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==Quotes from #battlemaster @ quakenet==
==Quotes from #battlemaster @ quakenet==
=== July 20, 2010 ===
<pre>[11:12] <+Lauren> time to go beat up my boyfriend
[11:12] <+Kitanali> >.>
[11:12] * +Kitanali wonders if she should hand Lauren the baseball bat, or the squeaky bat.
[11:12] <+Miriam_office> say a big thank you for him again
[11:13] <+Lauren> hah.... i will... sometime when i'm not so irritated with him
[11:14] <+Lauren> he should have been up like 2 hours ago...i've tried to wake him up multiple times.. and i've expressed my irritation already -_-
[11:14] <+Indirik> I would imagine that, if you get creative, you can think of some ways that will surely wake him up
[11:15] * +Kitanali votes for throwing ice packs at him. :D
[11:15] <+Lauren> i've thought about throwing stuff at him.. but that seems somewhat uncharacteristic for me
[11:15] <+Miriam_office> water
[11:15] <+Miriam_office> :p
[11:15] <+Lauren> anyway... time to go get angry
[11:16] <+Miriam_office> dont be Lauren, is not worthy
[11:16] <+Indirik> Don't get angry, get sexy.
[11:16] <+Lauren> lol
[11:17] <+Lauren> it's not worth it, or he's not worth it XD</pre>

