McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/choosing: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' Having received a letter requesting him to meet with Sorsha at her estate Mathias immediately dropped what he was doing and rode there. Though it wou...)
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'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 

Having received a letter requesting him to meet with Sorsha at her estate Mathias immediately dropped what he was doing and rode there. Though it would take him about 5 hours to reach her estate he wasted no time in getting there. Leaving his horse in the capable hands of the stable hand Mathias rushed up to the door of her estate and knocked.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan left as soon as he got Sorsha's letter, the night they had spent together still fresh in his mind. It wasn't long before he arrived and announced himself and was let in. He was brought to her.
"My lady." he said, and kissed her hand.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha had been staring out the window when Lorlan walked into the room. He cleared his throat to get her attention but she didn’t look at him. She had seen Mathias arrive long before Lorlan knew of his arrival. “My lady, Duke Mathias has arrived.” She was still looking through the window and then noticed Rathan arrive as well.
She then turned to look at him, “yes Lorlan, thank you. Please show them in.”
Lorlan frowned at her words and she clarified. “Rathan has just arrived as well.” He bowed and left again.
While waiting, Sorsha had been so overwhelmed with emotions, she couldn’t properly function. Amidst it all she searched, and finally found the void. Her face was completely impassive now, only her appearance betrayed she had been crying.
Lorlan returned shortly after with both Mathias and Rathan. Immediately upon entering Rathan approached to take her hand with a kiss. “Marquis Rathan,” she greeted with a nod, but no smile reached her lips.
She then turned to Mathias. “Duke Mathias,” she greeted as well.
She then turned away from both of them and faced the window once more. With every ounce of willpower she tried to steady her breathing, tried to calm the rapid beating of her heart, tried to slow the inevitable moment but time had completely run out.
“Would you prefer to find out individually or together?” she asked, leaving them the option.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"I am fine learning your choice with the Duke present."
Rathan said, his voice not betraying his uneasiness.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Looking around the room Mathias thought for a second before answering, "Yes I too am ready to hear your answer. Just tell us at the same time if you would."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
At their answers Sorsha closed her eyes tightly, the void shook within her and her stomach balled into a knot. Her face saddened for a moment and she again forced herself to be calm.
When she was within the void, she turned to look at them again. She looked to Mathias first, meeting his blue eyes. She could forever lose herself in them and now could see his love for her, there, for the world to see. Doing so almost made her break down, but she tightened her hands into fists. “I would like to remind you, that you have both said that you would support me, no matter the decision. You must swear no matter the outcome, that you will not attack one another. I will not abide a duel to the death… if not for yourselves, then do it for me.”
Then she turned to Rathan and her lip quivered. Her Rathan… even now she felt pulled to him. The night they had spent made fresher in her mind, his kisses even now an ethereal impression on her lips, the passion she had with him still coursing through her limbs. She could see his uneasiness and the void trembled again, her heart breaking. The trembling of her lips increased and her eyes filled with tears, and then she lost hold of the void, for the first time needing it so much, yet unable to keep it.
“I will wed…” her voice broke, not out of pain for who she had chosen, but for the one she was losing. Her body felt like it had been shred to pieces. She would still be with one she loved, but the one she didn’t choose would have to go on without her. This time she knew she wouldn’t be able to consol them of their pain and it tore her apart. The corpulent tears marred her face, the lump in her throat making it hard for her to breathe, all she could manage was a whisper, “Mathias.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan winced as she said it, her words were like a hammer blow, and struck deep. He nodded slowly, and turned to Mathias. He reached out to shake his hand, and as he did, he drew a concealed blade and put it to his gut, then resheathed it and grinned.
"You treat her right or next time there will be more follow through. When you are done here we have to discuss the details of my departure."
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias was stunned. He though for sure that Sorsha was not going to choose him. In the past she had always gone for others over him so why would that change now? Then watching as Rathan reached for his blade attempting to give a mock handshake Mathias had already readied himself by grabbing his sword. Though he knew he would not be able to avoid the stab he was ready to make sure that he would take the Marquis with him should it come to it.
