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<span style="color:#800080">"<span style="font-size: 18px">T</span>oday I went to visit my mentor. I reported to him that I have been entrusted with an estate and pledged to serve the great Aeolus Ironsun; Viscount of Az Zarqua, Marshal of the Army of Ramsus.&nbsp; I spent some time reading today and visiting the locals. Training today with the archers was intense. My aim is improving thou. Arrangements where made to start making preparations to increase productivity at the estate. And I am starting to get settled into my new home."</span>
<span style="color:#800080">"<span style="font-size: 18px">T</span>oday I went to visit my mentor. I reported to him that I have been entrusted with an estate and pledged to serve the great Aeolus Ironsun; Viscount of Az Zarqua, Marshal of the Army of Ramsus.&nbsp; I spent some time reading today and visiting the locals. Training today with the archers was intense. My aim is improving thou. Arrangements where made to start making preparations to increase productivity at the estate. And I am starting to get settled into my new home."</span>

<span style="font-size: 16px"><span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 128)">[[Evalynn|Joining the church]]<span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 128)"> </span></span></span>
<span style="font-size: 16px"><span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 128)">[[Joining the church|Joining the church]]<span style="color: rgb(0, 128, 128)"> </span></span></span>

<span style="color:#008080"><span style="font-size:18px">E</span>valynn couldn't stop smiling as she curled her long brunette hair. And stepped into her favorite green dress. She knew today was a special day. She had felt the loving guidance of someone watching over her all her life.&nbsp; It was because of this feeling that she had grown into a lady with a cheerful disposition and a heart full of compassion. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
<span style="color:#008080"><span style="font-size:18px">E</span>valynn couldn't stop smiling as she curled her long brunette hair. And stepped into her favorite green dress. She knew today was a special day. She had felt the loving guidance of someone watching over her all her life.&nbsp; It was because of this feeling that she had grown into a lady with a cheerful disposition and a heart full of compassion. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>

Revision as of 06:35, 13 October 2011


Evalynn Jadewarrior is a young woman of both grace and beauty. She is soft spoken and prefers resolving conflict without battle or bloodshed.  Some who have met her say she is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day as she has a cheerful disposition and is almost always smiling . She has a sharp mind and would willingly give clothes from her own back to help those in need.  She resides in the great land of Ibladesh. Where she is very fond of the people and the great  Church of Ibladesh.    She has resolved to spend her life serving the noble goddess Tersea who guides her on her path.

Below are segments from interesting journal, roleplay, letters concerning Evalynn etc:

"Today I went to visit my mentor. I reported to him that I have been entrusted with an estate and pledged to serve the great Aeolus Ironsun; Viscount of Az Zarqua, Marshal of the Army of Ramsus.  I spent some time reading today and visiting the locals. Training today with the archers was intense. My aim is improving thou. Arrangements where made to start making preparations to increase productivity at the estate. And I am starting to get settled into my new home."

Joining the church

Evalynn couldn't stop smiling as she curled her long brunette hair. And stepped into her favorite green dress. She knew today was a special day. She had felt the loving guidance of someone watching over her all her life.  It was because of this feeling that she had grown into a lady with a cheerful disposition and a heart full of compassion.      

When she was visited by the benevolent priest Isadore, Evalynn couldn't begin to describe the feeling that over came her. It was almost as if two loving sets of arms like that of a father and mother where suddenly wrapped around her waist filling her with such overwhelming love and radiance. And when he had mentioned Ramsus she had again felt that loving warmth wash over her as her heart was filled with courage. And when he mentioned Teresa the noble goddess of wisdom, Evalynn felt her mind awaken as if a door was suddenly opened and a path set before her shinning with radiant light.   After Isadore had left she had felt compelled to travel to the capital so she could visit one of the great temples and express her love and devotion

After spending quite some time in the temple of Ibladesh Evalynn felt that her pilgrimage had come to an end. She had a better understanding of her place in this world and the knowledge that she had a purpose and she felt the love and guidance of Tersea and Ramsus guiding her on her path. She finished writing the letter she had been working on and carefully sealed it. She would find someone to send the letter to the church elders before she left the temple. Then she softly kneeled before the great gods and whispered a prayer of gratitude and thanks to the Four Great and Beloved Gods before leaving the temple.

Dearest Elders,        

There are no words to express the things I have learned and felt these past days. I felt completely separated from the world as I was caught up in listening to your sermons and learning as much as I could about the Great and Wonderful Four.         

