McDowell Family/Sorsha McDowell/day two: Difference between revisions

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(New page: '''Roleplay from Rathan Himoura''' Rathan had received Sorsha's message, and according to reports, she was in Port Nebel. He grinned, and summoned Chadwick, and began making preparati...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 18:30, 16 September 2009

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan had received Sorsha's message, and according to reports, she was in Port Nebel. He grinned, and summoned Chadwick, and began making preparations. In short order, Rathan was dressed, and with roses in hand, made his way to where Sorsha was staying, and gave a knock on her door.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

This time around, when Sorsha stayed in Port Nebel, instead of staying at the Ducal Palace like she usually did, she had opted for a secluded inn which had a beautiful view of the ocean from her room window. She preferred to give it a fair chance, for all involved.

When there came a knock at her door, she gave a small frown wondering who it could be and opened it. When she noticed Rathan on the other side, with a beautiful bouquet of roses, she gave a smile. “Rathan,” she greeted and opened the door. “Please come in.”

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan stepped in, a smile on his face. He handed her the bouquet, a dozen black roses. A rarity that he had hired an expert gardener to grow around his manor.

"I thought you'd appreciate these."

Rathan entered, and kissed her hand.

"I trust you're doing well?"

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha took the bouquet of black roses with a curious expression. “They are intriguing,” she admitted, “I have never seen flowers such as these before. Beauty in darkness,” she admired and set them on the bed. She would get a container for them as soon as she could. She had heard once before how people carried messages through flowers using different types as well as an assortment of color.

“I am doing much better now, thank you.” She sat at the small table in her room, and offered him the one across from her. “Would you like to join me? Unless, you had something else in mind?” she asked with a small grin. She couldn’t help herself, whenever he was around she seemed to change, like she became more daring, free spirited.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"Actually, I do have something else in mind. If you don't mind, of course."

Rathan gestured towards the door.

"I would be delighted if you would accompany me."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha nodded, and rose from the chair, “of course,” she told him. She then grabbed her blue cloak and threw it over her shoulders, covering her black leathers. Needless to say, she had not replenished her wardrobe full of gowns, and found she rather enjoyed the freedom of movement from her leathers. “And may I inquire where you wish to go?” she asked with a small mischievous smile as they started to walk out of the room.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"That would ruin the surprise. What good is all of this if there isn't a surprise? I am confident you will be pleased though."

Rathan said, and led on through the streets of Port Nebel, and down to the harbor. A small boat was waiting, and Rathan signaled to the captain.

"I though you might enjoy watching the sun rise from out in the harbor."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

“That sounds wonderful,” she said softly and smiled. She did enjoy surprises and gave Rathan her hand.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"So do I."

Rathan took her hand, and lead her onto the boat, and sat on a bench on an observation deck, up high enough to avoid being splashed, and providing an excellent view. A servant brought a blanket and Rathan wrapped himself and Sorsha in it, and the boat started its way out into the harbor. He signaled, and a trio of musicians began playing, and a servant brought out two mugs of warm wine.

"I hope you like it. I spared no expense. You're worth every silver spent."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha gave a smile and as he wrapped the blanket around them, leaned into him. “I do like it,” she admitted, and her voice held a bit of excitement and awe. She took the mug as he took his and she shared a smile. “It’s very thoughtful of you. I wish you to know though it is your company I enjoy.” She did not say, how deeply addicted to it she was, she just grinned, and looked into his dark eyes.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Gazed back into her eyes, and then kissed her.

"And I enjoy yours, more than anything else."

He put his arm around her, and reveled in her warmth, keeping the cold night at bay. The vessel sailed on, until Port Nebel was just a dot on the horizon.

"And I support whatever decision you make for yourself. If you ever need anything, I will always be here."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha could still feel his kiss on her lips as she watched him from the corner of her eyes. The reminder gave her pause. It brought back the weight of her decision, and what would inevitably happen once she chose. She would lose one of them, and that was something she wasn’t prepared to do, not yet.

As they sailed on, she then turned to look at him. “Rathan, I have been having difficulty… I’ve been feeling some changes in my personality. It is as if I am constantly adapting to who is around me. With you… I am different, not like I am with Mathias. Tell me who was I really...with you? In terms of persona… how would you describe me?” she asked curiously. “More importantly, which do you prefer?”

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"You're free spirited, strong and tough, but at the same time, sweet. You have a bit of a dark side, and you're keen. That is the Sorsha I know and I wouldn't have you any other way."

Rathan gazed into her eyes.

"Let's not think of that right now, and enjoy ourselves this fine night."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

“I am trying to find myself… and the woman I am with you. Thank you for your answer.” She reached down and took his hand in hers. This was something she remembered, holding his hand and watching the sky. The stars weren’t out yet, but the sunset was just as beautiful. “When I was a little girl… I would watch the sun over the horizon. I used to think that if I closed my eyes and concentrated hard enough I could hear the sun hiss as it sunk into the water.” She admitted shyly, and gave a soft laugh at how absurd she had been. She then looked back to the water and watched the sunset in silence, her hands intertwined with his and tried to enjoy every moment.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

"Some people say the sun is a gift from whatever god, or gods they worship, a proof of their divinity. Not at all. I am led to believe it’s a giant ball of raw magic, the kind of which used to permeate these lands, in ancient times. Though most of that is long forgotten."

Rathan said, lovingly squeezing her hand.

"The harvests are in, hopefully we'll have enough food to last until the next."

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

“Yes the harvest…it pains me to know that children sometimes go without food. But I trust the lord’s competency in the matter.”

Sorsha’s gaze returned to the setting sun. “A ball of raw magic,” she mused. “I have never seen it, but I believe such things exist. There are too many matters that are left unexplained, a mystery.” She then looked up at him and reached up to lightly touch his forehead, “one could conclude it is magic…” her fingers trailed down to his face. “Sometimes I believe what I feel to be magic,” she said softly, almost shyly, had she said the words to anyone but him she figured she would have been ridiculed by the very fact but she knew he would not mock her. This time it was her who leaned in, and she pressed her lips to his to kiss him. It was long, passionate and she did not let it end abruptly, this time when she pulled away her lips remained close to his.

“I remember the last kiss I stole from you as if it was only yesterday, I did not want it to end…” she admitted and bit her bottom lip, her eyes gazing into his.

Roleplay from Rathan Himoura

Rathan gazed back into her eyes, and spoke, his voice almost a whisper.

"Neither did I." and he kissed her again, a long, slow, loving kiss that seemed to drag on forever. It ended, and Rathan looked out at the sun, disappearing beneath the horizon, barely a sliver. The sky was an orangish pink, and there wasn't a cloud to be seen.

Roleplay from Sorsha McDowell

Sorsha then leaned her head onto his shoulder and watched the last of the setting sun, and her eyes filled with moisture. Already the end of one day. A day gone, which brought her closer to the decision she would have to make. Her hands tightened around his as if she was afraid to let go and she remained silent afraid to speak, afraid that if she did he would hear her voice break. The colors had faded into twilight and now darkness would settle, and soon the stars would be out to welcome them once more. Lowering her face, she closed her eyes and swallowed.