McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/Birthday: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''

Sorsha sat, watching the waves roll near the shore and sighed. Gaoth grazed a distance away, keeping a vigilant eye. Today she had gotten another good run from him, but now it was time to slow down, and with that all her thoughts returned again.
She rubbed a hand along her soft blue leggings to clear away some of the sand, and tucked her legs in, wrapping her arms around her knees she leaned her chin on them. Her rare colored eyes stared out sadly and she sighed emotionally. She had asked for time to think… but she did not even know where to begin.
She wondered what Mathias was doing at that very moment. Was he even thinking of her? Was he still reeling from her last words to him?
How did Bowie react to her sudden departure?
How did Conrac feel about his return?
She thought of Nebel and wondered if Rathan would participate in the festival of wines. A celebration she would have really enjoyed were she still there.
She watched as Gaoth started to run along the shore now, enjoying the water.
Her parents had sent her a beautiful letter and she missed them terribly.
More so today, because it was her birthday.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
As Sorsha was watching the waves rolling in the sand, a boy approached her interrupting her thoughts. He greeted her and handed her a beautiful bouquet of yellow roses, a small wooden box and a letter.
She frowned at the unexpected offer and thanked the boy. Recognizing the seal she smiled and started reading.
<i>Dear Lady Sorsha,
I hope this letter finds you well. I know you must have a lot on your mind right now and can't be bothered with distractions but I couldn't let this day pass without at least offering you my best wishes. I offer you the roses as a sign of our friendship, the other gift is a pendant with a carnelian crystal. Those who believe in it say it protects against negative emotions like anger, frustration, rage, and depression, and promotes positive emotions such as courage, optimism, and motivation. I hope it will help you with your troubles.
Have a wonderful and happy birthday my friend. Hope you find what it is your looking for and may it bring you all the happiness in the world.
'''Letter from Hexic Jeckyl'''
Lady Sorsha,
I understand today is your birthday, Happy Birthday. And what a day it will be to remember! Not only is it your birthday, but we launch the crusade as well. I notice you are already on the march for Sallowtown. If you had not already started, I would have invited you up to my estate to toast to this occasion. How about we have this celebration when the crusade is over?
Sword and Shield of the King,
Hexic Jeckyl
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien '''
Upon her return things had seemed to be rather quiet in the palace, she walked up and down the hall with Selena in her arms telling her fables. The help was about cleaning the floors and the smell of roses delicately scented the halls as she walked passed the fresh filled vases.
Smiling and looking down at the sleepy wonder in her arms she signaled for Misha to take her to her room so she may get her rest. Misha was never far behind her charge and her eyes never wandered away from her, she was the fourth daughter of Estelle who was with Master Ugyel since she could remember, Selena was well cared for and she couldn't ask for better.
Retiring to her library she decided to take a look at the letters she had recently received and she went over the last concerning the shortage of gold in the offices. She frowned at the thought and shook her head as she remembered standing in front of Cenarious when he asked which candidate would best be suited for the task. Her thoughts were in favor to Sir Rathan, as she thought he deemed himself worthy of such a duty and would be able to serve D'Hara in this position.
She threw the letter back on top of the pile and an overwhelming feeling of disappointment came over her.
"Should of let Cenarious go with his own choice" she whispered to herself
Opening the book of D'Hara she looked over the population in each of the regions, she scrolled down with her finger examining the nobles who had been scratched off the books due to their relocation in the Colony. One stood out from the rest as she noticed their had been a mistake, Lady Sorsha had been marked off when she disappeared but she was still here and well, she continued to inspect the book.
"Hmm Natasia where are you" she scrolled and turned some pages
"Ah ah! there you are" she reached for the ink and her pen. She crossed out the name and turned to the next available page.
"Lady Sorsha..." she dipped the ink "McDowell... Port Nebel" she flipped the page back to where Sorsha had been marked off and she smiled and paused.
"By the Dragon's" she stood up and called in one of the servants
"It's Lady Sorsha's birthday!" she sat back down and jotted her date of birth in the book and set it aside, moments after the door opened a young man walked in and bowed.
"Andrew, I need for you to get a bottle of the finest wine we have in the cellar and have the chef prepare some strawberry pastries and box them so they keep fresh I also want a gift basket with a few different brands cheese and bread as well" she walked in a circle thinking as she tap her lips with her finger.