As I have searched and pondered, prayed and reflected I have constantly felt a warmth and a confirmation in my heart. I feel that hard times are coming apon us and I trust and know that Our Beloved Gods will be instrumental in guiding us through these times. I wish so much to serve the great and beloved Tersea and I know ultimately she is guiding me on the path before me as she has been guiding me unseen my entire life.         

It has been impressed apon my heart that I will also have to pick up my sword and fight in these coming days. And how can I not when I know Ramsus is our guide. May you be forever blessed for your service to these great Gods and for bringing me into the fold. May Ramsus guide us, may Sartan strengthen your arm, may Tersea lead you to glory and may Kokini smile upon you.

"Sister Evalynn,        

I'm truly happy to hear that you find comfort in our holy prayers and that you feel the calling to serve all-charming Tersea. She blesses our traders with wisdom and fortune, but she also smiles upon those who are willing to take the sword in order to protect our wealth.        

May the noble goddess of trade and economics bless you with wisdom and abundance.

For Tersea, 

Aeolus Ironsun  Elder Saint of Tersea of Church of Ibladesh, Marshal of the Army of Ramsus Protectors"

Swearing an oath of loyalty:

My liege,
I wish to join your ranks and serve in these trying times to the best of my ability. I fear I did not respond to your offer sooner as I was on a pilgrimage of faith. I know that our four great Gods will be instrumental in guiding our hands as we strive to fight and reclaim and rebuild this great society. But I am ready to fight and to follow your wisdom and leadership. I lay down my sword before you as a token of my pledge and loyalty.

May Ramsus guide us, may Sartan strengthen your arm, may Tersea lead you to glory and may Kokini smile upon you,


Evalynn smiled as the carrier handed her the letter. A letter today she was surprised. Who could of sent it she wondered. She read the letter from Aeolus and her smile grew. Did this mean what she hoped. She was going to be initiated as a follower of Tersea in the church? Recently her life had taken a sudden unexpected turn when she was offered a small break from working in the army to purchase a couple of caravans and travel to help move food during the coming harvests. She felt that this opportunity was a blessing from the noble and great Tersea.  She barely Knew Elder Ironsun but she had developed a great respect and appreciation for the amazing man that he was. And was ever grateful for his kindness and friendship. Walking to the small desk in the room she was staying in she sat down and pulled out her bottle of ink to reply.

Evalynn was amazed she had survived the monster assault they had been so out numbered. She looked around the battlefield and her eyes brimmed with tears for the men that had fought bravely against the monster scourge and yet had fallen. She quickly composed herself there was still so much to be done. The remainder of her men had been working hard the last few hours to bury their commrades. Evalynn helped place some rocks on each grave as she whispered a prayer for each soldier and their families. She never expected a battle of this magnitude while staying in Jariedma. She desperately hoped that the monster invasion hadn't effected the harvest. "Would the local Lord be willing to open the marketplace today?, she wondered." When she got a moment she quickly wrote a report to send to her liege. She was sure he would wish to know of the recent events.

Evalynn and Aeolus - A Love Story:

{side note: the following roleplay segments where compiled by the players of Aeolus Ironsun and Evalynn Jadewarrior. Green text is what Aeolus wrote while pink is what Evalynn wrote.}

Earlier this afternoon Evalynn had taken a walk along the nearby lake, enjoying, for a few minutes, the beauty of Al Arab. Along her walk she was excited when she found some ripe wild berries. Gathering up what she could carry in the folds of her dress she had hurried back to town. She went to work making the berries into a delicious pie. As it sat cooling she finished making preparations to leave Al Arab but before she left she stopped at the home of Aeolus Ironsun. She wasn't sure if he would be home but she knocked softly on the door anyway.

Aeolus was sitting at his desk, reading and writing letters. He was dressed in red satin as it was the latest fashion design from the local couturiers. As Duke you never knew when an official visitor from the church or another Duke came buy to bring his regards - or make some demnds. Anyway it was wise to be nicely dressed at all times.

While dressed beautifully, the face of the Elder Saint wasn't happy at all. He just was reading the messge about Priest Clarences suicide as it knocked on the door of his study.

