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'''27 September 2010 - Can You tell Me About the Different Types of Troops?'''
Dear Sir Sun Tzu Slaymaster,
I have sent you 50 gold for your worldly wisdom.  You told me to get archers first but can you tell me about the different types of troops?  What is so special about the Special Forces?
Young Padwen
Dear Student,
Thank you for sending me the 50 gold and I have to congratulate you on this great deal since my wisdom is worth many times more.
Okay, the main reason why you should recruit archers first is because without being as prestigious and honourable as me, you will not be able to recruit enough cavalrymen to go into battle and in your case, you can't recruit cavalrymen at all since you are a newbie knight.  Cavalrymen are proud men and they would want to serve a knight with a respectable name but frankly your name stinks and nobody has heard of you.
Now one of the main reason to get archers since you can't get cavalry is that they are the best troops to fight monsters with and if you have a good General and Marshal with some organisation, you will take little or no casualties from battles.  This saves you a lot of gold and you would be able to afford the fashionable activities every noble knights with a name dabbles in, namely whoring, drinking and gambling.
One disadvantage with archers is that in really bad weather, they are useless in battle.  But since such bad weather is a rare occurrence, it still pays off over time from the odd freak weather condition.
Another disadvantage with archers is that they are the worse troops to have going into battle against other realms where their low damage and the fact that they usually only ever do two rounds of attack before they stand around like a turnip to do nothing apart from getting routed in melee combat.  So you might want to sign up to the monster hunting army instead of the external fighting army first.  But you would want to get into battle often to get as many honour and prestige in battle to be able to switch to cavalry as soon as possible so if there were lots of adventurers taking up your kills on monsters or if there were many monsters hunters in your realm, you might just want to sign up to the regular army to get some action anyway you can.
The only formation to use for archers are line/defensive but might change where it is placed on the battlefield depending on the situation.
Infantry is totally useless and you should never recruit them.  There are those who suggest a need for infantry to accompany archers to protect them from melee and what not.  But since monsters come under 1K CS and usually 500 CS unless your Marshal is inept, you should be facing monsters many times their number and your archers should be able to shoot them down in most weather conditions before they even get to you.  There is simply no need for infantry protection and all they would do is get in the way of your archers from firing off more rounds.  In the worse weather, your numerous archers would take losses but still should be able to beat them down even in melee combat and the numbers still work out cheaper from taking no causalities for all those times the weather was good and having just the odd bad weather once in a full moon.  You should always order your archers to retreat from combat as soon as possible to avoid taking excessive losses.
The best use for infantry is for city attacks.  But since city attacks are not often and cavalry in line do nearly the same as infantry, they are just not worth getting over cavalry purely for city attacks.  Open field battles accounts for most realm battles and you would want to have a big advantage over most battles than a small one just for the cities.  In addition, by the time you decide to attack a city, you should already be owning the other realm and having an additional advantage fighting against a beaten foe is not worth having over the advantage in the regular open field battles.
Cavalry is simply the best troops to have for open field battles since they can do three to four times damage each time they charge.  There is not much more that can be said.  They should go in wedge formation to take advantage of the charge but for city attacks and against few monsters go in line.
Mix Infantry just treat them the same as archers.  If your mix infantry had the same range and better weapons then consider them the best archers you can recruit.  Usually this is not the case and why people rarely recruit them.
So in a nut shell, get archers until you have a name to get a big enough cavalry.  Simples.
As to what is special about the special forces, since you have only paid me 50 gold I am unable to answer that extra question unless you send me another 50 gold.  I see you are trying sneak one pass me thinking I was going to accidentally answer it for free.  Nice Try.
Wise, Proud, Fierce,
Sir Sun Tzu Slyamaster
'''26 September 2010 - Pissing and Rusty Spoon'''
Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster
Message sent to everyone in your realm
Desert Warriors of Talerium,
So.... it has been kind of quiet lately around here. This vast landscape of desert sure feels lonely.
Anyway, I was wondering if anybody can fill me in on the political situation of Talerium?
I was walking through Ixzal with my men the other day and I saw the sign by the Darka lot - 'Offerings here, lest the land reject you' so I untied my pants and pissed on the sign. I wonder if that is the kind of offering it meant or whether they wanted something heavier and smellier?
And then I saw our sign 'Camels Beware'. But of this week, I have yet to see a camel. Where hence would I be best to look for a camel? I have not tasted camel meat before and wondered if it would taste like chicken or horse. I have in my mind that the meat will be rough like a horse's behind for some reason.
err.. I kinda of wandered off a bit in my thoughts. What I really want to know is if there are any realms that I can curse and blame any of my misfortunes on? I feel a lot better when I have someone to hate.
Strong, Proud, Fierce,
Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Knight of Cantril)
Roleplay from Aragorn Kahn
Message sent to everyone in your realm
Sun Tzu you will find in the days ahead opportunity to direct your distaste for member of other Realms but I am not sure pissing on signs is a proper manner in which for a Noble warrior of Talerium to express himself. Certainly not with an announcement to the Realm. A peasant member of your troops maybe.
Anyway, The Eternal Sun will be marching soon and you will have amble opportunity to express yourself in battle I expect.
Aragorn Kahn
Warlord of Talerium, Baron of Axzaloc
Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster
Message sent to everyone in your realm
Warlord Aragon,
I am stumped at your letter. I may be a noble but I relieve myself like any other man. Why do you think there is proper manner to it because I am a noble?
I relieve myself anywhere I find a place when I am out on the roads whether it is by a tree, on the sign or in the bushes.
