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== Family of Metsamees ==
== Clan of Metsamees ==

<table border=\"1\" cellpadding="4">
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Realm</th><th>Nature</th><th>Affinity</th><th>Birth (death) date</th></tr>

Children of Edmund Metsamees (385 of fourth-era) and Silvia Metsamees (387 of fourth-era)<br>
<tr><td>[[Metsamees_Family/Woodsman|Raimond Metsamees]]</td><td>None</td><td>Warrior</td><td>Battlefield</td><td>470 fourth-era</td></tr>
-Kalev Metsamees (407 of fourth-era)<br>
-August Metsamees (408 of fourth-era - 417 of fourth-era)<br>
<tr><td>[[Metsamees_Family/Fenris|''<del>Rainor Metsamees</del>'']]</td><td>Realm of the dead</td><td>Wanderer</td><td>Wilderness</td><td>470 fourth-era - 501 fourth-era</td></tr>
-Arnold Metsamees (410 of fourth-era)<br>
-Vahur Metsamees (410 of fourth-era)<br>
<tr><td>[[Metsamees_Family/Voidsmith|''<del>Alnus Metsamees</del>'']]</td><td>Realm of the dead</td><td>Assassin</td><td><del>Travel</del>, corrupted to: Cruelty</td><td>470 fourth-era - 520 fourth-era</td></tr>
Vahur and Arnold are twins<br>
<tr><td>[[Metsamees_Family/Gorefinder|''<del>Arctos Metsamees</del>'']]</td><td>Realm of the dead</td><td>Hero</td><td>Glory</td><td>469 fourth-era - 509 fourth-era</td></tr>
Children of Kalev Metsamees and Agnes Metsamees (410 of fourth-era)<br>
-[[Voidsmith Metsamees|Alnus Metsamees]] (432 of fourth-era)<br>
<tr><td>[[Metsamees_Family/Urus|Urus Metsamees]]</td><td>[[Assassins]]</td><td>Berserker</td><td><del>Blood</del>, changed to: Philosophy</td><td>492 fourth-era</td></tr>
-Isabell Metsamees (434 of fourth-era)<br>
-Ashly Metsamees (437 of fourth-era)<br>
<tr><td>[[Metsamees_Family/Ragnar|''<del>Ragnar Metsamees</del>'']]</td><td>Realm of the dead</td><td>Warrior</td><td>Might</td><td>494 fourth-era - 517 fourth-era</td></tr>
Children of Arnold Metsamees and Eislin Metsamees (410 of fourth-era - 432 of fourth-era: died when giving birth to Raigo)<br>
<tr><td>[[Metsamees_Family/Thaur|Thaur Metsamees]]</td><td>[[Aurora]]</td><td>Man of the world</td><td>Hounds</td><td>499 fourth-era</td></tr>
-Arctos (known as [[Gorefinder Metsamees]])(432 of fourth-era)<br>
-Anna Metsamees (433 of fourth-era)<br>
<tr><td>[[Metsamees_Family/Rauth|Rauth Metsamees]]</td><td>[[Assassins]]</td><td>Reaver</td><td>Night</td><td>500 fourth-era</td></tr>
(Anna was a child of Arnold's second wife Catherine.<br>
Although not Arnold's child, still inherited the Metsamees's family name through her mother's marriage at 438 of fourth-era and was accepted in to the family as if was related by blood.)<br>
Children of Vahur Metsamees and Linda Metsamees (411 of fourth-era)<br>
-[[Woodsman Metsamees|Raimond]] (432 of fourth-era) <br>
-Rainor (known as [[Fenris Metsamees]]) (432 of fourth-era) died (463 of fourth-era)<br>
(Raimond and Rainor are twins.)<br>
-Eve Metsamees (436 of fourth-era)<br />
<br />

===History of family===
===History of Clan===
The family of Metsamees has deep and strong bonds with nature.<br>
The family of Metsamees has deep and strong bonds with nature.<br>
Much isn't known from their ancestors, it is said that their ancestors come from far <br>north from a small shamanistic tribe that was rumored to have powers of wendigo <br>(guardian of the forest) or lycanthropy and that they were able to speak with all <br>sorts of animals, plants and nature, organic or not.<br>
Much isn't known from their ancestors, it is said that their ancestors come from far <br>north from small shamanistic tribes that was rumored to have powers of wendigo <br>(guardian of the forest) or lycanthropy and that they were able to speak with all <br>sorts of animals, plants and nature, organic or not.<br>
Regardless what their ancestors are rumored to be the last remains of their family <br>
settled in Amriel (on the continent of Atamara), and as a clan set up a trade of monster and undead hunting,<br />
eliminating undead and the ones who create them as well as monsters all over the continent.<br />
After some generations theyr influence grew and eventually they were lifted to state of nobles.<br>