===July 2008===
===April 1st 2010===
<pre>[00:28] <}Kai{> wait is that the real tom?
====July 16====
[00:28] <}Kai{> nah, can't be
Daviald's birthday poem written for Uceek:
[00:28] <}Kai{> it's april fools
<pre>[13:13:41] <Daviald> Some people see age as a badge of wisdom and fulfilled youth. Each passing year
[00:28] <_Tom_> No, never. I just pretend to be me on the Internet.</pre>
the mark increases and respect is deserved. 
[13:13:48] <Uceek> I hate it already
[13:13:49] <Daviald> They pass out cake and give gifts in a celebration of life and joyful hope for many
more years spent in your company, because each moment is a blessed gift of life from a higher power that
is beyond our comprehension to understand.
[13:13:53] <Uceek> :P
[13:13:57] <Daviald> The truth is that it doesn’t matter how fast you run, how skilled you learn your
karate moves, how many push-ups you can do or what diet plan you are on now. 
[13:14:03] <Daviald> An unpretentious and unrelenting fact remains.
[13:14:11] <Daviald> That with each fleeting year the memories fade, friends vanish, beauty loses its color,
life becomes a collection of memoirs. 
[13:14:19] <Daviald> As birthdays come and go all the alcohol and inebriated experiences in the world serve
no embankment to the endless cycle of death.
[13:14:21] <Daviald> Time marches on inexorably forward.
[13:14:26] <Daviald> Unrelenting, unyielding, incompassionately it hears neither your pleas nor cares for
your continued desire to live.  It will envelop you in its embrace.
[13:14:34] <Daviald> As you fold into his grip and enter the endless night you soon fade from memories and
are you yourself forgotten. One more moment in the endless cycle of life and death.
[13:14:35] <ELV> it's sad!
[13:14:40] <ELV> what is wrong with you
[13:14:42] <Daviald> .  A dewdrop of water in the sea lost in the ebb and flow.  A mere footstep in the surf. 
[13:14:50] <Riamh> Shut up, ELV...listen. No talk.
[13:14:51] <Aarth> hehe
[13:14:51] <Daviald> Life is a bitch, then you die.  Enjoy what you can of it Kylie because you now have one less year.
[13:14:59] <Uceek> Daviald!!</pre>
====July 15====
<pre>[02:01] <Ragnell> Why, are you all interested on how Battlemaster got me an engagement ring?  
[02:01] <Aarth> hehe
[02:01] <ELV> becaue we want our engagement ring god damn it!
[02:01] <Aarth> Ragnell, are you on bt?
[02:01] <ELV> we got promised an engagement ring from Tom and I want it now!
[02:01] <Ragnell> Danira is.
[02:01] <Ragnell> lol
[02:01] <Aarth> Which realm?
[02:02] <Ragnell> you don't get it from Tom.
[02:02] <Ragnell> You have to get it from another player.
[02:02] <ELV> oh...
[02:02] * ELV pouts
[02:02] <ELV> I wanted Tom's!
[02:02] <Ragnell> And for that, you need to be a good player.
[02:02] <Ragnell> Tom is already married.
[02:02] <ELV> so?
[02:02] <Aarth> Which realm : :DD
[02:02] <Ragnell> he can't be handing out engagement rings...
[02:02] <Aarth> lol
[02:02] <ELV> why not?
[02:03] <Ragnell> a man can only afford to give one engagement ring in his whole life.
[02:03] <Aarth> ELC, tsk tsk...
[02:03] <Aarth> Dont marry your way into GMship :P</pre>
<pre>[01:27] <Aram_Stien> night all
[01:27] <ELV> good night Aram!
[01:28] <ENDperorNoPants> he'll be back in 5 minutes
[01:28] * Aram_Stien has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client�)
[01:28] * Aram_Stien has joined #battlemaster
[01:28] <Aram_Stien> no i wont
[01:28] * Aram_Stien has quit IRC (Read error: EOF from client�)
[01:28] <ELV> well, that was short</pre>
<pre>[01:23] <ELV> I've heard prudent is a chick
[01:23] <Aarth> lol
[01:23] <Aarth> You heard wrong
[01:23] * ELV hopes a sexy daimon chick
[01:23] <Aarth> lol
[01:23] <Aram_Stien> but it just hard to believe that you are innocent of anything
[01:23] <Uceek> she is a chick Aarth!
[01:23] <ELV> I could try to breed with it
[01:23] <Aarth> Wtf?
[01:23] <Uceek> I asked!
[01:23] <ELV> make half-daimon, half-human babies
[01:23] <Aarth> Wtf?
[01:23] <Uceek> and was mildly jealous that she was
[01:23] * ELV really likes that idea
[01:23] <Aram_Stien> that f*cked up
[01:23] <Aarth> Did Unknowable do her?
[01:24] <Aarth> :P
[01:24] * ELV wonders if there are more female daimons
[01:24] * Uceek wants to breed with Vesti
[01:24] <Aarth> To make Keeper and Obersver?
[01:24] * Aram_Stien wants to be a gm
[01:24] <Uceek> but there are a few problems
[01:24] <ELV> did yo ask her if she was sexy Kylie?
[01:24] <Uceek> they lay eggs for starters
[01:24] <Uceek> everything they touch turns to fire
[01:24] * ELV can live with my babies being in eggs
[01:24] <Aarth> ELV< she has 2 horns and wings
[01:24] <ELV> hhmm...
[01:24] <ELV> one time f*ck then
[01:24] <Uceek> and they are surround by poisonous sulfur deadly to humans
[01:24] <ELV> better be good
[01:24] <ENDperorNoPants> so... wear fire-proof condoms...
[01:24] <ENDperorNoPants> and a gas mask...
[01:24] * ELV will invent medieval gas mask
[01:24] <Uceek> hehehehe
[01:25] <Aram_Stien> lol
[01:25] <ELV> and wings and horns CAN be sexy if done correctly
[01:25] <Aarth> lol
[01:25] <Aram_Stien> oh my god</pre>
<pre>[00:10] <ELV> yuo're such a bad person Daviald
[00:10] <ELV> maybe Kylie should spank you
[00:10] * Uceek nods
[00:10] <ELV> lmfao!
[00:10] <ELV> perfect timing!</pre>
====July 14====
<pre>[14:56] <Ragnell> now that I am back home and without my boyfriend, I'll be online more.
[14:56] <Ragnell> but that doesn't mean I'll play better BM
[14:56] <Ragnell> I'm feeling uninspired lately.
[14:57] <Ragnell> I mean, I think the whole purpose of me playing Battlemaster was that I met
                  someone on the #battlemaster channel and marry him.
[14:57] <Ragnell> And, that already happened.
[14:57] <ELV> lmfao
[14:57] <Ragnell> well, I did not marry him, but I'm wearing my engagement ring. </pre>
====July 12====
<pre>[14:28] <zmobiebob> does Darka hate Gauihu? since Gauihu destroyed Abington, they really oughtta be grateful to him.
[14:28] <ELV> lol
[14:28] <ELV> did he worsen relations with them?
[14:28] <zmobiebob> i think he declared war, but only because they'd, ya know, invaded.
[14:29] <LilWolf> Darka is doing ok I guess
[14:29] <ELV> psh...excuses!
[14:29] * McJambo has joined #battlemaster
