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In every land, in every age, there will always be the ambitious and the youthful, those who would sell their soul for another lot of land or a little bit of power. Given free reign, they will spread their lies across the lands. They build their power on deceit, manipulation, and boundless ambition. Left unchecked these usurpers will devastate Beluaterra, and all it's inhabitants, in wars without end. Enweil will not stand idly by while the Barbarian Hordes ravage through Beluaterra. The Glory of Enweil will stand forth as a beacon of pride as Enweil enters her Golden Age and fights back the invaders at her borders.

The Glory of Enweil is a honest news media. All facts presented below have been verified, and all suggestions and predictions are based on reliable sources. Unlike the lesser newspapers of this world, the Glory of Enweil does not resort to lies, for such things are unnecessary and would lessen the strength of the messages. We are proud to bring forth that which others try to hide.

Among those who dislike oppression
are many who like to oppress.

- Napoleon Bonaparte
Micro Enweil.png   April 27, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Typical cowardice
Enweil needs only recruit a few young lads having never seen real battle and that's enough to scare the Riombarans away, as Hetland dared to declare war. It never ceases to amuse us how quick the enemy are to run away after inflicting "decisive blows" to us. Their naive optimism is always entertaining.

Micro Enweil.png   April 25, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Typical hypocrisy
Of those who dislike oppression are many who like to oppress, and of those who oppose looting are many who like to loot. Riombara is showing her typical hypocrisy, and her ally in the west is murdering local farmers as they flee. A grand coalition of hypocrites, lead by the king of all hypocrits Delvin Anaris himself. But the armies are finally arriving back in Fengen after a costly but successful stand in Elloranaal. Now that our nobles have access to the centres, it won't be long before the pretentious Riombarans are sent back packing.

Micro Enweil.png   April 24, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
We fight for civilization
The Enweilian expedition fought long and hard, yesterday, to keep the enemies at bay. The losses were heavy as the savage legions of Riombara march upon our lands and the dishonourable Hetland enters by the rear flank. However, many of the objectives have been accomplished, and the results are to be proud of. The few which weren't achieved as expected granted valuable lessons for the next time. One thing is for sure, Riombara's little party won't last very long before we bring them back to reality, as we always do.

The great question, though, remains unanswered. Why did the Dominion declare war on Enweil? They were asked, but never replied. Are they ashamed? We would understand if they are, as it seems they have become nothing more than pawns to Riombara's mind tricks, victims of their deceitful and self-righteous propaganda. The Dominion seems to not be as honourable as we thought, or at least, hoped they were. Nothing is for sure, yet, but the fact that the nobles of the Dominion of Alluran cannot even give us a reason to declare war on us puts them in bad light.

Micro Enweil.png   April 22, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
A stand
Enweilian armies in Elloranaal watched these last days as the full armies of Riombara and the Dominion of Alluran poured in an adjacent region, vastly outnumbering the expedition force.

A stand was what was decided. We still don't know why the Dominion has declared war on us, and how the daimon-using Mordred managed to poison their minds (It cannot be forgotten that Mordred used daimons to cripple Avalon and launch his attack on them, telling the daimons to occupy Avalon's capital as he stroke them along with his puppet realm of Valhus. It should also be mentioned that the Lefanis family promptly left Valhus to die when they didn't serve their purposes anymore and wanted to pull out, forcing them to fight to their death). But we know that by fighting here, we protect the homeland, and that the home armies will be there to repel any worn forces which dares enter our soil. The invaders are at the gates, they attack for no other reason than attacking, but we are resolute and strong. This loss will but but a victory on the long run, this we know. We faced daimon hordes many times larger than what they present, lost our capital to them, but in the end prevailed.

We fight for what is right, and to protect our way of life. The imperialists will never take this away from us.

Micro Enweil.png   April 21, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Why are we at war?
Why? It is a good question, for those who are new to the lands, those who have always received but small shreads of the facts and by those who, simply out of old age, are forgetting the steps that brought us to where we are now. Nicolas Chénier, Chancellor of the House, answered the question to Dominion and Enweilian nobles alike. Here is what he wrote:
Report from Nicolas Chénier
A few points about your ally, and the lies they spread.