Do you perform special something when you do because you feel you need to piss differently to the common man and the peasants? I really would like to know this proper way of pissing by a noble and would not like to be behind in the latest noblesse fad to perform to show our superior status.
I thought it was quite apt myself into satisfying their demand for an offering hence my last letter to boast of my clever and quick thinking.
Clever, Proud, Fierce,
Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Knight of Cantril)
Roleplay from Aragorn Kahn
Message sent to all members of the Eternal Sun
Knight Sun Tzu,
Please understand, I too am a creation of God and must relieve myself from time to time as all of us must do. I simply was concerned for such news to reach our ladies, some of which might have taken offense. Since there have been no other expressions of disagreement with the news shared the matter is dropped.
Aragorn Kahn
Warlord of Talerium, Baron of Axzaloc
Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster
(Personal message to Aragorn Kahn)
Warlord Aragorn,
My belief is that a well bred lady is there to support her men and not there to take offence. They know their place not to question their men. We go on long trips away from home riskin' our lives fighting against horrible monsters and undead and what not and the last thing we need is the whingin' and moanin' about all sorts of women stuff when we come back.
Otherwise, they would be offended quite a lot if they hear of a fraction of the things we do away from home.
I am no saint and neither are my men. They are all a rudely bunch and we have had more than a few wild stories to tell amongst ourselves to be forever etched into our memory till our deaths. Like really wild ones. Things that can be done with leather, a rusty spoon and lots of ropes...
Wild, Strong, Fierce,
Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Knight of Cantril)
'''25 September 2010 - Opening up the School of Slaymaster for all your worldly Questions to Life, the Universe and everythink.'''
Anybody that is in need of help with any questions on life, the universe and everything, I, Sir Sun Tzu Slaymaster will be able to answer all your questions and will not give you an answer of 42.  Please just post the questions below and I'll respond when I can be bovered.
Dear Sir Sun Tzu Slaymaster,
I have just joined the realm.  What should I do now?
Greetings Young Padwen,
The first thing you need to do is to introduce yourself to the realm.  Nobody really reads your intro but it is just a good way to let people know you are not a spy in the realm.  So you can write anything you like but make sure you ask for a Liege Lord 'cos you need gold and lots of it.
Now to find a good Liege Lord, all you need to do is to read my 19/20 September 2010 diary entry below and you will see the perfect way to go about getting a good income.  A lot of times, some stuffy realm organiser would try to designate a region for you to serve.  In my case, it actually worked out for me.  But if you feel the income you are offered is that to make you a slave, then don't be afraid to reject him and show him your palm.
In this current time, there are a lack of nobles in most realms so you can be quite picky about which lord to serve.  If they still can't provide you with good income, go and join another realm.  Commit suicide and have your brother or sister go somewhere else or emigrate if you can.  But make sure before you leave, write to the whole realm and give them a piece of your mind about what greedy sods they all are and that you will tell everybody of the poverty of their realm so nobody will go there.  That should hopefully make them feel bad about themselves.
Now the best thing to do is to check where you can get a decent income yourself and which lord you can try to approach to give you a boat of gold.
Go to -> Information -> Realms and Regions -> Then you will have to painstakingly go through each region to see which regions have few or no knights serving the region.  -> Details and under the politics tab to see how many knights there are serving there.  You would preferably want to serve a region that has a high gold income so at least 300 gold upwards.  Forget about serving a region with a few hundred gold and leave the chumps to collect slave wages.  You are better than that and you know it.
The percentage of oath offered will be a roughly a percentage of the regions gold income you will get weekly.  The only other thing to take in account of is that there isn't a lot of militia in the region that will suck up your gold and preferably have no militia in the region.  But a rough guide is to just look at the percentage of the gold that the region generates.
You should also ask your Liege Lord to cough up to upgrade your estate.  If he doesn't do that then threaten him with leaving your estate idle or serve another lord.  That should show the stingy git not to mess with you and try to make you his slave.
Afterwards, travel to the Capital and recruit some troops.  Drop the crappy troops you have on you when you came to the realm and go get some archers that are ranged 4 and with the best weapons.  Later on when you are more well known, it is best to change to cavalry for battles against other realms.  But for now, archers are best 'cos you don't have to pay as much for refitting and can save up on gold.
Well, that is it for now.  Go get yourself an income and once you are at the capital, if you need any more help then send me 50 gold per question and I'll give you more of my worldly wisdom.
Wise, Proud, Fierce,
Sir Sun Tzu Slaymaster
'''19/20 September 2010 - Sun Tzu's Seeks Income.'''
''Oath Offered''
Lord 1 is offering you an oath of fealty. You can become a knight of his region POVERTY if you are willing to pledge your service in exchange for 35 % of the Region's tax income.
You can accept or reject the offer on your Oath Offers page.
''Letter from Lord 2''
Well I am not a border region but my region could use a new knight.
Lord 2
''Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster''
(Personal message to Lord 2)
Lord 2,
I would like to enquire what percentage income I can get from serving Region X? I am a greedy man that needs much gold to spend on women, beer and weapons.
Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Noble)
''Letter from Solak Marioneaux''
Sir Sun Tzu,
Welcome to Talerium. We are always in need of strong warriors here in the desert, and I have a feeling you would enjoy our fuzzy bunny hunts, although we are on the brink of war. I can arrange for suitable accommodations for you in Axtli if you desire, although Lord 3 is in deeper need of a knight.
Solak Marioneaux
Finance Minister of Talerium, Viscount of Axtli, Marshal of the Home Guard
''Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster''
(Personal message to Solak Marioneaux)
Dear Finance Minister Solak,
Thank you for your warm welcome and I am glad to hear the news for the tides of war. Whenever I hear the call for war, I feel great happiness and joy to be able to swing my mighty axes and lop heads of me enemies.
