McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Qubel Adventure: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''

Sorsha rode her horse slowly, keeping her head up high, looking ahead. She noticed someone familiar and gave a small smile. “Keep them steady,” she ordered Jorg. Tightening her hands around the reins, she dug her heel into her horse’s flank and he took to a gallop. It wasn’t long before she joined the person in question. He hadn’t even noticed her, too busy looking ahead. She slowed her horse to a walk, and rode beside him. She wondered what had him so preoccupied. 
“Good day Sir Mathias,” she greeted softly.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
Without even looking back, Mathias knew whose voice was calling out to him.
"My Lady, why do you grace me with you presence this fine day." he says turning to greet her.
Then riding up next to her he asks, "My Lady are you going to the Lighthouse, because if so I would like you take a detour with me."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
“I simply wanted to speak with you, and to see how you were,” she informed with a warm smile. “And yes, I am on my way to the Lighthouse. Other than assisting with the take over, I have some pressing matters to attend. I’m curious, where would this detour take us?” she inquired, looking back to make sure her men were still following at a distance. If they saw her mysteriously leave, they would suddenly wonder what was happening. “And why?”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
"My Lady, have you ever heard of Qubel's Folly? It is supposedly a place of pure evil. I wish to go inside, and explore the area, see what really is in there."
Then looking back to see if the Sorsha would be intrigued by the idea he found a different look.
"My Lady do you not wish to go on a grand adventure while we waste the rest of the night a way? he then waited for her answer.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
At the word evil she frowned. The first thing that came to mind was Alexander and she hesitated. She took careful examination of him. He seemed relaxed, happy even if he had been in silent contemplation but a moment ago. In his face there was the air of adventure she admired and envied. Only he wanted to bring her with him. No this was not Alexander, this was her Mathias.
This made her flinch and she looked down. She didn’t even know where that came from.
He was waiting for her answer and she looked up again, trying not to appear obvious. She truly did not know the first thing of adventure and was in fact curious. Why not?
“And I wonder what should we find there?” she answered with a mischievous grin, giving him his answer.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
What will we find in there? I don't know. You see as I was passing through the region I began to hear rumors about the Folly, the folly being the natural wall barrier in the southern portion of this region. Some say that is where the Daimons come to bread, other say it's a necromancers hideout where they sit and build up armies of undead. But as to what's in there no idea, and that is why I shall go. Would you join me?"
Turning back to look at the large rocky outcrop he said, "let us move then?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
Looking back, she gave a sharp whistle to Jorg who looked up. Raising her hand, she gave him a signal and turned to her companion. She took her horse to a canter and followed after Mathias. A part of her was a bit nervous to what they would find, the other felt exhilaration at doing something out of the ordinary. At least for her.
“Let’s hope we don’t come back empty handed,” she joked, but she just wanted to go for the exploration. Just to come back and say, she actually did it.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
After a short ride the group appear at the entrance to Qubel's Folly. The stone walls close to 5 no 6 feet high. The stone itself was covered over with what must have been a centuries worth of brush, and vines. Though having come closer to the wall he did realize that it was man made, and no natural occurrence.
Passing through what must have been the entrance he began to see ancient ruins of some sort, building both burnt and destroyed, rusted weapons and armor lied all over the place. It was then in the center of these ruins that he spotted a small Motte and Baily that was constructed, maybe 200 plus years ago, he would guess.
Leading the group closer you come up to the gate of the makeshift castle, and notice a sign that had been posted in blood. Welcome to the land of the dead, abandon all hope ye who enter here. He then would spot a flier that had been posted to the wall of one of the ruins, it read. "People of Qubel! You have lost your Lord Qubel has been defeat and joined us in the lands of the dead. Your new Dark Lord Qubel has taken his place, and demands your total obedience. Tomorrow there is to be a gathering of all his subject in which you are to be converted into his proper subjects, those failing to show shall be eaten."
