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[[Thulsoma/Fourth Siege Of Storms Keep|Fourth Siege Of Storms Keep]]
[[Thulsoma/Fourth Siege Of Storms Keep|Fourth Siege Of Storms Keep]]

[[Thulsoma/Fourth battle Of Storms End|Fourth battle Of Storms End]]

=='''Dress and physical appearance of a Thulsoman'''==
=='''Dress and physical appearance of a Thulsoman'''==
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'''Historic dates and events'''
'''Historic dates and events'''
For earlier history, see the [[Saxon Stormlands]] or the [[Anglo Saxon Chronicle]]
10??-05-18: Sir Sygrum Priest of Sanguis Astroism defects to Corsanctum abandoning his people. 
10??-05-19: Monsters attack and pillage Storms End. King Glaumring and General Randemicos and the collected nobles fight to defend their lands.
10??-05-22: Peace declared between Thulsoma and Holy Corsanctum. Celebrations were held for that day and all was well.
10??-05-25: Knight Davior Runevan joins Thulsoma. Monsters assault the Storms keep. Storms End is near revolt and everyone retreats, Randemicos alone fights from his manor.
10??-06-12: Ambassador Aelwolf Burson of Corsanctum arrives in Thulsoma to much fanfare. The Fortress first palisade is completed in his honour.

06-04-10: With the realm abandoned by the old nobles the peasants announce Lady Haruka, newly arrived noble as their Queen, she quickly installs herself as "Tyrant" and begins to bring in her own nobles to replace the losses.
06-04-10: With the realm abandoned by the old nobles the peasants announce Lady Haruka, newly arrived noble as their Queen, she quickly installs herself as "Tyrant" and begins to bring in her own nobles to replace the losses.

[[Thulsoma/Annals Of History|Annals Of History]]
[[Thulsoma/Annals Of History|Annals Of History]]

Revision as of 02:42, 26 November 2010

Error while fetching data from URL $2.
There was a problem during the HTTP request: 400 Bad Request
Could not get URL after 3 tries.

Error: no local variable "FullName" has been set.

Island Error: no local variable "Island" has been set.Property "Located on" (as page type) with input value "Error: no local variable "Island" has been set." contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Capital [[Error: no local variable "Capital" has been set.]]
Largest City Darfix
Government Error: no local variable "Government" has been set."Error: no local variable "Government" has been set." is not in the list (Tyranny, Monarchy, Theocracy, Republic, Democracy, Anarchy) of allowed values for the "Government type is" property.

Duchies Error: no local variable "Duchies" has been set.
Regions 186
Population 615,779
Gold Error: no local variable "Gold" has been set."Error: no local variable "Gold" has been set." is not a number.
Food Error: no local variable "Food" has been set."Error: no local variable "Food" has been set." is not a number.
Nobles Error: no local variable "Nobles" has been set."Error: no local variable "Nobles" has been set." is not a number.
Error: no local variable "RulerTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"RulerName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "GeneralTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"GeneralName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
Error: no local variable "JudgeTitle" has been set. Could not get URL<span%20class="error">Error:%20no%20local%20variable%20"JudgeName"%20has%20been%20set. after 3 tries.Error: no local variable "Name" has been set. Error: no local variable "Family" has been set.
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... further results
AboalScein Dubhaine
AbykalLinda Estrall
AdariaEgbert Brennaborg
AkuRyusho Oshu Fujiwara
Al AmarahWilliam
AlebadImrahil Mormont
AlowcaCalla Fate
AmmandoLowry Cameron
AmmersfieldLord Damon (unknown)
An NajafWilbrand
Arak CastleLich King (unknown)
AskileonWassgandr Felsenbach
BerakorVex Konran
BiethRhinehart O’Relaious
BisciyeEnder Fate
Bode BaturaHercules von Lucker
BragaDirk Kalamar
BriarullDonagal Prestongreen
BruckSamuel II
Cave of GuiltGregoire Rundsted
CeltiberiaJames Liverpool
CheslandJack Hart Pryde
ChesneyAntoon Finch
CommonyrGniewomir Rabczynski
Corali Forest
Cramir Woods
CreasurCalberian Arylon
DaishaHilda Utengar
DaldMerewyn Kazan
Danlawer Family/mansion
DarfixError: No contents found at URL
Dark CitadelKane Dragul, Kane
DemyanskRoland Brennaborg
DiverdurGustava Komurov

[[Category:Error: no local variable "Island" has been set.]][[Category:Error: no local variable "Realm" has been set.]]