Regardless what their ancestors are rumored to be the last remains of their family <br>settled in Amriel (on the continent of Atamara), after some generations their <br>influence grew and eventually they were lifted to state of nobles.<br>
This much is certain, theyr ancestors have perfected theyr martial skills and honed theyr bodys, minds and senses, in every generation starting from early youth and not stopping even in old age. And passing on this tradition to theyr children.<br />
They still keep the old traditions and religion that is passed on from parents to <br>children, a unique mythology thought to be died out.
Continuing to train, from generation to generation. It surpasses mere tradition and resembles breeding.<br />
They still keep the old traditions and religion that is passed on from parents to <br>children, a unique mythology thought to be died out.<br />
As well as monster hunting and undead eliminating, profession kept alive by most of the family members.<br />
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It seems as if they failed most of people lie in graves and what is left is scattered over the world.<br>
It seems as if they failed most of people lie in graves and what is left is scattered over the world.<br>
Metsamees family as the only known, and thus counted to be the largest of the remains of tribe keeps alive its old ways and customs along with those their calendar.
Metsamees family as the only known, and thus counted to be the largest of the remains of tribe keeps alive its old ways and customs along with those their calendar.
====Ancient beliefs====
Theyr ancient beliefs revolved around nature and balance with surroundings, also in personal evolution.<br>
===[[Metsamees_Family/Clan_treasury|Clan Treasury]]===
Gods did not exist, and nature itself wasnt held in revear as a god, nor was a object of worship.<br>
Prayng was non existant<br>
===[[Metsamees_Family/Clan_chronicle|Clan Chronicle]]===
Closest things to prayer was shamanic travel like rituals and meditation.<br>
Training of physical body and educating the mind was held in high importance, and was seen nearly as a sacred task.<br>
===[[Metsamees_Family/Ancient beliefs|Ancient beliefs]]===
Physical labour was not shuned, eaven in higher status, kings and chieftains worked theyr own fields for example.<br>
All people were educated in theyr childhood at meny different traits,<br>
commonly and primarily fighting (martial arts and diferent weapon usage, including ranged ones),hunting, fishing, herbalism, animal skinning and skin tanning.<br>
Secondary were smithing, carpentry, masonry and sutch. (some of witch were occasionaly set aside to learn later when more time was available or skipped entirely).<br>
Fighting (bolth armed and unarmed) were extensively practiced, and skill was improved through out life, as other traits once masterd werent usualy perfected mutch further.<br>
The reason for sutch extencive training and education, stood in theyr core beliefs.<br>
Witch didnt make human life more valuable than any other life,<br />
and ones life was considdered a priviledge, not a right, if one is not able to defend it, one looses the right to own it.<br />
'''Core beliefs'''<br>
*Good and evil only exist in personal level, in higher view all actions are balanced, and have theyr positive effects aswell as negative ones in eccual proportion. (sutch as murder, definetly bad for the one killed, but some one proffits from his death, and meny creatures he would had killed afterwards are spared, also meny creatures can eat his corpse and live further, while saveing the named person from its demise will ensure the demise of other creatures the saved person will kill, and also mean a meal lost for some cretures).
*"One is its own lord/god" - one always rules over himself, is responsible for his own actions and the lack of them, thus also for his own course of life and death. (if one is killed that means he was to weak or unskilled to survive.)
*All life is eccual, life. (Meaning that a stag killed is same as a human killed).
*All life is holy (animal and plant), including ones owns life. (as sutch killing with a reason is acceptable, murdering life without a reason is unacceptable and considered a sacrilege, suicide is also some what sacrilegious act, if one is tired of life then he/she should venture in to a bears cave and let himself be mauled to death, thus effectively feeding a bear -> bear dosnt need to attack cattle for some time.<br />Killing something without mutch of a legimate reason was punished by anyone who wanted revenge, thusly the society's main justice organ was civilians own retribution and "own court").
*Ones life is it's own gift, if one can not protect it, on does not deserve to own it.
*Ones life's lenght is not meny decades but at most a week, and must be lenghtend at the expense of other life's (plant draws the life from the world, a deer eats the plant and takes it from the plant, a man kills the deer and eats it - and gains the deers life to live longer. <br />The remains of bolth man and meny deer he has eaten go back to the world, only to be drawn up by the plant eventually again, world dosnt lose life it only loans some of it out).
*Spirit and material make existance, witch opposite is the void.
*Physical world is one. (all things are made of material, witch exists in 4 specters (like white light can be devided in to meny color specters): air, watter, fire and earth. All things living and not living are made of those 4 elements, thus all things are drops of watter in a bucket of watter, with some places thiker than others)
*Spirit world is the other half of physical world. (spirit world is the other side of the coin, if this side is the physical world, thus all things are connected through spirit realm aswell.)
Sources of elements in theyr purest forms were considderd the most holy places (water springs, volcanoes, big stone boulders, hill tops, mountains) forests were considderd also holy places, aswell as some forest groves, or clearings for either natural beauty or spiritual pureness.<br>
Shrines often temples were constructed at those spots, they were not for revearing the element but to "exploit" them, in a good way.<br>
Forest temples were considderd spiritualy pure places, good for meditation and clearing of ones mind.<br>
Elementaly pure places were used to draw power from them, smiths used water from those pure springs and ore from big mountains, to infuse the weapons or armor with the power from those elements, also blessing items in sutch places would draw power in to those items (blessing a sword at the volcano sumit would grant the sword the fire elements power, as well as some hill tops the air elements power...).<br>
Elements power was very rarely atempted to use on people them selves, as sutch drawd power would not be theyrs, would grant them a handle through witch others could take hold over the person or bring weakness (thowards the opposing element) along with it.<br>
Temples themselves werent to magnificently built, and were never built so they would disturb or obstruct the places pureness or purpose.<br>
Forest temples were the most meager, the trees grove was considderd a temple enouch, and was sometimes only decorated with stone circle or something modest of the like.<br>
Life was considderd to be a temporary loan, and the world will reclaim it once the time comes.<br>
The world itself was considderd to be alive, and all things in this world apart of it.<br>
Once a person dies its body will become one with the elements again, and the spirit would be come one with the spirit world again.<br>
Thus all the fallen would in some way live on with the world.<br>
However, it was belived that the creatures who evolve enouch (grow stronger and wise) during theyr life can avoid death, become "gods", breaking free from this world.<br>
Those gods neednt nessesarily be human.<br>
Those gods could then overcome the hold of this world, and would adventualy evolve in to new worlds altogether.<br>
A world is big as sutch simply roaming around himself is not efficient enouch or to trouble some, and becomes a planet or a universe itself, thus creating life and leting it live upon it, and gains the experience wisdome and strength that life has gatherd for himself.<br>

