McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/bachelor: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' The ship to Port Nebel arrived late in the evening. Sorsha grabbed her things and left in the cover of darkness, Lasair following behind, as usual. ...)
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Lycan walked back inside and grinned. "So, do we get this started or what?"
Lycan walked back inside and grinned. "So, do we get this started or what?"
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
The man in the mask looked at Sorsha. He held a blackjack in his hand... He couldn't bring himself to kill her, that would make all of this pointless. He motioned for his men to continue on and forget their dead comrade. He had no identification on him, and couldn't be traced back to him. He stepped forward and his distorted voice rang out.
"Are you lost, A Thaisce?"
He glared at her from under the mask, the blackjack gripped tight in his hand. He drew a short blade and held it in his off hand. The blackjack wouldn't hold up to a blade if she decided to attack.
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
"Yes, its about time we got this show on the road."
A sentry shouted to the Duke, pointing towards a fire on the other side of the harbour. No one could make out which vessel was aflame, but the Duke took no chances.
"Captain! Have the men sail a mile or two off shore, and weigh anchor!" Shouted Hexic across to the bridge. "Aye Sir!" came a muffled reply, on account of Hexic no doubt being louder than he intended. "Light the torches and lamps! Musicians begin playing! Bring out the food! Dancers start dancing! Let the festivities BEGIN!" Hexic proclaimed for all to hear, not directing his words to anyone in particular."
Hexic went below deck to where Mathias had been laid upon a pile of cushions, in the room that had become a makeshift harem. He picked up a bottle of the strongest alcohol you could get in Dwilight, and happened to be banned in D'Hara. Ah, the benefits of being a duke! He uncorked it, and wafted it under his fellow duke's nose. With a start, Mathias awoke, disoriented.
"Mathias my friend! Welcome to a party, just for you! This party marks the end of your bachelorhood, so I suggest you make ample use of the entertainment I have arranged!" Hexic motioned in front of them, where scandalously dressed women, including Elizabeth and Kathrine danced exotically. Smiles designed to charm any man on the faces of each of them.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias' eyes slowly began to open, and after but a few seconds he sat up and his hand quickly went to the back of his head. The pain he felt there was unimaginable. "What the hell..." he said rubbing the back of his head. "Where am I?" Looking around the room Mathias was quickly able to put together he was on some ship, but as to where was still not known. His confusion quickly turned to anger as he remembered he was talking to the three now sitting before him when he suddenly blacked out. Mathias quickly searched his person for his sword, but was unable to find it. Grabbing one of the dancers Mathias backed himself to a corner, "I don't know why you three have kidnapped me, but know I will not go down easy. I will fight each and everyone of you to regain my freedom!"
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan approached Elizabeth and Katherine "Hello Ladies, missed me?!" he grinned mischievously. They laughed lightly and each took their side under his arms.
He then saw Mathias get up and shout a threat while holding a dancer. He let go of the two ladies and neared him.
"Mathias, calm down. Everything is alright. We didn't really kidnap you... well we did...he scratched his head "...blame Bowie here for that." he chuckled. "... but it was for a good reason." he smiled. "Look around you, it's just a party because you're going to be a married man soon." Mathias didn't look convinced probably because he was still disoriented.
"Mathias, look...look!" he pointed around. "There's food, drinks, dancers,... if we were to harm you would this be a proper setting for it?"
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias released the woman he was holding onto and threw her against the floor. "I guess you wouldn't be treating me so well had you in fact any malicious intents." Then taking a seat he looked over to Lycan and said, "You do know I was with Sorsha when you interrupted me right?"
'''Roleplay from Lycan Moreira''' 
Lycan watched has Mathias let go of the dancer and calmed down. He looked upset and then Lycan realized why. Sorsha was there with him.
"Well my friend, she'll be fine at the palace and you..." he patted him on the back. " will enjoy this party." he grinned and winked.
"C'mon have a drink and eat." Turning to the ladies he exclaimed "You better make him feel better or you'll have to deal with me!" he said seriously.
He took Elizabeth and Katherine again and sat near the table where the food was spread. The ladies started pouring him a drink and whispering words in his ears as they watched other women dancing around the Dukes.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
Sorsha’s head whipped around to the distorted voice and her eyes narrowed. <i>A Thiasce?</i> She was within the void now, but the words managed to make her catch her breath. She ignored the commotion around her and focused on the masked man before her.
He then drew a short blade and she tightened her grip on the borrowed sword. She walked around him and he countered the movement. The flames grew higher around them and her gaze only flicked to it for a second and back to the person before her.
Something was familiar about the way he moved but she couldn’t place it. It was as if her mind was screaming at her, but all she could think of were the weapons in his hands, the death trap around her, and Mathias who was probably fighting for his life. “I’m one man’s treasure, and it’s not you,” she spat and swung her sword.
'''Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl''' 
"Mathias my friend!" Said Hexic as he slung his arm around is shoulder. "Sorsha would understand that you were urgently needed in Port Raviel. Look <i>around!"</i> Hexic motioned around the room, a goblet in his hand. "Such festivities.... you may never have another such opportunity."
'''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' 
He parried, and continued circling, waiting, watching for an opening. He sneered under his mask, a fire burned in his eyes.
"That man you killed, his isn't the first heart you've pierced." he growled at her, stepping in, his blackjack raised high.
'''Roleplay from Mathias Ridder''' 
Mathias looked around the room before speaking, "My friend, all of you have your fun, but there is only one woman for me these days." Mathias then leaned over and grabbed the bottle of ale that was used to wake him. Sitting back in his chair he watched as the festivities continued around him.
'''Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell''' 
His words shook her and she took a sharp breath. Only to deflect the blow with her sword and come at his face with her other elbow. “You know nothing of me,” she hissed. The boat was continuing to burn and she knew her time would run out. One would get her if she ran off, or she could stand and fight and hopefully get rid of the man who could very well be Mathias’ assailant. “If I have to die this day to take you then it will be worth it.”

