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Revision as of 21:05, 29 March 2010

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah leaned her head into her hand, and quietly watched Thain sleeping. She was extremely relieved he was back home and with her. He let out a long sigh in his sleep and she grinned. There was a light knock at the door and Deianarah slipped out of the bed, to answer it before Thain was disturbed. A servant handed her a letter and she looked to the seal with curiosity. It was addressed to Thain and she set it on the table beside the bed and returned to lie beside him.

She had been up for some time now, it was well into the day, but he needed to recover. She had made the final preparations to her plans and now she simply waited. She hated waking him when he appeared so peaceful but she was saved the dilemma when he stirred.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain stretched and crawled over towards Dei and kissed her.

"Good morning love. I suppose business awaits us as usual?" he said, climbing out of bed and yawning.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah smiled and returned the embrace. “Yes…” she answered slowly, he gaze quickly going to the letter on the bedside table. “But first, I’ve taken the liberty to have your clothes taken out for the day,” she pointed them and waited for him to dress as she continued to speak.

“It seems there has been a disturbance in the night, and the stable master wishes to speak with the King of his grievances. I know you don’t usually care for these matters personally my heart, but I believe you should do so, this time. It would do him good to see we take interest in his affairs, even though trivial.”

As he walked away from the bed and to the clothes laid out for him, he noticed an elaborate collar atop his clothes. It was made of gold links, with white precious stones, and sapphires around them, denoting his station. He would wear around his neck to sit over his shoulders.

He seemed to stare it at for a moment, and she watched, waiting for his expression.

Roleplay from Isabel Moreira

The night before after King Thain and the Lady accompanying him left her and went to Alec's room, Isabel waited for them to be done talking to him. She was eager to just run out of her own room and see him but she had to wait.

As soon as she saw them walk by she left the room to go see him and Alec did the same meeting each other half way.

Isabel hugged him tightly not wanting to let him go ever. "Are you alright?" she asked looking up into his eyes. "Of course I am, are you?" concern could be seen in his eyes and heard in his voice.

"I'm always alright." she smiled seeing the glint in Alec's eyes. Some of the darkness that was menacing to take over him was no longer there. She smiled with relief.

"I was so afraid we wouldn't be able to get out of there...or end up in different places..." a tear finaly slipt down her cheek. She was now unable to contain all the tension that had built up in the last months.

She kept holding him afraid it was all a dream and once she let go they would wake up back in the nightmare of the Netherworld.

Roleplay by Alec McDowell

Alec held Isabel tightly and buried his face in her long hair, smelling her. “Shhh…” he said trying to soothe her. Cupping her face he brushed her tears with his thumbs and kissed her. “We’ll never be apart, remember I promised you,” he said in a dulcet tone.

As he said the words a servant approached them. “My lord,” she curtsied, “Her grace has arranged a room for you to stay in, if you would follow me.” She indicated to her left down the hall and Alec and Isabel followed her to the lavish room. When he walked in, Isabel was holding his hand, and he whistled. “I don’t know how I got here,” he said amused, “…but I have to say I couldn’t have been luckier. Did you know my sister is the Duchess of this city?” he grinned looking to Isabel and she simply blinked back with surprise. “This is hers and the King’s palace…” he trailed off and sat on the bed, bringing her with him.

“Now,” he said softly, “I know you Isabel,” his tone became serious. “You don’t seem at all surprised to be here, or confused… how did I get here?” he asked and waited for her to tell him.

It took her some time, and she finally did, and they spent the entire night talking. Alec grew extremely quiet while he listened but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t remember anything. When they did go to bed, he lay there watching the ceiling, unable to find sleep no matter how tired he was. He was a monster…and Thain and Dei had been right to be wary of him. What if he remembered it all?

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain examined the color, a broad smile on his face. He turned to Dei and wrapped his arms around her and kissed her.

"It's wonderful." he said, and then resumed dressing, proudly donning the collar. He kissed her again, and went for the door.

"I'll see to the stable master at once." and he made his way down to the stables.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah was pleased he enjoyed her gift, and watched him walk out the door. She followed a short moment after him, and made it out to see him ask for the stable master. When he did the stable boy bowed low and did as he was told.

Dei took that moment to slip her hand into his, and waited.

As they waited, the stable master approached them pulling along a beautiful white war horse. Sleeker, and leaner than regular warhorses in that its strength and endurance was obvious to the eye, but he was also built for speed. It’s silvery white coat shone as he was brought out into the sunlight. The saddle was expertly made, with both the Himoura and McDowell crest engraved into it.

