The Blood Cult/Cuachitl of Light: Difference between revisions

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===Accounts of the Daimons===
===Accounts of the Daimons===
Report from Prudent
Oh no? We couldn't reinforce Avalon and Enweil because of Hetland's magic dealings...take a look:
|Content=Oh no? We couldn't reinforce Avalon and Enweil because of Hetland's magic dealings...take a look:

Lights in the Sky (1 hour, 31 minutes ago)
Lights in the Sky (1 hour, 31 minutes ago)
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We need humanity to crush Creasaur for the magics are too powerful here, and they have turned our own technology against us! The very same shields we established around our portals to allow only those of our genetic code to cross, have been twisted, and set up in Creasaur...only humans can enter/exit the city..
We need humanity to crush Creasaur for the magics are too powerful here, and they have turned our own technology against us! The very same shields we established around our portals to allow only those of our genetic code to cross, have been twisted, and set up in Creasaur...only humans can enter/exit the city..

Tell me, then, should we just walk away so they can teleport immense waves of energy at us resulting in complete obliteration?
Tell me, then, should we just walk away so they can teleport immense waves of energy at us resulting in complete obliteration?}}

Report from Prudent
There is immense evil taking place in Creasaur...humanity is the only one able to destroy it.
|Content=There is immense evil taking place in Creasaur...humanity is the only one able to destroy it.

They have corrupted our technology somehow, a feat impossible for Man alone...we must have a betrayer here...but in any case, they have used our genetic based force fields to allow only humans to enter and leave Creasaur...they have further turned our teleportation abilities into outbursts of immense energy that wipe everything out on impact. Teleporting "blanks" so to speak...all that energy has to leave...
They have corrupted our technology somehow, a feat impossible for Man alone...we must have a betrayer here...but in any case, they have used our genetic based force fields to allow only humans to enter and leave Creasaur...they have further turned our teleportation abilities into outbursts of immense energy that wipe everything out on impact. Teleporting "blanks" so to speak...all that energy has to leave...
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Sacrifices to the Light (just in)
Sacrifices to the Light (just in)

McChester FinkWallow (Knight of Midbote) has given some of his blood to the Power of the Light.
McChester FinkWallow (Knight of Midbote) has given some of his blood to the Power of the Light.}}

Report from Prudent
Lights in the Sky (1 hour, 31 minutes ago)
|Content=Lights in the Sky (1 hour, 31 minutes ago)

As you are going about your business, the temple of Daishi in Creasur bursts forth with a blinding white light, shooting straight up into the sky. Moments later, an answering light streaks down in Xinjin. This must have something to do with the Servants of Light people have been whispering about.
As you are going about your business, the temple of Daishi in Creasur bursts forth with a blinding white light, shooting straight up into the sky. Moments later, an answering light streaks down in Xinjin. This must have something to do with the Servants of Light people have been whispering about.

A massive army was wiped out by the same energy we use to teleport with...I don't know how they learned about us so quickly...perhaps we have a betrayer among our ranks...but this is an impossible feat for your people without help.
A massive army was wiped out by the same energy we use to teleport with...I don't know how they learned about us so quickly...perhaps we have a betrayer among our ranks...but this is an impossible feat for your people without help.}}
Report from Prudent
They are not creatures..they are using our technology against us. What is normally used as a force field barrier, and a teleportation sending forth bursts of energy...I was seriously wounded...I am lightly wounded, to almost die by your own weapons is insanity...

Humans should not have this sort of technology at their disposal, it is far too dangerous...we never used it as a weapon for that very reason. Whoever is doing this, is going to blow up this Island....but they use your blood for fuel which is amazing. I knew your blood was special, but even I have not uncovered all the secrets yet...someone has a better lab than I do here...
|Content=They are not creatures..they are using our technology against us. What is normally used as a force field barrier, and a teleportation sending forth bursts of energy...I was seriously wounded...I am lightly wounded, to almost die by your own weapons is insanity...

