McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Suspicions/Suspicions2: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides''' The tension was cut and Dame Sorsha took command of the maelstrom. The Dark Count lowered his sword as commanded and began to smile wide. He was endl...)
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'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides'''

The tension was cut and Dame Sorsha took command of the maelstrom.
The Dark Count lowered his sword as commanded and began to smile wide. He was endlessly amused. Then, to add to the joy, Sir Kratos paid the estate a surprise visit.
As Lady Sorsha was exiting the entranceway expecting the Duke and the Count to follow, the Dark Count said to Sir Kratos,
"Sir Kratos my Sallowsian brother, we did not expect your company, but I am glad to have it. If you are still in town when this cools over, and if I still have my head, how about I meet you by the pier. There is a great watering hole prepared for nobles. No commoners or stinky sailors, but all the booze we can pay for!"
Then he looked at Duke Mathias with a twinkle in his eye,
"After you Cupid." And extended his arm in the same manner he did to lead Dame Sorsha earlier. As odd as the night may turn out, he would decidedly not lead it.
'''Roleplay by Kratos Wolff'''
After seeing what just happened Kratos put away his sword, and replied to Sir Bowie.
"You better keep that head, the sallowsians cannot be rescued by a corpse. You wont die now anyways, so I will be waiting for you by the pier."
Kratos turned as he heard Bowie call Mathias "Cupid", he could not contain his laughter afterwards, so he left quickly. When he managed to calm himself he started thinking about what just happened. The Lady who was trying to keep order seemed more dangerous than Mathias or Bowie, but she was in the middle, how could she decide who to fight?.. He also thought about the conflict between Bowie and Mathias, and he realized that it wouldn't go so far, at least not this quickly. They were friends when D'hara was barely starting out, and they each knew it. Also, Bowie wants to live for Sallowtown, and Mathias wouldn't be so rash as to try kill without thinking first... or would he?
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha was pacing the room when Mathias walked in with an angry look on his face, followed by the Count who had a smug and very amused expression. They both gave each other wary sidelong glances before turning to face her as one. Upon doing so, the expressions slipped to uncertainty when they noticed the dark dangerous look focused on them.
She stopped her pacing to stare, and then when she was satisfied, she approached. Her height did not do much for her at this time, considering both men towered over her but her anger gave her all the imposing illusion she needed.
To anyone watching, the situation could have probably been extremely amusing. Standing up to a Duke and Count, considering her station, she only came to realize it should have been the other way around, but she could have cared less. She stared into sapphires, and then into emeralds, narrowing her eyes at each. She could now see Mathias swallow, and Bowie’s smile was nowhere in sight.
Furious did not even begin to cover how angry she was. She liked to think she was a rather calm person, who didn’t jump to conclusion, someone with empathy to handle just about any situation but right now if she had her own sword, she probably would have drawn it.
Before she even began to speak with harsh words, she abruptly turned from them, and walked over to the library built directly into the wall. Pulling open a compartment she took out an old bottle of Whiskey sent by her brother Alec, one she had been saving for a special occasion. Well this was special indeed, she couldn’t think of any time when she had needed it as much.
She took up a glass and poured a generous amount for herself. She looked at each over the rim, and took the drink in one swallow. She held back a sputter and worked her mouth as the taste made her shiver and she slammed the glass on the desk.
Mathias’ brow rose in surprise at this and he turned questioningly in Bowie’s direction who mirrored his expression with a shrug.
“Now…” she said slowly, her throat on fire. “I don’t need to remind you, you are both men of high station, and you can’t run around waving your blade anytime there is a discussion to be done. Whatever difference the two of you may have, it does NOT include me! So if you want to swing your swords, measure each other’s manliness with preposterous stands of honor, you do so, out of my sight and out of my home!”
She walked around the desk and stood before the man she loved. “I understand your need to protect what is yours, but as you can see for yourself, my honor is intact neither spoiled. I don’t need to remind you Mathias that I am quite capable of defending myself should the need arise. You have shamed me by this deluded ridiculous notion that I would so soon after my admission of my feelings for you, run into the arms of the next man who crosses my path. Is this how you see me?” she was insulted, and her hurt was such that not even the anger could cover it entirely. Worse she couldn’t believe she was discussing this in front of Bowie. She shuddered at what kind of impression this gave of her, and cringed at the thought of what he would take with him after this was over.
