McDowell Family/Deianarah McDowell/conclusion: Difference between revisions

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'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''

It was shortly after Deianarah regained consciousness. She could feel a gentle swaying, and warmth around her. Her head hurt so much, and she groaned lightly, opening her eyes, she looked up to see Thain looking at her. The motion made her close her eyes again, she felt like she had drunk too much wine and any moment she would be sick, but instead she swallowed.
She tried to think back to how she ended up being carried by him. She remembered leaving with Silmeriel, the Spring court, remembered seeing it all, the pool, the images, the assassins, the kiss with Silmeriel. That made her whimper and she buried her face in his chest. After that, there seemed to a void… like there was nothing. Where was she being taken? What was going on?  “What happened?” she whispered and reached up to hold on to his neck, she was suddenly afraid. 
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain noticed her stir, and smiled down at her. When she asked him what happened, he decided to spare her and not tell her how she acted under the influence of whatever it was.
"Nothing happened Dei... You fainted, and Silmeriel disappeared. The king is having the area sealed, and is bringing in priests. Hush, I don't know what you saw, but whatever it was, it wasn't real. It's some sort of devilry, or witchcraft, and Silmeriel is wanted for questioning. I'm going to leave you with my healer and head back to help, unless you'd prefer I stay."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah frowned, but still held on to him tightly. She felt so safe with him. “But it all felt so real…” she murmured, her face in his neck. She bit her lip in thought. Now that she had seen what the pool had shown her, even if it was devilry as he said, she still felt closer to him somehow. “Please stay with me…” she whispered into his neck, almost afraid to ask him. Afraid he would see through her, and hear in her voice that she cared for him more than she should.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain held her tight against his chest and made the way to where he was staying, he was grateful it was a short walk. He had deep feelings for the woman in his arms, and he had known it from the first moment he saw her. He just hoped he hadn't ruined his chances with her by giving in while she was under the influence of whatever devilry it was. He whispered softly to her, "I'll stay with you as long as you want." and entered a small room with a fire roaring. He set her down on a leather loveseat and sat next to her. He motioned for an aid,
"Send a message to the King, tell him Deianarah is fine, and I'm tending her now and I will be there later to investigate whatever the hell happened this evening. And get her something warm to drink."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Even though the seat had enough room for both of them, she didn’t want to put too much distance between them. She leaned into him and put her head on his chest. “I don’t understand Thain…” she started softly. “I saw so many things I know I can’t explain but somehow I believe them to be true.”
She waited a moment, and her eyes saddened. “I saw you…” she looked up and slowly touched his face where his scar was. “Without this…” she swallowed, her fingertips trailing over his skin. “I saw you bring your father to his funeral pyre,” she said, her eyes looking down and away. “I’m so sorry for what happened. I could not imagine losing my father, but your song was beautiful.”  She then hummed the melody, as if to prove to him she had heard it.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain held her close, and a sad look crept over his face as she mentioned father, and he nestled his head against hers.
"Some of what you saw may be true, Daimonic magic is powerful no doubt... But that power comes with a terrible price. Look what it did to Silmeriel. Drove her mad, and now she's gone, the Daimons have probably come to take their pound of flesh from her. What else did you see?"
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
“A price maybe… but I’m glad I saw it, I almost feel like I was there with you. I kind of wish I was… you looked like you needed someone…” she let trail off, remembering the look in his eyes.
She then thought of what else she saw, and bit her lip. She remembered the image of them kissing, but she didn’t want to say anything for fear that if he knew, it wouldn’t happen, or it wasn’t meant to happen, then she would admit her feelings to him without needing to.
