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Revision as of 23:23, 10 January 2012

Dwilight Daily

Assault on Tower Fatmilak January 31, 2012
The Commonwealth of Auravandil has successfully assaulted the stronghold of Tower Fatmilak, capital of the Republic of Madina. Fatmilak is now besieged, with the occupying forces running a takeover. Madina, however, has not backed down and has been working to regain full control of their capital. Tower Fatmilak lies on a key point between Auravandil and Madina. Should it fall, the Republic will certainly be hard-pressed to continue the war.
Comment on this story. by Halleria Feylonis 
New Lurian Realm January 24, 2012
The duchy of Shinnen seceded from Luria Nova to form Luria Vesperi, the newest of the Lurian realms. Its newly-instated King, Bipedal Coldchest, removed his duchy in the midst of the war that has caught Luria. He maintains, though, that the creation of Vesperi was independent of the war - traditionally, the Lurian realms kept a delicate power of balance by ensuring no single kingdom is made too powerful by holding too many duchies. King Coldchest has declared an alliance with its mother realm of Luria Nova, although no formal declaration of war against Pian en Luries has been announced.
Comment on this story. by Halleria Feylonis 
War in Luria! January 19, 2012
Earlier today the Lurian March of Solaria declared war against the Kingdom of Pian en Luries. The primary reason for the war, as stated by the Arbiter Malus Solari of Solaria, was the unlawful theft of Lupa Lapu by one Etna. The lands of Solaria are property of the realm held in trust by its lords. Certain Pianese nobles, however, defended Etna and refused to return the region to Solarian control.

Events escalated when a Morekian assassin came to collect a bounty on Etna (placed by Arbiter Solari and Hrok Stefanovic, Duke of Poryatown). A counter-bounty was then placed on Arbiter Solari's head. A meeting was convened between the lords of Solaria and the lords of Pian en Luries, but the assassin attempted to strike in the midst of it. The aforementioned assassin was then captured, after which she revealed that she was hired by Royal Overseer Brom Silverfire of Pian en Luries. In an attempt to diffuse the heightened hostilities, King Koli Bedwyr of Pian en Luries offered to return Lupa Lapu to Solaria, but the monarch was poisoned before the arrangement was acted upon.

It was revealed that Lord Ramiel Avis of Askileon Purlieu allowed a second attack upon his King even amid the recovery. It quickly became apparent to the Solarian lords that a struggle was brewing within the noble ranks of Pian en Luries. Arbiter Solari then called the Pianese situation to the attention of King Tybalt Crusader of Luria Nova, and evidently his realm would be assisting Solaria against Pian en Luries, thereby drawing in the entire Lurian Empire into the conflict.
Comment on this story. by Halleria Feylonis 
Verdis Elementum Versus Barca? January 13, 2012
Frederick Bickerstaff, Senator of Celtiberia has closed down a temple of the Verdis Elementum amid strong opposition from the local faithful, evidenced by the fact that it took Senator Bickerstaff's men five attempts before the aforementioned temple was fully decommissioned. The act by the Barcan Senator raised an outcry from the nobles of the Verdis Elementum faith, although Baal Zephon Beldragos, Ak'tari of Earth, urged his fellow believers to practice patience.

The priest sent a missive to the Suffete of Barca, Flavia Constantia O'Duibheannaigh, asking her to respect the sacred temples of the faith. Beldragos acknowledged the right of a lord to his region, but requested that, should any lord wish to close down more temples of Verdis Elementum, they should contact a priest or elder of the faith to perform the last rites. The Suffete responded that closing down the temple was not an act against the faith, that it was a lord's prerogative whether to ask for a priest to properly close down a temple, and that there was no persecution in the decommissioning of a religious site. She also stated that violence was initiated by the local faithful who blocked the attempts of Barcan bannermen that sought to destroy their place of worship. The Suffete also accused the priest of dictating commands to the Barcan lords, due to the priest's request that any further destruction of temples be administered by an elder of the faith. She concluded her response by stating that it was not within her power as Suffete of Barca to dictate the actions of its Senators, and that the Barcan Justice has ruled in favor of the lords.

The matter of the gold's temple was raised. When the temple was closed down, its treasury was confiscated by the Celtiberian Senator. Suffete O'Duibheannaigh maintained that it was not an act of looting, that as lord of the region Senator Bickerstaff had legal claim on the temple and its treasury. She further stated that Verdis Elementum had no right to demand their temples be given immunity and that, perhaps, its faithful could worship without the temple but rather outside under the elements they held sacrosanct.

Duke Brackern Burgundy of Twainville, a member of the Verdis Elementum faith, pressed the issue to Lady Justice Alyssa Chambers. He asked that the confiscation of the treasury of the Celtiberia temple be recognized as theft, and as such recompense must be given. He further noted that the issue was, in fact, not covered by the legal code of Barca, and thus the Lady Justice had the capacity to give a ruling. There has since been no word from the Barcan lords, and the Daily presumes that the issue is still being discussed in their chambers.
Comment on this story. by Halleria Feylonis 

Realm Rankings: January 2012 January 10, 2012
To herald the newly-refurbished Dwilight Daily, we present to you: Realm Rankings! Taking into account various factors such as economy, food production, regions owned, population, diplomatic relations, and others, the Daily has compiled the gathered data and determined the rankings of the realms of Dwilight against each other. The results, for January, are thus:

17th Place: Iashalur

  • Due to its small size accompanied by its small noble population (not to mention its tiny economy), Iashalur ranks the lowest in Dwilight. Its economy, however is relatively sizable, and its many allies (particularly with the other Sanguis Astroism theocracies) certainly help the forecasts for this realm. That, and their planned expansion into the untamed northwest.