"Chop, Chop" she slapped her hands together "Tomorrow will be too late" she started to walk to her sewing room
Sitting down near a chest she opened it and went through the fabrics "This will do perfect" she smiled and pulled out a light blue silk material.
She sat on her chair and cut at the material, holding a needle in her mouth and scissors to cut the fine white thread. She worked with the material and a few hours passed by when Andrew returned to inform her that everything was ready.
"Very well" she carefully sowed the material at the edge and tied a knot at the final stitch.
"Hopefully she will like it" she laid the new cloak across the table and found a small silken rope and passed it through the hood edge so it could be tied and she smiled at her work. She placed the new cloak in a box and took some of the silk materials and fashioned a big red and white bow on top of the box.
"Have one of the messenger deliver this to Sorsha McDowell, Lady of Port Nebel. Along with the wine basket and pastries.
She sat down and wrote a small note to attach to the bow.
<i>Lady Sorsha,
I hope you find yourself well on this day, and that you do what your heart desires. Please accept this gift of appreciation to remind you how blessed we are to have you and what a special day this is for you. May the sun caress your face all day and the wind carry your smiles to the moon.
P.S Please enjoy this bottle of Blue Crescent it is delightful with the old cheese I had the chef prepare for you, and do indulge in the pastries they are strawberry filled.
Happy Birthday Lady Sorsha and many more to come!
Kisharianda Onyxien </i>
Getting up she handed the box to Andrew "See that it gets there today Andrew"
"As you wish m'lady" the man bowed and exited the room
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha returned to the small cabin she was staying in with a bouquet of yellow roses in one hand and a small box in the other. She had been quite surprised by the gifts and had been lost in thought the entire way back. She retrieved a vase for the flowers and set them by a small window where they could thrive in the sunshine.
Then she opened the box. A smile adorned her lips as she removed her pendulum quartz and replaced it with a new crystal. She loved crystals of any type because of what they represented. Lycan was quite intuitive to have picked up on that.
There came a small knock at the door and she frowned, wondering who it could be. When she opened the door, she was presented with a large box with a red and white bow. Next a basket and a note. She took them timidly and set them on the table. “Th.. thank you,” she stammered to the man standing before her. “Best wishes Lady Sorsha,” he bowed and left before she could say anything else.
She picked up the letter and broke the familiar seal with a smile. Reading the letter, she then peeked into the basket and her face brightened to that of a little girl’s expression and she quickly picked up a pastry and put it in her mouth. Immediately she closed her eyes at the exquisite taste and moaned lightly. Her favorite.
Next she slowly removed the bow, and removed the lid. Inside was a beautiful light blue silk cloak. Her favourite color. Her eyes filled with tears at the gesture and she tried it on and twirled a bit to see how it looked. It was perfect.
She then wondered how so many people knew of her birthday. What a wonderful and unexpected surprise this was. Stranger still, she had thought she was practically invisible to those around her, as it turned out, they knew more about her than she ever thought.
Considering where her thoughts had been the last few days, had she not received a letter from her parents she would have forgotten, and it would have remained a day like any other. This truly made her feel very special. 
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura'''
Rathan frowned, and looked at his adviser.
"Do you think she'll like it? I can't think of anything I could get on such short notice... What do I pay you idiots for anyway? I express interest in a woman, and you muck it up by not telling me its her birthday until last minute!"
Rathan places the tome in a box of hand carved mahogany, a large crystal adorning the box. The tome contained stories of the great horse lords of his homeland, tales of the great horses, and the men who valiantly rode them into battle. He hoped Sorsha would appreciate it, and sent his messenger running, with tidings of a happy birthday.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha sipped a small amount of wine and nibbled on the corner of a pastry, slowly savoring every bite. She had changed into a pink light sleeping gown with a silk housecoat and decided she would sit by the fireplace and read something to relax, until there came another knock at her door.
She had to remember her servants were not with her, and rose to answer it. The place was small, and it wasn’t long before she was faced with another package. “Marquis Rathan wishes you a happy birthday,” he said as he bowed and gave her a box. “Tell him thank you,” she smiled.