Latest revision as of 22:46, 8 May 2011

Clan of Metsamees


NameRealmNatureAffinityBirth (death) date
Raimond MetsameesNoneWarriorBattlefield470 fourth-era
Rainor MetsameesRealm of the deadWandererWilderness470 fourth-era - 501 fourth-era
Alnus MetsameesRealm of the deadAssassinTravel, corrupted to: Cruelty470 fourth-era - 520 fourth-era
Arctos MetsameesRealm of the deadHeroGlory469 fourth-era - 509 fourth-era
Urus MetsameesAssassinsBerserkerBlood, changed to: Philosophy492 fourth-era
Ragnar MetsameesRealm of the deadWarriorMight494 fourth-era - 517 fourth-era
Thaur MetsameesAuroraMan of the worldHounds499 fourth-era
Rauth MetsameesAssassinsReaverNight500 fourth-era

History of Clan

The family of Metsamees has deep and strong bonds with nature.
Much isn't known from their ancestors, it is said that their ancestors come from far
north from small shamanistic tribes that was rumored to have powers of wendigo
(guardian of the forest) or lycanthropy and that they were able to speak with all
sorts of animals, plants and nature, organic or not.

Regardless what their ancestors are rumored to be the last remains of their family
settled in Amriel (on the continent of Atamara), and as a clan set up a trade of monster and undead hunting,
eliminating undead and the ones who create them as well as monsters all over the continent.
After some generations theyr influence grew and eventually they were lifted to state of nobles.

This much is certain, theyr ancestors have perfected theyr martial skills and honed theyr bodys, minds and senses, in every generation starting from early youth and not stopping even in old age. And passing on this tradition to theyr children.
Continuing to train, from generation to generation. It surpasses mere tradition and resembles breeding.
They still keep the old traditions and religion that is passed on from parents to
children, a unique mythology thought to be died out.
As well as monster hunting and undead eliminating, profession kept alive by most of the family members.

Note that Metsamees family's birth-death dates are not in the general calendar, but rather in the calendar of their ancestral tribes.
Fourth-era began at the time when the war ended on Metsamees family's ancestral homelands. Which was invaded by religious crusaders attempting to expand their faith and "save" the local people by fire and sword.
It seems as if they failed most of people lie in graves and what is left is scattered over the world.
Metsamees family as the only known, and thus counted to be the largest of the remains of tribe keeps alive its old ways and customs along with those their calendar.

Clan Treasury

Clan Chronicle

Ancient beliefs