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'''Roleplay from Gregor Eyolf Serpentis'''
'''Roleplay from Gregor Eyolf Serpentis'''

''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
'''Message sent to everyone in your realm'''

Latest revision as of 23:00, 18 November 2010

Tying the Fate
Part I

Roleplay from Sophytia Vykos

Message sent to everyone in your realm

The young lady was traveling for a few hours and the moon was already showing its face. She was concerned whit her mission: make a marriage arrangement. It will be not so problematic if was not the case that the pretended wife just loose her mother, and she, as his father, still in mourning.

The young lady was not comfortable with this situation, and also don't knew exactly how she will convince a mourning man to make a arrangement, but she knew that it was her duty and she will not fail with her family.

"Who comes there!"

"Sophytia Vykos, Dame of Abilotiel, servant of Gregor Eyolf Serpentis, Lord of this lands."

"I'm sorry Lady Sophytia I didn't recognized you from distance."

"Say to Lord Gregor that I came to give, personally, my condolences and offer him a token of the appreciation of my family by him."

"I'll announce your presence and see if he may recept you."

The servant went into the house. She know that she may not even be receptioned, but she was betting, and she had good chances.


Roleplay from Gregor Eyolf Serpentis

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Abilotiel was a rustic region. The estates of the local Lord was not different. Despite the privileged place, the main construction was not very different from the most there. Gregor never needed many servants. His wife had always been responsible for domestic affairs, but now he allow some young ladies to take care of his children. The night was cold and the servant came back after a few minutes, inviting Lady Sophytia.

The house was dark and silent. Everyone were already asleep. Only Gregor remained awake in the central room, lighted and warmed by a fireplace. Unlike many Lords, Gregor didn't like of ostentation. Despite having built a majestic temple, the room looks like very simple. A rug covered the floor and over the fireplace she can saw a Yak's head. The only luxurious thing, yet rustic, was a large tapestry on the wall behind him showing Gregor wielding his war hammer against a horde of monsters. On a table were some jars with wine and water and the seats seems very comfortable.

The Lord was standing in front of the fire, warming his hands and watching the flames dance. He was probably curious about the young Lady who came to visit him on a cold night. Gregor was tall and huge like a bear. He had long black hair and beard, but with a gray tone due to his old age. His face was stern.

Gregor Eyolf: "Good night, Lady Sophytia. A cold one..."

The voice was strong as the waves that lashed the cliffs of Abilotiel. He looked at his servant. The boy has served a chalice of wine and offered to her before leaving.

Gregor Eyolf: "Let me know what worries you in this cold night, young Lady..."


Roleplay from Sophytia Vykos

Message sent to everyone in your realm

The young dame was wearing a simple, but well crafted, long dress in a tone of red that refers to blood. Her beauty blond hair, normally with freedom of movement, are now tied in a bun. The atmosphere was filled with an aroma of jasmine, obviously provided by the lady perfume.

"Please." She said nodding to the boy that offered the wine.

She looked to the old, but powerful, man and for a moment rambled about how he would have been in his youth. Looking for this man she only can conclude that all histories about him are true.

"My lord, I ask you to forgive the indelicacy of a visit so lately. There are to nothing to worry about but the welfare of your family, my Lord. Everything else are under control."

She rises with a small wood box in hands ans walked until be face to face with the old hero.

"My family have tradition in trade and handcraft. I'm here in the name of my Family to give you this token of our appreciation, as well as my condolences to you and your family."

She extended the box to him and opened showing its content. Inside the box lay a masterpiece of jewelry. A small statuette of a warrior made from silver with a few details in gold. The warrior are wearing a armor and carry sword in his belt an shield, craved with small rubies forming a cross-shaped image in it, in his left hand. In his shoulder lie a eagle. The warrior are hold his helmet in his right hand. Both, helmet and shield, are obvious references to the Serpentis family coat of arms.

She bowed and waited for his answer. She must have sure that her gift was accepted before continue.


Roleplay from Gregor Eyolf Serpentis

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Gregor was an old man now. A hero. He had lived all his youth in a world permeated by war. Perhaps even he had not now vivid memories of the countless times he climbed the mountains with strong arms to face the walls of Toren Stronghold. He certainly remembered very little of his former brothers in arms or the people of Unagae under the banner of the White City. He watched the young Lady. Inevitably he remembered how many young Knights and Ladies had served him and become great persons. Lords, Rulers, Judges. Maybe she could reach the same glories and responsibilities in the future.

Gregor Eyolf: "Lady Sophytia, unh!? I heard about your hard work here in Abilotiel. Few people under my oath helped me in this way. I hope your share is enough and that your estates are in good condition..."

Many prominent men had sent their condolences and gifts. But no one dared to visit him in the middle of a cold night to offer condolences in person. The girl was bold. He accepted the condolences and extended his heavy hands to get the gift. The jewel contrasted with the place, but it really was a beautiful piece. And with recognition, he put the gift over the fireplace.

Gregor Eyolf: "It's a beautiful jewel. I appreciate your condolences and your gift... but I don't think you dared to face me in this moment in this cold night just to give me that. Tell me young Lady, what really brought you this far..."