What would the percentage of income receive from serving you? I am a greedy.. err.. I mean a man with a voracious appetite with much gold needed to be spent on women, beer and different types of weapons to kill me enemies in multitude of ways. I'll probably need gold that weight a small pony to just satisfy my thirst for me beers alone.
Whenever I am drunk, I seem to fight better and think I am invincible in battle.
Strong, Proud and Fierce,
Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Noble)
''Letter from Lord 2''
I can offer you (NOT ENOUGH)% of the regions income right now. There is a chance that I raise it up after you serve the realm for so long. Also I will give you the money to enlarge your estates as well.
Lord 2
''Oath Offered''
Lord 2 is offering you an oath of fealty. You can become a knight of his region X if you are willing to pledge your service in exchange for (NOT ENOUGH) % of the Region's tax income.
You can accept or reject the offer on your Oath Offers page.
''Letter from Solak Marioneaux''
Sir Sun Tzu,
As much as I would enjoy having a knight, I have other motives to keep in mind, the principal being maintaining the food production which has slumped due to knights going missing. I will personally pay you xxx gold to be in Lord 3's employ because of this.
Solak Marioneaux
Finance Minister of Talerium, Viscount of Axtli, Marshal of the Home Guard
''Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster''
(Personal message to Solak Marioneaux)
Finance Minister Solak,
How much percentage of the regional income would I get for serving the region? The problem with Lord 3's region is that it ..(sensitive information)...and I don't get a cut of the food production. It is not really one off gold I am looking for but a sizeable gold income to support my troops weekly and my beer money.
Oh and the hookers. I have a large appetite there as well. Always need to have a wild party to de-stress coming back from war. Don't do it before though as it seems to weaken me and I don't kill as many people if I have a party beforehand.
Wild, Fierce, Proud,
Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Noble)
''Letter from Solak Marioneaux''
Sir Sun Tzu,
How much Lord 3 gives you is business between you and him, but should it prove unsatisfactory for you I can send some extra gold whenever I visit a city to help out.
Solak Marioneaux
Finance Minister of Talerium, Viscount of Axtli, Marshal of the Home Guard
''Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster''
Message sent to: Lord 3
Lord 3,
The Finance Minister Solak informed me that you might require a knight to serve your region. My service is not cheap though. I am looking for a boat load of gold to spend every week on women, lots of beer and weapons.
I would do lots of fighting with the locals people myself to put them in their place and organise a well good police force to slap up the local peasants and make them work like slaves to produce as much gold and food for the realm... ten times what a normal knight that is a bit soft would get for you.
So that is like ten boats of gold every week.
Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Noble)
''Oath Offered''
Brandor Whitestone, Earl of Cantril is offering you an oath of fealty. You can become a knight of his region Cantril if you are willing to pledge your service in exchange for (OMG LOADS OF MONEY, I AM FILTHY RICH AND CAN RETIRE FOR LIFE) % of the Region's tax income.
You can accept or reject the offer on your Oath Offers page.
''Letter from Brandor Whitestone''
Sir Sun Tzu,
I am quite happy to pay you a great amount of golf for your service.
I have actually already sent you an offer of (DISGUSTING AMOUNT OF GOLD)% of the region taxes!
I think you might as well consider it.
Brandor Whitestone
Earl of Cantril
''Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster''
(Personal message to Brandor Whitestone)
Earl Brandor,
By the Gods! The oath is eye watering and I certainly would be able to rut for everyday of the week on this most generous offer of income. I would be unable to walk by the end of the week even by my manly standards.
I might be greedy and love the gold coin more than any man I know but would be embarrassed to take (INSANE AMOUNT OF GOLD). May I have (A BOAT OF GOLD)% instead so that I don't take (SO MANY GOLD COINS THAT I CAN SWIM IN IT)?
I'll forever give you my loyalty till the end of days and will even fight for you in my afterlife.
Rich, Proud, Fierce,
Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Noble)
''Oath Accepted''
Brandor Whitestone, Earl of Cantril has accepted your offer of fealty. You are now a knight of his region and will receive (A BOAT OF GOLD) % of the regional tax income for your services.
''Letter from Brandor Whitestone''
Sir Sun Tzu,
This is a great pleasure to have you by my side, and to know I can really count on you.
I am going to send you 100 gold in bonds to get you started with your new estate. Once you have retrieve the gold from the bank, please join me in my trip to Cantril.
Once there, we should be able to work together to put the region back at work, as this is very much needed.
Brandor Whitestone
Earl of Cantril
''Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster''
(Personal message to Brandor Whitestone)
Earl Brandor,
Yes m'lord. I have recruited forty nine men and will be in Cantril in a day.
Stronger, Prouder, Fiercer,
Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Knight of Cantril)
'''19 September 2010 - Slaymaster Seeks Slayers'''
''Roleplay from Sun Tzu Slaymaster''
''Message sent to everyone in your realm''
Sir Sun Tzu walked briskly to the recruitment centres to look for some harden warriors to go battle alongside him.
He headed straight for the stables as he enjoys going into battles with cavalrymen and charge headlong to lob off the heads of his enemies with his mighty axes.
He saw many of the horses there but was not satisfy with their quality. Most were swift and he can see they have enough muscles to move at the speed required for attack but they were dumb stupid type of horses that do not have the intelligence to quickly follow commands for evasive movements in defence.
Their armour was also of particular poor quality and in one inspection, Sun Tzu did one swift kick at a horse with its armour on and the horse died on him.
'Bah', Sun Tzu cursed, 'Dumb ponies'.
After spending the whole evening looking at all the horses, Sun Tzu finally settled on the Sky Lancers.
'These will have to do', spits Sun Tzu as he mounts one of the horses.
'Give me these six and five riders to go with them. I want the best riders ya can find and ones that can swing a blade well. Be swift about it or I'll punch ya in the face', Sun Tzu growled at the recruiter. 'and really when ya can get ya finger out, go look for some better breeds'.
'Yes, m'lord... I will.. I will... That... that will be thirty five gold coins Sir...' the recruiter whimpered.
'Darn it!' cursed Sun Tzu, 'the ferry men took me gold. I'll be back peasant. Keep these horses for me or I'll punch ya in the face if I don't find them 'ere when I am back.'