Looking back to Sorsha who had just seen what happened he noticed the pain in her eyes, and then looking back to the Marquis he noticed the disappointment in his.
"Rathan...though I would love to spend the rest of the day alone with my love I do believe you would like to say your goodbyes. Please take your time." Mathias then walked out the room and waited for them to say goodbye.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan looked at Sorsha, the only thing betraying the pain he felt was his eyes.
"Goodbye." he said quietly and turned to leave.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha watched Mathias leave and then turned to look to Rathan. She couldn’t bear to watch the look on his face and her arms came around her torso to still the trembling inside. She couldn’t even speak, she knew that if she did she would just cry harder. She wanted to run to him, to hold him one last time, to show him she loved him still but she was afraid to walk, afraid that he would only hate her, for her decision. She watched him with wet pleading eyes. “Rathan!” she called desperately.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
He stopped and turned to face her.
"You called, my lady?"
Rathan felt empty inside, as if all the joy, happiness, and love he had ever felt was gone. He just wanted to go home and go to sleep, and not wake up. With every ounce of his being he wanted to murder Mathias, to stab him over and over again. He felt the beginning of the blood rage begin to creep over him, but he shook it off.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
The first step was the hardest and then before she knew it she was running to him. Her arms around his neck, as if doing so would prevent him from leaving. She had so much to tell him, yet couldn’t say a single thing but his name. “Rathan,” she whispered with a sob. “I…” she wanted to tell him how much she loved him, but she knew she would be making it harder for both of them. “Please forgive me,” she begged.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan broke away from her and turned away. He couldn't stand to look at her, her words were like a white hot knife at his heart. He tried to speak, but he couldn't. He stood there, frozen, each agonizing moment seemed to be an eternity.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
As Rathan pulled away Sorsha’s arms fell to her sides and she felt like the invisible blade that had twisted her insides the night before had been nothing but a dull touch compared to this. He would obviously see the pain in her eyes, it was obvious by the expression on her face, in her tears.
She had already lost him, he was gone. No matter how much love she showed him now, she had made her choice, she had to let him go. “Just remember,” her eyes pooled with yet more tears. “I do love you…” she finally told him.
She didn’t know why she told him the next words, but she still didn’t want him to leave. She wanted him to stay. She still wanted him in her life, to talk with, to learn from and finally to teach him one last thing. “And…” her voice broke. “I made…” she looked up for strength to at least finish her words, but all she managed were hiccups of sobs and words. “I made you… a promise… I will still show you how to contain the rage… to touch the emptiness, if you will let me.”
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
"I won't be around too much longer. I'm headed West. I don't have anything keeping me here anymore."
Rathan paused, and struggled to keep his voice calm.
"Goodbye my love."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha bit her lip, to contain her sob. She couldn’t even bring herself to say it but she had to. “Slán, a ghrá. Cronaigh mé go domhain thú”, she whispered. She couldn’t tell him plainly, she left him a message. He was a scholar, she knew he would figure it out eventually. She hoped that this way, he would keep her words with him forever.
All she had wanted was one last kiss, and still she couldn’t bring herself to touch him now, not after he turned away from her. She buried her face in her hands, she couldn’t have her last memory of him be one of him leaving.
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
Rathan walked out, not looking back. His vision narrowed and he stormed out, past Mathias. He walked out and Lorlan chased after him, clutching Rathan's cloak.
"My lord, you forg-"
Rathan cut him off with a right hook to the nose, and it exploded in a cloud of blood. He fell over on the ground and Rathan kicked him in the ribs, snatched his cloak and fled.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Having watched Rathan leaving in anger, Mathias decided it was now time to go and see his love. Opening the door Mathias walked through to hear a scream in anguish from downstairs near the door and to see Sorsha weeping in front of him. Quickly deciding to ignore the screams of pain Mathias ran to Sorsha's side. "Mo Searc, what is wrong? Why are you crying?"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
She heard Rathan leave but she refused to look. Instead locked within her memories would be the last night she spent with him. No one would be able to take that from her.