Revision as of 16:47, 23 September 2009

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

The ship to Port Nebel arrived late in the evening. Sorsha grabbed her things and left in the cover of darkness, Lasair following behind, as usual. She walked to the Ducal Palace and when the guard saw her approach he allowed her entry without question.

When she entered, she noticed several servants who smiled politely or nodded in her direction. She made her way to the room which Mathias had prepared for her. Sitting on the bed, she dropped her bags and lay down. She gave a long tired sigh and closed her eyes, glad to have stopped. Lasair had followed her to the room and when she lay down on the bed, he sat on his hind legs. He watched her for a few minutes and then left the room.

His powerful sleek walk made him appear as if on the prowl. The ocelot turned a corner, his nose up in the air and a servant who was coming through gave a small shriek. Most servants were used to seeing the cat now, but they were still caught off guard and watched the animal with a wary gaze and defensive stature. Lasair ignored her completely and continued walking until he turned another corner, walked down the hallway and then stopped in front of a door. As he did, the door suddenly opened and Duad walked out, in turn Lasair pushed himself through. Satisfied, it walked further into the room rubbed up against Mathias’ legs in greeting and then lazily lay down at his feet.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias had been working at his desk and had just sent Duad out on an errand when he noticed Lasair curling up next to his leg. "Hmm. Sorsha must be here." he thought to himself. Leaning over Mathias scratched Lasair's head, and then stood and walked to the door. Then feeling something against his left leg he noticed that Lasair had stood to follow him and was rubbing against it. Then brushing him off Mathias walked down the hall to Sorsha's door hoping she was there and knocked.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha was on the verge of sleep when a knock made her open her eyes. Looking to the right, in the direction of the door, she then turned her head. She imagined it was probably a servant or she would have gotten up, but she was just so tired. “Enter,” she said softly.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Slowly opening the door Mathias leaned his head in and whispered, "Mo Searc, I hope I am not bothering you..." Then taking a look around Mathias noticed that she seemed to be getting ready for bed, "Never mind my love, I now notice that you seem to be going to sleep. I shall leave you be."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Hearing his voice, Sorsha sat up. “Mathias… no please stay,” she told him and smiled. “I was only resting my eyes a moment,” she rubbed them and stepped away from the bed to approach him. His hand rested on the door handle, but the door stopped moving and he stood, watching her. “Come in,” she took his hand and made him enter whether he wanted to or not. “I would have gone to see you shortly but you have come to me instead.”