Humans should not have this sort of technology at their disposal, it is far too dangerous...we never used it as a weapon for that very reason. Whoever is doing this, is going to blow up this Island....but they use your blood for fuel which is amazing. I knew your blood was special, but even I have not uncovered all the secrets yet...someone has a better lab than I do here...}}

Report from Prudent
Seared by Light (1 day, 5 hours ago)
|Content=Seared by Light (1 day, 5 hours ago)

As you are attending to your conquests in Ypsilanti, there is a flicker of light in the distance, from the direction of Creasur. Moments later, you are seared through by an impossibly bright white light. All your troops turn instantly to dust. You are stronger than they are, but you find yourself clinging to this existence by a thread.
As you are attending to your conquests in Ypsilanti, there is a flicker of light in the distance, from the direction of Creasur. Moments later, you are seared through by an impossibly bright white light. All your troops turn instantly to dust. You are stronger than they are, but you find yourself clinging to this existence by a thread.
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Sacrifices to the Light (1 day, 5 hours ago)
Sacrifices to the Light (1 day, 5 hours ago)

VonGarrett Anderbliss (Noble) has given up his life to the Power of the Light.
VonGarrett Anderbliss (Noble) has given up his life to the Power of the Light.}}
Report from Prudent
Well the thing is...this 'wepaon' causes a great deal of damage to your lands...there is much radiation...your earth was not designed to take such 'beatings' you know. It would be against my own conscience to utilize such a weapon against anyone...
Find out the identity of the traitor that has supplied these people with enough weaponry to destroy the world. There we shall find our answer...

|Content=Well the thing is...this 'wepaon' causes a great deal of damage to your lands...there is much radiation...your earth was not designed to take such 'beatings' you know. It would be against my own conscience to utilize such a weapon against anyone...

Report from Prudent
Find out the identity of the traitor that has supplied these people with enough weaponry to destroy the world. There we shall find our answer...}} friend...WE scorch the lands...this...does more damage than meets the initial eye. Take a look at the craters. Hit too many surrounding regions with it, and you'll find your world 'collapsing' in more ways than one...

| friend...WE scorch the lands...this...does more damage than meets the initial eye. Take a look at the craters. Hit too many surrounding regions with it, and you'll find your world 'collapsing' in more ways than one...}}

Roleplaying Event
Duels are for equals...I will not soil my hands purposely.
|Content=Duels are for equals...I will not soil my hands purposely.

Those of you that are slain were killed in the heat of battle. A proper death for a cowardly nation.
Those of you that are slain were killed in the heat of battle. A proper death for a cowardly nation.
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Hopefully it doesn't take you too long to bleed out and are causing much damage to this world by utilizing such an evil technology.
Hopefully it doesn't take you too long to bleed out and are causing much damage to this world by utilizing such an evil technology.

Peace will find you soon.
Peace will find you soon.}}

Letter from Sherilynn Delsantos
The gullible fools in Hetland and Sint have committed the most insane of all possible acts. It is inconceivable that they have agreed to deal with these Servants of what you have only known so far as the mythical "fourth faction".
|Sender=Sherilynn Delsantos
|Content=The gullible fools in Hetland and Sint have committed the most insane of all possible acts. It is inconceivable that they have agreed to deal with these Servants of what you have only known so far as the mythical "fourth faction".

These temples of light are not the salvation of humanity they would have you believe. The Servants have cloaked themselves in the trappings of salvation only to draw the gullible into willingly giving their own lives. In this manner the Servants need not put themselves at risk. They simply use the life energy of their willing victims to unleash horrific forces of destruction. At the same time they siphon off some of the energy to stage an attack the barriers that hold back their masters. Should he sacrifices be allowed to continue unabated, the energy they amass will eventually be sufficient to drop these last barriers. If that happens then you shall truly come to know the meaning of "hell on earth".
These temples of light are not the salvation of humanity they would have you believe. The Servants have cloaked themselves in the trappings of salvation only to draw the gullible into willingly giving their own lives. In this manner the Servants need not put themselves at risk. They simply use the life energy of their willing victims to unleash horrific forces of destruction. At the same time they siphon off some of the energy to stage an attack the barriers that hold back their masters. Should he sacrifices be allowed to continue unabated, the energy they amass will eventually be sufficient to drop these last barriers. If that happens then you shall truly come to know the meaning of "hell on earth".
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We must work together quickly to destroy these temples of light. If they are allowed to continue to siphon off the life energy of humanity, then all of us shall be destroyed when the Servants finally bring down the final barriers.
We must work together quickly to destroy these temples of light. If they are allowed to continue to siphon off the life energy of humanity, then all of us shall be destroyed when the Servants finally bring down the final barriers.
|Title=Goddess and Collector of Netherworld}}