"Elder Saint, I'm sorry to disturb you. you have a visitor."
"Ahh ... not now. I can't stand to make a happy face to yet another region Lord, while Priest committed suicide. Tell him to come at a later time"
"Alright, my lord I will tell her to go away"
"Yes, my lord. It is a lady from the house of Jadewarrior."
"Jadewarrior? You mean Lady Evalynn! She is here? At my estate?"
"Yes, my lord. and it seems she brought a present of some kind"
"Really? Well ... bring her in. - No, no ... wait. I'll go to the door myself."
"Yourself? As you wish, my lord."

The Duke left his study, passed the first floor hallway and made his way through the vast estate right to the entry hall on ground floor. There he turned to one of the guards.

"Is she still waiting outside?"
"Yes, my Lord. We asked her to wait for response."
"And you made her wait outside? Shame on you, soldier!"
"I'm sorry my Lord. I didn't know ..."
"Never, mind. Just open the door already!"


Dame Evlaynn was waiting in front of the main entrance. After she had knocked on the door, one of the guards politely asked her to wait a few minutes and a liitle time fter tht the door opened again. However, this time it was no guard at all. A tall, handsome man - Evalynn estimated his age around 40 - in fancy clothes made of red satin was standing at the entrance.

"Lady Evalynn, I suppose? My name is Elder Saint Ironsun, Duke of Al Arab. Nice to finally make your acquaintance. Please come in - and if your visit isn't of an official nature, plese call me "Aeolus". What can I do for you?"

The Duke opened the door himself and escorted the lady to the vast entrance hall. There, he kindly smiled at her, waiting for her response.

Evalynn eyes lite up as she realized the man standing before her was Aeolus Ironsun. She tried to hide her surprise and awe as she smiled sweetly.

"A pleasure to meet you as well Aeolus."

She tried not to blush as she smiled again. Something she couldn't help doing. She looked down at the pie in her hands.

"Well I don't really have an official reason for stopping by. I just thought of you when I made this today and wanted to drop it off before I left for Ibladesh." She looked up at the great man as she continued. "I hope I didn't disturb you at a bad time.

Aeolus eyes went to the cake Evalynn had brought but only for some minor part of a second. Looking into her eyes again Aeolus smiled and said:

"What a nice present - especially at times of starvation. I'm looking forward to tasting it ... and if you would care to join me? Besides, you do not disturb me at all. With all the politics and noble disbutes and quarrels and the different political channels, your visit is a most welcome distraction."

Aeolus orders a nearby servant to take the cake and serve it.

"My Lady, would you like to join me in the dining room?"

Id be honored." her eyes danced with excitement as she smiled again. Her blue dress swished as she tried to keep up with Aeolus longer strides as she followed him. Her eyes silently taking in the decorations of Aeolus home. She smiled again as her eyes caught Aeolus's as she turned towards him. Then she bashfully turned her attention to nearby decorations.

The dining room atually was more kind of a hall. There was a great, luxurious dining table with 24 seats, red candles and several bottles of wine and mead. Two servants were hastily serving some fruits, cheese, Evalynn's cake as well as offering a small variety of drinks, such as water, milk and red wine.

Noticing Evalynn's awe concerning the decorations, he smiled kindly and said:

"Yes. It's a bit of a fancy place here, isn't it? It took me some time to get used to it myself. Please, my lady, have a seat."

The noble offered the young dame a seat right in front of himself. Behind Aeolus there was a large and eleborate portrait of a noble lady with the initials T.A. The Duke kindly waited for the ldy to start with the meal and than took some of her cake.

"Hmmm ... this is delicious. You must have some talented cooks at your disposal."

Evalynn laughed. "Thanks. Im actually the one who made it. My mother used to chide me for spending so much time in the kitchen. But I just have always enjoyed making things myself especially deserts." she smiled sheepishly. She was surpised how easy it was to open up to Aeolus. She took a small sip of wine. As she glanced towards Aeolus she noticed the beautiful portrait behind him. The woman in the portrait seemed to match Aeolus. The picture seemed to show her as a woman of grace and beauty. It was inspiring. Evalynn smiled again as she tried to think of something to say. It was hard for her to start a conversation as she admired Aeolus. She felt the man sitting before her was the heart of Ibladesh in a way. The spirit with which he lived his life inspired others.

Aeolus noticed the silence and had to smile again.

"You are quite an extraordinary young lady. It is a pleasure to have you as a guest"

Suddenly Aeolus noticed the attention Evalynn gave to the painting behind him. A little feeling of uneasiness came over him and he seemed to search for words.

