McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/father: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''

After having dinner with Lycan, Sorsha made sure he would be well taken care, leaving orders with her household staff to give him anything he needed. Mathias and she would be returning to Port Nebel that night. Retreating to her bedchambers, Sorsha prepared to leave, she took some of her leathers, locking the door she then returned to the chest at the foot of her bed, and took out several vials of the sleep remedy and stuffed them into a small bag. She kept one in her hands and stared at it. A remnant of someone loved. She closed her eyes at this and wished she had something else to hold on to, but she didn’t.
She tucked the last one in, and rose from the ground. She then met Mathias downstairs and together they left for his City. Once they arrived Mathias asked her to spend the night with some delightful convincing thrown in but she managed to pull herself away with, “I would love nothing more than to spend the night here with you my love, but I need to meet with the King. It is a matter of grave importance and I dare not wait.”
She didn’t tell him why, and he didn’t ask questions. He had his Ducal duties and she Military ones. “I will return as soon as I am able to. Then, we will plan everything together.” She had kissed him and then left to board the first ship to Port Raviel, Lasair not far behind. From the expression on his face, she could see the disappointment there, in fact she felt it just as much but she had to do this.
Once on the ship, she went directly to her cabin and took the sleep remedy. It wasn’t long she found sleep. When the ship finally arrived in Port Raviel, she went directly to the palace.
Seeing the guard, she then announced herself. “Sorsha McDowell, I wish an audience with the King.”
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
It had taken a bit of time, but finally someone greeted Sorsha and showed her in. “We apologize Lady Sorsha. The King had been detained.” He told her as he led her down the palace hallways, in the direction of the guest rooms. “Please make yourself comfortable. We are still unsure how long he will be closed in with official matters but he will be with you nonetheless it is only a matter of time.” The room was the same as usual, one which she had adapted as her own since she always seemed to be in it.
The servant left and she closed the door. She sat on the bed for a moment and watched the door, only to rise and begin to pace. She had requested the ring from the king before, yet he had never sent it back. She had not pressed the issue at the time, but now she wondered why he had not.
An uneasy feeling filled her stomach, for she was there for much more than just a ring and this made her nervous. Playing with the half of the ring on her finger she tried not to pay attention to how each minute waiting seemed to be an eternity.
She respected Cenarious immensely, in fact she looked to him as she would a father, someone she wished to please and seek approval from, to have him disappointed was something she would have difficulty dealing with. This wasn’t new, she had felt like this long before he became King, she had felt this way since he had taken her under his wing as her Marshal many years ago. A man who saw potential in her where no one else had. Someone who had given an invisible girl a chance and now she could only ponder where she was in life. She was grateful, but more so she felt affection for him for being who he was and not for his title. How time changed everything.
She began to bite her nail and almost immediately spit it out with a frown. This was insane… she had no reason to be nervous.
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
Maurice leaned over the King's shoulder slightly as he softly said, "The Lady Marshal is here to see you, your Majesty."
Looking up from the paperwork he was examining, Cenarious cracked a smile as he schemed to get out of some writing. Feigning a sigh, Cenarious said, "Well I can't keep the lady waiting now can I? I guess these letters will just have to wait!"
"But you can certainly get at least one more letter written before she arrives your Majesty." Maurice answered without missing a beat. "It would be terrible if you missed that dinner you promised to have with your wife and daughter tonight. They would be devastated if you were still here working after all."
With a grumble Cenarious went back to reading as he waved Maurice off to fetch Lady Sorsha to his study.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
There was a knock at her door and Sorsha looked up from her pacing. She walked to open it and on the other side noticed a familiar face. “The King is ready for you now,” he told her and motioned for her to follow.
Sorsha gave a small nod and walked out behind him. She walked ahead not really seeing where he was taking her now, she kept repeating practiced words in her head but then would shake it as if it wasn’t right and start over again.
By the time she got to the King’s study, she took a deep breathe and walked in. The King sat behind his desk and Sorsha paused to allow him time to notice she was there before she went off into a rushed effort to get out what she wanted to get out before she lost the nerve.
When he looked up, she smiled and curtsied. She was still wearing her leathers, brown this time, her hair was still braided. For the King it would seem not much had changed since he’d last seen her but so much had happened.
“My King,” she greeted, calling him as she always had, which a sense of strong sense of pride and loyalty. “I hope you are well,” she looked to the ground before her. “I apologize for disturbing you whilst in the middle of your daily affairs but I will try to make this short.” Her hands curled into small fists at her side, again her nervousness obvious.