She looked down to Lasair who peeked through the Duke’s legs. She gave a smirk and shook her finger at the Ocelot. “You couldn’t wait… could you?” she asked him, not really expecting an answer. “I’m still travel weary, didn’t even have a moment to freshen up.” She laughed lightly. “It seems I am not the only one who has missed you,” she said softly and kissed Mathias.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias turned around and put Lasair outside the door, closed it, and locked it. Approaching Sorsha he picked her up in his arms and brought her back to the bed. "I couldn't bare the knowledge that I interrupted you from your rest. I figured the least I could do was make sure you made it here." He said taking a seat next to Sorsha. Removing his boots he then laid down next to her.

Facing her Mathias was struck by the beauty that was his wife to be. Her long dark hair spread out over her face and the pillow bellow. Reaching down and fiddling with her hair he noticed to smooth softness and how her hair shone like the most polished precious metals. Her blue eyes like the deepest most bountiful sea that any sailor would dare not want leave. Then her smile, a smile that needs no light to shine, a smile that would light up a dark room. Mathias was indeed blessed to have such a fine and perfect woman as his wife to be. There truly was no comparison.

Mathias now facing her in the bed moved is hand to her face and brushed her hair out of her face, "Mo Searc, how was your voyage?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

As his hand trailed over her face, she gave him a radiant smile. “It was a long voyage, but well worth it,” her hand reached up to touch his lips. “The King has returned my ring to me,” she raised her hand and showed him the McDowell ring on the middle finger of her left hand. Mathias looked at it as she continued talking, “he will also be in attendance…He will be giving me away.” The look she gave him was one of relief, but of immense joy. She then leaned in to kiss him. “Mathias… it has been so long since I have allowed my heart to feel this…and it feels wonderful.”

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

Duke Hexic stepped down the gangplank of his carrack, Duke Bowie, and Royal Fiduciary Lycan in tow. The carrack was a fine enough vessel, but more importantly, it looked just like a dozen other ships docked in Port Nebel. Hexic had specifically requested this particular ship be sent up from the Lighthouse, for that very reason.

Such an esteemed group of men did not go unnoticed. Commoners made a path for them and their guards, kneeling as they did so. It was almost as if they were in the presence of royalty. All three men's faces were grim. They needed to be believable when they told Duke Mathias he was needed in Port Raviel immediately for some great emergency council meeting or some such. They hadn't really thought of the lie yet.

The group of men wound their way through the streets directly to the center of the city, where Mathias' castle was. Hexic had never noticed before, but apparently it used to be the Palace of Shadovar. The commoners still made a path, and bowed before the three men. Hexic thought it was likely Duke Mathias had already been informed of the procession, and may even have been told it was the King and Queen themselves. Such a thought was highly amusing. Soon, they would reach the Shadovarian Palace.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Their leader nodded as the procession of Dukes stepped off of the ship. Their leader donned a leather mask with a curious metal device mounted on the face, which distorted his voice. They stormed the ship, knocking the crew out with blackjacks, stealing their clothing, and tying them to weighted objects, which were then hurled overboard. Their leader went below to wait. They wouldn't suspect a thing.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias had just got comfortable when he heard someone knock on his bedroom door. Looking back to Sorsha he whispered, "They will never find me here, and nothing shall interrupt us this time." Then hearing another knock he heard Duad's voice, "My Lord, urgent news. Duke Hexic, Royal Fiduciary Lycan, and Sir Bowie have arrived and are requesting your presence for an emergency meeting. Apparently some council has been called in Port Raviel, and they have a boat waiting for you in the harbor."