Closing the door, she returned to the main room and sat on the white fur throw on the floor just in front of the fireplace. She set the box down before her and watched it curiously. Trying to guess what it could conceal. With a light touch, she felt the smoothness of the wood, and traced the intricate details carved along the top, stopping with the inlaid crystal. It was beautiful.
Then she opened it, and her brow lightly furrowed with curiosity as she noticed a book. Picking it up, she opened it and read the first few lines. “Oh Rathan…” she whispered his name with a smile and slid her hand along the page. Did he know that her family had been training warhorses for generations now? She had grown up surrounded by them and wished nothing but to become of the knights in the stories her father used to tell her.
Her eyes filled with moisture at the gesture and she lay down and continued to read the book.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
A servant approaches Mathias quietly with his head bowed. He recognizes him as Lorlan from the Lady McDowell’s household. “My lord, I am presenting myself in the Lady’s absence. Should you have any requests, I will be taking care of the businesses of her estate in her stead.”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Confused at what Sorsha's servant, Lorlan, said to him "My lord, I am presenting myself in the Lady’s absence. Should you have any requests, I will be taking care of the businesses of her estate in her stead." Mathias decided leave his palace and go to her estate. Upon his arrival he awaited for someone to allow him entrance to see Lady Sorsha.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Lorlan followed behind the Duke. “Like I informed you milord, she is away at the present time. I am unsure if you are aware milord, it may not be my place to say anything.” His face lost some of his color, not sure of what he was doing, but he cared for his Lady.
“Forgive me if I overstep my bounds. I have heard, and seen the lady change recently. She is troubled, and has taken means to be by herself for the time being. If I may say so, she has love for you. You have already won the lady’s heart, she has admitted to me that she feels your attention for her will wane and eventually disappear and she is afraid.” He turned away at Mathias’ scowl. “But I have knowledge that will benefit you,” he stammered quickly.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
"Lorlan! If you have information that can show me where the lady is then I demand to know." Mathias was growing angrier by the second, but then realized that even if he was to beat Lorlan to within an inch of his life he still would not tell him the location of the lady so instead decided to sit and listen to what he had to say about Sorsha. "Well go on Lorlan continue."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
For a moment Lorlan had been afraid of the daggers in the man’s steel blue eyes but relaxed at his last words.
“I have gotten to know the Lady in my time of service here and she is delicate even though she tries to appear impassive and strong. She needs to be nurtured. Have you ever taken care of a flower?” the older man asked and at the Duke’s appearance he gave a nervous chuckle and then shook his head.
“Of course you wouldn’t have,” he answered himself and dry washes his hands nervously. “My point being milord is a plant needs more than water to thrive. It needs sunlight and kind words.” He hoped the Duke was truly listening. No man could truly be that daft.
“Today is the Lady’s birthday. I am unsure if you were aware but this would be an opportunity to show her you care.”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
Mathias eyes widened at the words, "Today is the Lady’s birthday." To which he replied "How can I show her if I cannot see her. I know you will not tell me where she is, and if you will not then I shall go on a search to find the lady."
Mathias then turning to his entourage. "Duad prepare then men. Send them out to find the lady and once they find her location report it back to me." Then turning back to Lorlan, "Lorlan will you please save me the time and man power and tell me her location? I will make sure no evidence of your information to me reaches the lady. She will only know that my men found her. Please save me the time. I must see her."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Lorlan looked down and then back up in a shifty manner. He had not expected that in the least. He had hoped the Duke would send her a letter with tender words to show he was thinking of her. To prove that if he professed to love her, at least show her he knew all there was to know of the Lady but he had been terribly wrong.
Oh what to do… The lady would be most displeased were she to find out, he had slipped. It was a time of thinking and he faced the other man. "She is in Qubel, she had wished to revisit Qubel’s folly. I begged her to take a few days before she returned to that dreadful place, I hope she waited. She is in a small cabin a few miles off the coast, near the ruins.”
Uncertainty filled him and he closed his eyes. He only wished happiness for his lady and he knew if the man was given a chance to show her, maybe she would find it.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder'''
"Sigh, how i wished to see her." Mathias then quickly scrawled down a letter and handed it off to Duad. "Duad carry this to the Lady as soon as possible.