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
As a father and husband Cenarious was acquainted with women more then well enough to know when one had something to get off her chest. Displaying a wisdom beyond his years Cenarious sought to bolster her courage while giving her the opportunity she desired, and all in such a way that it would seem her own momentum and courage won the day for her. Sorsha was many things, but at heart she was still a young woman, and if Cenarious was to continue to groom her for greater things then he knew that he would need to build her confidence. For although he was proud of her achievements he knew that she still had much to learn, and he had much to teacher her. If she didn't walk away feeling like she had accomplished something for herself here today then Cenarious was well aware that he would have squandered a valuable chance to make her stronger.
"Nonsense! I've always time to listen should you need me my dear." Cenarious coaxed her to continue as he shuffled some papers off to the side of his desk. Keeping an eye on her without seeming to Cenarious waited for Sorsha to gather her courage and speak up. Before the pause, and its ensuing silence, could grow any stronger Cenarious spoke again, "Perhaps you'd like to try my newest brandy? Its rather uniquely flavored.. sent over the seas as a gift from my elder brother in fact.."
Two birds with one stone, Cenarious thought himself. He had both kept Sorsha from growing more nervous with the silence and he had offered her a chance for some liquid courage should she feel the need. Either way, he was likely to get to the bottom of this soon enough he supposed. With a wave Maurice went to the brandy cabinet and prepared two sifters for his pouring.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
Sorsha smiled at the offer and waited in silence for the King’s aide to return with the brandy. “Thank you,” she said after taking a drink. While she drank she thought again of the words she needed to say, but now they had all seemed to fly right out of her head and she was left with nothing.
She lowered the drink and her gaze then lingered on the chain around the King’s neck, her McDowell ring glinted in the light as he moved to lower his own glass. “Much has happened since we saw each other last. In fact I have been through some ordeals which has led me to this path in my life and this decision...” She paused to let that sink in before she continued. “I have returned for my ring,” she finally told him.
The ring was hers, yes she had given it to the King at one point in her life, when she thought her life held no future but that had all changed. There was no roundabout way to ask for it, she kept reminding herself she was simply returning for her property. “As I have said in the past when I gave you the half of the ring. It is sacred to me, it signifies an unbreakable bond to any McDowell. I wish to give it to the man who completes me… the man I wish to share my life with, to give my heart to; the one I have chosen to wed.”
Now she waited for his words, perhaps now he would explain why he had kept it after all this time.
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
The King was far better informed then one might think, but that hardly made him a mind reader. Pondering recent letters he felt safe in assuming that the man in question was not Rathan, which was something at least, and it was hard to imagine Hexic settling down. There seemed little chance of Lycan being at the center of this.. Gislher didn't seem the type.. and Carlos Francisco showed interest in few things beyond his army.. No matter who he considered it always came back to one candidate that couldn't be dismissed as easily as the others. The Duke was a man of many ambitions, and it would seem that he had finally gotten his wish in fulfilling at least one of them. Perhaps this would settle him down further, for having a family to risk losing always made a man more cautious when pondering change. Though the King saw the advantages he could gain from the situation he could not forget that it would require the girl before him to become a woman first. In his mind he knew she was already a woman, and quite capable of leading her own life, yet in his heart he always saw her as a girl who needed his guidance and protection.
In the end, despite his loving nothing more then to dismiss her notions of marriage and keep her safely away from those who would sully her, he looked into her eyes and saw the sweet and earnest girl staring adoringly back at him. Though he suspected that he could bend her to his will in this should he seek to, how could he break her heart let alone risk ruining the bond they shared. This would sadly need to play out, Cenarious thought to himself.
"Well that depends dear one." Cenarious said.
"Depends.. on what my King?" Sorsha asked nervously.
"On who you seek to give your heart to my dear." Cenarious continued. "Over looking the fact that he is almost certainly not worthy of you, we must also consider that should you marry the wrong man, he may mistreat you, and you know I could never stand idly by for that. I would like to know the name of the man who flaunts death seeking your hand."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
At his words Sorsha swallowed. The thought of Mathias mistreating her crossed her mind only because he said it, but almost as quickly it was gone. He was a changed man, where he used to be chaotic distrust and near anger, he had become trust, love and softness towards her. Although in her heart she knew this, she was also aware of the fact that no other person knew Mathias like she did. What most would see was what he allowed them to see. His ambitious nature, a reflected strong will, and his relentless pursuit to accomplish what most people would be afraid to name or dare ask. He was a man who flirted war, battles and change as one would breathe. With time, she knew she would make the King see the Mathias she knew and adored, but first she would have to start by acquiring the ring and marrying the man.