1) Riombara declared war on us, not the other way around.
2) Riombara always refused our peace offers. Even when reduced to a tiny core, they demanded we give them
Fwuvoghor, rightfully ours.
3) We had a prisoner agreement when Riombara executed our royal, Katia Zotral. Any actions done thereafter
by Enweil was because there is no longer
any prisoner ageement.
4) Riombara did not exile the one responsible for the murder of Katia Zotral. He left on his own, and was
granted a good home in an allied realm. He was cheered by Riombarans for his actions, and faced no
discipline whatsover.
5) The Riombaran that was executed was an outlaw, which we had warned them we would execute if he continued
his deeds. His judge did not bother to try to save or defend him, as we did offer them exchanging bans for
him. He refused, Louis was executed. The death of an outlaw is not worth the death of a royal.
6) The Riombarans like to mention a referendum that a traitor leaked, among the points was war with RoF.
Firstly, this was done because we are a democracy. Secondly, that was the only war mentionned, all the other
articles were helping fight daimons (which we had fought enough of already) or other such tasks. It was
decided that the usurper Mordred would be removed from his illegal reign. It must also be 8remembered that
at that time Mordred Lefanis had tried to destroy Avalon with the help of daimons, and that I am myself the
rightful heir to Fwuvoghor, by royal blood.

As for the west, the following could be added:

7) When Riombara convinced Hetland, Mesh, and Sint to attack us, they simply pulled back to their homes and
took their time to do whatever, never did Riombara help the western realms again us.
8) Hetland was attacked because it had ambushed some of our nobles, which per the treaty we had were entitled
to rights of passage through Hetland regions.
9) Actions against Hetland were continued because Hetland and Heen lied, breaking their agreement with
Bara'Khur about not starting takeovers. When Bara'Khur decided to help their ally Fronen, these two realms
staged a surprise attack and started takeovers despite promises not to. They also had still-standing peace
treaties with Bara'Khur, which they violated in their attack.

We are not a big bully that seeks to destroy everyone, despite what Riombara will say. We have been declared
war on by many realms, we have not declared any wars in a really long time and the last one was against an
illegitimate ruler using daimons to expand his realm. We do what anyone would do when declared war against,
we retaliate, but that doesn't mean that's what we want to do. Riombara wants to be the supreme leaders of
the south-east, which they can't do with us around. They don't want to give you any power, you are a tool at
best and a threat to their supremacy otherwise, they want you weakened to come out on top. Why do you think
they wanted you to participate so much? They knew we would attack you, as you don't have the chokepoints
Riombara has.

I beg you, share this with your realm and reconsider your war. We aren't the bad guys here.
Nicolas Chénier, Chancellor of the House, Viscount of Wheling

And so we have it, the reasons why Enweil is at war. It is therefore not without irony when Riombara calls us imperialists, when they have been the ones, Delvin Anaris and Mordred Lefanis, to attempt to drag the entire continent into their vendetta against Enweil, sacrificing everyone for their cause. Mordred Lefanis, for example, sacrificed the realm of Valhus, in which he had great control, in his attempt to destroy Avalon. When his illegal rule was ended, he then migrated to Riombara and Hetland, where he resumed his old ways, making these realms follow his agendas of selfish vendetta and greed. Of the many who dislike Enweil's position as a continental power are many who would wish to replace it, and at all costs.

Micro Enweil.png   April 21, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Dominion continues to pay for Riombara
After crushing and wounding the nobles of the Dominion force in Kuugl, the Liberators and the Army of Fengen moved south to press the attack. Enweil informs the people of the Dominion about how the action was undesired, that peace is still desired and that their king was the one to declare war and refuse the peace talks that followed.

What Enweil saw as it pressed shocked them, they had never seen a realm in such poor state, particularly after such a long peace time. Infrastructure is extremely rare and of very poor quality, troops are small and weak, and huge hordes of undead roam freely. Enweilians cannot understand why these people not only refused aid to develop, but even declared war on them. "They declared war on us, we therefore cannot permit them to amass troops for a joint siege with Riombara on us", a military officer commented. Nonetheless, Enweil continues to offer peace, free food, and help against the rogues. Enweil also offered good oaths to the nobles desiring better living conditions or more level-minded leaders. Time will tell what awaits for the peninsula.

