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(OOC: Dated as of about 13/02/09 5:30 server time)

Letter from Alanna Anaris (6 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Nobles of Pian en Luries, Due to the recent attempt on my life, I believe it prudent to conduct a thorough investigation of the Royal Guard and the known associates of the traitor Finegus O'Shea.

I do not believe it would have been possible for him to infiltrate my chambers in Giask without the complicity of one or more guards, palace functionaries, or even nobles. Thus, I am initiating a full investigation of all of these groups.

The details of the investigation I will delegate to the Brothers of the Order of St Iestyn, under the supervision of Grand Master Drystan Bellator. I realize that some will not be happy with this choice, but I know that I can trust him with my life, and I know that his dedication to Justice is unwavering. Furthermore, I know that his people are independent of the political struggles within the Kingdom, and will not have the biases of duchy, liege, and faction that those loyal to mere mortals bear. I have no doubt that, even if his investigation reveals complicity among those whom I—or he—trusted, he will faithfully execute the duties assigned to him, and bring the guilty parties to justice.

In the name of Sun and Shadow,

Lady Alanna Anaris Queen of Pian en Luries

Letter from Drystan Bellator (6 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)

Your Majesty, Nobles of Pian en Luries,

I am humbled by the trust invested in me, and I shall take up this responsibility though I take no pleasure in doing so. To search for such treachery often turns up more than one wished to find, and I have no reason to believe that this investigation will be any different.

Nonetheless, this investigation shall be pursued using every resource at my disposal, and we shall spare no effort to identify those responsible and bring them to Justice. To betray one’s sworn liege is among the most heinous of crimes imaginable, and it may never go unpunished no matter by whom it is committed.

The investigation shall be conducted at all levels of government as is deemed necessary. If there was, or still is, indeed a conspiracy, it will be uncovered and those involved will face charges of treason, and may pray that Her Majesty’s mercy has not yet run out.

I shall consider it my duty and my burden to root out the craven and the treacherous, and drag them out from wherever they may have concealed themselves or whoever they may be.

Drystan Bellator (Priest of The Order of St. Iestyn)

Report from Zile Zeric (6 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Your Majesty,

I fully agree on giving this mission to an independent non-government organization like Order of St Iestyn. Keeping a politics free attitude will prevent them from political resistance thus benefit the investigation indeed.

Any evidence proven by Order of St Iestyn will be considered as valid as my military policeman.

In duty,

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Roleplay from Chris Hsieh (6 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)

Chris sits down to read the urgent letter from Queen Alanna. After a few raised brows Chris finally finishes.

Laughing quietly to himself he thinks, "Priest Drystan is afforded no special privelages huh? I thought it was the job of our judge to pursue justice."

In the candle light you can see Chris's face drop slightly. He stares at nothing for some time. Than thinks, "Priest Drystan might have been the absolute worst person to put in charge. How is he not in a political struggle? Oh well, it's only a matter of time before charges are placed on me."

Chris Hsieh Duke of Giask

Troop Leader Disagrees (6 days, 2 hours ago) Usoi has expressed his disagreement with the Ruler's recent actions. He is giving this reason: For handing out the duties of the judge to those of a priest.Investigating who tried to assult you and who helped him is a matter for the law not for the priests. Simply ignoring the fact that Zile is the current Judge and giving his job to someone else is most disrespectful to him.If you do not trust Zile so much perhaps he should not be judge?I am most displeased at these current courses of actions, a lord is banished with little trial, and now a priest is given the duties of a man of the law. What next? perhaps peasants shall offer up there opinions in the council chambers!

Request from Zile Zeric (6 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Sir Usoi,

I believe there is some misunderstanding between Her Majesty and us. In this appointment Her Majesty didn't say that she will or do want to appoint another one to takeover the duty of current judge, I believe she didn't even think about it - because if she has any intent to interfere the current judge's justice, she will face to deposed by attempt to be a tyrant, and Her Majesty knows that every clearly.

So, please interpret the granted mission of Sir Drystan is only an assistance to our formal policeman, in a non-political level, as Her Majesty already addressed.

In duty,

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Letter from Ramirez Sidonia (6 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Sir Oejeo,

If you examine the matter more closely, you will see that what Her Majesty did is not disrespectful, but logical. A pity that the same cannot be said of your implication about His Eminence Bellator. I have spoken to him, and I assure you that he is no peasant.

The reason your sudden outburst is not called for is thus: The investigation that the Queen has called for is on the same system that is meant to protect and aid her, which includes the justice system. That is even why, I would assume, she herself is not carrying out the investigation. Every potential person must be investigated, from you and I to the cook's assistant.

Appointing a member of that which is being investigated to investigate is really rather just silly.