'''19 September 2010 - Would be Assassin Found Not Guilty by Court!'''
'''19 September 2010 - Would be Assassin Found Not Guilty by Court!'''
Line 61: Line 449:

Grand Justiciar of Talerium, Viscount of Chohua
Grand Justiciar of Talerium, Viscount of Chohua

'''18 September 2010 - Sun Tzu Joins Talerium - Land of the Desert Warriors!'''
'''18 September 2010 - Sun Tzu Joins Talerium - Land of the Desert Warriors!'''

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster
Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster
Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients)
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Tribesmen of Talerium,  
Tribesmen of Talerium,  
Line 97: Line 486:
''Letter from Elroy Anderbliss''
''Letter from Elroy Anderbliss''

Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients)
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Sun Tzu,  
Sun Tzu,  
Line 108: Line 497:
''Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster''
''Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster''

Message sent to everyone in your realm (24 recipients)
Message sent to everyone in your realm

Thanks you Duke Kepler and Sir Elroy, Knight of Ixcan for the welcome.  
Thanks you Duke Kepler and Sir Elroy, Knight of Ixcan for the welcome.  

Latest revision as of 22:23, 1 October 2010

Tribal Rag

Strong, Proud and Fierce!
Printed in Chocxal
September 2010 Edition

Gossip and Slander

27 September 2010 - Can You tell Me About the Different Types of Troops?

Dear Sir Sun Tzu Slaymaster,

I have sent you 50 gold for your worldly wisdom. You told me to get archers first but can you tell me about the different types of troops? What is so special about the Special Forces?

Young Padwen

Dear Student,

Thank you for sending me the 50 gold and I have to congratulate you on this great deal since my wisdom is worth many times more.

Okay, the main reason why you should recruit archers first is because without being as prestigious and honourable as me, you will not be able to recruit enough cavalrymen to go into battle and in your case, you can't recruit cavalrymen at all since you are a newbie knight. Cavalrymen are proud men and they would want to serve a knight with a respectable name but frankly your name stinks and nobody has heard of you.