Thulsoma was created by a group of defectors from Virovene during winter of the sixth year of Dwilight. Who had grown tired of the inept leadership in Virovene. Though Thulsoma has now been revolutionised, whitewashed by her majesty Lady Haruka, who once she took over quickly began changing almost everything, from the culture to even the architecture. Many mistake Thulsomans for uncivilised, but it has a deep tradition and belief in Anglo Saxon honour and etiquette, further helped by the reformation of the old religion Hrēdmōnath.

Thulsoma is bordered by sea in the north and the river called torrents breath by the south. Its western side is field and from the keep of Storms keep all can be seen for miles and miles. No access is available from the eastern sea for it is in perpetual storm. Storms keep is always wet and dreary, with regular "Storm seasons" and outbursts of forked lightning where for weeks at a time the sky is black and the wind is brutal.

Thulsomans are artists and eccentrics, they are fiercely independent and spend almost all their time involved in the skills of their trade. The great Fortress is rumoured to have an outer wall completely constructed of the Liberite dead, held together by mortar, though any such rumours are treated as hearsay. Music that has never been heard floats through the fortress courtyards, life inside very much like a circus, a party where none sleep. Where drink and licentious behavior spills out on the narrow streets and urban courtyards. The surrounding lands are equally bizarre and there is many strange sound machines and whirling things howling in the wind to scare off trespassers, even rumoured to be haunted by phantasms. The entire population takes create joy in their military displays and heritage. The soldiers are highly revered as being the best of the Anglo Saxon people and wear coloured clothing under their armour (Typically the Goeguth, a part time peasant militisa force of the young would wear leather armour, the Gedriht, the professional Soldiers wearing steel, and the Duguth, or the old retired soldiers wearing the mismatched armour of their past service) equipped weapons that look more like ornate ritual weapons than actual weapons of war... But, anyone who thought that would be wrong, for the swords men in Storms keep are exceptionally well trained and serious about the defence of Storms keep.

The government of Thulsoma

In the new Thulsoma regime many changes have come to way people view the government.

  • The ForÞwíf Heofonþrym (Godþrymm Beorncyning for a male ruler) she is the absolute ruler of Thulsoma, she controls all aspects of the realm not delegated to some one else. As Queen she will represent the realm to other rulers and also lead us in our attempts at conquest and growth. All power and positions are decided by her, no one may enter or leave the realm without her notice.
  • The Storm Legate, Chieftain At Arms: Appointed by the Queen, the only appointed council position. This man or woman's power is second only to the Queen, having been delegated full authority over the armed forces of Thulsoma not in the private use of the Queen. The Storm Legates word is backed by the Queen herself and will be treated as such.
  • The Mistress/Master Of Torture This position technically is not a councillor, as seen in other realms where they tend to have sickening degrees of power. Their role is simply to commit the executions and tortures as ordered by the Queen. In the eyes of the Queen and thus the eyes of the realm this position is merely an honourific title given to a low standing noble, it's power and status in the realm being comparable to that of a Baron.
  • The Servant Of The Coin Named as servant to better represent of his/her work their role in the realm is considered to be of importance, higher than that of the Mistress/Master of Torture but less than the Storm Legate. The role of the Servant is to deal with the more intricate dealings of the treasury in the stead of the Queen. He has no control over the food of Thulsoma, as that is dealt with by the Duchess.

The Witenagamot

A political institution founded under her majesty Haruka in the early days of her rule. It serves as a pseudo sort of governing body, a collection of the wisest men in all of Thulsoma, a collective of the elite, they are the advisor's to the Queen, handpicked for their duty.

The Ministry Of Torture

A government controlled institution that takes the role of the only judiciary in Thulsoma, the head of which is referred to as either the Master or Mistress of Torture, the position is commonly decided via referendum, though the Queen can veto such a process if the candidate is deemed unworthy. Usually only those with experience or connections within the Ministry are allowed to run.


