McDowell Family/Kaylan McDowell/greatbridge: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell''' Kaylan approached her Captain and sighed. “Good battle today, Captain Xander” she grinned and he nodded equally pleased. “All the men are account...)
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'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''

Kaylan approached her Captain and sighed. “Good battle today, Captain Xander” she grinned and he nodded equally pleased. “All the men are accounted for, a little sore but none of them were injured My Lady.”
“Very good, and it’s just Kaylan,” she told him seriously and he gave her a lopsided smile, “just Xander,” he replied and they both shared a small laugh at the moment.
A scribe hurried behind them and handed her a report. She took the paper and her eyes scanned the battle report. Like always, the first thing she looked for were casualties and wounded. Her eye caught a name and she read it twice to make sure her eyes weren’t playing trick on her. There was no mistake and she looked up at Xander with a strangled expression and her face blanched.
“Something wrong?” he took the report from her weak fingers and read it himself. It appeared like any regular report and he couldn’t figure out what had scared her.
“I will return shortly,” without another word, she turned around.
It was a few moments later when she arrived at a tent and a guard stood at the front. “No one is to enter,” he said curtly blocking her path. She had no time to play games with him, and her eyes narrowed. “Soldier, I will say this only once, and if you care for your small hide you will do as I say, remove yourself.”
The soldier looked at her unimpressed and remained in front of her. “Those are my orders.”
It was true, with her small form, she didn’t appear much of a threat, but how deceiving appearances were. Her anger was slowly rising as was her impatience and her hand shot out to his throat in a swift motion and she lifted him off the ground. “I was asking nicely,” she hissed, “ but you leave me no choice.” Fueled by her anger she pushed him aside and he fell to the ground holding his throat with a sputtered cough.
Now the obstacle gone, she entered the tent, and looked for Fiona. Noticing her on a nearby cot with a healer hovering over her, she approached and took her hand in hers. He began to protest and she shot him a murderous glare. He stopped protesting and she focused on her sister. She was unconscious, and her body held little warmth. “She will be fine,” the healer informed her and she gave a small nod. Her eyes beginning to fill with moisture she kissed her sister’s hand. “It will be a few days, but she is a fighter this one.”
Kaylan smiled knowingly, she was her sister, therefore the statement was too true. “She is,” she agreed and now relieved that she was able to see her sister, she left the tent.
As she walked out the guard was standing there, upon seeing her he backed up cautiously.
Returning to her Captain who stood expectantly, she walked into her tent without a word. When she came back out she was holding her War Bow. “Gather the men,” she ordered.
When they were all gathered, she gave them a vicious smile, “all right boys, we’re going hunting.”
There were a few cheers and the Captain snapped some orders at them and they split into several groups.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm was...Somewhat shaken. This had been his first large scale battle, and even though Fontan had emerged victorious...It had been a slaughter on a wide scale...He needed to stabilize, and there was really only one person to help with that...He made his way slowly to Kaylan's camp, nodding to the guard as he strode in. He managed a smile (although it was weaker than his normal cheer) before striding over and squeezing Kaylan tight.
"Missed you..."
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Malcolm appeared almost out of nowhere but he didn’t seem like his usual self and Kaylan became slightly alarmed at his weak smile. She was about to say something but before she knew it his arms were around her, holding her almost desperately.
Forgetting her words, she slowly wrapped her arms around him, slid her fingers up the back of his neck and into his hair. Losing herself in his embrace, she closed her eyes reveling in his need for her. “I missed you too,” her voice almost chocked up with how much emotion those simple words brought forth and she swallowed. He just continued to hold her tightly and she kissed his neck. Pulling back, she tenderly caressed his face and her delicate brows drew down. “Are you alright?” she asked softly, afraid to shatter the moment.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm gave a slow nod.
"I'll be alright. I'm...Not used to large-scale slaughter yet. I'm sure I'll get over it quickly enough, but...still a little shaky."
He shook his head, trying to clear it.
"But, you had some news you wanted to tell me? Something that wouldn't work over a letter?"
He stroked a loose strand of hair back behind her ear, letting his fingers slide along her skin, trying to balance himself with the touch...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Leaning into his hand, Kaylan closed her eyes and took a relieved breath. Now that she knew what was wrong, she couldn’t help feeling empathy for him and captured his gaze with hers. “I understand, its okay to be shaken Malcolm, but I don’t think you ever get over it, you just get better at hiding it.” He gave a weak nod at her words and she took his hand and kissed the inside, letting her lips linger over his palm. “Some days are harder than others, especially ones like today. When you told me you were going to join me in battle, I was so afraid. Thank the Gods you’re safe,” she whispered as she leaned in again burying her face in his neck.