Now one of the main reason to get archers since you can't get cavalry is that they are the best troops to fight monsters with and if you have a good General and Marshal with some organisation, you will take little or no casualties from battles. This saves you a lot of gold and you would be able to afford the fashionable activities every noble knights with a name dabbles in, namely whoring, drinking and gambling.

One disadvantage with archers is that in really bad weather, they are useless in battle. But since such bad weather is a rare occurrence, it still pays off over time from the odd freak weather condition.

Another disadvantage with archers is that they are the worse troops to have going into battle against other realms where their low damage and the fact that they usually only ever do two rounds of attack before they stand around like a turnip to do nothing apart from getting routed in melee combat. So you might want to sign up to the monster hunting army instead of the external fighting army first. But you would want to get into battle often to get as many honour and prestige in battle to be able to switch to cavalry as soon as possible so if there were lots of adventurers taking up your kills on monsters or if there were many monsters hunters in your realm, you might just want to sign up to the regular army to get some action anyway you can.

The only formation to use for archers are line/defensive but might change where it is placed on the battlefield depending on the situation.

Infantry is totally useless and you should never recruit them. There are those who suggest a need for infantry to accompany archers to protect them from melee and what not. But since monsters come under 1K CS and usually 500 CS unless your Marshal is inept, you should be facing monsters many times their number and your archers should be able to shoot them down in most weather conditions before they even get to you. There is simply no need for infantry protection and all they would do is get in the way of your archers from firing off more rounds. In the worse weather, your numerous archers would take losses but still should be able to beat them down even in melee combat and the numbers still work out cheaper from taking no causalities for all those times the weather was good and having just the odd bad weather once in a full moon. You should always order your archers to retreat from combat as soon as possible to avoid taking excessive losses.

The best use for infantry is for city attacks. But since city attacks are not often and cavalry in line do nearly the same as infantry, they are just not worth getting over cavalry purely for city attacks. Open field battles accounts for most realm battles and you would want to have a big advantage over most battles than a small one just for the cities. In addition, by the time you decide to attack a city, you should already be owning the other realm and having an additional advantage fighting against a beaten foe is not worth having over the advantage in the regular open field battles.

Cavalry is simply the best troops to have for open field battles since they can do three to four times damage each time they charge. There is not much more that can be said. They should go in wedge formation to take advantage of the charge but for city attacks and against few monsters go in line.

Mix Infantry just treat them the same as archers. If your mix infantry had the same range and better weapons then consider them the best archers you can recruit. Usually this is not the case and why people rarely recruit them.

So in a nut shell, get archers until you have a name to get a big enough cavalry. Simples.

As to what is special about the special forces, since you have only paid me 50 gold I am unable to answer that extra question unless you send me another 50 gold. I see you are trying sneak one pass me thinking I was going to accidentally answer it for free. Nice Try.

Wise, Proud, Fierce,

Sir Sun Tzu Slyamaster

26 September 2010 - Pissing and Rusty Spoon

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Desert Warriors of Talerium,

So.... it has been kind of quiet lately around here. This vast landscape of desert sure feels lonely.

Anyway, I was wondering if anybody can fill me in on the political situation of Talerium?

I was walking through Ixzal with my men the other day and I saw the sign by the Darka lot - 'Offerings here, lest the land reject you' so I untied my pants and pissed on the sign. I wonder if that is the kind of offering it meant or whether they wanted something heavier and smellier?

And then I saw our sign 'Camels Beware'. But of this week, I have yet to see a camel. Where hence would I be best to look for a camel? I have not tasted camel meat before and wondered if it would taste like chicken or horse. I have in my mind that the meat will be rough like a horse's behind for some reason.

err.. I kinda of wandered off a bit in my thoughts. What I really want to know is if there are any realms that I can curse and blame any of my misfortunes on? I feel a lot better when I have someone to hate.

Strong, Proud, Fierce,

Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Knight of Cantril)

Roleplay from Aragorn Kahn

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Sun Tzu you will find in the days ahead opportunity to direct your distaste for member of other Realms but I am not sure pissing on signs is a proper manner in which for a Noble warrior of Talerium to express himself. Certainly not with an announcement to the Realm. A peasant member of your troops maybe.

Anyway, The Eternal Sun will be marching soon and you will have amble opportunity to express yourself in battle I expect.

Aragorn Kahn Warlord of Talerium, Baron of Axzaloc

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Warlord Aragon,

I am stumped at your letter. I may be a noble but I relieve myself like any other man. Why do you think there is proper manner to it because I am a noble?

I relieve myself anywhere I find a place when I am out on the roads whether it is by a tree, on the sign or in the bushes.