Yet again, others pay for Riombara's crimes. "High Chancellor" Delvin sacrifices anyone and everyone to escape justice.

Micro Enweil.png   April 20, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Peace deadline draws to its end
After refusing Enweil's generous offers of free food and support against the rogues chronically roaming their lands, the Dominion of Alluran repeated the weird engagement of its predecessor, the Kingdom of Alluran, and after fighting with and against Enweil over Kuugl, a region happilly given to the Dominion by Enweil and which was originally Riombaran before Enweil stroke it some time ago, the Dominion declared war on Enweil.

As the people of Enweil have no ill feeling towards the people of the Dominion, peace was once more offered, so that this conflict could be avoided with the least amount of bloodshed. However, as expected, the deadline was not met by a leadership which, we are told, was long planning this move. While feeling betrayed, it was more a feeling a frustration that reigned as we pondered, dumbfounded, how people could so stupidly fall for the manipulations of Riombara. As our armies marched out, what appeared to be the Dominion's army stood in our way, posting guard in Kuugl, but were utterly decimated by the enweilian vanguard which had set forth in front of the main armies.

While Enweil still seeks peace with the Dominion, it reluctantly does as it must. Only their rulers are to blame for what is to come, as none may stand in our path to put the murders to justice. With much sadness, we lament how yet another realm has gullibly been tricked into getting itself killed for Riombara. Riombara having completely left its western allies alone when they had saved them and having pulled a great many realms to fight her war for her, without ever getting any real results against Enweil, brings in more collateral damage to save themselves from their regicide at all costs.

Micro Enweil.png   March 31, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Misinformed peons prepare
From disgruntled nobles to oblivious advocates, the level of misinformation in the lower realms that oppose us is ever dumbfounding, especially in its extent. From manipulative rulers in Riombara to the outright idiotic in Hetland, the allegations being sent to Enweil's council always surprise even those who have the lowest esteem of these realms. With no ideas what the treaties include, when they were meant to expire or how they expired, and often with simply false ideas on these, propaganda is spread. To keep populist in power in Riombara, and to hook on the gullible realms into its sphere of influence. We even see council-members and dukes complain about non-existent clauses or no longer valid treaties being allegedly broken by our realm. "I regularly see foreigners vow to my death for things I haven't even done, there's little you can do to enlighten these people so I just don't bother with them anymore", the Field Marshal lamented.

As Riombara and her lackeys prepare for a renewed military assault on Enweil and her allies, it's business as usual as our armies exact justice on the lesser people of the lands.

Micro Enweil.png   March 30, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Plotting foiled
The glorious battle in Lopa foiled many of the troublemakers' grand plans, recent information reveals. "We know what they are doing and what they are thinking, we've got them exactly where we want them", royal Nicolas Chénier, Field Marshal of Enweil, Marshal of the Imperial Raiders of Ete, Viscount of Wheling, and Prince of Fwuvoghor reported. Let us remind the nobles that in the great battle that occurred in Lopa, many Riombarans had been caught, and many more while trying to escape in the days following. It was also mentioned that be reminded the fact that Riombara was a dying realm which only the declaration of war by Kingdom of Alluran, Mesh, Hetland, Heen, and Sint could save. Enweilians are confident that this time, with the northern war going on, there will be no saviours for Riombara and that justice will be served.

As elections approach, new talk is being held on how to pursue the good work. "We've been putting down these challengers since as far as I can remember, I guess the leaders are just doing as always" an officer commented.

Micro Enweil.png   March 27, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
The murderers are brutally repelled
After some of our forces returned to more traditional tasks or other fronts, Riombara tried another go, and quickly an outnumbered Enweilian force was seeing the Riombarans marching forth. Riombara's little march did not last long, though, as they were quickly put down by the Enweilian military forces in Lopa, which promptly pushed the attack and chased the cowards out. Once more, Riombara is expected to go cower behind their walls.

