Dwilight University/History/Astromancy at War!/The Battle of Croton/Busto's account: Difference between revisions

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What follows is a sketchy tale of what happened on the 30th November 1009 in Croton, where the Raivan and Libero Empire attacked Xinhai forces running a takeover. The report can be found here (temporary placed here. Soon to be moved elsewhere)

Roleplay from Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico
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Busto spent an uneasy night of meditation and prayer in the small makeshift chapel inside the camp of the Order of the Maddening Star. Everything was set, and there was no time to change anymore. Yet, he was visibily worried. Each time he went through the analysis of the formation and the movements he was satisfied, but too many things could still change. And that was a battle too important to be lost to chance.

Few hours before full sunrise, when the first light of dawn begin to light the sky, he rallied his men: the Maddening Star First Battalion. Roaming in front of the line, he shouted:

"First Battalion! In the plain ahead of us the enemies are gathering his forces. At sunrise there will be battle, and it will be a bloody dawn. Two realms are necessary to even remotely match the strenght of Xinhai and the will of the stars. But they won't be enough, as even together they will be defeated!

This is the battle all of you have been trained for, the glorious battle we dreamt while facing monsters dug in in the ice frozen ground of Shomrak. It is our moment, and it is the time for us to show them what mistake they did attacking us!

You are the finest of Xinhai, the first battalion of the Order of the Maddening Star and thus you will not enter the battlefield as mere soldiers. All the rest of the army will watch and follow you as an example and an inspiration, do never forget it. The entire Xinhaian army is made by your brothers and no one of you must let a brother fall at his side withouth sacrifying himself first. We do not fight for honor or glory alone, we fight for victory and for Xinhai as a whole.

We will fight at the center of the battle line. The enemy must not breach there and the Maddening banner should be kept high all the time. Good luck men, and may the stars have mercy of our enemies for we will have none."

The men turned side and took place in the middle of the Xinhaian army. With silver shining armors, blue cloaks and blue plumes they were an impressive sight to see.

The sun rose above the Xinhaian army. In the distance, the dust lifted by the twin empires soldiers were filling the horizon. They were many, but not enough.

As ordered, Xinhaian army deployed on three lines. Special forces and chosen archers entrenched behind makeshift wooden fortifications forming the first. Long range archers forming the second one, hiding behind mantlets and barricades. The third was composed by the Xinhaian infantry. An ordinated war machine waiting an order to unleash all its fury.

First horn. The enemies are at range, the first and second lines open fire. Echoes of distant screams show the enemy is firing on our lines too, but the barricades should give us the upper hand for the ranged combats. The infantry marches into the corridors left open into the second line, all knowing where to head.

Second horn. The enemies draw closer, the archers correct the aim, firing on the advancing infantry. Special forces prepare for melee combat. "Men! Double time!"

Infantry starts running and fills the holes in the archer deployment, following a carefully planned scheme

Then the clash. Like the strongest thunder during the strongest storm, infantry clashed against infantry. Men against men, shield against shield.

"For the stars brothers!"

Xinhaian left flank was made by the Austere Order, the Empire right flank by the Libero forces. Busto spotted the banner of Royal Marshal Sejieda, and in the distance, the royal insignias of Queen Alanya. Without their Vice-Marshal and leader of the infantry forces wounded during a night skmirmish, the Austere Order deployed a good amount of archers in melee in order to make up their somewhat lacking numbers. Heavy casualties were taken, but under the direction of Marshal Hericus Lefanis the Austere brothers fought valiantly, and the Liberonians were routed. Even the charge of the Queen in person could not turn the tide of that flank, and the Austere Order pushed forward encircling the right flank of Raivans' center.

Xinhai right flank was led by Coffermistress Kabrinski and her large unit of archers. At the beginning of the battle however, an arrow wounded her and she had to be dragged back out of the line, her unit left into chaos. A large detachment of screaming raivans closed in, and the archers panicked without performing the planned movements. That cutted out the Bihand templeguards that could not take their place up front in time to defend archers, that suffered heavy casualties and were forced to retreat. Quickly however, the troops led by the Lords of Linhai, Zhongyuan and Cailyn, leading some among the finest soldiers of the Order fo the Maddening Star, along with the Skald Militia light infantry unit filled the gap slaughtering the snarling Raivans and capturing their leader, sir Igor Vats of Mt.Black Nastrond. The right flank was secured too, and quickly the Xinhaians start pushing towards the center of the Raivan formation.

The center of Xinhai battle line was made by the Lord Polmarch and the First Battalion, the Archon's bodyguards and the former High Inquisitor along the current Judge special forces. Facing them the Raivans deployed the Gray Company, led by their General, the Imperator's brigate, led by the alpha imperator and the Imperial treasurer guard led by the Raivan treasurer. The fight was terrible, both armies were composed by well equipped and determinated veterans, and no one could seem to be able to prevail on the others. The warders of the faith special forces, in their shiny bloodstar red armor fought with their usual zeal, suffering terrible casualties but slaughtering dozens of imposing raivans. Finally after what seemed an eternity, the Raivan line broke under the combined pressure of the Xinhaian center and flanks. No enemy noble could be captured but the General and the Banker of the Raivan Empire were spotted while dragged away wounded by their men. Few of the Raivans survived, many were captured or killed.

After three hours, the whole Xinhaian army, still deploying good numbers, shouted and celebrated the victory.

Cleaning his heavy mace shaped as the maddening star itself sit atop a rocky formation overlooking the field of battle, Busto sent congratulations to all the Xinhaian nobles that fought in Croton. It would have been a day to remember, and all of them made their part for it to be so.

Sir Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico

Lord Polemarch of Xinhai, Marshal of the Order of the Maddening Star
Bustoarsenzio Peristaltico