'''Letter from Mathias Ridder''' 
My Dearest Sorsha,
It saddens me that I find out it was your birthday in the fashion I did. It also saddens me that I cannot be with you on this day. I understand that you desire space from me, but as to why still alludes me. It hurts me not to be with you, near you. I beg that you return to Port Nebel, return to my side.
Sir Mathias Ridder
Duke of Port Nebel
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
When Sorsha woke that morning, she stretched lazily in the bed and yawned. There wasn’t a sound in the small cabin and she closed her eyes peacefully.  Maybe she should just stay in bed today it wasn’t like she had pressing matters to attend.
Reaching over to the side table, she picked up the book and flipped the page open where she had left off the previous night. She read a few lines but after a minute she lowered the book with a sigh.
She wasn’t getting anything done this way. She had come here for the purpose of trying to decide what she should do, not to divert herself from it. Returning the book to the table, she looked up to the ceiling. She enjoyed being away, but a part of her wanted to return.
She needed strength first and foremost. She seemed to have lately become nothing but a weeping woman who ran at the first sign of difficulty. This was not like her at all. Sometimes she wished she had Kaylan’s strength and conviction. Maybe she needed to change.
She thought of the things that made her who she was but all that clouded her vision were the recent ordeals she had been faced with. Not only that but what stood out in her mind was the fact that little by little she had given pieces of herself to others without a thought to herself. And what had that gotten her? She became someone she hardly recognized now. If Alec and Kaylan were to see her now, they would be incredibly disappointed.
Then as the sudden epiphany hit her, she sat square in bed. She was a McDowell. She was stronger than this, she was a warrior. She longed to see home, to feel her family strength surround her. What an idiot she was. Their strength was in her… no matter if she was there or here, she would always carry them with her.
Throwing the blanket aside, she jumped out of bed, and tip toed the cold floor forgetting her slippers and rushed to get dressed. When she was done, she tied her hair back in a simple braid. She gathered her belongings and slung her saddlebag over her shoulder and opened the door. As she did Duad was just looking around the cabin with a frown on his face, ready to knock.
“Duad,” she said surprised.
“Lady Sorsha,” he greeted and handed her a letter. She didn’t have to look to see who it was from. “Thank you,” she said simply. He stood there waiting and she frowned. He eyed the letter in her hands and getting the message she broke the seal and read it.
His words touched her, but it was too little too late. She wasn’t going to be the weak submissive woman any longer. Looking up to his servant she smiled.
“Inform Duke Mathias that should he look for me here again, he will not find me. I am returning home.”
He bowed and she watched as he left. It wasn’t long after, she had gathered what little possessions she had brought with her and returned home to Port Nebel.
'''Letter from Bowie Ironsides  '''
Dame Sorsha,
It has come to my attention while embarking on this noble Crusade that we have picked an auspicious date. Largely because we have the blessing of beginning our journey on your birthday. Had I been aware of such an occasion I would have arranged a celebration fit for the sun itself, but alas, this information has only come to me now.
So, because the two of us have grown a friendship and a bond of trust, I feel that you are deserving of a very special gift. Since my time as the Count of Qubel, in addition to the temple and the dueling ring that I built, near the sea I ordered a cottage constructed to act as my summer residence. It is not very large, and fairly plain (it is unfinished) but it has a wonderful garden that I named <i>Serenity.</i> Since you are already acquainted with the pleasantness of Qubel I offer you a key to this cottage for your personal use at any time you desire. Make it your second home away from your estate in the big city and you may find it a place of tranquility, peace and comfort. These are my gifts to you.
Happy birthday my dear, may it be blessed by the ancestors and with as much joy as you deserve,
Your terrible demon,
The Dark Count,
Bowie Ironsides
Count of Qubel
'''Letter from Sorsha McDowell'''
Dear Bowie,
I am flattered that you would host such a celebration for me, but your wishes warm my heart more than anything else would have. Thank you for your kind words and I am overwhelmed by the gift. Such a gesture is truly magnanimous of you, and I feel I do not deserve it. I would not insult you by refusing this key, but know that I am a simple woman and I cherish our friendship more than any amount of gifts in Dwilight. I feel blessed whether you were angel or demon, you are unique and you are you.
<i> Le onóir, </i>

Revision as of 13:27, 17 December 2012