She turned her attention away from the painting as she took a small bite of a piece of fruit.

"I wanted to thank you for initiating me into the order of Tersea by the way. How are things in the church?" she asked her voice soft and respectfully as her thoughts turned to Tersea.

Aeolus just wanted to explain something, as suddenly Evalynn changed the topic. Thinking about the church Aeolus facial expression changed to a more happy one.

"Well, we had a big promotion round recently and even got two more Elders. The church is a very intersting place to be. However, it is not only about spiritual matters. When you are an elder things are alwys about politics, promotions, and work." He smiled before continuing. "Well that sounds a bit gloomy, but it's a good thing actually. I'm happy that you decided to choose Tersea as your patron goddess. She is a quite special member of our Pantheon and I spent hours and days praying to her. Once she appeared in my dream and showed herself as a beautiful young lady - a bit like yourself"

A moment later aeolus seemed to have realized what he just said.

"Well ... ähm ... some more red wine?"

It surprised Evalynn how happy it made her feel seeing Aeolus smile. She enjoyed the sound of his voice as he spoke about the church. She felt time quickly passing as she enjoyed dinner with Aeolus. As the hour flew by she was surprised to see the sun beginning to set out the window. "Oh my, I prolly should head out soon. I told my men Id be rdy to go by sun set. We still have a long journey to Ibladesh ahead of us. I sent a scout out early yesterday to check how the road in the next region looks but he has yet to report in. I hope nothing ill befell him. Thank you Aeolus for allowing me to visit with you and for the delicious dinner. You continue to lift my spirits and all the time ive spent with you has been most enjoyable." She silently scoffed at herself as she felt the urge to give him a hug as she knew it wasn't her place. She just felt so comfortable with him as if he was family.

"The pleasure was all mine, dear Dame Evalynn." Standing up he made a slight bow, as it was custom and he continued to smile at her, while they were leaving the dining room.

"Having you here was a rare pleasure, my Lady. May your journey be safe."

As Evalynn was about to leave she saw a young female servant swiftly handing Aeolus something and as the noble bid her farewell, he reached a beautiful red rose to her.

"Good buy, my Lady. I hope to see you again some time."

While traveling to Ibladesh Evalynn was surronded by the Perdan army and captured. Evalynn was grateful when the guards released her after only a few days, for a small sum. She walked into the sunlight and began her journey back into Ibladesh with renewed courage to face the tasks ahead.

Dear Lord Ironsun,

I hope things have been going well for you since last we spoke. I am traveling to Jeridema to once again help with food transport. We stopped to make camp and I had a few minutes to call my own so I thought Id say hello. The night sky here is amazing, glistening with so many brilliant stars. Tiny lights each one a candle in a distant land perhaps. One of those stars just shot across the sky. Perhaps I should  make a wish..

I was pleased to hear that the Perdan armies were thwarted recently. They were nearly knocking on your doorstep. That reminds me I have a query for you. Do you have need for any knights in Al Arab? With the fall of Tota I am quite without a leige of my own. And would be happy to fill a place serving you.

I read a greek proverb the other day that said "Curiosity is the beginning of wisdom."  Or was it "Wisdom is the beginning of curiosity." Oh well sleep well Aeolus. My candle is about to burn out.



Dear Dame Evalynn,

It lightens my day to read your words about stars, curiosity and wisom and it seems to me that you are quite of a poetic soul. May the stars above you lead your gentle heart to love and inner satisfaction, my dear lady.

As for your request, Al Arab isn't in need of a knight, but I will happily grant you an estate anyway. There is a free one right next to the temple, in front of a a beautiful fountain. My scribes will send you an offer shortly. May you arrive in Jariedma save and sound and may Tersea be with you.

Epistula non erubescit,

Aeolus Ironsun
Duke of Al Arab

Greetings Lord Ironsun,
How are things in Al Arab? I hope this letter finds you well. Things are going good in my travels. The weather in Itor Boss has been deliciously warm for the fall. I heard a wise woman say once. "Weather is a great metaphor for life - sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad, and there's nothing much you can do about it but carry an umbrella."

Itor Boss was kind enough to open their warehouse recently and it was almost a surprise to see how much food they had stored up. I have no doubts that Tersea watches over us as this is truly a unexpected blessing. So long as I can skirt around the perdan armies I have been assigned to bring this food to Al Arab and Zamor. Anyways I wanted to share these glad tidings. I best get back to my duties.


