McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/wedding party: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien''' Kish listened to the beautiful vow exchange between Sorsha and Mathias and she couldn't help but remember her own on her wedding day. She reached u...)
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'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien'''

Kish listened to the beautiful vow exchange between Sorsha and Mathias and she couldn't help but remember her own on her wedding day. She reached up with her handkerchief and wiped her falling tears, she absolutely loved weddings but this was even more special since she considered Sorsha very close part of her family.
Everything had been planned carefully by Sorsha and it seemed that the timing on everything was perfect. She looked up at the star lit sky and she tightened her grip around Cenarious' arm "Isn't this truly magnificent?" she whispered to Cenarious and he nodded patting her hand "Indeed it is"
The ceremony continued and when the Priest announced the newly wed couple the crowd stood cheering and clapping for them. It had finally happened Sorsha and Mathias through their hardship had made it to this precious day, if anyone deserved happiness today it was them, they achieved their goal and they were starting their lives together.
The crowd talked amongst each other complimenting Sorsha's dress others her beauty, just as Kish and Cenarious were making their way behind the couple Kisharianda looked up and seen Isolde and Markus standing at the back smiling, her heart sank as she watched her father pick up Selena in his arms. She waved and smiled at Sorsha as she got closer and then her eyes met her mothers.
"MOMMY!!" and at the words her heart sank deeper she couldn't help herself she let go of Cenarious' arm and rushed as quickly as she could to her daughter without drawing any attention to her. She grabbed Selena in her arms and hugged her tightly "You choking me Mommy" Selena said gasping for air pushing her mother's face giggling "Oh I missed you so much my darling daughter" she buried her face in her chest as she tried to let go and finally releasing her hug she put her down and looked at her cupping her face in her hands.
"Sorsa has a pwetty dress Mommy" she said and looked at Sorsha walking away with Mathias "Yes she does" and she hugged her again, Cenarious in turn hugged his daughter and looked up at Markus. "Thank you Markus for keeping my family safe" and they both nodded at each other in understanding.
"Gwandpa took us fishing Mommy I caught a big fish" and she stretched her arms apart as far as she could "It twas dis big" and her eyes were as big and round as they could be and Kisharianda chuckled at her comment. "You did now good for you did you eat it?" and Selena frowned in disgust "No!, but gwandpa did" and she looked up at Markus who was now laughing. "Thank you father" she hugged his neck tightly and tried hard to contain her tears. Isolde rubbed her back understanding what Kisharianda was going through at the very moment "Thank you to the both of you" she sniffled.
Today had been truly perfect, knowing that her family was united again, Sorsha was married everything was the way it should be she grabbed Selena's hand and wrapped her arm around Cenarious' and they walked to the banquet hall behind the couple. "Are you hungry" she looked at Selena and excitedly Sorsha looked up and rubbed her belly "I very hungry Mommy!" and Kish giggled "Good because there's a LOT of food to eat"
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
The guests were then led to the banquet hall. Many tables were set out to accommodate everyone. One large table was set up higher than the rest, where the married couple sat, to Sorsha’s right was Cenarious, and then Kisharianda and finally Selena. The young child was very proud to be sitting at the table of honor and she was quite chirpy about it as she talked with her mother. “Me a big girl huh mommy? I see eberybody.” Kisharianda’s eyes shone with happiness at her daughter’s words.
Before Sorsha joined Mathias she stopped to speak with her. She kneeled in front of her and took Selena’s hands in hers. “Selena, I’m so happy to have you here with us,” she said softly and the child smiled as wide as she could. “I got a pwetty dress too.” she showed her and Sorsha grinned. “Yes you do, it’s very beautiful.” She took the time to properly examine her dress to not disappoint her, then she looked up. “This day wouldn’t have been complete without you here little one,” Sorsha touched the young child’s hair and gave her a hug.
“Come see me later and I’ll let you show off your dazzling dress and I’ll let you dance with my prince,” she pointed to Mathias as he was talking with Hexic who was sitting to his left, and Selena peeked over to look. 
“Mattayus a Pwince?” she asked her eyes in awe and Sorsha giggled. “He’s <i> my </i> prince,” she corrected and Selena sat back as if trying to understand what Sorsha meant. “Me going to mawwy a pwince too,” she said with determination and then looked to her mother. “But first I’m going to mawwy daddy.”
