Arcaea/Dining Hall Late 08-09/A Feast in Niel: Return of the Lobster, The Second Course: Difference between revisions

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(RP events during, after and leading up to the battles in Niel)
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Revision as of 07:59, 17 February 2009

Servants scurried to handle their Duke's horse, gear, and soldiers. They were busy enough making space for all the Arcaean nobles and their units filtering into Nocaneb, but they naturally made time for their own lord. Tenal walked with his new Underlord, Johan. The previous senior servant decided to retire once Duke Goffrey was settled in Topenah. He had served Goffrey for many months, and decided that retirement was a sign of good faith. Tenal had no objections and the man now lived on a small plot of land. Johan had been groomed in Nocaneb to take over the major duties and so far he had performed admirably when Tenal was in Topenah for the funeral.

Business matters taken care of, Tenal changed his clothes and took a quick bath. He loved the feeling of scalding water after a hard days ride. Sipping a glass of wine, he relaxed in the heat. He needed to relax, for he was feeling impatient. Soon his Pumas would be leaping up the walls of Niel, ready to take back the city of his youth. He may not be able to be its Duke, but he could certainly take it away from the Sartanias!

Grinning in the bath, Tenal imagined the feeling of standing on the battlements, wind flying through his air, as he looked down on a broken Sartania.

Sir Tenal Quasath, Duke of Nocaneb

"Captian Warmund you are quite sure this is the road to Neil, Sartania's Capital City correct?"

"With all due respect Sir Athrun, that's the fifth time you've asked me the same question. This is the correct road to Neil. As to your other question, before you ask, I haven't the slightest idea as to why we're the only ones in sight. I don't beleive we were behind the army."

"Has the scout you sent to our rear returned yet? I know the one that we sent to Niel has and I've already sent a bird to the Marshall with the report."

Warmund, looking back towards the direction where Nocaneb was gestured with a nod of his head, "Look now sir for here he comes."

Finally we'll figure out this mess of things. The army isn't ahead of us and if they are then somehow the Sartania's God Sartan pull off a miraculous miracle and slaughtered every last noble and soldier to the last man. "Tell the men to hold and rest in the shade of that cumbersome thing." I ordered the Captian waving at the Seige Engine that 12 men out of the 24 men in Justice were pushing.

"Aye Sir I'll have them rest a bit. I'll get the other men on moving those felled trees out of the way up ahead so we can countinue on afterwards."

"Very well, I'll join you once I receive this young man's report." I informed the captain just as the teenage boy reined in his steed. "So is the army behind us boy?" I asked the scout.

"Yes sir they are. It seems that they just now received orders to move out to Neil and are half a day behind us."

With a puzzled look on my face I reach into my tunic and pull out the orders that I received a day ago that instructed nobles in Remton to move to Nocaneb. Re-reading the orders I sign in embaresment. I had mistaken the orders to move to Nocaneb and then make a day move to Neil without waiting for comfirmation. The men would get a kick out of this one for sure, but at least they'd be better rested for the assualt on Neil then their commrades coming from Nocaneb now...

Athrun Hibiki (Knight of Talex)

Tenal's grim visage played at odds with the smile on his face. He gripped his mount's reins tightly, his excitement growing as the walls of Niel appeared from behind the forest leaves. Niel. His original home, the place where his boat landed years ago. He spat the bitterness from his mouth as the memories rose of what had become of his city. Corrupted, tainted, spoiled. Rotten. It was time for a cleansing.

He yelled behind to his unit, "Come on, Pumas! A few more hundred meters and our Four Pillars will be put to the test. This is what we've been training for. This is the moment of holy vengeance. Sartan, and all the Aenil are behind us in our cause. Put your backs into it! Get your shields ready, and loosen your swords. Stay tight during the climb, then spread out on the battlements. Don't let the archers pin you. Watch your mates, and ignore the fallen if you're in the front. The second ranks will pull out the wounded before they charge. Don't let me down, Pumas! Show me what you got!"

With a unified cry of "Victory!", the Fiendish Pumas and their Duke rolled their siege engines across the final open field to the walls of Niel. The battle had begun!

Sir Tenal Quasath, Duke of Nocaneb

Niel.. It was like a full circle. This was the city, the realm that Yarah had fought most of his life in Arcaea and now he was back.

There had been a point in time when Sartania had threatened to obliterate Arcaea. It seemed like a delicious irony that Arcaea had reversed the position and Yarah had, through fate, gained the position to direct the armies of Arcaea which were now at the gates of Niel.