Evalynn Jadewarrior (Dame of Al Arab)

My dear Lady,

Thank you for your warm letter. Things are going well so far in Al Arab. I'm currently on a scouting mission for our Paladin Primus but I will return soon and I'm looking very much forward to seeing you again.

May the sun always smile at you and may the rain wash your sorrows away.

Kind regards,

Aeolus Ironsun
Duke of Al Arab

"All day a melody kept running through Evalynn's mind. She had received word of the recent battles and her heart was full of glad tidings as she entered the beautiful temple grounds in Itor Boss. As she walked towards the door her heart was so full she found herself unable to keep from singing. Her voice seemed to carry with the wind a reverant melody...

"Twas not many a night ago, The land was wrought by foes.

Some noblemen went running while brave men swung heavy blows.

Today we praise our Gods. For victories against all odds.

we lift our hearts and minds, "Thank you benevolent Gods!"

Ramsus we thank you for the courage to see us thru.

Sartan we thank you, for honor that rang true.

Kokini we thank you for keen eyes you construe.

And all charming Tersea, for your divine wisdom we thank you."

After she finished singing. She quietly enterd the temple where she would kneel before the great Gods. Her eyes closed as she prayed. Unloading her heart and inner thoughts to the Gods who watched over the great land of Ibladesh."

Heart heavy Evalynn was relieved as she read the uplifting road sign welcoming travelers who entered Al Arab. The road had been long and hard. Even thou she continued to push away the discouraging thoughts that threatened, she smiled. After unloading the caravan at the warehouse she made her way to her new home. She knew there was much work to be done and that her stay would be short. Yet her heart still skipped a beat as she walked passed the beautiful fountain and entered the manor.  
Later in the afternoon her attendants drew a bath for her which she welcomed with a grateful heart. As she stepped into the silky bubbles and warm water she let out a small sigh. The water hit her sore tender skin and sent rushing relief to the newest battle scar she had accrued. Embracing the warm water she laid her head back and closed her eyes. Her mind already wandering to the current troubles and the path before her. She felt like she was at a cross road. And she knew that she had a part to play, an important destiny to fulfill.

The lack of food in many regions was something that pained her. She felt frustrated with the small amount of progress she had made to help. She believed it was a learning process and even wondered if Tersea was testing the great nobles of Ibladesh herself included. Her desire to rise to the challenge was intense.

As she stepped out of her bath and dried off her thoughts moved to the army. Feelings of inadequacy threatened her mind. She brushed them aside as her heart was filled with respect and care for the brave men and woman who were keeping the enemy armies on their toes.

She quickly got dressed in a velvety red and white dress. Her hair was pulled half up and fastened with a tiny criss cross barrette, while strands of her long hair curled slightly as they hit her shoulders and caressed around her face. Deciding it was time to visit the temple she finished taking care of a few things in the estate and started on her way to the peaceful sanctuary, a home away from home.
As she walked towards the temple her mind was filled with thoughts of her last visit to Al Arab. Kind thoughts filled her mind as she thought of the amazing man who inspired her. Lord Ironsun's last letter had said he was on a scouting mission. She felt comforted thinking of Aeolus. Truly any enemy unlucky enough to come face to face with Lord Ironsun would surely cower before him.

She smiled with renewed vigor as she reached the temple. She went in and prepared her mind as she kneeled before the Gods. Prayerfully unloading her heart and mind.

The sun was high above the hills of Oc Lu Pesh, as Aeolus ordererd his men to take a brief rest. They were on their way to the capital and everyobne was exhausted, including the Duke himself.

Aeolus, still dressed in his battle armor, rested under a large olive tree in order to get at least some protection from the burning sun. His thoughts went to Tersea, his beloved goddess and then to his starving city. He stood up at once. He simply was unable to relax in the shadow, while the people in Al Arab were starving. The noble was about to order his men to continue, as a messanger on a fast, black horse arrived and Aeolus immediatly recognized his own coat of arms on the riders shield.

"My Lord, I bring good news from your city. Dame Evalynn arrived and brought some food with her."

Aeolus couldn't help but smile. This amazing lady seemingly ws able to releave him from his sorrows even if she was miles away.

"Well done, soldier. Now take a brief rest and then hurry back to Al Arab and hand this message to the fair Lady."