Mathias then walked in, asking her why she was crying and she couldn’t even answer him. All she could do was put her arms around his neck instead. From him she knew she would get the comfort she direly needed. “Mathias…” she whispered his name and sniffed. How could she justify how much pain she was in, when she should be happy to be in Mathias’ arms instead. "Just hold me," she told him.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias held on tightly to Sorsha as was her request. "Mo Searc..." he said then wiping some of the tears from her face he picked her up and gently rested her on the bed. Still holding onto her he leaned in and gave her a small kiss on her forehead. "Sorsha. You have no idea how happy you have made me this day. All these years I have waited from the first day I met you till this very moment I have loved you." Then leaning into her shoulder he continued to hold on tightly to her.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha closed her eyes at his words and buried her face into his neck. The pain she felt would not fade this day, or the next. Deep down, Sorsha knew it would take a long time before she began to heal, but this time she wasn’t alone.
The fear of her choice was still on her mind. She had chosen Mathias because she loved him deeply, had loved him since that first day when he had taken her hand and offered to let her ride home with him. The man who even after she hurt him had remained by her side, to help her. Through it all, he had been there to remind her of who she was, who she had been. He was her heart… and Sorsha couldn’t live without her heart.
It was a long time before Sorsha’s tears stopped. Mathias patiently waited, holding her in his arms. When enough time had passed and she felt she could speak again she then looked up at him, into his blue eyes, her visions of blues. It wasn’t fair to him, the way she had acted but he had surprised even her by his reaction. “Please forgive me…” she breathed and then kissed him. “I have hurt you so much…” she turned away. She remembered how she had treated him, remembering some of the moments were she had treated him so horribly it hurt.
She then looked down to his hand, and took it in hers. “I have fought so hard. I tried to resist. I was so afraid to believe it myself. I am still frightened that this is just a dream, an illusion. All that you are and all that I am with you will change and fade away to reality if I but open my eyes.” She paused and then looked up. “I will no longer deny you my heart,” her eyes filled with tears, this time of a different kind. “All I ask, is that you don’t hurt me,” she begged, her voice barely a whisper.
She kissed him again, this time with need. She was trying so hard to control herself but it was useless. “I’m hopeless…” she wiped the tears from her eyes. “You know I’m still not well, and I hurt you so much,” she said it again, the guilt unbearable. “But now…” she closed her eyes and leaned into him. “I’m ready Mathias…” she sniffed and kissed him. “I’m ready to come home.”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
"Mo Searc, you have always been at home with me. You just did not realize it yet." Mathias then pushed Sorsha off of him only to see her face.
"Sorsha, I love you and always have, and now that I have you nothing shall take that away from us." Mathias this time leaned into her and gave her a long passionate kiss.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha returned the kiss, not only finding comfort in him, but she did truly love him. When she pulled back she leaned back into the cushion beneath her head, looking at him as he looked down at her. “I love you too Mathias. Despite what you may have witnessed in the past, you shall never doubt my love again.” She tried to, but she could not smile yet. The pain was still too near. “Stay with me… I just need you to hold me. I don’t want to be alone anymore.”
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias having been worn out by the entire ordeal decided to lie down and rest his eyes. "Mo Searc, I shall never leave you." He said now laying down and still holding her. It didn't take long for him to pass out, but he did so with a smile on his face.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha felt Mathias’ breath even out and knew him to be asleep. She turned in his arms, her body facing away from him, yet his arms still held her close. Looking out to the window not far away she could see night had crept in without her knowledge. No matter that she had stopped crying, she was still crying in her head and her heart still ached. She tried to see the stars from where she lay, and hoped that Rathan wherever he was could look up and see the same stars and remember, and think of her.
Mathias then nuzzled into her hair and her neck and she put her hands over his. She then realized she had told Mathias she would wed him. Now she would have to make preparations to make it happen. She had so much to do, and did not know where to begin. Actually… she raised her hand to look at her finger, the one adorned with only the one half of her McDowell ring. Well she knew exactly where she would begin. Soon she would need to return to Port Raviel and speak with the King. For, he held the other half of that ring and now it was time to ask for it again.
With that thought, she closed her eyes. The day’s events finally claiming what little energy she had left and she fell asleep.

Revision as of 13:14, 17 December 2012