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Davendrall gets a new Captain - Chapter 5

Roleplay from Anneliese

"He's still alive and breathing, although I don't know when he shall waken. That looks like quite a concussion. He's lucky that tree wasn't big enough to crush him." The healer said, after examining the knocked-out Andre.

Anneliese suppressed a grin. "Oh, he's quite lucky indeed."

The healer raised his eyebrows. He had obviously noticed the tone in Anne's voice, regardless of her attempts to hide her pleasure. "But I must say, leaving him half-naked and tied to a tree will not speed his recovery."

"I shall keep your thoughts in mind." She said, indicating that she was only trying to pacify him, not that she actually intended to take his advice. "You may leave now - that's all I need from you."

He sighed, and adjusted his glasses. He had heard enough about the recent events to know convincing her out of... whatever horrors she planned for the wounded captain was pointless. "As you wish." He turned, and exited the tent.

"Now... it's time to get Davendrall." After stepping out of the tent, she took one last look at where the captain had been tied. He had been blind-folded and most of his clothing had been removed, though she had chosen to leave his undergarments on. He looked pale and did not appear to be moving. From this distance, she could not hear him breathe, but she took the healer's word that the man was still alive.

Anne turned and began to make her way to where Davendrall had set up camp. "Hey Davity!" She shouted, "I know where your captain is!"

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall was facing away from Anneliese towards the campfire. As she called out her...well...some form of name, Davendrall rotated her head around slightly. Her eyes glowed a bright blue. After a few seconds she rotated the rest of her body around to almost empty bottle of Leprechaun Wine in her hand.

Davendrall gulped the rest of the wine down and through the bottle aside

whack! "Ooow!" thud

"Sorry Bubbles!"

Davendrall turned her attention back to Anneliese

"Beware of the dicks!"hick"Ducks! Beware of the Ducks! Tha ducks will rise an when dey rise all tha is bread shall fall! But tha ducks are the nice ones! The ducks are fluffy! The geese are the ones you should fear! For when the geese come, none shall survive!" hick "An as soon as ya back is turned...BAM! Yer brains are pecked out!" hick "This is Douglas, say hi to Douglas! He's a leprechaun"

Davendrall pointed at her side towards the nothing

Roleplay from Anneliese

Maybe this is a bad time. Anneliese thought, as she realized just how drunk Davendrall was. Still, Andre could wake up at any moment, and it wasn't sure how long she could wait...

"Davendrall. You look... more drunk than normal." She blinked. "Is there something wrong, or are you just drunk because you're bored?" She pretended to wave to the lerperchaun. "Uh... hi. Anyway, I need to talk to you about Andre."

Roleplay from Davendrall

"Aaaahh...a talk you say...a cunning and fool proof plan you have devised here! We shall...have this...'talk' you say. TROOPS!" Davendrall shouted, gaining the attention of all her troops and minions present at the camp

"I am going with have Hammie! Your in charge! You shall take all your orders from him, and if you have any queries or need direction, you shall turn to Hammie...THE EVIL WARHAMSTER OF WARHAMSTER LAND! MWAHAHAHA!"

Everyone turned to Hammie the hamster...who was currently rolling around happily in a little hamster ball, chewing on a bit of straw. His mini viking hat was slightly slanted on his head

"He's my second in command" She told Anneliese "Come on Douglas, we're going to have...a talk"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"Uhm..." She stared at the hamster rolling around in a little ball, as if she questioned whether such a creature could actually command a troop. After a moment, she shrugged and turned back to Davendrall. "Follow me. I'll show you where I put Andre."

"That stupid bastard tried to 'seduce' me again. First by dressing up as a woman..." She caught sight of her scribe standing against a tree, and felt awkward. Anne felt like turning and running in another direction but managed to keep walking at a steady pace, " if he'd thought I'd fall for any random pretty girl I saw - not that he was all that pretty as a woman. Just because I don't like men doesn't mean I... that I'd like him as a woman."

The scribe looked up from the letter she was writing and raised an eyebrow, as if she knew she Anne was not just talking about Andre.

Anne discreetly glared at her, then continued on with her story "and when he started on with his lewd insults, I set my hawk on him. We ended up in the bushes... and then he pushed me against a tree and tried to kiss me. So I grabbed a dead raccoon and shoved it in his face. Then a tree fell on him."

They neared the old tree. It had a wide trunk, as if it'd been there for a century or more. While most of it was green and covered with leaves, there were a few dead, leaf-less branches. "I'm not quite sure how the tree fell on him, but I think it was an angry tree spirit." She point to the old tree, "-specifically, of this tree. So I felt it was only appropriate that we make a sacrifice to the tree..." She pointed to the half-naked man tied to the tree, still somewhat recognizable as Andre.

Roleplay from Davendrall

"So...let me get this straight" Davendrall stared at the blindfolded Andre

"He started romancing you...and he pushed you into the bushes...and tried to make out with you...only to end up making out with a raccoons ass...and then a tree fell on him? HOW EMBARRASSING!" Davendrall grinned

Davendrall's expression turned back to serious "I told you to leave her alone ya bastard!" Davendrall promptly stamped on him with her foot where it hurts and Andre prompt groaned loudly and struggled around in pain...although he couldn't much...being tied to a tree and all.

"Yumyum!" Davendrall shouted very loudly. A short, skinny man appeared in the woods. He had medium length curly hair and wore a respectable, but not expensive outfit

"Yes Mistress Davendrall!"

"You'll never guess what happened"

"No ma'am?"