Micro Enweil.png   March 15, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Riombaran hypocrites cower, hands empty
Seeing but a fraction of Enweil's mobile forces was enough to make the Riombaran army run away with unprecedented haste. In the time it took for the armies to return from the front, Riombara managed to prove to the world that they were the opportunistic hypocrites we knew them to be, killing the locals and stealing their gold upon first opportunity to do so despite their previous claims about the evil of looting and being against all forms of it. Unfortunately for them, they arrived as taxes were being collected, and their efforts will have been mostly fruitless if they sought to enrich themselves, and in vain if they thought the loss of a dozen coins or so was enough to dent Enweil's economy. Once in our lands, at first sight of our armies, they began to run as headless chicken, going in one direction and then another without being able to commit to any objective. "Guess it shows that you don't need to be smart to defend fortified choke points, out in the open they are unable of coherent or meaningful action," we were told.

We also received news that their move through Kuulg, the region which historically separated Enweil from Riobara, was not authorized by the government of the Dominion of Alluran. In the past, the Kingdom of Alluran had stated that war would no longer be fought in or through their land, and that they would declare war on any party which violated their lands.

Micro Enweil.png   March 11, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Enweil military peaking to record levels, Bara'Khur Covered, Riombara slithers back
Enweilian armies have peaked to impressive strength on March 7th. Though our record is unknown, it is certain that it had not been at such levels since a long time. Surprisingly, also, though the growth has stopped 4 days ago and slowed 2 days before, we have been seeing a significant rise since two days as mobile forces are revamped and militia deserters are replaced. Enweil has been doing great military projects lately, and results can clearly be seen. The mobile forces are estimated to be valued at over 25 000 CS, a significant number for the continent.

This renewed strength was quickly put to our friends' benefit. As Sint attempted to takeover Bara'Khur, Enweilian forces moved out to fend off the Hetlandish invaders. Our armies continued their activities with impunity.

As its their style, Riombara decided to return to attack us as our armies were occupied. They attacked Lopa with a mediocre force, and surely underestimated our ability to respond and military might. They are expected to be crawling back to Grehk shortly. "I don't know what they were planning, but whatever it was they really didn't bring enough men", a military officer commented.

Micro Enweil.png   January 18, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Hetland cowardice to be punished
Since Hetland agreed to start discussing peace, Enweil accepted to move back out and halt looting activities. However, as soon as that was said, the Hetland armies mobilized to fight the unsuspecting Enweilian forces who had gotten the news of refit a bit too late. Enweil was shocked by this dishonourable move, and deep expedition teams vowed retaliation as they control the Hetland countrysides.

Micro Enweil.png   January 17, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
An end to western imperialism
For too long now, realms such as Hetland have been bullying our allies, claiming to be acting in defence of their allies when they are doing nothing but seeking to enlarge their own domains. Among them are the swines of Hetland, the same opportunistic and cowardly Hetland who came to Enweil when it seemed a fashionable thing for the western tribes to do. Today, the Imperial Raiders of Ete and the Army of Fengen have decided that the daimon-worshipping followers of Daishi would be stopped.

After having his army ambushed by Hetland troops while passing through to join Bara'Khur, an act allowed by the previous treaty, the Marshal of the Imperial Raiders decided retribution was in order. When Hetland voided the last illusions of the remaining treaty by delcaring Enweil was no longer allowed to use her lands, they passed to action. Quickly, multiple regions of Hetland were set ablaze. The fire fuels our lust for justice and the carnage renews our strength. The Enweilian behemoth stands strong, and nothing will stop us in our quest for justice!

Micro Enweil.png   January 15, 2010   Micro Enweil.png
Retribution, but not yet justice
Not so long ago, the Riombaran thug Louis was tortured to death before cheering crowds in Fengen. Obviously, the vile Delvin, their leader, showed us his forked tongue and brought forth his usual drama before the rulers of the continent. First, he lied to the world, claiming that no warning had been given and that we broke the treaty. But soon, the world leaders exposed his lies, as his realm had executed our royal Katia without prior sanction or warning, breaking the treaty they had drafted themselves. Then, more lies were quickly exposed: the responsible wasn't forced to step down, nor was he banned, which were the words Delvin used. No, he stepped down of his own accord and went to join our other enemies without a ban. Indeed, torture reports of the times indicated that Riombarans generally approved of the execution. And yet Delvin expects justice can be done by mere hypocritical "apologies"?