Do you perform special something when you do because you feel you need to piss differently to the common man and the peasants? I really would like to know this proper way of pissing by a noble and would not like to be behind in the latest noblesse fad to perform to show our superior status.

I thought it was quite apt myself into satisfying their demand for an offering hence my last letter to boast of my clever and quick thinking.

Clever, Proud, Fierce,

Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Knight of Cantril)

Roleplay from Aragorn Kahn

Message sent to all members of the Eternal Sun

Knight Sun Tzu,

Please understand, I too am a creation of God and must relieve myself from time to time as all of us must do. I simply was concerned for such news to reach our ladies, some of which might have taken offense. Since there have been no other expressions of disagreement with the news shared the matter is dropped.

Aragorn Kahn Warlord of Talerium, Baron of Axzaloc

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster

(Personal message to Aragorn Kahn)

Warlord Aragorn,

My belief is that a well bred lady is there to support her men and not there to take offence. They know their place not to question their men. We go on long trips away from home riskin' our lives fighting against horrible monsters and undead and what not and the last thing we need is the whingin' and moanin' about all sorts of women stuff when we come back.

Otherwise, they would be offended quite a lot if they hear of a fraction of the things we do away from home.

I am no saint and neither are my men. They are all a rudely bunch and we have had more than a few wild stories to tell amongst ourselves to be forever etched into our memory till our deaths. Like really wild ones. Things that can be done with leather, a rusty spoon and lots of ropes...

Wild, Strong, Fierce,

Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Knight of Cantril)

25 September 2010 - Opening up the School of Slaymaster for all your worldly Questions to Life, the Universe and everythink.

Anybody that is in need of help with any questions on life, the universe and everything, I, Sir Sun Tzu Slaymaster will be able to answer all your questions and will not give you an answer of 42. Please just post the questions below and I'll respond when I can be bovered.

Dear Sir Sun Tzu Slaymaster,

I have just joined the realm. What should I do now?


Greetings Young Padwen,

The first thing you need to do is to introduce yourself to the realm. Nobody really reads your intro but it is just a good way to let people know you are not a spy in the realm. So you can write anything you like but make sure you ask for a Liege Lord 'cos you need gold and lots of it.

Now to find a good Liege Lord, all you need to do is to read my 19/20 September 2010 diary entry below and you will see the perfect way to go about getting a good income. A lot of times, some stuffy realm organiser would try to designate a region for you to serve. In my case, it actually worked out for me. But if you feel the income you are offered is that to make you a slave, then don't be afraid to reject him and show him your palm.

In this current time, there are a lack of nobles in most realms so you can be quite picky about which lord to serve. If they still can't provide you with good income, go and join another realm. Commit suicide and have your brother or sister go somewhere else or emigrate if you can. But make sure before you leave, write to the whole realm and give them a piece of your mind about what greedy sods they all are and that you will tell everybody of the poverty of their realm so nobody will go there. That should hopefully make them feel bad about themselves.

Now the best thing to do is to check where you can get a decent income yourself and which lord you can try to approach to give you a boat of gold.

Go to -> Information -> Realms and Regions -> Then you will have to painstakingly go through each region to see which regions have few or no knights serving the region. -> Details and under the politics tab to see how many knights there are serving there. You would preferably want to serve a region that has a high gold income so at least 300 gold upwards. Forget about serving a region with a few hundred gold and leave the chumps to collect slave wages. You are better than that and you know it.

The percentage of oath offered will be a roughly a percentage of the regions gold income you will get weekly. The only other thing to take in account of is that there isn't a lot of militia in the region that will suck up your gold and preferably have no militia in the region. But a rough guide is to just look at the percentage of the gold that the region generates.

You should also ask your Liege Lord to cough up to upgrade your estate. If he doesn't do that then threaten him with leaving your estate idle or serve another lord. That should show the stingy git not to mess with you and try to make you his slave.

Afterwards, travel to the Capital and recruit some troops. Drop the crappy troops you have on you when you came to the realm and go get some archers that are ranged 4 and with the best weapons. Later on when you are more well known, it is best to change to cavalry for battles against other realms. But for now, archers are best 'cos you don't have to pay as much for refitting and can save up on gold.

Well, that is it for now. Go get yourself an income and once you are at the capital, if you need any more help then send me 50 gold per question and I'll give you more of my worldly wisdom.

Wise, Proud, Fierce,

Sir Sun Tzu Slaymaster

19/20 September 2010 - Sun Tzu's Seeks Income.

Oath Offered

Lord 1 is offering you an oath of fealty. You can become a knight of his region POVERTY if you are willing to pledge your service in exchange for 35 % of the Region's tax income. You can accept or reject the offer on your Oath Offers page.

Letter from Lord 2

Well I am not a border region but my region could use a new knight.

Lord 2

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Personal message to Lord 2)

Lord 2,

I would like to enquire what percentage income I can get from serving Region X? I am a greedy man that needs much gold to spend on women, beer and weapons.


Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Noble)

Letter from Solak Marioneaux

Sir Sun Tzu,

Welcome to Talerium. We are always in need of strong warriors here in the desert, and I have a feeling you would enjoy our fuzzy bunny hunts, although we are on the brink of war. I can arrange for suitable accommodations for you in Axtli if you desire, although Lord 3 is in deeper need of a knight.

Solak Marioneaux Finance Minister of Talerium, Viscount of Axtli, Marshal of the Home Guard

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Personal message to Solak Marioneaux)

Dear Finance Minister Solak,

Thank you for your warm welcome and I am glad to hear the news for the tides of war. Whenever I hear the call for war, I feel great happiness and joy to be able to swing my mighty axes and lop heads of me enemies.

What would the percentage of income receive from serving you? I am a greedy.. err.. I mean a man with a voracious appetite with much gold needed to be spent on women, beer and different types of weapons to kill me enemies in multitude of ways. I'll probably need gold that weight a small pony to just satisfy my thirst for me beers alone.

Whenever I am drunk, I seem to fight better and think I am invincible in battle.

Strong, Proud and Fierce,

Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Noble)

Letter from Lord 2

I can offer you (NOT ENOUGH)% of the regions income right now. There is a chance that I raise it up after you serve the realm for so long. Also I will give you the money to enlarge your estates as well.

Lord 2

Oath Offered

Lord 2 is offering you an oath of fealty. You can become a knight of his region X if you are willing to pledge your service in exchange for (NOT ENOUGH) % of the Region's tax income. You can accept or reject the offer on your Oath Offers page.

Letter from Solak Marioneaux

Sir Sun Tzu,

As much as I would enjoy having a knight, I have other motives to keep in mind, the principal being maintaining the food production which has slumped due to knights going missing. I will personally pay you xxx gold to be in Lord 3's employ because of this.

Solak Marioneaux Finance Minister of Talerium, Viscount of Axtli, Marshal of the Home Guard

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Personal message to Solak Marioneaux)

Finance Minister Solak,

How much percentage of the regional income would I get for serving the region? The problem with Lord 3's region is that it ..(sensitive information)...and I don't get a cut of the food production. It is not really one off gold I am looking for but a sizeable gold income to support my troops weekly and my beer money.

Oh and the hookers. I have a large appetite there as well. Always need to have a wild party to de-stress coming back from war. Don't do it before though as it seems to weaken me and I don't kill as many people if I have a party beforehand.

Wild, Fierce, Proud,

Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Noble)

Letter from Solak Marioneaux

Sir Sun Tzu,

How much Lord 3 gives you is business between you and him, but should it prove unsatisfactory for you I can send some extra gold whenever I visit a city to help out.

Solak Marioneaux Finance Minister of Talerium, Viscount of Axtli, Marshal of the Home Guard

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster Message sent to: Lord 3

Lord 3,

The Finance Minister Solak informed me that you might require a knight to serve your region. My service is not cheap though. I am looking for a boat load of gold to spend every week on women, lots of beer and weapons.

I would do lots of fighting with the locals people myself to put them in their place and organise a well good police force to slap up the local peasants and make them work like slaves to produce as much gold and food for the realm... ten times what a normal knight that is a bit soft would get for you.

So that is like ten boats of gold every week.


Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Noble)

Oath Offered

Brandor Whitestone, Earl of Cantril is offering you an oath of fealty. You can become a knight of his region Cantril if you are willing to pledge your service in exchange for (OMG LOADS OF MONEY, I AM FILTHY RICH AND CAN RETIRE FOR LIFE) % of the Region's tax income. You can accept or reject the offer on your Oath Offers page.

Letter from Brandor Whitestone

Sir Sun Tzu,

I am quite happy to pay you a great amount of golf for your service.

I have actually already sent you an offer of (DISGUSTING AMOUNT OF GOLD)% of the region taxes!

I think you might as well consider it.


Brandor Whitestone

Earl of Cantril

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Personal message to Brandor Whitestone)

Earl Brandor,

By the Gods! The oath is eye watering and I certainly would be able to rut for everyday of the week on this most generous offer of income. I would be unable to walk by the end of the week even by my manly standards.

I might be greedy and love the gold coin more than any man I know but would be embarrassed to take (INSANE AMOUNT OF GOLD). May I have (A BOAT OF GOLD)% instead so that I don't take (SO MANY GOLD COINS THAT I CAN SWIM IN IT)?

I'll forever give you my loyalty till the end of days and will even fight for you in my afterlife.

Rich, Proud, Fierce,

Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Noble)

Oath Accepted

Brandor Whitestone, Earl of Cantril has accepted your offer of fealty. You are now a knight of his region and will receive (A BOAT OF GOLD) % of the regional tax income for your services.

Letter from Brandor Whitestone

Sir Sun Tzu,

This is a great pleasure to have you by my side, and to know I can really count on you.