[14:29] <ELV> I wouldn't declare war if someone invaded my realm!
[14:29] <ELV> Welcome McJambo!
[14:29] <McJambo> hay
[14:29] <zmobiebob> well you aren't Gauihu
[14:29] <ELV> or most sane rulers
[14:29] <ELV> I'd infiltrate their realm, stage a coup
[14:29] <zmobiebob> you probably also wouldn't execute someone by making them asphyxiate on their own intestines
[14:29] <ELV> and have a puppet realm
[14:29] <ELV> oh, I do that weekly!
[14:30] <zmobiebob> my esteem for you just went up!
[14:30] * ELV lives in the middle of one noticed them miving
[14:30] <ELV> notices them missing*</pre>
====July ?====
<pre>[11:19] * ELV could care less about whether avamar was gone or not
[11:19] <ELV> but bring back the war
[11:20] <Veritek> especially since Tom theretened to intantly delete any new realm that had that as part of it's name
[11:20] <ELV> and use avamar as an excuse to blame things on
[11:20] <ELV> and to hide behind
[11:20] <ELV> he did?
[11:20] <Veritek> yep
[11:20] * ELV missed theat
[11:20] <ELV> that*
[11:20] <Veritek> it was after Avamar Selective
[11:20] <ELV> so...some new guy in about 5 years will secede the duchy of avamar, create avamar
[11:20] <ELV> and zap!
[11:20] <Veritek> :p
[11:20] <Veritek> Those who fail to learn from history...
[11:20] <ELV> lmfao
[11:20] <Veritek> will get bolted.</pre>
===May 2008===
Some exceptionally [[/long bit of silliness|long bit of silliness]] involving lots of nick changes.
===April 2008===
<pre>[16:46] * Lavigna tried her Goddess-like voice
[16:46] <Lavigna> who asked for me?
[16:46] * Lavigna slaps Aarth around a bit with a large trout
[16:46] <Aarth> Yes?
[16:46] <Aarth> You are goddess?
[16:47] <Lavigna> ya
[16:47] <Aarth> Huh :P
[16:47] <Lavigna> don't i look like one?
[16:47] <Aarth> I havent seen a pic :P
[16:47] <Lavigna> and you won't either
[16:47] <Lavigna> you must have blind faith in me
[16:47] <Aarth> Heh
[16:47] <Lavigna> :)
[16:47] <Aarth> :P
[16:47] <Aarth> damnit. Dinner time. Mom shouting.
[16:48] <Aarth> Brb.</pre>
===February 2008===
[01:15] <Uceek> I'm back
[01:15] <Uceek> you all missed me, I can tell
[01:15] <Uceek> its so quiet
[01:15] <Annaej> lol
[01:15] <Uceek> you're all depressed wondering when I'd be home from shopping
[01:15] <Uceek> ;)
[01:15] <Uceek> either that, or you didn't even notice I left :P
[01:16] <Annaej> I think everyone either got drunk or went to bed, or both
[01:16] <Uceek> lol
[01:16] <SniperChief> I'm arguing with Reilwin about infinity
[01:16] <Uceek> really?
[01:16] <SniperChief> really really
[01:16] <Uceek> so... afterall I don't think the orders changes are too bad
[01:16] <Uceek> how about everyone else?
[01:17] <Annaej> lol good Uceek
[01:17] <SniperChief> (it's taking a while)
[01:17] <Uceek> small realms it means nothing to
[01:17] <Uceek> big realms, it kinda shares the workload
[01:17] <Uceek> though, when 2ICs can send orders it will be better
[01:17] <Reilwin> lol, Uceek : really really
[01:18] <Uceek> really to infinity? :P
[01:19] <Reilwin> to the infinity equal to that of the set which comprises all
natural numbers, yup
[01:19] * Reilwin refuses to continue till the infinity equal to the set which
comprises all real numbers
===January 2008===
<pre>[14:44] <+VinnieThePooh> sting
[14:44] <VinnieTheDark> uh
[14:44] <VinnieTheDark> stop stealing my nickname
[14:44] <Baraedor> VinnieThePooh ftw
[14:44] <Baraedor> !
[14:44] Fi|in is now known as VinnieTheWood
[14:45] Baraedor is now known as VinnieTheSquirr
[14:45] <VinnieTheSquirr> damn
[14:45] VinnieTheSquirr is now known as VinnieTheKoala
[14:47] L sets mode: +o VinnieTheDark
[14:47] <VinnieThePooh> oh-oh :)
[14:48] VinnieTheDark sets mode: +ib #battlemaster!*@*
[14:48] <VinnieTheDark> arrrgh
[14:48] <VinnieTheWood> Arrrrrg
[14:48] <VinnieTheKoala> Arrrrrg
[14:49] VinnieTheDark sets mode: +b Vinnie*!*@*
[14:49] <VinnieTheDark> ha
[14:50] VinnieTheWood (~chatzilla@ has left #battlemaster
[14:50] V|nnieTheDark (~chatzilla@ has joined #battlemaster
[14:50] <VinnieThePooh> Someone care to translate what Vinnie is doing? I don't speak IRC :P
[14:51] VinnieTheKoala ( has left #battlemaster
[14:51] Vinn1etheKoala ( has joined #battlemaster
[14:51] <Hoensbroeck> VinnieTheDark is trying to protect his nickname;) so that others can't
use 'Vinnie-something'
[14:51] VinnieThePooh is now known as PrincessVinnie
[14:51] <PrincessVinnie> ?
[14:51] <Vinn1etheKoala> ?
[14:51] VinnieTheDark sets mode: -b+b Vinnie*!*@* *Vinnie*!*@*
[11:16] <Ragnell> hi Peny
[11:17] VinnieTheDark ( has joined #battlemaster
[11:17] <VinnieTheDark> hm
[11:17] <VinnieTheDark> was a little hard to join
[11:17] <VinnieTheDark> with having my own nickname banned and all
[11:18] <Esorp> Your nicjname was banned?
[11:27] <Real-e-three> Vinnie banned his own nick :P
[11:27] <Real-e-three> Hi Ragnell :)
[11:27] <Real-e-three> Yesterday 3 of us changed our nicks to VinnieThe*
[11:27] <Real-e-three> And so...
[11:27] Real-e-three is now known as Peny
[11:28] <Peny> Was fun :D
[11:28] <Esorp> lol
[11:28] Ragnell is now known as VinnieTheJerk
[11:28] <Esorp> I saw someone called VinnieThePooh
[11:29] <Peny> That's me :)
[11:29] <Esorp> :D
[11:29] <Peny> I do that when Vinnie is online :)
[11:29] <Peny> Oh
[11:29] Peny is now known as VinnieThePooh
[11:29] <VinnieTheJerk> :-P
[11:29] <VinnieThePooh> He's online :P
[11:29] <Esorp> This is tempting.</pre>
<pre>[13:13] <Kai> moo
[13:17] Peny pets the cow
[13:20] m2rt milks the cow
[13:24] m2rt is now known as Esorp
[13:24] Esorp f*cks the cow
[13:24] Esorp is now known as m2rt
[13:24] Peny grabs a big butcher-knife
[13:24] Peny is now known as Cow_Butcher
[13:24] Cow_Butcher stabs
[13:24] Cow_Butcher stabs again
[13:24] Silverhawk starts the fire on a BBQ
[13:25] Cow_Butcher is now known as Cow_
[13:25] Cow_ dies
[13:25] m2rt brings the ketchup :P
[13:25] Cow_ is BBQ-d
[13:25] Cow_ is now known as Peny
[13:25] Silverhawk grabs a plate and cuts of a piece for m2rt
[13:26] m2rt takes the piece and thanks Silverhawk
[13:26] <Peny> Milk, anyone?
[13:26] m2rt enjoys the fine meat
[13:27] <Peny> Kai-aw tastes good
[13:43] <Peny> Aw, was someone here yesterday when Vinnie banned his own nick?
[13:43] <Peny> I need a log of that :P</pre>