The thought pleased Yarah, even at his age now, he had not forgotten the way Arcaea had been treated by Lasanar and Sartania, taking advantage of Arcaea's honor and motive in always doing the right. Lasanar was dead. And Sartania soon too, Yarah hoped

Sir Yarah Arya, Lord Protector of Arcaea

Nobles of Arcaea,

Today, we have won a great victory against our oldest foes. Despite having only the barest numerical superiority, we stormed walls that can only be described as a stronghold in and of themselves, and inflicted incredibly one-sided casualties. Our glorious heavy infantry have added another victory to their name. This is a blow from which Sartania will not recover. Their army was destroyed by Arcachon further north, and they have no forces left with which to repel our army. We can hunt their defeated soldiers in the streets of Niel, and tear down the walls that failed to save them. This will be remembered as the final death-knell of Sartania.

But this is not our only victory. With the arrival of Spring, I wish to congratulate and praise Lord Tatham. Despite a rocky beginning to his tenure as Imperial Chancellor, he managed to keep Arcaea from hunger throughout the winter, even after losing over a thousand bushels to the late and unlamented infiltrator Cervantes. You have done well, Chancellor Tatham, and are deserving of honour.

Considering that many of us remember a time when only the grace of the Aenil kept a powerful Sartania from sacking Remton, and when every winter meant weeks of starvation and death across Arcaea, this is a momentous achievement. We have grown out of all recognition, from little more than a duchy with a long history and memories of something greater, to a resurgent realm with strength and allies capable of challenging any threat on the island.

And we may have to do so. Cathay has taken Isular from our allies in Papania, and we will need to assist them in recovering it. This victory will make Cathay bold, and it may be difficult to convince them to accept any peace. The war in the west and south will be bloody...And we still have the South to contend with. Tony the Deluded must not be allowed any power to force his heresy of personal divinity upon others, and the wars necessary to arrange it will be long, so far from our borders.

But we will triumph. Today has proven our resolve and strength, and if less than four hundred Arcaeans can break the strongholds of Niel, then a thousand Arcaeans, at the head of three thousand soldiers of the North must make the deluded friends and followers of Tony tremble in terror.

The island looks upon Arcaea with awe, for tonight, our soldiers dine in Niel!

Sir Jenred Bedwyr, King of Arcaea

Dante Silverfire stood at the front of the Infantry line as they marched towards the Walls of Niel. They looked formidable but Dante was trusting of his men and those of the army that stood shoulder-to-shoulder with him. This was to be his first battle fighting as a member of Arcaea and he relished the fight that was to come.

The order to charge went out and Dante charged forward with his unit of Remton Steele. They were one of the first to reach the walls and had only taken a single casualty by the enemy archers. Remembering his training Dante ordered the Siege Engine to be set against the walls and was the first one of his unit to begin the climb. When he reached the top of the walls the skirmish had just begun and Dante jumped straight into the fray slaying a man right off the bat. Chrarging into the ranks of the defending infantry the long skirmish atop the walls began...

Hours later Dante stood triumphant atop the walls of the once mighty city of Niel. He had lost only two men with 5 taking minor wounds. The rest of the Arcaean army had likewise taken light casualties while they inflicted deep wounds on the enemy. The Sartanian army was in shatters and the city was now occupied. Still pumping full of adrenaline Dante looked for a way to release his pent up energy until the next battle at sunrise.

Dante turned and stormed the palace in the center of the city with his unit in tow demanding the best Lobster be served immediately...

Dante Silverfire (Knight of Remton)

Galdor sat in his study working on some paperwork concerning salary of soldiers when he suddenly heard a few knocks on his door. "Come in please".

The door opened and Captain Heidric came in,"Sir, you know that the Field of Honor attacked Niel tonight?". He continued after a slight nod, "Well, The forces seemed equal, but within the hour we had entered the stronghold and not an hour later the Sartanian forces were reduced to a tenth."

Galdor stood up and walked towards the window "Really?", as the captain nodded a wide grin appeared on Galdor's face. "Finally we have brought the Sartanian dogs to their knees. The final battle will be soon I hope."

The captain shrugged and shifted his position "I would say so". Galdor opened the window and looked out over Topenah. "When did this message arrive?" The captain accompanied him at the window, "Not 10 minutes ago." Galdor squeezed the captains shoulder, "Tell the messenger to return as quick as possible, let him bring a message for me. he is to ask the present nobles whether they'd leave some lobsters for me." The captain laughed "On my way, Sir. If I may say so, get some rest, Sir. No one gets better from an exhausted commander."

Galdor dismissed him quickly after. He poured himself some liquor, What was Heidric thinking? He would not get tired from one or two nights without sleep, he is strong.

After his drink he went back to his desk, working became hard. His eyes kept closing, No, even he could not fight the sleep.