I am going to send you 100 gold in bonds to get you started with your new estate. Once you have retrieve the gold from the bank, please join me in my trip to Cantril.

Once there, we should be able to work together to put the region back at work, as this is very much needed.


Brandor Whitestone

Earl of Cantril

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Personal message to Brandor Whitestone)

Earl Brandor,

Yes m'lord. I have recruited forty nine men and will be in Cantril in a day.

Stronger, Prouder, Fiercer,

Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Knight of Cantril)

19 September 2010 - Slaymaster Seeks Slayers

Roleplay from Sun Tzu Slaymaster

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Sir Sun Tzu walked briskly to the recruitment centres to look for some harden warriors to go battle alongside him.

He headed straight for the stables as he enjoys going into battles with cavalrymen and charge headlong to lob off the heads of his enemies with his mighty axes.

He saw many of the horses there but was not satisfy with their quality. Most were swift and he can see they have enough muscles to move at the speed required for attack but they were dumb stupid type of horses that do not have the intelligence to quickly follow commands for evasive movements in defence.

Their armour was also of particular poor quality and in one inspection, Sun Tzu did one swift kick at a horse with its armour on and the horse died on him.

'Bah', Sun Tzu cursed, 'Dumb ponies'.

After spending the whole evening looking at all the horses, Sun Tzu finally settled on the Sky Lancers.

'These will have to do', spits Sun Tzu as he mounts one of the horses.

'Give me these six and five riders to go with them. I want the best riders ya can find and ones that can swing a blade well. Be swift about it or I'll punch ya in the face', Sun Tzu growled at the recruiter. 'and really when ya can get ya finger out, go look for some better breeds'.

'Yes, m'lord... I will.. I will... That... that will be thirty five gold coins Sir...' the recruiter whimpered.

'Darn it!' cursed Sun Tzu, 'the ferry men took me gold. I'll be back peasant. Keep these horses for me or I'll punch ya in the face if I don't find them 'ere when I am back.'

19 September 2010 - Would be Assassin Found Not Guilty by Court!

Dear Desert warriors of Talerium,

In the case of the assassination of Duke Keppler, Duke of Metemec and the trial against xxxx. The court of Talerium has come to a decision.

Based on the lack of evidence to underline the guilt of xxxx, the court has closed the investigation without any result. The guilt of xxxx could not be confirmed and therefore all charges against him are dropped. xxxx you are a free man and the court apologize for all inconvenience we have caused you.

Unfortunately the case is cold and we could not find the assassin that stroke Duke Keppler.

Sir Dead Angel WG Vermeer

Grand Justiciar of Talerium, Viscount of Chohua

18 September 2010 - Sun Tzu Joins Talerium - Land of the Desert Warriors!

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster Message sent to everyone in your realm

Tribesmen of Talerium,

I am Sun Tzu Slaymaster, the great great great great great great great great grandson of Slayer Slaymaster, the greatest warrior of all time. I came from the East Continent having fought in many wars and now looking for a new home. Let me tell you something about myself:

My enemies are many and they say I am bloodthirsty, hot tempered, troublesome, argumentative.. I am not.. big mouthed buffoon .. and some even called me sadistic... though I don't actually know what that means but it doesn't sound very nice.

But my friends... actually... they say the same thing... anyways.... I like to think I am just misunderstood and I blame the fact that I came from a broken home... my castle was really run down. And I blame my parents of course.

In my spare time I like to fight whether with my bare fists after a drink at the tavern or with me axe in a crowded market in broad daylight against five people... I don't really care. I just like to fight preferably drink at the same time. I like to drink a lot. I also like to hunt cute furry animals and kill them with my bare hands and even tortur.. err.. play with them before I kill them. I really enjoy kill' especially if it were particularly bloody.

I can also pull an oak tree up from the ground and kill a horse with a single punch. I am strong.

Anyway, who can give me a sack of gold to get some men for fightin'? Any Lords in border regions require a true true warrior like me?

Strong, Proud and Fierce,

Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Noble)

Letter from Kepler Dolohov

Welcome to Talerium, warrior.

Kepler Dolohov

Duke of Metemec

Letter from Elroy Anderbliss

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Sun Tzu,

Thank you for the comic relief, as this realm is in dire need of some good humor.

Elroy Anderbliss (Knight of Ixcan)

Letter from Sun Tzu Slaymaster

Message sent to everyone in your realm

Thanks you Duke Kepler and Sir Elroy, Knight of Ixcan for the welcome.

Why is there a dire need for good humour? Is it due to the bitter desert storms that is gettin' people down or has there been a lot or arguments lately?

Maybe I have found my soul brothers if ya lot can argue as good as me. I have foul mouth, argue with myself at times and can even argue with a stone wall.

I hope to trade some insults with a few of you over some beers and maybe a spot of mud wrestling as well. I always like to show off my strength whenever I can.

Sun Tzu Slaymaster (Noble)