The state religion of Thulsoma, as founded by the Tyrant Mistress and spread across all Thulsoman regions, the construction of temples is supported by law, with each region being obligated to have at least one place of worship, and it being illegal to close down, or sack a temple without permission. While Hrēdmōnath is the state religion of Thulsoma, it is not the only religion, Thulsoma is highly pluralistic.

The Knights Of Holy Iron Chains

The main army of Thulsoma, originally this army was founded in the Dark Isle of Arcachon by Lady Haruka, it's sole purpose was to locate and safeguard holy relics, while also purifying and protecting the ranks of the faithful. It has served on multiple continents and now currently serves in Thulsoma, as a military force for the Hrēdmōnath; the state religion of Thulsoma.

(Unsure if this is the exact chronological order, however I am adding them in as accurate a list as possible, I will more than likely forget a few battles)

Raid Of Torrents Breath

First Siege Of Storms Keep

First Siege Of Storms End

Second Siege Of Storms Keep

Second battle Of Storms End

First Battle Of Torrents Breath

Third battle Of Storms End

First Raid Of Mount Black Nastrond

Second battle Of Torrents Breath

Third battle Of Torrents Breath

First Battle Of Mount Black Nastrond

Third Siege Of Storms Keep

Fourth Siege Of Storms Keep

Fourth battle Of Storms End

Dress and physical appearance of a Thulsoman

Are more savage in appearance because of the harshness of the northern climes. They will tend to wear animal skins, Some will be completely naked before running into battle, though this practice is in steady decline. Within their ranks will be a mix of people, for a Thulsoman allows anyone loyal to serve, though much is set astore to ones ancestry and heritage. Though all one needs to be allowed into Thulsoma is to swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen and the Kingdom, supporting such an oath with dedication, hard work and have honour for your fellow noblemen.

The nobility

The nobility of Thulsoma, once they ascend to the ranks of active nobility are all required to take an oath under Lady Haruka, swearing their utmost loyalty to her and Thulsoma, for the entirety of their lives and that which comes after. From which, they are then permitted to serve Thulsoma, and seek a knighthood under one of the lords, or Haruka's dukedom. All nobility of Thulsoma are expected to abide by The Anglo Saxon Virtues and the codes of Saxon Honour, if they do not then they are forced from Thulsoman society, simply being a Saxon does not entitle them to nobility if they are honourable.

Infiltrators are hated and despised in Thulsoma, as a tremendous breach of the most basic codes of honour, for this reason Thulsoma refuses to house, train or use infiltrators, foreign or domestic. Any infiltrators that come into the possession of the Ministry of Torture are routinely punished and executed.


Adventurers are people of high regard in Thulsoma, at least higher than your average peasant. As they take it upon themselves to tackle the undead and monsters in the stead of nobles, who are cannot afford to hunt down every last beast, it is possible for an adventurer to reach a higher rank, however this requires the utmost loyal to the Queen and the repeated services directly to a clansman of importance in Thulsoma.

Rightful Lands Of Thulsoma

Storms Keep, in older times it used to be little more than a fortified lighthouse, with crude iconography within the walls, in better times, under the Saxon rule the Stronghold was spared such mistreatment. The centrepiece of the Stronghold is the fortified Keep at a central part of the settlement, nestled against a sheer drop into the ocean, the central keep is then surrounded by a palatial palace constructed by Queen Haruka, this is the innermost part of the city, further protected by a wall. The outer part of the Stronghold holds the urban areas, which are surrounded by the main stonewall. The lands outside the stronghold at one point where known to the locals as the Nifel peninsula, under Haruka she renamed the official term as "Saxon Stormlands", furthering her claim to the entire peninsula.

1. Storms Keep

2. Storms End

3. Torrents Breath - Currently under Liberite Occupation, to be annexed.

4. Valldir - Currently under Summerdale rule.

Historic dates and events

06-04-10: With the realm abandoned by the old nobles the peasants announce Lady Haruka, newly arrived noble as their Queen, she quickly installs herself as "Tyrant" and begins to bring in her own nobles to replace the losses.

Annals Of History