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The Prince of the Mob

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

Message sent to everyone in your realm (48 recipients)

The sun broke the bleak cold air of this winter morning. Its rays caressed the frost of the hard stone and thick wood of the city of Sallowtown. The people, starving as usual and concerned over the constant local turmoil, had heard rumours of an approaching visitor. They did not expect he would arrive so soon.

As dawn awoke the city, a single rider with a large closed metal armoured cart entered the main avenue. As people began their morning rituals of preparing their shops, waking their children, they heard moans and shouts from the centre of town. The day had come - he was back. It was their incarnate god. It was their heinous Duke. It was none other than the Demon of Dwilight himself!

"Sallowsians! Your Prince has returned!" Bowie, still on his horse, hollered in the centre of the city. It was this location so many years ago where he performed the Feeding of the Pit ritual which proved he had the Mandate to rule over the Sallowsians. Not too long after they threw him in the Qubel Channel...

The crowd gathered, most were not pleased.

"Be gone villain! You defiled our royal bloodline. Pollutant!" yelled one agitated spectator.

"Not so," began Bowie's reply, "As the incarnate of Prince Sallow I had a right to enter my seed to the bloodline. The Princess knew that, and she continues to support the claim of my son Winter. Where is my son?"

The crowd rabbled and yelled against him. Then one of the tribal chiefs, one of the leading figures of the ancient clans of the Sallowsite Cape, approached the scene and took spokesman of the people.

"You brought division to our city and turned my daughter against us! Your son attempted to assert himself as the new Prince. We did to him exactly what we did to you - tossed him out!"

Bowie faced the chief.

"I thought I convinced you all not to oppose my family long ago? Do you remember those days? Waking up to find your peers dead, massacred. I spared you Torr because you were my wife's father. Leaving you alive spawned an even more troublesome opposition! I should behead you on this spot."

The crowd roared, Torr stood firm.

"Winter is long gone. My daughter is no longer involved in your petty family claims. We have rid our society of your invasion. If you have come back for more then we have not finished our task and will end you too." Retorted Torr.

Bowie pulled the reins of his horse causing it to make a menacing huss sound. The crowd went quiet.

"Sallowsians, I am only passing through here on business. I will leave you now, leave you to your uncivilized peril. But like it or not I am the incarnate of Prince Sallow. I do have authority over all of your tribes and this city. I will return to enforce that power. If you attempt resistance you will feel the wrath of the Dragons themselves!"

Torr stepped back as Bowie began to ride through, but Bowie stopped and finished his threat.

"I will return, with an army or not, and you will bow to me!"

Then he rode off with his armoured cart of food and found a boat to cross the channel with.

Bowie Ironsides (Knight of Muspelheim)