Sherilynn Delsantos
Goddess and Collector of Netherworld
|Sender=Sherilynn Delsantos
Letter from Sherilynn Delsantos
|Content=Beware, humans! You know not what forces with which you play. With every human sacrifice you so willingly pledge, you weaken the barriers ever further. Think you that these "prophets of light" will not demand a price for their aid? You build a debt each time you wield their infernal power. You cannot postpone the repayment of this debt forever. When the barriers are gone, they will come to claim it.
Beware, humans! You know not what forces with which you play. With every human sacrifice you so willingly pledge, you weaken the barriers ever further. Think you that these "prophets of light" will not demand a price for their aid? You build a debt each time you wield their infernal power. You cannot postpone the repayment of this debt forever. When the barriers are gone, they will come to claim it.
|Title=Goddess and Collector of Netherworld}}
Sherilynn Delsantos
Goddess and Collector of Netherworld  

Letter from Sherilynn Delsantos (6 hours, 24 minutes ago)
Message sent to the Rulers of Beluaterra (13 recipients)
I see that my predictions have born fruit far faster than even I expected. Already the "forces of light" have pulled back their power. Now that you have been given a taste of what they can do, they start to make excuses for why they can't keep producing it. What next? Will they begin to ask for greater, and more frequent sacrifices in order to keep the power flowing?
|Sender=Sherilynn Delsantos
|Content=I see that my predictions have born fruit far faster than even I expected. Already the "forces of light" have pulled back their power. Now that you have been given a taste of what they can do, they start to make excuses for why they can't keep producing it. What next? Will they begin to ask for greater, and more frequent sacrifices in order to keep the power flowing?

I warn you, humans: You know not the power of that with which you play! Your meddling in these powers you cannot comprehend could very well be the doom of us all.
I warn you, humans: You know not the power of that with which you play! Your meddling in these powers you cannot comprehend could very well be the doom of us all.
|Title=Goddess and Collector of Netherworld}}

Sherilynn Delsantos
Goddess and Collector of Netherworld
|Sender=Sherilynn Delsantos
Letter from Sherilynn Delsantos
|Content=Benton, you are a spineless dog. You betray not only your alliances, but your oaths and your faith. It was only a few short months ago that you got on your knees before me, acknowledged my godhood, and pledged your very soul to my service. Now when you meet the first true test of your faith, you tremble like leaf in the wind and forswear all your oaths and loyalties.
Benton, you are a spineless dog. You betray not only your alliances, but your oaths and your faith. It was only a few short months ago that you got on your knees before me, acknowledged my godhood, and pledged your very soul to my service. Now when you meet the first true test of your faith, you tremble like leaf in the wind and forswear all your oaths and loyalties.

Look, all of you, and see what kind of lackeys the "servants of light" call to their service: Forsworn, faithless cowards.
Look, all of you, and see what kind of lackeys the "servants of light" call to their service: Forsworn, faithless cowards.

Ahh... Had I only known that humans were so gullible, that they'd be willing to open their own veins for the promise of a little bit of power, and a flash of light from the sky. When the barriers finally collapse, and They finally return to these lands, I shall have to congratulate them on their brilliant ploy. By the time They arrive, all of you humans will have killed yourselves in your foolish greed.
Ahh... Had I only known that humans were so gullible, that they'd be willing to open their own veins for the promise of a little bit of power, and a flash of light from the sky. When the barriers finally collapse, and They finally return to these lands, I shall have to congratulate them on their brilliant ploy. By the time They arrive, all of you humans will have killed yourselves in your foolish greed.
|Title=Goddess and Collector of Netherworld}}
Sherilynn Delsantos
Goddess and Collector of Netherworld  

Report from Observer
Sacrifices to the Light (2 hours, 52 minutes ago)
|Content=Sacrifices to the Light (2 hours, 52 minutes ago)

VonGarrett Anderbliss (Noble) has given up his life to the Power of the Light.
VonGarrett Anderbliss (Noble) has given up his life to the Power of the Light.
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All things have unexpected consequences. All of these power surges they are beaming across your world will have some sort of effect. At any rate, all of our armies are being obliterated. Prudent and her bodyguard Keeper are both critically wounded...
All things have unexpected consequences. All of these power surges they are beaming across your world will have some sort of effect. At any rate, all of our armies are being obliterated. Prudent and her bodyguard Keeper are both critically wounded...