Looking back at Sorsha, "My Lady, I wish to venture further into this place and see what has become of it. I wish that you would follow, but fear for your safety at the same time. Either way no more than two can risk this journey,if you came we would have to leave our men in the company of our captains. Will you join me?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
She looked back to her men pondering Mathias’ words, back to the blood and swallowed. She could fight if need be, but the unknown, especially of this caliber made her somewhat nervous. Looking up to Mathias she tried to look in his eyes and he momentarily looked back at her and she looked back to the cave. At least she wouldn’t be alone and she realized, he as well made her feel safe. Jorg approached to see what was happening and she turned to her Captain. “Keep the men posted around the area, Sir Mathias and I will have a look.” She looked shyly to Mathias and gave him her hand. “Lead the way... just be good,” she grinned weakly and her cheeks reddened at her words. 
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
Having her hand in his he knew that he would not allow any foul being to lay a hand on Sorsha. He would sooner die that let this evil consume her. He would sooner kill himself than allow the foul demon Alexander to take hold and harm the lady.
The two began their slow advance past the inner gates to the castle. Reaching the door they began to notice dead bodies, weapons, siege engines, etc, all scattered across the place. Thinking to himself, it looks like a huge battle took place here, and the symbol on this bodies uniform looks like one I've seen in Port Nebel before. This battle is far older than Shadovar. This must be from before colonial times."
Having the thought pass to the back of his mind; they slowly open the door. This to their unfortunate only caused a small landslide of dead corpses to pile on top. Again about half the corpses carried a symbol that he had scene in Port Nebel. What was going on?
"My Lady are you okay are you good to continue? You seem to be frightened to death. I can see you shivering, please if your cold take my surcoat. It will not provide much warmth but at least some."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
She only noticed then, in fact she <i>was</i> shivering. It was the sense of doom this place projected, she didn’t know how but she could feel it in her bones, tingling. Something evil had come here. She nodded vehemently and Mathias offered her his coat.
Then he started to move ahead and she followed, keeping alert. Her eyes darted to and fro, examining everything around her. “So many soldiers died here,” she said mournfully not wanting to disturb the stillness of the area.
“Who would leave their dead comrades behind like this?” she voiced softly. He walked over something and she tried to hurry, refusing to let go of his hand, and gripped it tighter. She accidentally stepped on something and heard a horrible crunch and clatter, making her blanch. Looking down, she noticed a boned hand beneath her foot and a sudden chill consumed her and she froze.
Something sparkled and she pulled Mathias back to her. “Look at this,” she breathed, forgetting her sudden fright and retrieved a gold ring with an inlaid ruby. It was large and obviously meant for a man’s finger. Gazing curiously at it, she noticed his keen interest and offered it to him. “What do you make of this?”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
Mathias taking the ring from Sorsha began to look it over. “I know I have seen this symbol somewhere within Nebel. I just don’t know where,” he said to himself.
With that Mathias stood there and pondered for minutes on where he ahd seen the symbol, then it hit him. “Ah HA! I remember. I was in a small pub just outside the city limits of Port Nebel. I remember because I got thirsty one night, and this was before I funded the speak easies throughout Port Nebel, but that is not what is important. However this is, you see the owner hung a shield there on which contained the symbol, this all seeing eye. I never asked them what it meant, but just assumed it to be a family heirloom.”
Taking the ring and stuffing it into one of his many pouches he decided to move on deeper into the darkness. He grabbed Sorsha’s hand tightly, and began to lead the way.
They would wander the pile of bodies for a few minutes before a staircase came into view through the darkness, approaching it Mathias noticed it to be blood stained. Now holding Sorsha even tighter he said, “My Lady I feel that what answers we seek shall be found up these stairs, but we must be careful, and on constant alert. These stairs are centuries old and we never know when one might give way. I will do all I can to protect you, but it would do neither us any good if we were to be injured from falling and breaking our legs.”
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
He pocketed the ring and she frowned at his words. She had never seen the symbol before, but then again frequenting pubs wasn’t something she did to get her mind off things. <i>Speak easies? </i> she mouthed the words with a bit of confusion.  Again full of surprises he was.