“You do not speak or write to me for days, and then you somehow fly in here with these thoughts? How did you even know?” she questioned but before he could answer she cut him off, her nostrils flared and her brows rose. “If I find out someone put this idea in your head, I will personally make sure they rue the day their mother gave birth to their sorry hides!”
At this she heard Bowie give a small laugh as she seemed to reprimand Mathias, and she turned her eyes on him. She had only begun to form a friendship with the dark man, now he probably would never want to speak with her again. This was a disaster. “As I have said before I am sorry for this turn of events. I understand you felt threatened and were only trying to protect yourself, but that does not absolve you in this. So shortly after hearing how I loathed seeing the two of you duel, and how concerned I was for the both of you. You joined in this ludicrous charade and goaded him.”
Her hands rose to her temples at a sudden headache, and both men seemed to move in her direction. She put her hand out to still them, then her voice lost some of its harshness and some of her softness returned. “Did either of you think how this would affect me?”
She gave a long sigh and returned to the table, this time she took two more glasses and poured some of the single malt liquor. She took up the glasses and presented them to each. “Now… I believe explanations are in order. Let’s forget the nearness of your swords for a moment... as I recall weren’t the two of you at one point comrades? Let’s talk about it, rationally,” she said pointedly.
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides'''
As the drama elevated with Dame Sorsha's stern reprimand, both men were on the spot. Duke Mathias trying to sort out his incorrect assumption and Count Bowie trying to figure out what would be his answer to ease the Lady.
Evidently, the Duke had more to think over, so the Dark Count spoke first, after taking a long drink from his glass.
"You see Lady Sorsha, I was not fully aware of the depths of the Duke's and your relationship. It was a mere misinterpretation. He practically challenged me, so I had to draw my sword at him again. In his impalpable fury I feared he would turn on you. Naturally, I committed myself to being the obstacle to any pain and attack you may have been victim to. You have earned a position in my heart as a rare, cherishable, gem. The Duke appeared to me as a wild brigand. I did what I had to in the intensity of the moment."
He took another long sip, finishing the glass, hoping in the back of his mind she bought it. Her anger was terrifying.
He then piped up again for his own satisfaction,
"In fact, this is all the Duke's fault. If anyone should be booted out of your estate for good it should be him. We were having a fine evening, enjoying the stars and sharing stories. Duke Mathias, when was the last time you did such with Lady Sorsha? And he wonders if she drifts to other men, a demon no less. If I can offer more to her in a pleasant evening what is it to you Duke?"
He sat back waiting for the snake bite.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias' eyes widened at the words Bowie had just spoke. Then grabbing his untouched glass took the whole thing down in one gulp. "My fault? MY FAULT!" he says with the most upset face he could muster then without any transition he calmed into a very logical composition, "Well I can see how you would think that Count Bowie, and though I could easily pass the blame onto someone else I will not. I should have not jumped to conclusions from what was told to me, but what upset me my Lady is that you did not bother to see me after the duel. I was heart broken that you instead went straight to see the Count. Then when I was told that you and the Count had been seen together I feared the worst."
However then turning back to the Count, “But Count Bowie if you for one second think I will bow to you on issues relating to Lady Sorsha then you are mistaken. And I swear if anyone so much as lays a finger on the Lady without consent I shall gut them myself, stuff them, and mount their head in my office."
Then calming down once more he continued, "Now then please pardon my extremely rude interruption, but this is no reason why we can not have a good time for the rest of the night." Mathias then poured himself another glass and began to drink.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
At Bowie’s words Sorsha’s anger began to cool. Well at least the whole fiasco hadn’t rendered matters irreparable, did he truly see her as a gem? She grew silent thinking of that for a moment, but then what came next made her mouth drop open in shock. She was speechless. Could Bowie have been so observant as to what lay or rather what was missing between Mathias and her.
Mathias spoke up before she could even formulate an answer, and then his words hit her like an anvil. They percolated through her dazed mind and then she lowered her eyes.