<pre><Andrasta>      :.:.:.:.:.:
===January 2010===
<Andrasta>      you will never take the ramparts!
<pre>* +Stabbity kicks the door in and hugtackles Lauren
<Andrasta>      i fart in your general direction
* +Andrew^ averts his eyes from this awkward scene
<Veritek>      \_/------/|==|\  (catapult)
* +Lauren is hugtackled
<Veritek>      O (big boulder)
* +Andrew^ sits down on Lauren's sofa and watches television, eating her food.
<Veritek>      :.:... . . . ...:.:.: (what's left of your castle walls)
* +Stabbity sprawls out on Lauren's bed
<Ragnell>      hmmm
* +Andrew^ changes all the radio presets on lauren's stereo and car stereo.
<Andrasta>      damn you!
* +Andrew^ leaves the fridge open
Andrasta retreats to the keep
* +Stabbity leaves his dirty laundry all over the room
Ragnell builds the stupid pillow wall again.
* +Andrew^ thinks its awkward that stabbity took his clothes off, but ignores this..
<Andrasta>      an ally!
* +Stabbity doesn't wash his dishes
<Andrasta>      now you are doomed, Veritek!
* +Stabbity clogs the sink
<Andrasta>      sally forth, brave warriors, and crush thine enemies!
* +Andrew^ plays baseball in the house and breaks 2 lamps and a window
<Veritek>      .| .| .| .| .| .| .| .| (my pikemen of DOOOM!)
* +Lauren moves out
<Andrasta>      0|0|0|0|0|0| (shield wall!)
* +Andrew^ follows
<Veritek>      ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ ^-^ (my crows that will feast on your bodies!)
* +Stabbity does too
<Veritek>       >>>=====> (Ballista bolts to scatter your shield wall)
* +Andrew^ hopes Justin put clothes on first
<Andrasta>      |) -> ^-^ (archers picking off the crows)
<+Stabbity> we're preparing you for college life Lauren
<Ragnell>      O-}-< (sleeping Raggy)
* +Lauren ( Quit (Signed off)
<Andrasta>      drats, my ally is defeated!
<+Andrew^> She's not ready.</pre>
<Veritek>      <,,_,,)--- (Mice to scare your soldiers)
<Andrasta>      \o/ \o/ \o/ (surrendering troops)
<Andrasta>     |||||) (||||| (opened gates)
<Veritek>      o/ \o (victorious troops giving high 5s)</pre>

