing heartbeat drummed harder and as he pulled away she opened her eyes. She raised her fingertips to his lips and then hers, as if trying to prove to herself the kiss had truly taken place.
Then as the silence around them became deafening, the first emotion she felt was guilt and then doubt. This was dangerously too soon, and too good to be true. Despite the pain she felt, somehow she managed to still think of Mathias. Gods she was so confused, she had no idea if she was coming or going.
Her thoughts skidded to a halt and she backed up. “I can’t do this…” she breathed and withdrew her hand from his. What was she doing? She hardly even knew him, how could she become captivated so easily. She was given easy comfort and took it. She wanted to kick herself for allowing it to even happen. Was she going to repeat the same mistakes all over again? No… her heart wouldn’t be able to take it.
“It’s too soon,” she said as her eyes looked everywhere else but his warm eyes. “Please understand,” her voice broke at her own denial.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura:'''
Rathan nodded, and spoke gently
"I understand. I'm sorry."
He looked around, looking for something to break the awkward silence, when a messenger entered, apologizing for the interruption, bearing a letter with the royal seal.
"If you'll excuse me."
And Rathan stood up, seizing the letter and returning to his desk.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Sorsha watched as he withdrew uncomfortably. She wanted to tell him to stay close but that was need on her part. Shaking the thought away, she then watched as he began to read the letter. The messenger watched them quietly, and out of nowhere another servant appeared seeing as they had already been disturbed and spoke softly for his lord alone.
Sorsha suddenly felt out of place. Her stay had already been too long and far too much had taken place already. She took the moment ensuring that his attention was drawn elsewhere and slipped quietly out of the room.
Once in the hallway, she ran, lifting her gown as she did. Was she trying to run from the guilt she felt crawling her insides? Why did she feel like she was betraying Mathias? It was he, who had told her to take the door. Gods she hated what he had done to her and loved him still.
She hoped Rathan would not notice her absence too quickly and forgive her sudden cowardice, but she needed time to sort out the confusion in her heart.

Latest revision as of 14:06, 17 December 2012

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