Mathias then stood turned to Sorsha and kissed her on the forehead, "My Love, I shall go see if I can find out what this meeting is about, and before I leave shall return to your side. Please...make yourself comfortable I shall return shortly." Mathias then put his boots back on and walked down to the council chamber where he would surly meet the three nobles.

Turning he noticed Lasair was following him, and Mathias motioned for him to stop.

It would take Mathias a few minutes to reach the room, but once he did he sat in the ducal throne and waited for the three to present themselves.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

The three men walked in to find the Duke in his throne. He looked somewhat annoyed and Lycan spoke first.

"Mathias, we're here to take you with us. We need to take care of an urgent matter. And please don't ask what it is..." he approached him and whispered "...walls have ears." and looked around weary as if being watched.

Duke Hexic and Duke Bowie kept silent and gazed intensely showing how grave the matter was.

Lycan stood back and waited for Mathias response.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias stood bowed to the three and said, "My friends I have some urgent matters to attend to, and cannot come with you right now. I shall charter my own ship and meet up with you in Port Raviel soon." Then motioning to the door, "Good day gentlemen." Mathias then turned and began to walk back to Sorsha's room.

Roleplay from Bowie Ironsides

As Duke Mathias turned to leave the three, the Prince looked at Duke Hexic and the Royal Fiduciary with a sly smile, he revealed a thick cloth sack stashed behind the back of his shirt hoping they would get the message and let him get to it.

He said,

"But Mathias, your other matters must wait. We really need to discuss this with you. If we wait any longer it may be too late!"

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

Without thinking, Bowie pulled our his shiny new blackjack, and clubbed Mathias, rendering him unconscious. Immediately swords were drawn and shouts rang out.

"Bowie! I swear if we get through this, I'll run you through!" Hexic bellowed as he took on two guards at once "Take them alive!" Lycan and Bowie each took a guard of their own, keeping them all pre-occupied.

As the guards fell unceremoniously to the floor one by one, more guards and several servants arrived. The guards drawing their own swords, and the servants screaming like children at the sight of their Duke on the floor, supposedly dead. The last of the original group of guards now lay on the floor, and with haste Hexic raised his arms in surrender, motioning the same of Lycan and Bowie.

"They were assassins! They attempted to disrupt our mission to bring Duke Mathias to Port Raviel for an emergency meeting of council!" Pleaded Hexic, and the guards believed him, and sheathed their swords. The trio did the same, and the servants rushed to Mathias' side, assessing his injuries. Addressing the guard closest to him Hexic said more calmly "He was only knocked out. The council meeting cannot wait, we must take him in his present condition." Nodding his understanding, the guard issued orders to have his fallen comrades, the would-be assassins, dragged off to the dungeons to await torture followed by execution. At this, Lycan piped up "Perhaps all torture and execution should be delayed until Duke Mathias is returned? I'm sure he would want to interrogate them himself." The Dukes nodded agreement, and Bowie added "And let none talk to them until Duke Mathias returns, they may have co-conspirators.

The trio left in a few minutes, after having one of the servants bring Mathias a cloak, so that no one outside of the Shadovarian Palace would know who it was they half-dragged down the streets. Most would likely think it was some sort of transfer of a prisoner.

The trio, their guards, and the unconscious duke made their way to the docks. As they neared the carrack, Maiden's Voyage, a man dressed in commoner's clothing stepped down and presented himself to Hexic "All is according to plan, my liege?" "Indeed it is. Now go off to the decoy vessel, and depart for Port Raviel." "At once." The man bowed, and ran though the now near empty port, towards the vessel the trio had arrived on. What he did not know, is that there were assassins waiting for him, not the ships crew.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Waiting for Mathias to return, Sorsha lay in bed and closed her eyes. It was a few moments of restful silence, when suddenly a patter of feet was heard through the door and down the hall. Now alert, she sat up on her elbows in bed and cocked her head listening for any sounds. She heard muffled yelling, and more feet running down the hall.