She looked up to the treacherous path up and gulped back. Nodding, she noticed his grip tighten and unconsciously returned the action. Taking the first step, he led the way again and she followed closely behind. One hand had mysteriously made its way to his back and gripped his clothes tightly. They walked for a few minutes, he would sometimes stop to put pressure on the next step and move ahead when he was sure it would support his weight. She was much lighter than he was, therefore once he had passed through it seemed safe for her.
The air grew musty and foul the higher up they climbed. The blood was deeply imbedded into the stone and she stopped to look closely. The darkness wasn’t clearing up and she silently wished they had brought a torch to light the way.
Thankfully she could feel Mathias’ body heat and was thankful he was still very close to her. She noticed a crevice into the side wall, again with a remnant of the city past. There was something in it. Narrowing her eyes she tried to discern what it was but couldn’t make anything out. Instead she approached it, putting distance between them, readying her hand out.
When she did, she stepped forward where Mathias had not tested the stone and heard a groan as the floor protested. There came a crumbling noise and the step beneath her gave way. It happened so quickly and she tried to grip his clothes but they slipped through her fingers. The momentum made her lose her senses and she panicked, letting go of his hand. The air whooshed past her and she desperately put her hands out, only managing to grip the edge of the hole she had fallen clean through. Her heart was beating madly in her chest and she whimpered as she realized what had happened. Slowly she started losing her grip.   
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
It all happened so fast, first the crumbling sounds and then the scream. Mathias then realized that he no longer held Sorsha's hand, and the screaming hers. "Sir Mathias please help me!" she screamed.
Reaching out his right hand while holding onto the rail with his left he called out to her, “Lady Sorsha grab on to my hand!" However the fear was too strong within her. Her lips quivered, her eyes whelped up calling out to him it seemed. Mathias knew he was the only one who could save her. "SORSHA YOU MUST GIVE ME YOUR HAND, IT’S THE ONLY WAY!" screamed Mathias. Still refusing however she replied, “Sir Mathias, I...I..I'm scared. I can't let go. Iiff I do I shall fall," she said tears beginning to appear in her eyes.
Mathias continued to think of how to get her out. Letting go of the rail he put both his arms down into the hole, which he noticed to be seemingly bottomless, and reached out for Dame Sorsha, Sorsha who he now knew he would gladly give his life for hers. He was in love.
Looking deep into her eyes he said, “Sorsha you must trust me, give me your hands. I shall pull you to safety. Please give me your hand!"
The two then began to reach closer and closer together, "Mathias she said pleadingly, please don't let me go." To which he replied, "I shall never let go of you again."
However as the two got closer the ledge Sorsha was hanging on to began to crumble faster and faster. Right as she was about to grab onto Mathias hand the ledge gave way, and she began to fall into oblivion. Screaming "NOOOOOOOOO” Mathias quickly dived in after her, catching her by the torso he found that he lady had already passed out either from the fall or the tremendous strain that had been forced on her body. Holding on tight Mathias attempted to maneuver the body on top of his so that he would take the full force of the fall. Then whispering into her ears he said, "Sorsha, though you may never hear this. These maybe my last words to you. I'm sorry I drug you into this mess, but I lov........" *SPLASH!* And with that Mathias' body took on the full force of the drop into the underground lake.
Hours would pass of Mathias slipping in and out of consciousness. He noticed that the Dames body floated next to his face, him still holding on to her arm. Too injured to move, he just lay there floating, passing in and out of consciousness. Eventually the small current there would wash them on shore in what must have been an ancient underground dock, built by the owners of the castle. Somehow managing to find the energy he stands up to check on Sorsha, she is slightly injured but still breathing. The knowledge of this would make Mathias’ life. "Good she is okay”, he would say to himself. Seconds later he could hear the Dame's voice.