"Of course, my Lord."


Dear Lady Evalynn,

My heart is filled with joy due to the news about your arrival in Al Arab. In the name of all-charming Tersea I thank you for saving the peasants of this city.

However, I'm sad at the same time, as I was looking forward to meet you again. I sincerely hope that we are able to meet in the near future, as you bring joy to my heart, both with your actions and your words.

I'm on my way to Al Arab, currently travelling from OLP to Ibladesh-City. I don't know about your next destination, but perhaps we are able to meet somewhere along the way?

Best regards,

Aeolus Ironsun
Duke of Al Arab

Dear Lord Aeolus,
It was a comfort and a joy to receive your letter today. I too was hoping to see you again. I am currently traveling to Ibladesh city as well. Perhaps we will be lucky enough to be in the great city at the same time. I will send you word as I get nearer. May Tersea watch over you as you return.


Evalynn Jadewarrior (Dame of Al Arab)

Dear and noble Lady,

I would love to meet with you this evening, more then I'm able to describe with words. Unfortunately I had to leave on the request of Pontifex Abraxas and am on my way to Al Arab, where I should arrive at sunrise. However, I took the freedom to leave a small present for you at the temple of Ibladesh-City. It's a book of fine poetry and a basket filled with the blue berries you made this wonderful cake of, when we first met at my estate. I earnestly hope, that we will be able to meet soon.

May Tersea watch you, my dear lady.


Aeolus Ironsun
Duke of Al Arab

Dear Aeolus,
It is a sad day that our paths did not cross. Yet your kind words and thoughtful gift leave me blushing as if I were standing in front of you. I truly understand with times as they are that our focus needs to be on the tasks ahead as we serve Ibladesh. I pray for the day when this war is behind us. May Tersea guide you swiftly home and keep you safe on your journey.

In labore virtus.


Evalynn Jadewarrior (Dame of Al Arab)

Aeolus Ironsun, Duke of Al Arab has chosen a new steward and announced that Evalynn Jadewarrior (Dame of Al Arab) shall have this responsibility from now on.

After finishing up her duties for the day, Evalynn's scribe brought her a letter from the fiduciary asking her to travel to Itor Boss to do some trading. She made her way to Lord Ironsun's estate so she could report in and let him know about the assignment. Plus she really wanted to see him before she had to leave. She knocked softly on the door.

Aeolus was just about to leave his estate to take a wlk in the moonlight, as he noticed that someone was at the door.

"Ah, Lady Evalynn! What a pleasant suprise to see you. Are you alright?"

Startled by the deep voice from behind her Evalynn jumped. She laughed at herself as she realized it was Aeolus.
"Good evening Aeolus," she said as she tried not to blush. "Oh," she smiled as she remembered he had asked her a question, "I am doing well. I just stopped by to talk with you about how things are going. And I wanted to let you know the fudiciary has asked me to travel to Itor Boss again. Was there anything you needed me to do before I head out?"
She paused for a moment. Her stomach felt like it was full of butterflies she couldn't explain.

She regained her composure and continued. "My lord I have been contemplating an idea I wanted to run past you also. I wondered if you would consider hosting a masquerade ball." She tried not to rush as she tried to explain. "With the country facing difficult times I feel that this could be a great opportunity to unite and strengthen old and new ties. To rebuild friendships and brotherhood as well as be fun for all." She looked up into his eyes and smiled, trying to see if they would give her a clue to what he might be thinking.

The Duke listened to Evalynn's soft voice and had a hard time to stay focused.

"A masquerade ball? What a nice idea. Didn't have one of these in years. It could get a bit difficult to get a lot of nobles together in times of war, though. If you would like to organize such an event in Al Arab, you have my full blessing and help. You even could use the great hall at my lordly estate, if you like.  But - by Tersea - Where are my manners?" The duke bowed slightly, smiled at Evallynn and softly took her hand, performing a traditional "kiss on the hand".

"It is such a pleasure to see you, my Lady. I wish I could come with you to Itor Boss, just in order to spend more time with you. " He sighed. His heart really wanted to talk about something else with Evalynn, but unfortunately there was more business to discuss.

"There is a small matter you could help me with. We need some more focus on authority in Al Arab. Could perhaps tell your men to enlarge your estate? If you need any gold for that, just say the word." But even while he was talking about business, Aeolus just couldn't stop to smile. It was obvious that he indeed was very happy to see Evalynn.