“What is going on?” she whispered to herself and got out of bed. When she peeked through the doorway she flung back as a servant passed. Frowning, she grabbed the frame and looked down. She distinctly heard the shouts of fighting and then she flew down the hall in the direction of the noise. Almost as quickly, it was over. When Sorsha walked into the grand hall, she stopped and stared. Men were being dragged off and Sorsha stopped one of them. “What has taken place here?”

The guard looked up at her and then down to the ground. “My lady, you must not be about…” he turned to another man. “Secure the perimeter and let no one enter, you know the price for failure.” He turned a look back to Sorsha and then added, “there are assassins about.”

Sorsha’s frown deepened and she quickly looked around the room, hoping to see Mathias. “What?” she whispered, “where is the Duke? Assassins?” the words seemed to come out of rote in a string of confusion. “He was taken,” he began to explain to her what transpired but she had already stopped listening at ‘taken’. Her heart sunk and she blinked slowly. All she cared about was Mathias.

The guard stopped talking when he noticed she had stopped listening. Then in a flash Sorsha grabbed his sword and walked out of the room. She had shifted into the cold void so quickly she hadn’t even noticed. She left the palace and headed out in search for him. Lasair, like usual was only a few steps behind her.

It took some time for her to look around, and ask questions but nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but she wouldn’t give up that easily. It was late enough, that the cover of darkness had been all they would need, she cursed her inattention. Approaching the docks she asked questions again. All the while she kept thinking, if she were to take someone, where would she take them and why?

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

As the man approached the vessel, he was pulled into an alleyway and a blade held to his throat. The man's grip was like steel, and he held them man so he couldn't see his captor.

"Where are they going? Be quick about it before I slice you open." he breathed into the man's ear, his voice like ice.

Roleplay from Cenarious Stormrage

As Cenarious sat working at his desk a secret door concealed behind him cracked open letting a robed figure slip silently into the room.

"What news?" Cenarious inquired without looking up from his reading.

"Your Majesty, there are mixed reports as of now." Reported the Spy Master dutifully. "I first heard of an important High Council meeting to which all the Dukes were gathering and yet there is no such meeting as you well know. Then there were reports of strange happenings on the docks of Port Nebel followed by assassins in the keep itself. It's too soon to be certain of anything but I have my best people working on gathering more information I can assure you, Your Majesty."

"What is the worst case scenario?" Cenarious asked as he finally looked up from his work.

"Worst case, it could be the start of a coup or rebellion of some kind Your Majesty." Replied the Spy Master thoughtfully. "Then again it could be something much more benign. Perhaps there is some kind of secret gathering to which you were not invited."

"As you should recall the north has quite a problem with secret societies attempting to rule realms and religions. Infiltrating all levels of society as it were." Cenarious speculated. "If such is attempting to take root here it could be very dangerous. Best to be on the safe side I'm afraid."

Waving for the Spy Master to take his leave, Cenarious waved his nearest Stormguard over, a Sergeant by the looks of his uniform. "Order the Black Lions to full alert. Preparations should be made for battle but await my orders before taking action. Also, I want a full report on all my Dukes whereabouts, and I want it yesterday Sergeant."

As the Stormguard left with his orders Cenarious leaned back in his chair and spoke softly to himself as stared off into space thoughtfully. "Let us pray that this matter is cleared up quickly.. confusion all too often leads to death I'm afraid.."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha approached a small vessel, smaller than the rest. It was built for speed and she cocked her head examining it. Approaching it, she then stepped on board. No one could be seen, and it all seemed too eerie. She gripped the sword and her eyes shifted in every direction as she walked further onto it.