Try to discover what you can. We cannot fight our own technology being used against us. If only we knew the identity of the betrayer...and Prudent would be the only one able to find a way...and she has been assassinated by the equivalent of a "bomb" in human terms. She will recover...but to what...
Try to discover what you can. We cannot fight our own technology being used against us. If only we knew the identity of the betrayer...and Prudent would be the only one able to find a way...and she has been assassinated by the equivalent of a "bomb" in human terms. She will recover...but to what...}}
Letter from Cimmerian
The Light? They are false saviours. While they claim to be the saviours of humanity, they demand blood and sacrifice. What saviour demands that? Even the Goddess does not. They perpetrate a falsehood to turn you to their side and gain your trust that they will betray when they feel the ti
perpetrate a falsehood to turn you to their side and gain your trust that they will betray when they feel the time is right.

|Content=The Light? They are false saviours. While they claim to be the saviours of humanity, they demand blood and sacrifice. What saviour demands that? Even the Goddess does not. They perpetrate a falsehood to turn you to their side and gain your trust that they will betray when they feel the ti
perpetrate a falsehood to turn you to their side and gain your trust that they will betray when they feel the time is right.}}

===Acounts of Nobles===
===Acounts of Nobles===

Revision as of 12:31, 25 October 2010

Compilations are not yet available for essays of the Cuachitl of Light.

They are said to be in constant confrontation with the Cuachitl of Darkness, namely the Daimons, the Undead, and the Monsters. They have come to this world as vessels of Gods, allowing men to sacrifice their blood to tap into its divine potential. It is, however, unknown what gods they serve and what their ultimate purpose on this world is. Sources say that this weakens the barrier between the divine and the mortal world, as every bust of their energy allows greater numbers of the forces of darkness to arrive to balance the immediate loss they suffer. They come preaching salvation, but are depicted as destroyers of the world as others.

They have currently sought to establish themselves among the Damned, creating further doubt on their motives. The Damned, who waged war on the faithful because of their Blood Sacrifices, are now sacrificing unprecedented amounts of blood to these beings, never in Cultist History so much blood having been spilled in such short periods. More is yet to come.

Accounts of the Daimons


Report from Prudent
Oh no? We couldn't reinforce Avalon and Enweil because of Hetland's magic dealings...take a look:

Lights in the Sky (1 hour, 31 minutes ago)

As you are going about your business, the temple of Daishi in Creasur bursts forth with a blinding white light, shooting straight up into the sky. Moments later, an answering light streaks down in Xinjin. This must have something to do with the Servants of Light people have been whispering about.

An entire army was obliterated in Xinjin, over 25k in strength...

We need humanity to crush Creasaur for the magics are too powerful here, and they have turned our own technology against us! The very same shields we established around our portals to allow only those of our genetic code to cross, have been twisted, and set up in Creasaur...only humans can enter/exit the city..

Tell me, then, should we just walk away so they can teleport immense waves of energy at us resulting in complete obliteration?

Report from Prudent
There is immense evil taking place in Creasaur...humanity is the only one able to destroy it.

They have corrupted our technology somehow, a feat impossible for Man alone...we must have a betrayer here...but in any case, they have used our genetic based force fields to allow only humans to enter and leave Creasaur...they have further turned our teleportation abilities into outbursts of immense energy that wipe everything out on impact. Teleporting "blanks" so to speak...all that energy has to leave...

It is something in your blood, the same thing the monsters and undead are attracted to. Something in human blood that I haven't figured out, but it is a dangerous weapon:

Sacrifices to the Light (just in)

McChester FinkWallow (Knight of Midbote) has given some of his blood to the Power of the Light.

Report from Prudent
Lights in the Sky (1 hour, 31 minutes ago)

As you are going about your business, the temple of Daishi in Creasur bursts forth with a blinding white light, shooting straight up into the sky. Moments later, an answering light streaks down in Xinjin. This must have something to do with the Servants of Light people have been whispering about.

A massive army was wiped out by the same energy we use to teleport with...I don't know how they learned about us so quickly...perhaps we have a betrayer among our ranks...but this is an impossible feat for your people without help.