“I saw my sister Sorsha… when we were younger, and then I saw her older. She looked so different, so cold, much colder than I’ve ever seen her,” she said worried and then remembering it brought the fear up again. She sat up a bit straighter, still nestled into his chest, but her voice sounded more alert. “She was in trouble… She was with a man…” she tried to think back, “I think she called him Rathan. I think they were lovers, but they were fighting I think, but I didn’t see all of it…”
She could hear his heart beating, and took comfort in it. “I hope she’s alright…”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Rathan you said?" quite alarmed. "No, it can't be... Thrice damned Daimon worshipper... Posed as an inquisitor for the Order of the Elders for a long time, then fled to Dwilight to learn more about Daimons, and to worship them.... I was there when he escaped... He kept cackling about how he had found the key to immortality..."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
At his words, her mouth seemed to dry up. “You know him? Then…” she sat up and looked at him, her eyes fearful. “My sister’s in trouble… what has Sorsha gotten herself into…” she said speaking her thoughts out loud. “She’s in Dwilight. That means what the pool showed me was true…” She took Thain’s hand and gripped it, “that means Alec is alive…” she said slowly, torn between worry for her sister, but glad Alec was alive somewhere. “I saw it, he was with a woman… he gave her his ring…” she lifted her hand and showed Thain the McDowell ring on her finger, and then separated it, showing him both halves. “He gave her one…” her face lit up.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain shook his head reassuringly, "Nonsense. You have no way to know what that pool showed you was real.. Or whether it was the past, present or future. Relax and try to let it go. Such things have been known to drive men mad, and that is exactly the goals of the daimons that make these things... These 'fey' are nothing more than Daimons. I don't know how, but Silmeriel stumbled upon the Netherworld. I'll have to investigate. What else did you see?" he said gently wrapping a large, soft blanket around the two of them as the tea arrived.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah’s gaze remained on her rings and then her face saddened. She had hoped so much that her brother would still be alive… She quietly leaned against Thain again, locked the ring back together and slipped it on her finger in silence.
He set a blanket around them, and she was given some tea. She looked to it and sighed. “I miss him so much,” she admitted, and her eyes filled with moisture. The blanket provided some much needed warmth and she couldn’t help indulging in it, besides her dress showed way too much skin as it was, and she was grateful for the cover. Even though she had only been gone for the duration of a blink of an eye, she had truly been gone a day, which meant she had been awake for almost two days now… but she didn’t want to close her eyes. If she did, then Thain may well likely be gone when she woke, and this moment would end.
“I saw myself as a child… training with Sorsha…and the day she left home,” her voice was still sad. “Then Silmeriel showed me possibilities about the future…” she didn’t elaborate but she grew somewhat uncomfortable. “The spring court is beautiful, how can something like that be so wrong? I met with the Queen… and that’s when she poured loveberry wine into my glass. I wasn’t paying attention, and I drank half of it before I realized what it was. It stimulates your senses,” she explained, her cheeks blushing. “Heightens your every desire, mostly… your sexual desires.” She shook her head, not really believing it herself.
“The next thing I knew we were running, it all seemed to happen so quickly. There were assassins everywhere, one almost got to me. I was weaponless, but Silmeriel saved me… and ugh… she knew how I would become with the effects of the wine and she wanted me to stay there, but I just wanted to leave. I wanted to come back home…” she said the last softly. <i> To you, </i> she thought, but didn’t dare voice aloud.
“It was such an incredible urge. I remember running, but from then on it’s like everything gets blurry and foggy, and I can’t remember how I got back.”
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Evil often hides beneath the veil of beauty, to ensnare and corrupt the unwary. So, Silmeriel tried to take advantage of you? I'll have her head for that." he paused, sipped some tea, and continued.
"You reappeared, then fled out the door, and collapsed in the stable. I ran after and carried you out." he said, figuring he'd spare them both the awkward moment, and the shame of her actions.
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
“It was her mother, I don’t think Silmeriel had bad intentions. She was trying to spare me the consequences of my actions. She told me she was in love with me…” she said the words and swallowed.
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
He nodded as she spoke, and he longed to kiss her again... But refrained. She had been through a terrible ordeal, and he didn't want to further burden her. He wanted to just be with her, and bask in her presence. With a great deal of willpower, he stood and wrapped the blanket around her.
"I have to go and assist the King. I'll be back later, try and get some sleep." and he headed to the door, and stole one last look at her before leaving. He trudged back the way he came, his cloak wrapped tight against him to keep out the cold. He arrived and sought out Jenred.
"Deianarah is doing well your majesty, she's awake, a little disturbed, but she'll be fine. I spoke with her about what she saw, and based on what I saw, I have determined that this place holds some sort of gateway to the Netherworld. We should confiscate the box the Sartan priestess was given."
'''Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell'''
Deianarah watched as Thain rose from the seat and tucked the blanket around her. Her hands tightened around it as she tried to keep calm. She wanted him to stay, but she knew he needed to go. So instead of saying anything she nodded weakly, and watched him leave. Laying down she curled up and brought the blanket to her face, nuzzling into it. It still smelled like Thain, and she tried to pretend she could still feel his arm around her. Maybe it was the loveberry wine and the after effects, or again the memory of what could happen in her future, but she felt like they had gotten closer somehow.
Closing her eyes, she smiled, he may be gone but he would be back shortly. She <i> was </i> exhausted after all. She didn’t think he would be much interested in watching her sleep anyway. It was probably best he left and took care of things while she rested. It didn’t take her long and she was quickly asleep.