“I have written to my father, we…worked out our differences,” she said softly. “He was very pleased that I was able to find happiness and love with you. He had wished to present him to you himself, but affairs of war are keeping him occupied. No one has ever been granted a McDowell bred warhorse of this kind… You have been given a great honor,” she breathed the words softly, pride at her father’s gift and then smiled.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain stood for a moment, transfixed and speechless. He slowly approached the horse and patted it on the neck. He turned back to Dei and pulled her into a tight embrace and kissed her passionately.

"I'm honored. It's wonderful Dei, absolutely wonderful... Does he have a name?"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Dei couldn’t be happier by his reaction and she then approached and whispered a gaelic command and the horse seemed to bow before Thain. “They are extremely well trained,” she grinned and then added, “his name is Réalta… it means Star,” she translated for him.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"He's magnificent. A fitting name." Thain leaned in and kissed her. "Is this what you've been waiting to tell me, or is there something more?" he said inquisitively, leaning down towards her.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

As he said it, she became slightly nervous. She leaned her head to the side and looked up at him. “There is more,” she said and then took his hand, taking him back inside the palace. She then led him into his weapons room and on a stand, was a beautifully crafted mace. It reflected the light coming through the window and she let go of his hand and approached it.

“Remember when I asked if you specialized in a specific weapon? Well there was more reason behind it, and I have noticed, that you have almost everything… almost.” She picked up the mace and presented it to him. As she did he could see engravings on the handle, sinuous lines of her native tongue. “I vow to always protect and stand by your side no matter the circumstance. You are the only one who has ever held my heart, should something happen to you, it would happen to me… I present to you this guardian, so that should I not be there with you in your greatest time of need, you would have this to guard you. She then translated the prayer for him. “Steel rusts. Arrows break. But righteousness is always strong, always sharp…”

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"That's my father's saying..." he said, rather taken aback. He took the mace, and stepped back, and swung it a few times, getting the feel for it.

"It's wonderful." he said, and fastened it to his belt. He embraced her one more time, and kissed her.

"I have to be off now though. Sir Beorac is not well, and I must speak with him." he said, and took her hands in his, and gave them a little squeeze.

"I'll be back soon." he said, and went back out to the stable, and mounted his magnificent new horse.

"Let's see just how fast you are, shall we?" he said, taking the reins in hand.

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah watched him leave, and her hands slowly reached up to her abdomen… “yes,” she whispered and then left the room, returning to their bedchamber. Perhaps it was better that she did not tell him right away, she needed more time…

The more she thought of it though, the more she felt she simply couldn’t go on hiding it any longer. She had waited long enough now. Making a detour, she decided to go after him and as she stepped out, she noticed him just about to leave with Réalta. “Thain!” she called out his name and ran after him.

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

"Whoa!" Thain called out, pulling on the reigns and turning the horse around. He calmly rode over to Dei and cocked his head.

"What is it love?"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

Deianarah waited for Thain to approach and she then reached over to take his hand in hers. She seemed to hesitate and took a deep breath. Her hand seemed to tremble lightly and she gave him a timid smile. Her sand colored eyes then looked into his. “I… have known for some time now, and I don’t know how to… “ she started and then bit her lip. She would never figure out the perfect way to tell him, so she just did. “Mo’cuishle… I’m pregnant.”

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain fell off his horse, landing with an ungraceful THUMP.

"What? This is wonderful!" he said, getting up and scooping her up in his arms, and kissing her.

"Our first child. I get to name it if it's a son." he said and kissed her again.

"How long have you known?"

Roleplay from Deianarah McDowell

As Thain fell off his horse, Deianarah gasped and his horse danced away. But almost immediately he seemed to be on his feet scooping her up into his arms with a kiss. What fear she had felt quickly evaporated and she returned the embrace and then smiled. “You get the honor,” she grinned and then bit her lip. “I have doubted it for a couple of weeks now, I wasn’t sure. I felt somewhat ill, it was your physician confirmed it only a few days ago, I made him swear to secrecy until I mentioned it to you first.”

Roleplay from Thain Himoura

Thain spun around with her and kissed her again.

"This is wonderful. We will have to hurry up with the campaign then if we are to be wed in Hatdhes before the child comes. But, I have to be off. I will be back shortly." he said kissing her again. He could barely contain himself, he felt ready to burst with joy, he was downright giddy. He hopped back onto his horse, and rode off towards Beorac's manor, a pair of Templars in tow