Report from Prudent
They are not creatures..they are using our technology against us. What is normally used as a force field barrier, and a teleportation sending forth bursts of energy...I was seriously wounded...I am lightly wounded, to almost die by your own weapons is insanity... Humans should not have this sort of technology at their disposal, it is far too dangerous...we never used it as a weapon for that very reason. Whoever is doing this, is going to blow up this Island....but they use your blood for fuel which is amazing. I knew your blood was special, but even I have not uncovered all the secrets yet...someone has a better lab than I do here...

Report from Prudent
Seared by Light (1 day, 5 hours ago)

As you are attending to your conquests in Ypsilanti, there is a flicker of light in the distance, from the direction of Creasur. Moments later, you are seared through by an impossibly bright white light. All your troops turn instantly to dust. You are stronger than they are, but you find yourself clinging to this existence by a thread.

Lights in the Sky (1 day, 5 hours ago)

As you are going about your business, the temple of Daishi in Creasur bursts forth with a blinding white light, shooting straight up into the sky. Moments later, an answering light streaks down in Ypsilanti. This must have something to do with the Servants of Light people have been whispering about.

Sacrifices to the Light (1 day, 5 hours ago)

Sacrifices to the Light (1 day, 5 hours ago)

VonGarrett Anderbliss (Noble) has given up his life to the Power of the Light.

Report from Prudent
Well the thing is...this 'wepaon' causes a great deal of damage to your lands...there is much radiation...your earth was not designed to take such 'beatings' you know. It would be against my own conscience to utilize such a weapon against anyone... Find out the identity of the traitor that has supplied these people with enough weaponry to destroy the world. There we shall find our answer...

Report from Prudent friend...WE scorch the lands...this...does more damage than meets the initial eye. Take a look at the craters. Hit too many surrounding regions with it, and you'll find your world 'collapsing' in more ways than one...

Event from Prudent
Duels are for equals...I will not soil my hands purposely.

Those of you that are slain were killed in the heat of battle. A proper death for a cowardly nation.

We will overcome you. Your blood supplies shall dwindle, and our armies will isolate you from the rest of the world.

Hopefully it doesn't take you too long to bleed out and are causing much damage to this world by utilizing such an evil technology.

Peace will find you soon.


Report from Sherilynn Delsantos
The gullible fools in Hetland and Sint have committed the most insane of all possible acts. It is inconceivable that they have agreed to deal with these Servants of what you have only known so far as the mythical "fourth faction".

These temples of light are not the salvation of humanity they would have you believe. The Servants have cloaked themselves in the trappings of salvation only to draw the gullible into willingly giving their own lives. In this manner the Servants need not put themselves at risk. They simply use the life energy of their willing victims to unleash horrific forces of destruction. At the same time they siphon off some of the energy to stage an attack the barriers that hold back their masters. Should he sacrifices be allowed to continue unabated, the energy they amass will eventually be sufficient to drop these last barriers. If that happens then you shall truly come to know the meaning of "hell on earth".

This is no fabrication, I swear unto you. The weakening of these barriers has also widened those gates through which we summon our own daimons. We have been able to begin bringing forth large numbers of our own daimon soldiers. The undead and monsters will also have taken advantage of this weakening of the barriers to summon large numbers of their own forces as well, and will continue to do so for so long as the temples of light continue to drain the life-energy of your world through the unwitting sacrifices.

We must work together quickly to destroy these temples of light. If they are allowed to continue to siphon off the life energy of humanity, then all of us shall be destroyed when the Servants finally bring down the final barriers.
Sherilynn Delsantos (Goddess and Collector of Netherworld)

Letter from Sherilynn Delsantos
Beware, humans! You know not what forces with which you play. With every human sacrifice you so willingly pledge, you weaken the barriers ever further. Think you that these "prophets of light" will not demand a price for their aid? You build a debt each time you wield their infernal power. You cannot postpone the repayment of this debt forever. When the barriers are gone, they will come to claim it.
Sherilynn Delsantos (Goddess and Collector of Netherworld)

Letter from Sherilynn Delsantos
I see that my predictions have born fruit far faster than even I expected. Already the "forces of light" have pulled back their power. Now that you have been given a taste of what they can do, they start to make excuses for why they can't keep producing it. What next? Will they begin to ask for greater, and more frequent sacrifices in order to keep the power flowing? I warn you, humans: You know not the power of that with which you play! Your meddling in these powers you cannot comprehend could very well be the doom of us all.
Sherilynn Delsantos (Goddess and Collector of Netherworld)

Letter from Sherilynn Delsantos
Benton, you are a spineless dog. You betray not only your alliances, but your oaths and your faith. It was only a few short months ago that you got on your knees before me, acknowledged my godhood, and pledged your very soul to my service. Now when you meet the first true test of your faith, you tremble like leaf in the wind and forswear all your oaths and loyalties.