"Well...Andre was trying to romance Anneliese...and got a raccoon's ass shoved in his face...and then...and then!...a tree fell on him! Thats gotta be the most embarrassing story of someone trying to get laid ever!"

"Yes ma'am" Her scribe looked relitively unamused

"Your suppose to laugh"

"Oh...right...haha" he said unenthusiastically. Davendrall glared at him

"Anyway! His severe crimes deserve the most excruciating and cruel type of punishment!"

Yuma's face linned with fear " don' don't mean..."

"Yes Yumyum...I do mean! GET THE FEATHERS! MWHAHAHAAH!"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"It's not funny when you're the one he's trying to kiss... he almost kissed me after kissing that raccoon!" Anne shuddered, "I'm so glad that tree fell on him." A long pause. "But I do agree that it is very embarrassing for him... particularly when he wakes up and discovers he's tied to a tree."

After watching the exchange with Yuma, she asked, "Feathers? Are you going to pour honey on him or do you have something else planned?"

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall grinned "Hehehe Raccoon breath!"

Her scribe ran back with a box

"Ah! The box!"

"Yes ma'am...the box"

"the box?"

"Yeeeass...the box"

"The evil box of evil boxy boxness of boxes?"

"The evil box of evil boxy boxness of boxes of feathers!"

"Excellent! Good job Yumyum. You may go"

The scribe scurried away, leaving the box and Davendrall's feet

"So are you at...TICKLING! MWHAHAHAH!"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"I've never had to- Never would've thought-" She stopped. "Uhm, I think I'll let you do that. You must have more experience in that sort of area, and would be better at it anyway. I'll just watch."

She did not imagine tickling to be the most terrifying of torture, but she didn't feel like stopping Davendrall just because it wasn't painful enough. She'd have time to make him regret his actions soon enough - and besides, she imagined as long as she kept giving water, she could keep him alive and tied to the tree for a while.

Roleplay from Davendrall

"No...please...stop!...I can't...take any more!" Andre cried, out of breath

"Oh but im having so much fun! Perhaps I should use a bigger one?" Davendrall grinned

"No! Please no! I'll do anything! Please...just stop tickling me!"

" would I do that" Davendrall picked the largest feather and prepared to tickle Andre's feet again

Sweat dripped from Andre's forehead. All the make up he had been wearing was gone now and he was back to his more masculine state...having been stripped of the dress

"No please! No! NOOOOO!" He screamed, masking his childlike giggling and tears rolled down his face

Davendrall stopped and turned to Anneliese. "Well...that was incredibly fun...but not entirely facinating. What shall we do now? Lock in him a room with Xaphan and tell him he would really like to hear his stories? Tell Smegenwulf he's really good to lick? Although that seems a little mean on Smegenwulf...force-feed him burnt cookies? Let Hammie the Warhamster loose on him...although that would probably kill him...I don't want him dead...just maimed."

Roleplay from Anneliese

Anne titled her head. As gratifying as it had been to see Andre cry, it was not nearly enough and she certainly no intention of killing him - not yet at least. "I say we put him in a cage and lock him with something mean and nasty, but not something that would kill him." She tapped her foot impatiently, trying to think of something she could use.

Her hawk wouldn't be of any use; it would only attack something as big as he was on command. Her hounds were made for flushing out prey, not attacking - though perhaps she might one day train some for that use...

"I'm afraid I can't think of anything, and as you said, it would be awful mean to have someone else have to deal with him... hm. Still can't rule that out, though. But, for now, perhaps we should take a break and get something to drink and leave him here." She walked toward Andre, then gave him a kick in the stomach. She addressed the tied captain in an almost taunting way, "You'd like some rest, wouldn't you?"

She grinned, then leaned in toward Davendrall and whispered, "Give 'im sometime to fret and worry - he'll be so on edge, that, by the time we return, he will be almost relived to see us come back."

Roleplay from Davendrall

Davendrall was daydreaming about all the possible ways of torturing had been so long since she had tortured someone...she couldn't wait to continue

"Ah yes! An excellent and excruciatingly cruel plan!...wait what was the plan again? And does it involve me torturing him?"

Roleplay from Anneliese

"It involves us leaving him here while we plan and get something to drink." She took Davendrall's arm, and started to drag her away. She motioned to two soldiers she saw wandering about, "Guard him while we are gone."

"Yes, ma'am." One answered, looking startled at the sudden attention. They took positions near the tree.

"Do you have a cage with you? I have a half-formed idea... I say we put him in a cage, then put something in with him. Preferably something painful or disgusting. Maybe a skunk."

Roleplay from Davendrall

As Davendrall and Anneliese left the woods a young girl ran up to them. She was thin with medium length almost white hair down to her shoulders

"Yes Bubbles?"

"We have orders from Mr Xaphan"


"Your Marshal...Xaphan"


"The Squirrel with the mangle"

" mean Mr Snuggles"

Bubbles shook her head, expecting nothing more from Davendrall

"So...what are the orders?"

"To get ready to move out"

"Very well. Bubbles, get the bubblegum, and ask if any of the troops have any"

As the girl ran off, Davendrall turned to Anneliese

"Shes my only female employee...well apart from all the whores in my Brothels...and the female rabbits. And of course I have a cage with me. It's a standard piece of kit isn't it. Anyway, im going to get some sleep...and formulate a evil and sadistic plan of evily evil sadisticness. Goodnight"

For the next part to the thrilling Adventures of One Drunk and her Rabbit read Chapter 6