Aetheris Pyrism/Tellusflamma Brotherhood: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 05:02, 10 November 2011

The mortal world, as we know it, has a natural tendency to drift towards chaos, slowly but inexorably. The Gods are aware of it, since they first decided to create it. Unlike ours, their world is eternal, and while we will pass, theirs will not. It all began during the Golden Age of the Gods, and the corruption of what we now know as the Underlords. What was perfect and eternal suffered a rift, which empowered Ukhra, and changed the universe forever. This is one of the reasons our world was made, and that curse is among those it inherited. This way, the inner flames grow in our world, and due to their intrinsic finitude they either transcend into the divine realm, materialize into outer flames, get corrupted by the Underlords or are lost to the nothingness. The tendency overall points to the growth of chaos, and its supremacy in the end, should our course remain unchanged. Luckily, the Gods have different plans for us. During the Second Conclave of the Gods, not every one of them had its best intentions put towards the quest they were working for. One of them was the S'miz, who ruled over what we now consider corruption and greed. In the making of world, he crafted its heart, an artifact we know as the Tellusflamma, which both serves as the cornerstone of our reality, and, should it fall in the wrong hands, as a means to control and manipulate it. His plans were to make use of the work of the other Gods to empower himself, and finally become the sole ruler of the Gods. However, he did not fully succeed in his task. Along with the other Underlords he was tricked, and though he did craft that wondrous item, he was fooled into the depths of the Underworld. Now he bides his time, convinced he is ruling over the world as a God, and not trapped in it. It will come a time where he will awake from his slumber, and attempt to claim the world for himself, as it was his intention all along. It will depend on if noone is able to defeat him before he gets the artifact in his hands the future of our world. For that, the Gods have inspired many men to an ageless tradition of gathering in secret orders to pass forward this knowledge and prepare for the final battle. Should humanity fail, and S'miz achieve his goal of taking over the mortal realm with the Tellusflamma, the Gods will be forced to destroy it, along with the veil that fools the Underlords, creating another war of the Gods and chaos in the universe. That is what the Tellusflamma Brotherhood attempts to prevent, for should it succeed in finding the legendary artifact before the S'miz awakes and does it, they will be able to eternally imprison him, or at least for as long as the mortal realm exists, at the same time reversing and healing the drift of our reality towards chaos. This is the tale of our ancestors, of the eternal search of the Tellusflamma, and the preparations for the final battle. It is in our hands the future of not only humanity, but all life and matter as we know it.