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

The commoner, bow son of the decoy vessel, held strong loyalties to Duke Hexic, and was determined not to reveal his liege's location. Gasping under the strain of his assailant, there was venom in his tone. "I will never tell you where my duke is!" Grabbing the assassin's hand which held the blade, he dragged it across his own throat. If he did not die, he would certainly never be able to speak again.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

The man pulled the blade back as much as he could. The vocal cords of the man he held were cut, but it would not be fatal... Yet. He threw the man to the ground and stabbed him twice in the abdomen, twisting the blade as he pulled it back out. He would die, but it wouldn't be pleasant. He ran to the boat, and reported to the masked man, who quickly ordered the men to fan out and search the docks. He hoped his ace in the hole would be ready to act. He lit the barrel of kerosene and left the boat with the rest of the men, who spread out and began searching the docks, all bearing faked identification papers identifying them as special agents of the Black Lions. Close scrutiny would reveal them as fakes, but they would do well enough for now.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Someone finally came up to notice Sorsha standing there and he nodded in her direction. “How can I help you… My Lady?” he addressed her as a stranger and her eyes narrowed. “State your business,” she hissed and he gave a nod. “We are here for a special operation for the Black Lions.”

At this her brow rose suspiciously. “Is that so?” she said coldly. “Yes, one such as yourself should not interfere, my Lady.” She gave him a sneer, “and since when would one not recognize her Marshal on sight?” She hadn’t finished her words and she had already ran him through with her sword. He died instantly. She then pushed him off her blade with her boot. As she did, she heard a commotion from the other side of the small ship and looked up. It was a few seconds and she heard a loud whoosh and a hissing sound. Her eyes widened and she ran forward to see, only to realize the ship was ablaze. She swallowed and looked around to the other side, only to notice the flame had already circled its way around, leaving her standing in the center. She didn’t know what to do and looked for a means of escape.

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan was standing on the carrack overlooking the port and watching as the men readied it to sail off when he saw a messenger approaching with a letter in hand and waving to him. He signaled the guards to let him on board.

"Sir Lycan, an urgent letter from the King!" the boy said out of breath.

"The King uh?" he rushed to open it and read it quickly. "Crap!" he stated out loud. Lycan walked inside the Captain's cabin where Mathias was being held. Walking up to the Dukes he showed them the letter. "This isn't turning out as we planned." Both looked surprised and then Lycan added "Well I'll write to the king and appease his mind."

Both Dukes agreed and carried on with their plan. Lycan sat at the table and wrote his letter.

Your Majesty,

Rest assured all your Dukes are accounted for and well. I am in their company as I write this letter. Whatever rumors your highness has heard, they aren't true. If you wish to join us at our meeting please follow the directions below.

He closed the letter with his seal and waked back outside where he handed it to the same messenger who was still waiting for a reply.

"Go, make sure the King receives this."

The boy ran off and jumped on his horse leaving at all speed.

Lycan walked back inside and grinned. "So, do we get this started or what?"

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

The man in the mask looked at Sorsha. He held a blackjack in his hand... He couldn't bring himself to kill her, that would make all of this pointless. He motioned for his men to continue on and forget their dead comrade. He had no identification on him, and couldn't be traced back to him. He stepped forward and his distorted voice rang out.

"Are you lost, A Thaisce?"

He glared at her from under the mask, the blackjack gripped tight in his hand. He drew a short blade and held it in his off hand. The blackjack wouldn't hold up to a blade if she decided to attack.

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

"Yes, its about time we got this show on the road."

A sentry shouted to the Duke, pointing towards a fire on the other side of the harbour. No one could make out which vessel was aflame, but the Duke took no chances.

"Captain! Have the men sail a mile or two off shore, and weigh anchor!" Shouted Hexic across to the bridge. "Aye Sir!" came a muffled reply, on account of Hexic no doubt being louder than he intended. "Light the torches and lamps! Musicians begin playing! Bring out the food! Dancers start dancing! Let the festivities BEGIN!" Hexic proclaimed for all to hear, not directing his words to anyone in particular."

Hexic went below deck to where Mathias had been laid upon a pile of cushions, in the room that had become a makeshift harem. He picked up a bottle of the strongest alcohol you could get in Dwilight, and happened to be banned in D'Hara. Ah, the benefits of being a duke! He uncorked it, and wafted it under his fellow duke's nose. With a start, Mathias awoke, disoriented.