At that both Sorsha and Kisharianda laughed, and Sorsha took the child again in her arms and hugged her. “I think whichever prince decides to marry you will have his hands full indeed, and your father to contend with either way,” she grinned and let the child go. “I’ll see you later,” she whispered and waved.
Sorsha then returned to her seat and sat with Mathias who then turned to look at her. “Already you’re giving me away?” he joked and Sorsha grinned. “Only because I know this one will give you back,” she laughed at the expression on his face and kissed the tip of his nose.
“So I am your prince am I?” he leaned closer whispering with a twinkle in his eye and Sorsha nodded. “That and more,” she replied softly and kissed him.
The food was then brought out to the guests, a variation of different meats and poultries for everyone’s taste, some fish added as well but thankfully it did not make it to Sorsha’s plate. Vegetables and fruits were set out in large bowls before them, and fresh baked bread with freshly churned butter. Everyone began to eat and soon the wine followed.
The room filled with soft music, to add to the atmosphere and soon the voices rose with merriment and then laughter. Sorsha smiled as she looked ahead, as did everyone else at their table. It was nice to finally have everyone come together peacefully. Not only that but a rare gem was that Myern as well as Caerwyn would have more to bring back home with them, than a tale of hardship, monsters or a simple shipment of grain. 
Sorsha ate her food but wasn’t paying much attention to it, she kept looking to Mathias with a smile and he did the same. Food was the last thing on their minds right now, they were just happy being together.
Many of the guests would shout out for a kiss and Mathias was only too happy to give them the show they wanted. He would grin, and lean over to kiss her, but he would make sure it lasted more than a few seconds. Until eventually, the guests stopped asking and he continued. Sorsha grinned and laughed at his exuberance, she was only too happy to comply.
Soon the dinner was finished and the plates were taken away by the servants. The guests where then shown into the grand hall. More musicians were waiting and playing soft music as they began to trickle in.
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira'''
After everyone enjoyed their meal, Lycan got up and stood before the guests.
“My fellow nobles, your majesties, Sorsha and Mathias,” he said as he faced each in turn bowing slightly.
“I would like to make a toast.”
He then turned to face the newly weds.
“Mathias I have known you for a couple of years and through that time I have seen someone ambitious, headstrong and impulsive, at times. But I have looked into your heart, especially in the last few months, and what I found was a generous, caring and honorable man who will never jeopardize his morals and what he believes in for gold or power. You became a good friend to me and I believe you are the best man for my friend Sorsha." He grinned.
Looking to Sorsha he continued.
“My dear friend Sorsha, I have known you since I came to these fine lands. You have been my friend from the start. My only friend for the longest time. The day I met you, I felt like I had known you my entire life. As much as you tried to hide it sometimes, you have shown me you are caring, reliable and loyal beyond questioning. I know in my heart I could put my life in your hands and not worry about it.”
“My friends, you have found each other and with it, love. I have seen how your eyes glint when you are in each other’s presence and I thought to myself “Great!...They’re drunk again.” He gave a hearty laugh. Then he cleared his throat and continued “Actually… I have seen you without each other and there’s nothing you wouldn’t do to be together. And actions speak louder than words, my friends. I envy you for the love you have and one can only hope to find anything remotely close to it.”
“Now that you are married, let me give you some advice that was passed on to me by my father. He paused a bit and then added Never go to bed angry… just stay up late and argue.” He laughed.
Turning to face the crowd he raised his glass “Ladies and gentleman, please raise your glasses.” As they all did Lycan added “To the happy couple! May their life be long and prosperous and be graced with little Ridders!” He winked and everyone cheered and applauded.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
As the nobles waited in the Grand Hall, the last to enter the room were the bride and groom and again people clapped and cheered as they entered.
Mathias looked to the musicians with a nod and Sorsha frowned not really knowing what was going on and a soft, mesmerizing melody began to play. Mathias then led her to the center of the hall and turned to her with a gorgeous smile. “Would you honor me with this dance, <i>bean chéile</i>?”
Sorsha grinned as he called her, wife, in Gaelic. “I have been waiting for this moment, my entire life, <i>fear ceile,</i>” she answered him in turn.