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Silmeriel woke up, and though Madelena wasn't at home the servants quickly recognised her and treated her wounds, she felt dizzy having lost so much blood, and her body was still terribly tired, the wounds though not serious were very painful and overall, she felt like if a giant had smashed her with its fists repeatedly.
Still she was quite aware in her mind now, and the first thing she did was asking for news about that night, she seemed relieved when they told her Deianarah was well, but she was taken by rage when she heard about the King's actions, and had to spend a few minutes calming herself, it wasn't really any surprise she knew how blind he could be when he wanted to, and so she decided to see him immediately.
Struggling along the way she quickly reached the palace where Thain and Jenred were meeting, and she then said in a defiant tone, barely waiting for the guard to announce her arrival.
"So the two blind men are gathered, have you already discussed which methods of torture you'll use on me? Or are you still trying to find 'proofs' of my many 'sooo terrible and vile deeds'. While you two here have been discussing my 'involvement' with daimons I was cutting down more of them than you have seen your whole life. Go now why don't you find any proofs? Take my journals, read each and every single page, I have been writing them since I was 4 years old, and the worst entries you'll find will be days of boredom, the most interesting may be how much I admired you two foolishly before you decided to turn my generosity away. Then why don't you ask the people of Remton about any 'suspect' dealings in my new home there? They will tell you of how many orphans I took under my care, orphans from the wars of Arcaea, children forgotten by our proud realm. Then check and recheck my gifts for you as many times as you wish, the box will be empty, Selene isn't in danger nor she is the one who wishes to open it. You took my friendship and love as some vile and corrupt interest, and now you shall never receive them from me anymore"
"For how much longer we will play this ridiculous game of witch hunting? You both have personal interests in this matter, but do you really want to do such a foolish game to fulfill them? In any case I am entirely at your disposal until you return to reason or decide to follow through with this madness" she now looked mainly at Thain with cold stern eyes.
'''Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr'''
Jenred had been discussing rotations for guarding Silmeriel's house with the various militia captains, with letters dispatched to Duchess Marle to inform her of the incident. It was her city, after all. He paused to listen to Thain's words attentively, before shaking his head.
"I will need more information than that before being convinced. And, truth be told...I may be a servant of the Aenil, but I am not skilled at these matters. I hope that we can get as many Priests as possible to see the matter for themselves. But...Only under armed guard. Just because I am not convinced that this is a result of Daimonic activity does not mean I am not worried. I have not the faintest clue why Silmeriel did not return, but..."
He turned in surprise at the guard's startled announcement of Silmeriel's arrival, and took a half step back and nearly drew his sword at her obvious wounds and vehemence. As she continued, he returned to his normal pose, with eyes steadily growing brighter with anger. When she finished, he began responding through clenched teeth.
"Speak to me in that tone again, and you will be driven from these lands with dogs howling at your heels. I have decided nothing. Lord Thain is, perhaps, somewhat hasty, but I have the final say in Arcaea."
His mouth worked for a moment before he continued.
"You performed whatever you performed. Supposedly, you took a few nobles to another land. Very well. I find the matter personally unsettling, especially given what happened when you attempted to bring Edara and me with you, but it did not harm anything so far as I saw. Then, Deianarah returned obviously distraught...And you did not return at all. Given your previous statements, this seemed to be unplanned. So. I see powerful magic, either of illusion or transportation, that seems to have gone awry. I have no knowledge of what transpired. I am aware that the only known portals to realms as different as what you described go to, literally, the Daimon's Hell. So. I took action to establish an armed presence around your house, both for the safety of the city and to inform me as soon as you arrived so I can find out what did happen."
The King's lips thinned.
"And since you have so kindly placed yourself at my disposal, you may begin by explaining how you know details of a conversation you could not possibly have overheard, what happened when you disappeared, and what happened to Deianarah. And, you will pardon me, but I will be listening to your answers with an armed guard present. Since your house is convenient, will you invite us in, or shall we return to the Palace?"
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
Thain glared at Silmeriel suspiciously, his hand resting on his sword.
"I'll join you inside shortly... There is something I must do first." he turned on his heel, curtly nodding to Jenred, and strode off in the direction of the stables. He emerged a short time later, a dress clutched in one hand.
"Let us go inside, and I'll present my case. I will represent the Order of the Elders here, being a Chosen, and a holy warrior, this is an area of my specialty."
'''Roleplay from Jenred Bedwyr'''
Jenred followed Silmeriel in, with Thain accompanying while the militiamen took guard outside (save for one who urgently summoned Selene and any others of the cloth who were in the area) and Jenred and Thain's men took position in the house. Jenred sat, facing Silmeriel, and gestured with an open hand.