Look, all of you, and see what kind of lackeys the "servants of light" call to their service: Forsworn, faithless cowards.

Ahh... Had I only known that humans were so gullible, that they'd be willing to open their own veins for the promise of a little bit of power, and a flash of light from the sky. When the barriers finally collapse, and They finally return to these lands, I shall have to congratulate them on their brilliant ploy. By the time They arrive, all of you humans will have killed yourselves in your foolish greed.
Sherilynn Delsantos (Goddess and Collector of Netherworld)


Report from Observer
Sacrifices to the Light (2 hours, 52 minutes ago)

VonGarrett Anderbliss (Noble) has given up his life to the Power of the Light.

People are KILLING THEMSELVES to feed an energy that wipes out our genetic markers...but they could affect monsters and undead, all depends on how much they know, and who is pulling the strings.

Helping humans have cost us so much. We were the only realm to stand up for man, and lost many comrades against the monsters...and this is how we are repaid. So sad.

All things have unexpected consequences. All of these power surges they are beaming across your world will have some sort of effect. At any rate, all of our armies are being obliterated. Prudent and her bodyguard Keeper are both critically wounded...

Try to discover what you can. We cannot fight our own technology being used against us. If only we knew the identity of the betrayer...and Prudent would be the only one able to find a way...and she has been assassinated by the equivalent of a "bomb" in human terms. She will recover...but to what...

Letter from Cimmerian
The Light? They are false saviours. While they claim to be the saviours of humanity, they demand blood and sacrifice. What saviour demands that? Even the Goddess does not. They perpetrate a falsehood to turn you to their side and gain your trust that they will betray when they feel the ti perpetrate a falsehood to turn you to their side and gain your trust that they will betray when they feel the time is right.

Acounts of Nobles

Roleplay from Guillaume Chénier Message sent to everyone in the region Creasur (50 recipients) So be it, Guillaume thought, though he was reluctant to move forth. He arrived at the entrance of the Daishi temple, shuddering at the mere thought of entering such a despicable place. Much suffering had been cause by these people, these fools, these hypocritical fools. What had to be done had to be done.

He penetrated inside and went for Marta, though she did not seem to care for his approach as he did. He walked slowly, carefully, he knew how dangerous this place was.

"Marta..." He paused. "Servant of the Light." He bowed, then looked her in the eyes as he continued. "We... are afraid. The world is afraid. Do you bring the salvation we all pray for? Or do you bring the destruction we fear for? We... We want to believe. But..." Guillaumed paused a bit, looking around him. The stares were angry, murderous. "Here you are, among the Damned, protecting them. These people... are punished by the gods. They are murderers, oath-breakers. Before this invasion, they hunted down people, people doing what you ask humanity to now do. They swore never to side with the invaders, that they'd rather die, that they would always be the vanguard of humanity. But when the invaders came, and we pleaded for their help... none came. We suffered against the monster hordes, and they sat and did nothing. Then the daimons came, and told them they had to help against the monsters and the undead. They refused, blocking the sole source of assistance we could hope for. And for this, they were punished. Are punished. For their hypocrisy, egoism, dishonour, and murders. Look at their diplomatic relations, they are the only realm to have signed peace with the monster puppets of Meridian Republic. They signed peace with the monsters, it was only the latter which broke it and not the Damned themselves. Never once did they fight the monsters that plague the South or the undead who consume the North. The only ones they ever fought are the only ones who ever stood alongside man to defend him. And as for Sint... you could say their moral compass always points South. There are always the first to worship the daimons, and then the first to say they've repented. Now two invasions in a row."

He emptied his lungs before finishing. "If you are the forces of Good, if you are here to save us, why do you work with people so Evil?"

Guillaume Chénier Duke of Iato, Ambassador of Enweil