He then took her hand in his and brought her closer. He slid his hand to her waist and held her close to him. Together they danced to the music, he leading her, and she losing herself in him like she always did.
His hand reached up to cup her cheek and he kissed her. “I love you Mathias,” she told him as he slowly pulled away, and he smiled. His eyes glinted with emotion, and his lips brushed hers in answer. “I know mo’searc, and I will forever love you.”
Soon the nobles around them, began to join them on the dance floor with their own partners and danced.
'''Roleplay from Kisharianda Onyxien'''
Taking Cenarious' hand they joined the dance floor with the couple along with many others. Kisharianda held Cenarious proudly and she smiled warmly at Sorsha when their eyes met, Kisharianda's fear had been lifted when she seen Selena with her own eyes and her mother had assured her earlier that the twins were sleeping comfortably in their nursery and well protected. She looked over at her parents who also had gathered on the dance floor Isolde and Markus danced closely together the perfect representation of a long lasting love. Markus was a very proud man and Isolde was the image of a soft warm woman all who looked at her admired her beauty.
Halfway through the melody Cenarious pulled away from Kisharianda kissing her hand. "You must excuse me my Queen I promised a dance to an admiring young lady this evening" and he smiled walking over to the table where Selena sat watching the couples dancing. With one swoop her picked her up and brought her to the dance floor and began to dance with her in his arms. Her smile memorizing as she wrapped her little arms around her father's neck. Isolde had made her a small dress adorned with an abundance of frills and small pearls, it was white and long down to her ankles with a big pink bow around her waist, her hair had been pinned up in small curls and decorated with baby's breath like her mother's. Selena kept talking up a storm to Cenarious as they danced.
"and gwand pa fell in the boat on his bum and gwand ma laughed at him" she took a quick breath "and I did too he was so silly" she smiled and took Cenarious face in her little hands "I watched Alisbear and Lexis all by myself when gwand ma made bwead! like a big gurl" she nodded and Cenarious praised her for it as she spoke. "Am I gonna be abel to dance with Sorsa pwince daddy?" and Cenarious chuckled "I'm sure of it darling" he hugged her "you don't want to dance with daddy anymore?" he asked smiling "uh uh I want to dance with gwand pa and gwand ma, and him and him" she pointed at numerous guests "and him" and she pointed in Hexic's direction and Cenarious chuckled even harder "Well I'll be sure to tell them honey" they continued to dance and Selena continued to tell her father of her adventure with her grand parents.
In the meantime Kisharianda took the liberty to slip away from the garden and make her way to the nursery. When she approached the door the guards bowed "My Queen" and they opened the door for her. She stepped inside and Misha had resumed her duties by the twins she rocked on the chair with Alistair in her arms, upon seeing Kisharianda she stood up and placed him in her arms and Kisharianda's eyes filled with water as she took him. "Oh I missed you my little man" she kissed his forehead and walked to Alexis' cradle and rub her head. "We will never be parted again my doves" she took a deep breath and exhaled relieved to have all her babies at home with her. She spent a good portion of time in the nursery surely a few songs had been played, she returned Alistair to his cradle and she returned to the ceremony. Where she noticed Selena dancing with her father and she smiled. Everything was perfect on this day and this would surely be a day that would be talked about for a long time to come.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell'''
The night continued on.  Mathias was cornered by the small royal who demanded her dance with the prince. He laughed and picked her up. He held her in his arms and she chattered away and he smiled at her nodding appropriately. The entire time he kept watching Sorsha over her shoulder as she stood a distance away watching them. Sorsha couldn’t help but smile, seeing him with the small child and she imagined Mathias with a little girl of his own.
Many guests wanted a chance to dance with the bride and groom and they both did so gracefully. They enjoyed the attention, but always their gazes returned to one another, as if speaking through their eyes alone.
Eventually Mathias found his way to Sorsha again and took her in his arms. He brushed the hair behind her ear leaned in to whisper something and pulled back with a large grin. She didn’t even have to answer him, her passionate gaze did the talking.
They announced their departure to the guests and then retreated to their chambers. The guests continued to celebrate until the small hours of the morning. But for the married couple, they didn’t come out of their chamber for a few days afterwards. The only time anyone even remembered they were there was when servants were sent to fetch some food.

Revision as of 13:07, 17 December 2012