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
Selene had been waiting near the house and entered as soon as she heard the "trial" was about to begin. She entered the room just as the others took their seats.
"I will be representing the Church of Sartan in this." she said. "I will also be bearing witness as to what I saw when I went with Silmeriel."
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth'''
Silmeriel began explaining first about the travel itself
"You do not require any kind of magic to get in or out the plane of the fey, what you need is to get used to line of thoughts you need to follow to pass the barriers, anyone in theory can do it, it's just that I have been doing it ever since I was born so it's easy, but as you could see yourselves Dei in a desperate moment could leave by her own will, if nothing else this proves that there's no sorcery involved"
She then paused explaining now about the fey
"The fey are as simple as I have told you, creatures of emotion, they divide themselves in groups with fanciful names chosen to exemplify their favorite emotions, they live on parallel world similarly to the Aenil but for the last time I am saying they are very different from the Aenil themselves which live on another of those parallel planes, journeys sometimes happen between one another and were reasonably common in some more ancient cultures but the lack of written record helped in making things be forgotten"
And finally she decided to explain about the journey with Deianarah
"The fey don't think like we do, their main emotions are all that matters and they can easily forget others, Dei was simple tricked into drinking a kind of wine that should only be used privately, and so she got scared and left, but this happened at the same time of an attack from the Dark Court, which worships negative emotions such as Hate, they're sometimes led by daimons as well, my mother was wounded and could not lead the armies into battle so I temporarily took the crown to fight myself, Nihilus which had discovered a path to the fey plane earlier by himself also came in my aid, and together we managed to win the battle, and now I am here and I have absolutely no idea if he's even alive or anyone else I've left behind for that matter"
She was now holding tears but her voice was still cold and harsh
'''Roleplay from Thain Himoura'''
"Sounds exactly like the Netherworld to me." interjected Thain. "And while I cannot blame you for being mislead, I cannot allow this practice to continue. You have been deceived, your description of these lands of "fey" match the descriptions of Chaos and the Netherworld. Temptation, deception, excess, lust and darkness. Your mother is a Daimon, as was the King of Summer... And any others you met... Your tampering with the borders between worlds may very well lead to the opening of a permanent portal between this world and the Netherworld. Not even Hel will be able to contain the damned and the Daimons then. They will be released upon the world of man, and all we know will perish. This is what I know to be true."
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
"I completely disagree!" interjected Selene strongly. "When I traveled there I saw nothing to suggest it was in any way related to the Netherworld. I have studied these matters and I say that wherever we were taken, it was not the Netherworld! I do not pretend to know where exactly we went but I am certain that the beings within that place intended us no harm and that Silmeriel had no ill intent. This is what I know to be true."
'''Roleplay from Selene Octavius'''
"I think," said Selene, "that I am perfectly capable of judging whether or not people are trying to trick me. It was not unpleasant there but I have no desire to return. I was under the impression that daimons were far better at tempting people than that.
"There are more things in heaven and earth than any of us can dream of. Who are you to say that there are only three planes? Certainly, there are only three planes that we have known of so far but that does not mean there aren't any others.
"I also have been trained to deal with heretics, daimons and other abominations. And I tell you that where we went was not a place of evil."
'''Roleplay from Silmeriel Orgauth''' 
"Ohh yes Sir Himoura, then is love, friendship, loyalty and righteousness the work of evil? Innocent child, happy couples, brave warriors they are all devils? If so then they must have a very strange mind dear paladin, they teach and show virtues completely opposed to daimons and even give up their lives to protect us from the hordes of horrible creatures, ohh yes certainly it's all an evil trick, friends I have spent my whole life together playing with them as I was a kid, my mother which raised me so kindly teaching me everything I believe in and more yes it must be all an evil plot"
"The only thing I do not understand my all knowing paladin, is why then have I have not turned into a terrible evil witch, and were are my bat wings since I am half-demon as you speak ? Why have they tried to prove to you that your fight against evil is so important if they want you to fail, and most importantly why didn't they simply slay you if you were amidst millions if not billions of them?"
Her tone was of clear mockery and sarcasm, but her eyes were sad and showed absolutely no delight with the situation
"No, Sir Himoura, you're the one who knows nothing here, you come here to tell me that whole life has been but a joke, a plot, and even worse a plot that makes absolutely no sense that exists only in your mind ?, has your father told you all the secrets of the universe ?, is everything you do not understand something evil to be destroyed and burnt ?"

Revision as of 12:41, 17 December 2012