Galdor Stormwind, Baron of Sasat

The "Four Pillars" still stood against the walls of Niel, unbroken and fierce. Dozens of Arcaean troops had climbed up the inside to rush the battlements while the Pumas made sure the siege engines stayed secure. One squad had tried to establish a safety zone on the top, but they had been thrown down by Niel pikemen. Their position had been touch and go for a few minutes, but they held firm. In the end, due to their losses, the Pumas had to fall back to the base of the Pillars, and then their wounded. But the other Arcaean units had seized the day.

Tenal helped pass out water to the recovering soldiers, keeping on eye on the Puma's morale. It was as expected, high but with a twinge of sorrow. A little under two dozen of them had died, mostly falling to their deaths from above. Thankfully though their deaths weren't in vain. Tenal reminded the survivors of that.

Wandering the outside perimeter, chewing a piece of bread, Tenal spotted his wife's unit scrambling over a broken tower. The archers were like excited kids, knocking over stones and kicking wood. Tenal grinned at their enthusiasm. He found a bottle of wine and returned to meet with Madelena. Pouring out some glasses, he gave a small toast to their success. "Today we are victorious, my love. May tomorrow be just as sweet. Sartan and the Aenil are smiling on us now." The couple drank their wine and held each other close.

Sir Tenal Quasath, Duke of Nocaneb

As the battle lines were set in the light of dawn, Tenal glanced over at the unit beside him. He grinned as he recognized their banners, and shouted to Caim, "There you are, lad! Are your Wolves ready to follow the pack this time? Stay by my flank and we'll tear down the towers together!"

With Marshal Ingvar giving the signal to attack, Tenal and his Pumas charged the walls of Niel for a second time. The defenders were spread thin across the battlements, but they fought well. The Pumas were pushed back twice from the walls by the vexing pikemen, but there was no falling back this time. No, they were able to breach their section of the wall and secure their position.

Removing his helmet and wiping the sweat from his brow, Tenal beamed with satisfaction. More of his Pumas were wounded or dead, but they were successful. Clamoring for Healers and water, Tenal checked over his unit before he walked over to the Wolves. "Caim, where are you lad? Well fought there!" A man from Caim's unit bowed to him and told the bad news. The young fighter had been wounded while scaling the tower. A sword had knocked him down off the ladder. The Healers said he was stable, though. Thanking the man, Tenal went to visit the Healer's tent.

There lay Caim, wounded but alive. His breath came easy and his face looked rested. Tenal lay the trophy he had been carrying next to the lad. A finely crafted sword that Tenal had disarmed from a Sartanian captain. "Wake soon, Caim. Rest well, and dream pleasant thoughts."

Tenal returned to his Pumas, to aid in their recovery and drink in celebration.

Sir Tenal Quasath, Duke of Nocaneb

Nobles and mindless followers of Jenred,

Congratulations on damaging our capital. I am glad that your armies are at least able to get through the militia, as was the first battle, thus making you lucky that the rest were not here to help defend and allowing you to take the walls. It is nice to know that my enemy's armies are at least comparable to militia-killers, though maybe you can fight an actual battle against nobles one day and win.

Ah, and where is your leader, by the way? Reading the reports in his fancy golden throne while casting your men's lives away for his pleasure? A real leader, eh?

I see that by damaging our capital you have abandoned your "ally", Papania, and they are losing regions, while you only hinder ours.

Arcaea's time is limited, as you believe Sartania's to be. However, we have fought off many attempts to thwart our existance. How many times was your capital assaulted?

Your time of arrogance and war-mongering will come to an end. You speak of Lasanar falling; they destroyed theirselves. And you speak of my realm's destruction when Octavio has said that for years. No progress.

Enjoy your high seat while it lasts. And do not come to me when your actions lead to your fate. It is Sartan's Prophesy.

Hyrus Kartak, Divine Soul of Sartania


You must be thinking of your own nobles. Arcaeans are required to have minds, it's in our oath agreements. We have all certainly enjoyed passing around the jolly little missives that you send to the rulers of the land: they provide us with hours of entertainment. The way that you torture logic in an attempt to make your beliefs and actions seem reasonable is fascinating.

I do wonder that you mock us for having attacked whilst your armies were away...wouldn't that be called...prudent? Clever? Not at all mindless? Or should we have waited until reinforcements arrived. Although, I expect that's what you're used to as that always seemed to be the Sartanian way when attempting to take Remton. What was the name of that brilliant General that you used to have, Morgana was it?

As for our leader, you may not be aware, but Arcaea has more than one army. He's in the other one. You didn't think we sent all of our forces just for you, did you? I don't believe our King totes a golden throne around into the field, but I'll be sure to ask him next time we dine. You do have strange customs here.

Oh, and thank you for the congratulations, damaging your capital is fun. We've also very much enjoyed the sea food.

Lady Harmony Kindon (Dame of Nocaneb)