Still disoriented, and shivering from the wet cold she whimpered his name, "Mathias" before passing back to sleep. Deciding rest to be a good idea he quickly moved to one of the old wooden boats still at dock, and taking his sword he began to hack away to gather fire wood. Having gathered what could have been enough firewood for a week, he took the flint and steel from one of his pouches, and lit it. Then taking most of his clothes off, and some of the ladies out most garments, while still protecting her honor. He laid them next to the fire so that they may dry. Then picking up the Lady and bringing her closer to the fire he lays her down, and he too curled up next to the lady as to conserve body heat.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell:'''
When she regained consciousness, Sorsha was extremely disoriented. She heard a pop, hiss and crackling from somewhere and she vaguely associated the sound to a fire. She could feel as if it seared one side of her body. Her long brown hair was damp and her body a mixture of cold and heat. Then she took note of a different type of warmth, a delicious heat that made her want to stay there to indulge in its comfort. A trembling shiver made her slightly jerk, and she moved closer into the warmth, to chase the sensation away.
Then a feather light sensation brushed against her forehead. She tried to make out what it was and leaned into it. Fingertips lightly brushed the hair off her face and the impression trailed down the side of her face. It traced her jaw line then her lips and she let out a soft moan. There was movement beside her and she opened her eyes only then realizing she wasn’t dreaming. All of it was real.
When she turned, Mathias was watching her intensely, but there seemed something different about him. Something in his eyes, they shone with fervor and concern but there was a softness there she had not seen before. “Mathias…” she softly whispered his name and closed her eyes with relief. She vaguely recalled the fall and a chill returned making her desperately reach out. Just to know they were real and alive, and she wrapped her arms around him burying her face in his neck.
She breathed him in and sighed, the sensation of protection returning to her. “You saved me,” she breathed emotionally, holding on tighter and his hand reached out to lightly brush her back. She looked back up at him and everything moved slowly. Her heart began to drum madly and it seemed to be the only sound she could make out. She felt like she was falling again. Hands tightened behind him at the emotion that came out of nowhere
He groaned and she stopped, every emotion moved to the back of her mind. “Are you alright?” she asked and put her hand to his face again, to examine him closely. He looked pale. Then she realized something else, he had removed his clothes to keep her warm and safe. She looked around, and quickly sat up. Covering herself, she was torn between moving away and staying near him.
He had made sure she would be safe risking himself. Her senses returned to her, her cheeks colored to a furious red and she bit her lip. “I’m sorry, I should have followed you. This is my fault,” she said quickly, guilt filling her. Looking around, she could see the water surrounding them, assuming that’s what had broken their fall. Further up, she could see they had taken quite a drop and more guilt was added.
“How long have we been here? Now we will never see what you were searching for… I’m so sorry,” she apologized and found her clothes, they were still somewhat damp, but quickly began to dress anyway. “Our men are probably mad with worry,” she rushed out, forcing herself not to look back. “I’m sorry…” she said again, not knowing what else to say.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder:'''
Noticing that the lady was up. Mathias got back in his now dried armor. The looking at Sorsha he said, "My Lady, it does my heart good to see you in good shape." Noticing that she was still shivering, and her face flushed, he then said, "My Lady please keep the surcoat, though it does not provide much warmth it does at least provide some.” With that he stood up, and finished arming himself. Then trying to step towards the lady to aid her in getting up, he noticed that he had a very bad limp in his left leg. Slowly stumbling closer and closer the pain grew greater, but he would swallow it, and continue on his way.
“My Lady,” he said. “We must continue on our way. We have no idea what might make this cavern their home but I don’t intend to find out if anything does.” Then grabbing her by the hand he helped her up, and halfway carrying her started towards a stair spiral staircase he spotted earlier while exploring the cave. Upon reaching the stair case he noticed a bookcase, along with what must have been a guards chair next to it, seemingly untouched by time and war. Opening it up he found a book called, “The Book of the Immaculate.” Then he realized. “My Lady those people in the pub. They called themselves the immaculate. Though they would never say so themselves, I know it must have something to do with this book.” Mathias then took the book, and hid it under his mail.
Having stored the book, the two continued their way up the stairs, slower than last time. BUT halfway up the stair case they became calmer having noticed that these stairs were built much sturdier, and they were able to relax as they climbed.
Thirty minutes would pass before they finally reached the top, only to find it a dead end. “Damn now what, “said Mathias taking a seat on the top stair.
[[/Qubel adventure part2|Continue...]]

Revision as of 13:34, 17 December 2012