Sorsha stood straighter now and looked into Cenarious’ eyes. “My King, I have not made my choice lightly. Until only recently one of the men seeking my hand has been Marquis Rathan Himoura.” At the mention of his name, Cenarious’ face changed slightly she could tell he would not betray his thoughts or emotions on the matter he was extremely well composed in this area. She also knew how the King felt about Rathan. Despite her love for the man, had she chosen the Marquis instead she would have never betrayed her own heart for the loyalty of a crown but it would have been extremely difficult to live her life with a shattered sense of devotion. She didn’t know why she told him this now, perhaps in her mind she still did not know of the King’s reaction and she wished to soften the blow. He was obviously as protective of her as she was of him.
“As you are most likely well aware of as well,” her voice softened and she lowered her gaze, “is that Rathan will be leaving D’Hara.” He appeared to have shifted, perhaps he thought she had decided to leave as well only due to her obscure words.
Saying it out loud and to the King wasn’t any easier than it was in her mind. She still had extreme difficulty accepting the fact that Rathan would be leaving soon and she would never see him again unless the future had something preordained for them. 
“Because, my heart belongs to Duke Mathias Ridder,” she finally told him and looked up. She wasn’t going to beg for her ring, she would not back down from her decision by the slight chance the King may not approve but she wanted him to see the conviction of her words, the strength behind her decision. “I have loved Mathias as he has loved me, it has taken me years to decide and I will now wed him.”
Sorsha looked him straight in the eyes, she stood tall and proud and waited for his next words. One matter down, another one to go, but before she asked him her next question she would weigh his reaction first.
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
"Following your heart can be a dangerous pursuit child." Cenarious said softly.
Seeing her stubborn determination did little to further illuminate the issue. Cenarious's concerns remained the same and yet he still knew that he should not interfere with this matter.
"No matter what happens, always remember that I am here for you." Cenarious said before pausing to savor a long sip of brandy. "If you'd be kind enough to humor me, I've a word of fatherly advice to pass on in regards to handling your Mathias my dear. My father had a saying about men.. 'If you've got them by the stones their hearts and minds will follow'.."
Watching Sorsha blush fiercely in response to his comment, Cenarious chuckled and lifted his glass offering a toast. "To the happiest day of your life dear one."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Recovering from her blushing state, Sorsha raised her glass to his toast. “Thank you my King. It warms my heart to know I can always find support in you.” She took a drink and then lowered her glass. One matter settled.
There was a small pause as she thought how to broach the next subject and Cenarious watched her curiously. She looked up and then back down quickly. “There is another matter I wanted to speak with you about,” she stated awkwardly. “I have always… no,” she stopped herself and decided to take another route. “I respect and feel the utmost loyalty towards you. I would do almost anything you asked, not only because you are my king, but because I look to you as I would my own father and love you as such. I cannot think of any other person I would want by my side on my wedding day.”
The King was silent now waiting for her next words. “Would you… give me away to Mathias, that day?” she said the last softly, barely managing to get all the words out. She was extremely honest, but there were even some matters which she, had difficulty saying out loud. This time she drank the rest of her brandy, not truly feeling the liquid as it slid down her throat.
'''Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage''' 
Knowing how hard that must have been for her, the King found himself honestly moved. Rising slowly from his chair Cenarious made his way around his desk to where Sorsha was sitting nervously staring down at her empty glass. By force of habit he found himself posturing but didn't bother attempting to change his positioning. All those accustomed to positions of power are aware of the importance of appearances, thus as he chose to perch himself on the end of his desk nearest Sorsha the effects of this placement would seem as clear as day to one such as they. Such an observer would note that his positioning allowed for him to both maintaining the advantage of height, and the added weight and dignity such positioning provided, while at the same time displaying his willingness to bring himself closer to his subordinates level, much as a father kneels to speak more intimately to his small children (eye to eye as it were).
Reaching out with just a single finger, Cenarious lifted her chin so she would meet his gaze before he spoke quite earnestly. "You would make any father proud to call you his daughter."
Seeing the tentative beginnings of a relieved smile start to form on Sorsha's face, Cenarious continued. "It would be an honor to walk you down the aisle my dear."
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha’s face broke into a relieved smile and tears formed in her eyes. She rose from her chair and set her glass on his desk. Usually she would have stayed her ground but she couldn’t help herself and put her arms around the King’s neck in an affectionate embrace. “Thank you My King,” she whispered lightly. Cenarious would have never held her, due to his position and the chance people might see this as favoritism on his part but now that she did it first perhaps he would continue through.
It was a moment until she pulled away and when she did she wiped her cheeks with an embarrassed smile. “I will leave you now, I shall inform you once Mathias and I decide and we’ve completed the preparations.”
With those words, Sorsha took the ring the King slipped off his neck and returned to her. She locked it back in place with the other half and slipped the complete ring back unto her finger. Then she left the palace proper.

Revision as of 13:13, 17 December 2012