It was a few moments before she spoke. “Yes Mathias,” she admitted and raised her chin. “What I did may have not been the most decent course of action from a different point of view. I could see how you would have jumped to conclusions.”
Then she walked away from both men, now that they’d had their share of drink, she poured herself another glass. “I didn’t wait until after the duel to see you Mathias, I was there I witnessed the last of it. I was only a few steps away from you, yet you kept walking by. At that moment, considering the circumstances, I felt it would be best to leave the option of seeing me up to you. I did not want to press matters so soon after our last conversation. The last thing I want is to appear… needy,” she admitted softly. She returned to the lounging chair and drank her glass, avoiding looking at both men. How she hated appearing vulnerable and saying the words aloud hurt her pride more than anything else ever had.
“You are right,” she sighed, swirling the liquid in her glass. “There’s no reason why this evening should be ruined, and since I’ve already opened the bottle, then we should appreciate my brother’s gift.”
She indicated for Bowie and Mathias to continue helping themselves and grew silent. 
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides'''
The Dark Count heard what his companions had to say and replied,
"Ah, so then the Duke was lead by misinformation. Surely you would have had more sense to sort it out before you barged your way in? Well, if we are all going to keep company together, then may I at least send a messenger to invite Sir Kratos? I arranged to meet him at a saloon at the pier. He could just as easily be entertained here. Additionally, if the Duke does get aggressive again I'll have back up."
He thought for a second and then said,
"Then again, as I see the two of you have a great deal to sort out, maybe it would be best if I leave the night to you. I can just as easily be entertained at the pier with Sir Kratos than the two of us being the left feet to your dance."
He raised his eyebrow.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Before anyone could say anything else, Sorsha came out of her silence and tried to perk up. “Please Count Bowie,” she smiled, “do invite Sir Kratos. He is the noble who appeared earlier is he not?” she asked and he nodded. “Then, I’m afraid he was turned away rather rudely on my part and I would like to at least get to know him.” She smiled and gave a sidelong glance in Mathias’ direction.
Then she walked away, taking command of herself once more. “Lorlan,” she called out and he appeared out of nowhere, as if only standing a few feet away waiting for her to command him. “I would like you to bring us something to eat.” Then she turned facing the men, “anything else milords?”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
"Ha! Yes please Count Bowie. Do invite Sir Kratos. It is clear you would need help to take me if another fight broke out." Then walking up to the count Mathias raised his arm and grabbed the count on the shoulder. "Just kidding my friend, let us drink. Yes?"
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides'''
With the ease and comfort returning to the evening, the Dark Count put his thoughts of further combat away. Now he would be able to enjoy the night with both Dame Sorsha and Duke Mathias.
As the Duke jovially put his arm around Bowie and asked for a drink, the Dark Count replied,
"Have I ever refused a drink before? Remember the boat ride to Aegir? It was the three of us, with Sir Kratos, who drunk until the shore came!"
He smiled brightly and shook his empty glass.
"Milady, tonight you will have no worries nor cares. All animosity has drained away. I wonder, if you happen to posses a violin in your manor, may I play if? The two of you could enjoy a lovely dance."
It was moments like this when the Dark Count suspected himself. Was it that he actually enjoyed their company, or was it a trick of the demon, manipulating things for personal gain? He could never be sure until the sand reached the bottom of the hourglass.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha smiled as the tension seem to magically lift. She could see Bowie and Mathias seemed to be reminiscing the fun they had in each other’s company and was glad everything seemed to turn out for the best. At Bowie’s request, she waved Lorlan off to fetch him a violin.
Getting into the mood of things she wormed herself between Mathias and Bowie and refilled their glasses, “so tell me, sounds like there was a lot of carousing on this trip to Aegir, what else happened? I’m very curious.” She gave them a mischievous smile, waiting.
'''Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides'''
The Dame's servant delivered a violin for the Dark Count. He picked it up with joy and sat on a nearby surface.
"Speaking of good times, are you ready to make history?"
He began to play a wonderful tune he wrote back in Drowenton, one written for his now ex-wife. He got off to a bad start because of the effects of the drink, but he focused himself and continued on to produce a memorable tune.
Then he followed up with a famous work by the Great Elsselszor of Dulbin, his former teacher.

Revision as of 13:30, 17 December 2012