===March 2010===
<i>March 18, 2010</i>
<pre>[20:28] <Prat> I mean, what?
[20:28] <Prat> xD
[20:28] <Vita> haha
[20:29] <Vita> I think I'd prefer that to what you may not have originally mewant
[20:29] <Vita> if they are both jerking off, it at least means they are getting along.
[20:29] <Vita> despite the...awkwardness of the getting along.
[20:29] <Prat> Well you hope so :p
[20:29] <Prat> maybe getting along a little too well
[20:29] * Octavius has joined #battlemaster
[20:29] * Q sets mode: +v Octavius
[20:29] <Vita> well, what else would happen
[20:29] <Vita> masturbing towawrds each other?
[20:29] <Vita> to fight
[20:29] <Vita> "I'll cum on you before you cum on me!"
[20:30] <Prat> honestly if a cop pulls someone over and starts masturbating with them, i probably have even less confidence in that cop than if they're just jerks and wave their gun around or something
[20:30] <Prat> between waving their gun and waving their penis, i''ll take the gun
[20:30] <Vita> this is going to be quoteworthy an\drew
[20:30] <Prat> :p
[20:30] <Vita> and you['ll yet again want the topic to be open
[20:30] <Vita> but
[20:30] * Vita would rather take the penis.
[20:30] * Prat whines a little about not being able to put that in the topic
[20:31] <Octavius> clearly i chose the wrong time to join the channel
[20:31] <Octavius> bye
[20:31] <Vita> you could put it in Quotes, but I'll make damn sure its in context.
[20:31] <Octavius> :p
[20:31] * Octavius has quit IRC (Signed off�)
[20:31] <Vita>
[20:31] <Prat> I guess if its just waving around, I'd take the gun, but if it comes down to firing at me, I'd have to go with the penis, though only because its the lesser of the 2 evils</pre>