Remembering his question of her mysterious news, a large smile grew on her lips and she backed up once more. “You’re never going to believe it,” she said excitedly and his eyes followed her and he couldn’t help smiling along with her. “What I’ve been searching for, for so long has finally come to pass.”
He didn’t say anything, but his smile seemed to grow bigger and he waited for her next words.
“I've found my sister!” Her blue eyes twinkled with happiness and for a moment his smile faltered but returned almost immediately. She felt guilty for not telling him before this and now she couldn't help getting the feeling he had expected something else. “Isn’t that wonderful?” she asked, hoping he would join in her enthusiasm
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm's smile widened.
"A sister? This is excellent news indeed! But...You must tell me how you came to lose a sister in the first place? Who is it, what happened..."
Malcolm dragged her over to the cot and sat her down, grinning.
"You are not allowed to stand up until you finish telling me this story. I want to hear it all!"
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
Kaylan laughed at his exaggerated enthusiasm and smiled fondly, knowing he was doing it for her benefit. “Well, I believe you were introduced at Marshal KatalynFae’s wedding celebration, her name is Fiona… Dame Fiona Onyxien.”
She could tell he recognized the name and continued on to explain, “well, losing her…. It is a rather long story.” She smiled and told him everything that had occurred in his absence, between Lady Aewyn and herself, the story of her childhood, the finding of her sister at last.” By the time she was done, it was already growing late and she took a long breath. “That’s all I think,” it felt so good to finally tell him everything. She couldn’t believe she had kept it to herself for so long, and she didn’t actually feel the weight of fear for telling him either.
He simply sat there staring at her and she curiously became self conscious. She grinned shyly and looked down to his hand. “I’m sorry… I just… yeah… that was a lot at once,” she admitted. “I must have talked your ear off, you’re probably ready to keel over from listening to me natter on, not to mention hungry?” Why in the world was she behaving like this?  She knew what it was. It was his eyes. The way he looked at her, he had such a way of making her feel…
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm shook his head slightly, coming out of his reverie.
"No, I'm not bored or the like...It is a lot to take in, yes...Hm...I'll need to dispatch some of my men around her as well...You look enough alike that she'd be mistaken as you, which was fine when she was no one I knew, but if she's your sister...She'll need protection..."
He grinned again, his eyes clearing.
"But that I can do later...For tonight...We need to take what time we have together...Ah, unless, that is, you want to spend more time with Fiona, I'd...I'd understand, of course."
He tried to hide the fact that he would be very unhappy if she did, because...He did understand, but...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
At his words, her smile waned and his eyes examined hers questioningly. “I can’t,” she said softly and she felt his hand unconsciously tighten around hers, “she was wounded during the battle. I don’t think I will be seeing her until she is well again.”
Malcolm seemed to relax and she moved closer, leaning her head onto his chest. One hand still holding his, and the other pressed against him. “I want you to stay with me, I will have food brought in. We don’t always have much time to talk freely and since I’ve told you all there was about me, I would like to hear everything about you.” She looked up expectantly and his brows rose slightly. “For me,” she smiled sweetly. “I don’t want to think of the world waiting outside this tent. Tonight, let it just be you and I, help me forget…” her pleading blue eyes stared deeply into his.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm took careful note...And smiled broadly. If she needed to forget, then she'd come to the right man...
"My story, hm? Not much to tell...Grew up hearing tales of the exploits of my cousins, was sent off to build the family fortune...House Bedwyr is very well known, but we have an almost embarrassing lack of gold...So, Colin and I went off with marching orders to bring the gold pouring in. That's it, really. But...I do know some rather excellent tales...And I think I have just the right one for tonight...It starts with a cruel Tyrant, and a wondrously clever Lady, named Scheherazade..."
Malcolm continued for the rest of the night, telling fantastic tales, only pausing for food and drink...His voice grew tired as the night went on, but he managed to conceal it well...They did not make love that night, but Kaylan slept firmly wrapped in his arms, her head resting on his chest where she could hear his heart beat...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
The next morning came too quickly. Kaylan slipped out of Malcolm’s arms and carefully made her way across the tent. Pushing the tent flap a sliver, she could see dawn’s early light, and knew whether she wanted it or not, her day was starting… She had much work ahead of her, and took a deep sigh, gathering the necessary courage and strength to face it.