Evalynn loved listening to Aeolus as he spoke. She was mesmerized by his voice and she was excited to hear the news of the realm.
She blushed deeply when he took her hand.
As he spoke about the desire to travel with her, her eyes lit up and she seemed to beam from happiness. Just knowing that he enjoyed her company as much as she enjoyed his made her smile.
"I will be glad to get things set up to enlarge the estate." she replied to his request.
Then as they discussed the possibility of hosting a masquerade ball her eyes danced with excitement. "I understand that we can't leave Ibladesh defenseless and that not everyone will be able to attend. But I think even just extending the invitation to the realm could be a benefit for all. Plus the good it will do for Al Arab as this land is graced with the company of good friends and countrymen." She realized that they had started walking and she found herself falling into step next to Aeolus. She looked up at the beautiful night sky then continued.
"Thank you for giving your blessing on this. Your support and approval means so much to me. You seem to have such confidence and faith in me that sometimes I feel like I could spread wings and fly when I am with you." she giggled as she realized how absurd that must sound.

Walking next to Evalynn, Aeolus looked at the sky. It was a clear and beautiful night and the stars above the city seemed to sparkle - just in order to make the moment even more beautiful for the two of them.

"I believe that my confidence in you is well placed, my dear lady. You still are a young noble, but yet you have done so much already for Al Arab ... and for me."

Speaking those words, Aeolus smiled softly and took Evalynn's hand while they where walking down one of the nicely arranged parkways of the city. Then he couldn't help but giggle himself.

"By the way, I think you are mistaken, my dear lady. You are the one that makes me fly - or at least I'm feeling that way right now"

As Aeolus said those words Evalynn smiled. Time could stand still. For the world was perfect, walking hand in hand with the man who held the key to her heart.

And that way time seemed to stop indeed, as Evalynn and Aeolus were walking hand in hand, silently enjoying each others company. After some minutes - or had it been hours - Aeolus seemingly tried to say something. However, he didn't manage at first. Breathing heavily he finally made a second attempt:

"My dear and noble Evalynn, I would like to invite you to my estate again, when you return from your mission in Itor Boss. There are a few things I would like to tell you. Until then, please accept this humble gift"

The Duke reached under his mail shirt and revealed a golden neclace with pendant fvrom his neck. The precious peandant was beautifully ornamented with different kinds of metal, featuring the letters DoA, skilfully arranged around a potrait of Aeolus - with crown and scepter.

"This is the last remaining insignia of the holy Diocese of Aix, theocracy of Church of Ibladesh. The realm I founded, ruled and lost. I have no kingdom to give any more, but this peace of memory shall be yours now."

Taken by surprise Evalynn studied Aeolus. Full of love and adoration for the man standing in front of her. A sudden realization of what he said as she traced the letters DoA on the necklace he placed gently around her neck.

"He must of carried a heavy burden founding and ruling," she thought silently as she looked closer at the magnificent picture of him.

Her face probably seemed puzzled as she was lost in thought. Suddenly a small understanding of the man she loved registered on her face. She looked up into Aeolus eyes as a deeper look of love and care settled over her countenance. As she struggled to find words a melody from a famous waltz entered her mind. Softly she began to sing,

"We are the lucky ones
We shine like a thousand suns
When all of the colour runs together

I'll keep you company
In one glorious harmony
Waltzing with destiny forever

Dance me into the night
Underneath the moon shining so bright
Turning me into the light

Time dances whirling past
I gaze through the looking glass
And feel just beyond my grasp is heaven

Sacred geometry
Where movement is poetry
Visions of you and me forever

Dance me into the night
Underneath the moon shining so bright
Turning me into the light

Dance me into the night
Underneath the moon shining so bright
Let the dark waltz begin
Oh let me wheel - let me spin
Let it take me again
Turning me into the light."

As the last words of the song left her soft lips she reached out to Aeolus and curled into his arms in a loving embrace.

Aeolus softly and carefully took Evalynn in his arms. He had fought many battles, ruled two different realms, and commanded armies, regions and cities. But during all this time, he never felt this blessed - this happy. There was so much he wanted to tell her, explain to her, before making the next step. But, frankly, timing never had been his his strong point. So he decided to give in to the moment for once. There was time for explaining and talking later. And so, the Duke felt completly humbled and richly blessed at the same time, as he closed his eyes and gently kissed the one who was so dear, so special to him.