==Archived Quotes==
==Archived Quotes==
*[[/Falasan|Falasan Quotes]]
*[[/Dev|Dev Channel Quotes]]

Latest revision as of 15:30, 20 July 2010

Quotes from #battlemaster @ quakenet

July 20, 2010

[11:12] <+Lauren> time to go beat up my boyfriend
[11:12] <+Kitanali> >.>
[11:12] * +Kitanali wonders if she should hand Lauren the baseball bat, or the squeaky bat.
[11:12] <+Miriam_office> say a big thank you for him again
[11:13] <+Lauren> hah.... i will... sometime when i'm not so irritated with him
[11:14] <+Lauren> he should have been up like 2 hours ago...i've tried to wake him up multiple times.. and i've expressed my irritation already -_-
[11:14] <+Indirik> I would imagine that, if you get creative, you can think of some ways that will surely wake him up
[11:15] * +Kitanali votes for throwing ice packs at him. :D
[11:15] <+Lauren> i've thought about throwing stuff at him.. but that seems somewhat uncharacteristic for me
[11:15] <+Miriam_office> water
[11:15] <+Miriam_office> :p
[11:15] <+Lauren> anyway... time to go get angry
[11:16] <+Miriam_office> dont be Lauren, is not worthy
[11:16] <+Indirik> Don't get angry, get sexy.
[11:16] <+Lauren> lol
[11:17] <+Lauren> it's not worth it, or he's not worth it XD

April 1st 2010

[00:28] <}Kai{> wait is that the real tom?
[00:28]	<}Kai{>	nah, can't be
[00:28]	<}Kai{>	it's april fools
[00:28]	<_Tom_>	No, never. I just pretend to be me on the Internet.

January 2010

* +Stabbity kicks the door in and hugtackles Lauren
* +Andrew^ averts his eyes from this awkward scene
* +Lauren is hugtackled
* +Andrew^ sits down on Lauren's sofa and watches television, eating her food.
* +Stabbity sprawls out on Lauren's bed
* +Andrew^ changes all the radio presets on lauren's stereo and car stereo.
* +Andrew^ leaves the fridge open
* +Stabbity leaves his dirty laundry all over the room
* +Andrew^ thinks its awkward that stabbity took his clothes off, but ignores this..
* +Stabbity doesn't wash his dishes
* +Stabbity clogs the sink
* +Andrew^ plays baseball in the house and breaks 2 lamps and a window
* +Lauren moves out
* +Andrew^ follows
* +Stabbity does too
* +Andrew^ hopes Justin put clothes on first
<+Stabbity> we're preparing you for college life Lauren
* +Lauren ( Quit (Signed off)
<+Andrew^> She's not ready.

March 2010

March 18, 2010

[20:28] <Prat> I mean, what?
[20:28] <Prat> xD
[20:28] <Vita> haha
[20:29] <Vita> I think I'd prefer that to what you may not have originally mewant
[20:29] <Vita> if they are both jerking off, it at least means they are getting along.
[20:29] <Vita> despite the...awkwardness of the getting along.
[20:29] <Prat> Well you hope so :p
[20:29] <Prat> maybe getting along a little too well
[20:29] * Octavius has joined #battlemaster
[20:29] * Q sets mode: +v Octavius
[20:29] <Vita> well, what else would happen
[20:29] <Vita> masturbing towawrds each other?
[20:29] <Vita> to fight
[20:29] <Vita> "I'll cum on you before you cum on me!"
[20:30] <Prat> honestly if a cop pulls someone over and starts masturbating with them, i probably have even less confidence in that cop than if they're just jerks and wave their gun around or something
[20:30] <Prat> between waving their gun and waving their penis, i''ll take the gun
[20:30] <Vita> this is going to be quoteworthy an\drew
[20:30] <Prat> :p
[20:30] <Vita> and you['ll yet again want the topic to be open
[20:30] <Vita> but
[20:30] * Vita would rather take the penis.
[20:30] * Prat whines a little about not being able to put that in the topic
[20:31] <Octavius> clearly i chose the wrong time to join the channel
[20:31] <Octavius> bye
[20:31] <Vita> you could put it in Quotes, but I'll make damn sure its in context.
[20:31] <Octavius> :p
[20:31] * Octavius has quit IRC (Signed off�)
[20:31] <Vita>
[20:31] <Prat> I guess if its just waving around, I'd take the gun, but if it comes down to firing at me, I'd have to go with the penis, though only because its the lesser of the 2 evils

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