So this week, we got retribution when Louis' head rolled before masses of frenetic observers. But justice was not yet served. Not until Delvin's head is on a pike at the palace's gate will justice be served, so may this taste of blood rejuvenate our forces. May our enemies tremble before us, Enweil the Great, Enweil the Glorious rumbles. No one can hide from her fury of justice. Enweil will, as always, prevail.

Micro Enweil.png   December 23, 2009   Micro Enweil.png
Imperial Raiders getting some pay back
Today was announced the revolt of Mekoter fom the theocracy of Sint. Since Sint had given Hetland the military cover for Hetland to go and destroy many holy sites and temples in Enweil, the Imperial Raiders decided to use that opportunity to get some retribution by sacking temples of Hemaism all over Sint's border. As the flames quickly spread and who towns disappeared in the infernos, the people of the villages started realizing the folly of their faith in their rulers. Mekoter is the fist to revolt due to the Imperial Raiders' actions, and more are expected to follow.

Micro Enweil.png   December 19, 2009   Micro Enweil.png
Getting the Chills
As Enweilian troops marched up north under the direction of Nicolas Chénier, Marshal of the Imperial Raiders of Ete and then Field Marshal of Enweil, they came to a simple yet daunting realization: It gets colder when you travel up North. This problem was quickly addressed, however, when the armies realized how flammable Hemaist temples and Sintian houses were. "It's the best burning wood of the lands!", a soldier commented when asked about the construction of Sintian housings. As the Imperial Raiders continue to exploit this brown gold, more news came from the south: Apparently there was a secession in Kingdom of Alluran. Information is scarce, but when pressed an official shrugged: "At least they aren't Qyrvaggs." More shall likely follow.

The News

After Enweil broke Riombara's tyrannical grip on Kuugl and as we prepared to hand it back over to the Dominion of Alluran, something bizarre happened. Enweil crushed the Riombaran expedition, but then the armies of the Dominion of Alluran came, lowering relations with both realms, fighting against both realms, and then declaring war on Enweil and restoring peace with Riombara. Enweil then proceeded to give the region back to DoA as promised, something Riombara had not done despite its promises. It is questioned why the Dominion was in such a hurry when we liberated Kuugl from Riombara, considering the chronic monster, food, and region maintenance problems they have. To be noted is that Kuugl was, before previous Enweilian operations, a Riombaran region.

April 16, 2010

Riombara under our heels

After killing poor farmers from the rural regions of the south in a desperate attempt to take gold any way they can, Riombara had fled before our vastly superior army. They then decided to return when our army thinned, but were decimated by the Enweilian defenders.

March 26, 2010

Riombara slithers back

Riombara has attacked Enweil for the first time since they were taught better with a mediocre force.

March 11, 2010

Irombrozia capitulates

Or rather joins. All the good people left it, and we have their rightful ruler with us. Rest were a bunch of treacherous qyrvaggs anyways. Riombara promises them Fwuvoghor.

February, 2010

Soldiers' solidarity

Following the surprise attack on the Army of Fengen and the capture of her marshal, the Imperial Raiders defied instructions to avenge their brothers.

January 19, 2010

Hetland torched

The Armies of Enweil respond to aggression in support of Bara'Khur.

January 17, 2010

Irombrozia capitulating?

Word has it that Irombrozia is capitulating to Riombara in exchange for Fwuvoghor (from them?).

January 17, 2010

Kingdom of Alluran sends priests

The Kingdom of Alluran has sent priests to cause damage to Enweilian border regions. They are being arrested and relations improve with the Dominion.

January 17, 2010

Tyranny in Fronen

Rumour has it that an oligarchy is undermining the Republic of Fronen, not much is known.

January 17, 2010

Fall of Old Grehk

Following a successful attack and takeover of the fortress of Vatrona by Thalmarkin, Old Grehk's days remaining seem few.

January 17, 2010

Mesh' imperialism grows

The Armies of Enweil were mobilized after Mesh's forces were placed to threaten Bara'Khur and Fronen.

January 17, 2010