Picking out her travel clothes, she chose tight black breeches and a brown leather jerkin. She began by combing out her long hair, and braided it tightly then continued on to dress.
Tying her leather jerkin, her fingers stopped moving, and she paused, watching Malcolm sleep. She slowly examined every inch of his gorgeous face, his chest, and her gaze lingered over taking the rest of him in.
An emotion so strong washed over her it made her chest ache and she was forced to take an irregular breath. Trying to shake herself back to reality she focused on what she was doing. A fear began to rise along with the sudden tightness in her chest. She knew what it meant, and it really scared her. It wasn’t being with him that put her off balance, but every word, caressing touch, kiss, and stolen glances they shared was making her lose herself in him, just a little bit more each day. The fear was because she just didn’t have the strength or the will to resist any longer, deep down, she truly didn’t want to.
Managing to finish this time, she picked up the ever present cloak and left the tent. Moments later she returned with some bread, cheese and a small bowl of mixed fruits. Setting the bread and cheese on the table, she kneeled on the carpet beside him, and nibbled on the fruits, simply letting him sleep a little bit longer. She didn’t have the heart to wake him.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm stretched, his eyes opening as his arms reached out to where Kaylan had been nestled against him...Only to find the bed cold...He frowned, turning his head and saw her kneeling and eating next to him.
"Oh...You're up and...Ready to go already..."
He shook his head, trying to wake up fully.
"Should have woken me...Would have had breakfast with you...Can always sleep later, not much time with you..."
He smiled, stroking her face...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
“You just looked so peaceful,” she smiled and rose. Setting the bowl beside them, she crawled over, to lie on top of him and grinned. “I haven’t had breakfast yet,” she picked up a strawberry and brought it to his mouth, she gently rubbed the fruit over his lips and moved in to kiss him. Slowly tasting both him and the sweet juice she pulled away with a grin. “You can still join me,” she said adding a kiss to her invitation.
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm grinned, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her down for another kiss.
"Mmm...Sounds very good...And when we're done with the berries...I think I'll eat you my sweet Kaylan...And see which tastes better..."
He growled playfully and nipped her neck. This was going to be a fun morning...
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
He was giving her incredible shivers and she closed her eyes with a sigh. At his growling nip, she giggled and pretended to fight him off. “You have to earn it first,” she teased and tried to weasel out of his grasp and he sat up to pull her back once more. “Oh no you don’t,” he growled pulling the blanket from under her, bringing her back and his mouth found her neck again. “Not fair” she whined with a laugh and he smiled smugly.
His eyes stared into hers for a moment and she stopped struggling. Moving in she gave him a long passionate kiss.  Suddenly she moved away attempting her escape again but he was just as quick and climbed over the blankets. Somehow she managed to get tangled in them and he started to tickle her sides making her squeal loudly. She threw her head back, laughing and desperately fought him off rolling to the side and they both fell off. There was a small “oomph” on her part and then silence. Malcolm quickly reached in to make her look at him. “Are you alright?”
She blinked up at his worried expression and erupted with laughter.
“I just can’t win can I?” she asked breathless and he grinned boyishly. She made one final attempt, but his hands grabbed her waist to slide her between his legs and he straddled her. He pinned her wrists down and leaned in a few inches from her face. “Only because you don’t play fair either,” he whispered and she passed her bottom lip through her teeth, knowing she was guilty.
He was about to kiss her when she heard someone clear their throat and frowned. Turning she noticed her Captain standing there and only then realized how deceiving their position was. “I’m sorry Lady Kaylan, I heard….” his face turned beet red when he realized she was smiling and that she wasn’t being held against her will. Averting his gaze he was unsure whether to stay or leave.
“I’m fine Captain,” she said seriously, “thank you,” she said and he gave a nod. When he left, she covered her mouth and started to laugh again. “You know, now I don’t think I’ll ever be able to look him in the eye and give him a serious order,” she reflected and then realized what the presence of her Captain meant. “Malcolm,” she said softly and kissed him. “I think we’re only going to have time for breakfast this morning…”
'''Roleplay from Malcolm Bedwyr'''
Malcolm sighed, and rolled off.
"Yes...I suppose you're right...At least we're moving the same way...How about I meet you back here with my troop in half an hour, and we ride off together?"
Malcolm smiled hopefully.
'''Roleplay from Kaylan McDowell'''
She knew he was disappointed and so was she, but at least they would be together for a while longer. “I’d like that very much,” she returned the smile and kissed him. “I’ll wait for you.”

Revision as of 12:55, 17 December 2012