Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/An Introduction for Saguar: Difference between revisions

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Father Caspar whistled as he walked down the High Road of Remton. It was a sunny day, and he was going to pay a visit to a young potential convert who had just just arrived in town to refit.

With a look over his shoulder, he turned the corner to the small road where the noble's apartments were. He stopped in front of the door. Straightening his hair with both hands, he pounded on the door.

"Yes," asked the manservant, looking at his robes curiously.

"Father Caspar, for the Lady Jocasta," he answered, with a wide smile.


Calindra Namtrah (Priestess of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia)

Saguar always had a free spirit and sense for adventure. That is why one day he decided to board a ship that will take him to the Far East. As all his brothers have ventured away from their home continent Atamara; some ventured some dissapeared, actually; he also wanted to see new lands, so different than the ones he knew. So, one day the ship finally reached the distant shores of the eastern hemisphere.

At first he was travelling with some fellowship of adventurers, but that kind of life did not interest him. For several months he wandered through the regions of Larmebsi and Lasop, until one day he came to Saex. There he was attacked by some troubling monsters, but not to many of them, and he easily destroyed them. He was a warrior of both melee and range attack. Saguar has a large longbow and two sabres under his belt. The first couple of monsters he swept from distance, while the rest of the beasts were approaching him. In the lightning fast dance of his sabres Saguar was washed by the blood of his enemies. As he turned around a group of men were staring at him. They all had hope and pride in their eyes, which was something he so far didn't see in these strange lands. "Welcome to Arcea, you will find a good home here", said on of the men and invited Saguar, while the cover of darkness was gently coming down on the Far East continent...

Saguar Arakiss (Noble)

Jocasta looked up as one of her servants came in. Behind him was a man she had never seen before. She quickly stood up, and put her book down. (Bookmark in of course)

"Good day." She said politely. "I am the Lady Jocasta. What may I do for you?"

Lady Jocasta Hart (Dame of Saex)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (38 recipients) Greetings Lady Jocasta,

I apologise that my reply came so late (if the question was even for me), but for a moment I was shunned by your beauty, and that is why it took me so long. Considering that you're reading a book I assume you're well informed on the whereabouts and history of Arcea. As you probably know, I'm in a search of a liege to whom I am ready to offer my blades and my life. Do you happen to know if anybody particular needs a knight?

About Arcea's history, I've heard that at one point we were left with just two regions flying our banner in a war with 3-4 different realms. Do you perhaps now which were those realms and why did they ganged against us?

Truly yours,

Saguar Arakiss (Noble)

Father Casper looked the young noblewoman over from head to toe, and unconsciously licked his lips. Ah, such a nice change after preaching to those peasants allday.

"Greetings, Lady Jocasta," he said with a debonair bow, "from the Church of the Magna Aenilia Ecclesia. I hope I have not disturbed your reading - I came only to ask for a few minutes of your time to discuss the MAE."

Calindra Namtrah (Priestess of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia)

"No no, of course come in." She guided him to a chair and sat in the one opposite him. "I am here to discuss anything you wish."

Lady Jocasta Hart (Dame of Saex)

Lady Jocasta's apartments!

So that was what the scoundrel was up to. She studied the note the young acolyte had handed her for the third time, trying to read anything else that might be hidden between the lines.

"...I think you are ready to work by yourself for a while. Why don't you head to Lantzas for a few days and see what you can achieve out there?"

Lantzas! Back of nowhere badlands, with some unkempt, pagan warlord running the place. All the while Casper would be enjoying in the luxuries of the city...and Lady Jocasta!

"Anything else, m'lady?" the acolyte asked.

She looked him over, as if for the first time. A solid young man, good-looking, obviously sent to the church from some farming family. Big build, firm muscles...not like most of these scrawny teenagers that swarmed over the temple. Deep, blue eyes...

"Yes, there is," she said. "I have to go to Lantzas, and I shall need someone to accompany me. Please tell them to pack my things and get yourself ready. We leave after lunch."

Two can play that game, she thought, watching his cat-like grace as he hurried to fulfill her request.


Calindra Namtrah (Priestess of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia)

Father Casper stood up.

"I hope this has been enlightening, M'lady," he said. "I hope, too, that you will consider joining the Church."

He bowed and took his leave. What a frustrating woman! Who would have thought that such a young, sweet-looking girl could counter his every move so effectively. Try as he might, he was never once able to even set his chair next to hers.

Well, perhaps it would take more effort, was all. He wouldn't give up such a prize so easily, that was for sure.


Calindra Namtrah (Priestess of Magna Aenilia Ecclesia)

What an odd priest! Jocasta thought. He kept trying to get closer to me then was...comfortable. Or maybe, She smirked. comfort was what he desired all along.

Jocasta sighed. She had problems enough on her mind, Why not have a perverted priest along with it? Who knows? Maybe she could have a bit of fun. Not the way he wanted of course, but she was getting a tad bit bored. Boredom makes girls a little...interesting...

Lady Jocasta Hart (Dame of Saex)