When he finally opened his eyes again, the sun already was rising. Still at a loss for words, Aeolus just looked into Evalynn's eyes until he finally ws able to speak.

"That ... ähm ... that was some fine poetry, my dear lady. Befitting a beautiful and noble person, just as yourself. There are, however, some things about my past I should tell you, now -" Aeolus took a deep breath and continued. "Now, that we got closer to each other."

Evalynn was curious what he wanted to tell her as she gazed lovingly into his eyes. She could still feel the soft kiss he had bestowed upon her. Her stomach was full of butterflies again as her heart seemed to be in a flutter. Yet she had no expectations as she stood before Aeolus.

She didn't want this night to end as they watched the sun peek over the mountains, threatening to drown the twinkling stars as it began to wash the sky with an array of color. The sun was a reminder of the duties and tasks that loomed before them. She smiled as hand in hand they walked back towards their homes.

As they were walking home peacefully, Aeolus finally managed to speak.

My dear lady ... the thing I wanted to tell you is that I was married. In the city of Aix, back when I was ruler, I married Lady Tsukiko D'Anglos and Pontiff Sinted himself conducted the ceremony. We were in love, but after some time I fell into a deep, mystical meditation that lasted for several weeks. Tersea must hve been with me, because I survived all this time without eating or drinking. However, when I woke up, my city was rogue, the realm I founded was no more and my wife was gone. I spent months searching for her, but it was in vane. Finally I asked Sinted, the blessed to legaly end our marriage in front of the church and our gods. It ws no easy step, but Lady Tsukiko had vanished and i had to continue my life somehow"

Aeolus looked somewhat sad, but also relieved, as he continued.

"I don't know how much of that you already knew, but I felt like telling you myself. You know that I do care for you a great deal and I thought you have the right to know."

The noble was a bit shaken from going through this memory all over again, but one look at the face of Evalynn, eased all of his pain and he smiled at her.

Listening with an open mind and a loving heart, Evalynn smiled in return. She didn't know what to say when he finished. The realization of all that he was explaining and all that he been through weighed heavily on her heart. Words seemed hollow as she searched for what she wanted to say.

She had no idea about the dukes marriage. A portrait hanging in the dinning hall came to her mind as she remembered her first evening with Aeolus. A graceful, elegant beautiful lady who held such a special place in Aeolus life and in his heart. She was touched that the man standing before her had spent so much time waiting and searching for his wife and she was sad that such a beautiful marriage had ended in such a way.

She thought about the Diocese of Aix, she had heard a little about it in her studies and time in the church of Ibladesh. She remembered hearing something about how the region of Aix had sworn vassalage to the Church of Ibladesh but that was about all she knew about it.

Looking again into Aeolus eyes she realized how hard this must have been to share with her. And how much he truly cared for her.

"Thank you for sharing this with me." she said, her voice soft and comforting.

"I want you to know how much I care for you Aeolus. And I don't know if I will ever fully understand the things you have gone through." She paused as she continued to find the right words to reflect what was in her heart.

"I admire your love and marriage to Lady Tsukiko D'Anglos. And I think you would of been a great ruler if the fates had allowed." she smiled at Aeolus and then frowned as she saw Captain Heinrich approaching.
The Captain offered a respectful greeting to Lord Ironsun and then to Lady Evalynn as he reached them. Then he turned to Evalynn.

"Ive come to report that the men are ready and everything is in order to travel to Itor Boss on your command."

Evalynn sighed. "Thank you captain."

She turned to Aeolus as a dull ache settled in her heart.

Aeolus truely was touched.

"Thank you for your understanding, my dear Lady Evalynn. This really means a lot to me. May Tersea protect and guide you during your mission."

Then he bowed deeply and lovingly smiled at the lady of his heart.

"This has been a truely wonderful night and I hope we will be able to see each other soon after your mission"

After that the duke softly kissed Evalynns hand and nodded towards Captain Heinrich.

"Your mistress is a very special lady indeed, Capatain. Take good care of her."

"Thank you Aeolus, I really enjoyed our time together." She curtsied and kissed his cheek. "Farewell for now."

The captain acknowledged what the duke said with a nod and then saluted respectfully before he and Evalynn departed.

Before they had gone far Evalynn turned around to smile one last time at the man she loved with all her heart.