"Mathias my friend! Welcome to a party, just for you! This party marks the end of your bachelorhood, so I suggest you make ample use of the entertainment I have arranged!" Hexic motioned in front of them, where scandalously dressed women, including Elizabeth and Kathrine danced exotically. Smiles designed to charm any man on the faces of each of them.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias' eyes slowly began to open, and after but a few seconds he sat up and his hand quickly went to the back of his head. The pain he felt there was unimaginable. "What the hell..." he said rubbing the back of his head. "Where am I?" Looking around the room Mathias was quickly able to put together he was on some ship, but as to where was still not known. His confusion quickly turned to anger as he remembered he was talking to the three now sitting before him when he suddenly blacked out. Mathias quickly searched his person for his sword, but was unable to find it. Grabbing one of the dancers Mathias backed himself to a corner, "I don't know why you three have kidnapped me, but know I will not go down easy. I will fight each and everyone of you to regain my freedom!"

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan approached Elizabeth and Katherine "Hello Ladies, missed me?!" he grinned mischievously. They laughed lightly and each took their side under his arms.

He then saw Mathias get up and shout a threat while holding a dancer. He let go of the two ladies and neared him.

"Mathias, calm down. Everything is alright. We didn't really kidnap you... well we did...he scratched his head "...blame Bowie here for that." he chuckled. "... but it was for a good reason." he smiled. "Look around you, it's just a party because you're going to be a married man soon." Mathias didn't look convinced probably because he was still disoriented.

"Mathias, look...look!" he pointed around. "There's food, drinks, dancers,... if we were to harm you would this be a proper setting for it?"

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias released the woman he was holding onto and threw her against the floor. "I guess you wouldn't be treating me so well had you in fact any malicious intents." Then taking a seat he looked over to Lycan and said, "You do know I was with Sorsha when you interrupted me right?"

Roleplay from Lycan Moreira

Lycan watched has Mathias let go of the dancer and calmed down. He looked upset and then Lycan realized why. Sorsha was there with him.

"Well my friend, she'll be fine at the palace and you..." he patted him on the back. " will enjoy this party." he grinned and winked.

"C'mon have a drink and eat." Turning to the ladies he exclaimed "You better make him feel better or you'll have to deal with me!" he said seriously.

He took Elizabeth and Katherine again and sat near the table where the food was spread. The ladies started pouring him a drink and whispering words in his ears as they watched other women dancing around the Dukes.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha’s head whipped around to the distorted voice and her eyes narrowed. A Thiasce? She was within the void now, but the words managed to make her catch her breath. She ignored the commotion around her and focused on the masked man before her.

He then drew a short blade and she tightened her grip on the borrowed sword. She walked around him and he countered the movement. The flames grew higher around them and her gaze only flicked to it for a second and back to the person before her.

Something was familiar about the way he moved but she couldn’t place it. It was as if her mind was screaming at her, but all she could think of were the weapons in his hands, the death trap around her, and Mathias who was probably fighting for his life. “I’m one man’s treasure, and it’s not you,” she spat and swung her sword.

Roleplay from Hexic Jeckyl

"Mathias my friend!" Said Hexic as he slung his arm around is shoulder. "Sorsha would understand that you were urgently needed in Port Raviel. Look around!" Hexic motioned around the room, a goblet in his hand. "Such festivities.... you may never have another such opportunity."

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

He parried, and continued circling, waiting, watching for an opening. He sneered under his mask, a fire burned in his eyes.

"That man you killed, his isn't the first heart you've pierced." he growled at her, stepping in, his blackjack raised high.

Roleplay from Mathias Ridder

Mathias looked around the room before speaking, "My friend, all of you have your fun, but there is only one woman for me these days." Mathias then leaned over and grabbed the bottle of ale that was used to wake him. Sitting back in his chair he watched as the festivities continued around him.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

His words shook her and she took a sharp breath. Only to deflect the blow with her sword and come at his face with her other elbow. “You know nothing of me,” she hissed. The boat was continuing to burn and she knew her time would run out. One would get her if she ran off, or she could stand and fight and hopefully get rid of the man who could very well be Mathias’ assailant. “If I have to die this day to take you then it will be worth it.”