16th Place: Solaria

  • Despite the fact that it is the smallest realm on Dwilight, Solaria boasts ownership of Poryatown, one of the busiest ports on the continent. They also have a good number of nobles to keep their lands well-administered. Its relatively good economy and population help keep the realm from sinking to the bottom of the proverbial barrel.

15th Place: Auravandil

  • Because of its few lands and relatively small economy, Auravandil lands the fifteenth spot on our rankings. Though it has the largest noble population in Dwilight, its wars and enemies amid a lack of allies certainly don't help the outlook on this realm.

14th Place: Madina

  • Recently recapturing its rogue island regions as well as enjoying a high number of nobles (primarily due to the influx of Caerwyn refugees), Madina claims the fourteenth spot. Its healthy economy - credited to the favorable position of Madina City in the middle of active trade routes - supports well its war against Auravandil.

13th Place: Grand Duchy of Fissoa

  • The otherwise average statistics for the Grand Duchy are complemented by its many good relations with neighboring realms (with the sole exception to its war against Auravandil, alongside the Fissoan allies in Madina).

12th Place: Barca

  • Barca's good number of nobles make it a prime candidate for expansion, though perhaps it may tread around the Zuma cautiously. Thankfully, its federation with Terran and D'Hara favors bets on the future of the Rettleville-based republic.

11th Place: Kabrinskia

  • The newest Sanguis Astroism theocracy boasts a relatively good economy and population, due to grow as its recently claimed lands mature. With its rich capital of Golden Farrow, Kabrinskia may yet rise higher in the rankings in the coming months.

10th Place: Pian en Luries

  • Squeezed between two realms and facing seemingly constant conflict with its dukes, Pian en Luries places tenth. However, its hold on Askileon and its veritable economy and populace keeps this realm afloat.

9th Place: Libero Empire

  • Libero Empire secures the ninth position as it rests on a large population coupled with an economy that only supports a relatively few number of nobles. Its excellent relations with its neighbors also support a good future for the northeastern realm.

8th Place: Asylon

  • Doubling in size as it brought in the duchy of Via from the lost Caerwyn Republic, Asylon enjoys its position on the eight spot as it works to bring in a third duchy - Itau - into its realm.

7th Place: Summerdale

  • The northern realm of Summerdale boasts a stable economy that is large when compared to its small noble population. Holding the towers of Valkyrja and Storms Keep with their capital of Nifelheim at the center, the realm has been peaceful for a number of months - and that is unlikely to change in the foreseeable future.

6th Place: Corsanctum

  • Fair-sized realm, good economy, healthy number of nobles, large population with a food production to match - those, plus its good relations with other Sanguis Astroism theocracies secures Corsanctum on the sixth spot in our rankings.

5th Place: D'Hara

  • Its large economy and population solidifies D'Hara as the fifth realm on our rankings. Coupled with its federations and peaceful relations with a large number of realms, the future indeed looks bright for the central realm of Dwilight.

4th Place: Terran

  • The large Terran republic, maintained by its numerous nobles supported by its sizable economy, is the fourth realm ranked. With good food production to match its population, this diplomatically able realm may yet rise higher in the coming rankings.

3rd Place: Luria Nova

  • Without question the most powerful of the Lurian realms, Luria Nova starts off the Top Three with its large economy, numerous nobles, wide realm, and huge population. Its healthy relations with its neighbors also help ensure the stability of the Lurian region.

2nd Place: Morek Empire

  • Morek Empire claims the runner up spot, with its many regions and high food production well-maintained by a high number of nobles

1st Place: Astrum

  • Even spawning two more realms, Astrum still maintains an economy to envy, a vast realm, a large noble presence, and a population to churn its lands. The top realm also boasts the best diplomatic image with its five alliances and six peaceful relations.

The Zuma Coalition has been omitted from the rankings due to lack of information regarding it state.

And so concludes the first Realm Rankings. Watch out for next month's issue to see shifts as the southwestern realms continue clash wills with the Zuma Coalition, as the Auravandil-Madina war progresses, and as the Lurian area stabilizes with the new realm of Solaria.
Comment on this story. by Halleria Feylonis 
January 25, 2012
Blank.png The realm of Pian en Luries has elected Katerina Arundel as its Queen. She received 27% of the valid votes cast.
January 24, 2012
An alliance was forged
The realms of Luria Nova and Luria Vesperi have joined into an alliance.
January 21, 2012
Luria Vesperi is born
Blank.png Shinnen has seceded from Luria Nova, creating the realm of Luria Vesperi under the monarchy of Bipel Coldchest.
January 17, 2012
A new war is breaking out!
Solaria has declared war on Pian en Luries.
January 17, 2012
Blank.png The rogue Zigbar is publicly executed in Candiels.
January 17, 2012
Blank.png Asylon has taken control of Shuberstone. The region used to be rogue.
January 12, 2012
Blank.png The realm of Madina has elected Fionn MacCumhal as its Grand Doge.He received 41% of the valid votes cast.
January 10, 2012
Blank.png The realm of Libero Empire has elected Elsebeth Evans as its Queen.She received 75% of the valid votes cast.
January 10, 2012
Blank.png The realm of Barca has elected Flavia Constantia O'Duibheannaigh as its Suffete.She received 44% of the valid votes cast.
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