His Honour, Royal Arbiter Zeric saw this clearly, which is why he took no offense to it. Perhaps a short discussion next time would be appropriate, before you attempt to start a frenzy.

As for your ludicrous aside about former Count O'Shea...Put it out of your mind. He was condemned and banned, the matter of his guilt is beyond question.


Ramirez Sidonia (Knight of Askileon Purlieus)

Letter from Alanna Anaris (6 days, 1 hour ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Sir Usoi, I must apologize in advance to Royal Arbitrator Zile, for it seems I must be blunt, where I had attempted to be delicate.

As Royal Arbitrator Zile was a known associate of the traitor (before he attempted to murder me), to be quite thorough, an investigation must, of necessity, include him, as I am sure he would agree. It would be negligent to ignore this, and impractical and unjust to ask the Royal Arbitrator to investigate himself. Even were the other reasons I gave not relevant, this alone should be sufficient reason to delegate the task to an independent investigative body.

To be honest, I do not expect to find evidence showing that Royal Arbitrator Zile was in any way complicit in the attempted regicide. We may disagree on many issues, but I do not believe the man is a murderer. But that does not in any way remove the obligation to investigate him.

In the name of Sun and Shadow,

Lady Alanna Anaris Queen of Pian en Luries

Letter from Usoi Oejeo (5 days, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Forgive me,

I just do not see why Sir Drystand should be given this responsibility. In my opinion it is the job of the judge to sort out these matters.

Appointing someone to assit Arbitor Zile to ensure that there is fairness and no bias is more than fair, but from I have read you are giving this job soley to Sir Drystan. He is a priest, not a man of the law. If he was once a man of the law then his experienc eis invaluable. But Arbitor Zile is the judge and as so he should be dealing with the investigation.

Sir Ramirez,

I never called anyone a peasant. I mearly remakred that the way thinks are going I would not be suprised to see peasants offering advice to the council.

I ask you, why is a lord allowed to be banned without even so much as a proper trial? Why is Sir Drystan appointed sole responsibility for the investigation instead of simply assiting Arbitor Zile in the investigation to ensure fair play and that all are investiagted fairly.

In short, Sir Drystan should not have sole responsibility of this taks. He is a dear friend of yours am I right Queen Alanna? Then as such he has an obligation to you? So is he truly unbiased? How do I know that members of his religion will still be investigated in the same way that non members are?

To many people have friends and alligiences in this realm and so an assignment as important as this should not fall solely on Sir Drystan, it should be conducted by at a minimum two people, to ensure that everyone is treated fairly.

Sir Drystan is a high ranking member of the order and as such I have no guarentee that other members of the religion will also be treated fairly.

Usoi Oejeo (Knight of Outer Giask)

Report from Zile Zeric (5 days, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Your Majesty,

I accept your apologize.

I can understand you suspecing on me. Nonetheless, as the Royal Arbitrator of this realm, my honest was admitted. There is nobody else but only Your Majesty could beyond my judgement and make justice on me. And I am willing to put myself under your trial for my innocent. However,in any case, Sir Drystan's evidence is yet subjected to my judgement.

Therefore, to make it easier for us, I can swear to my justice and my noble blood before entire realm now - me, Zile of Zeric, have no associate with this disconcerting assault. If Your Majasty still want to make trial in person, I could also await.

Still I will appreciate Sir Drystan's assistance.

In the calling of duty,

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Letter from Alanna Anaris (5 days, 9 hours ago) Message sent to: Chris Hsieh, Drystan Bellator, Proslyn Merytis Your Eminence, Your Graces, Sir Usoi and Sir Ramirez have suggested a method for ensuring that the investigation has the full support of the Kingdom's nobles. They propose to first thoroughly investigate the Dukes, and clear them of all suspicion, and then have the Dukes conduct investigations of their vassals.

I like the idea, but I would prefer to modify it slightly: even if a Duke was completely innocent of any wrongdoing, he might very well wish to shield his own knights from such an investigation, out of loyalty to them, particularly if the evidence turned up is suggestive, but not damning. It would be only natural to think, "This is far from enough to prove guilt, so why tarnish my knight's good name with suspicion?"

I believe, however, that to be just, we must ensure that all evidence comes out into the open. Thus, my proposal would be for the Order of St Iestyn to work alongside the Dukes and their staffs in this investigation, after having cleared the Dukes of all suspicion.

Please let me know, all of you, what you think of this plan.

In the name of Sun and Shadow,

Lady Alanna Anaris Queen of Pian en Luries

Letter from Drystan Bellator (5 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to: Alanna Anaris, Chris Hsieh, Proslyn Merytis

Your Majesty, Your Graces,

While I applaud the spirit of this proposal, I must question the practical aspects of its implementation. The Dukes' percieved loyalty is not the only problem, a second is that Dukes are, by necessity, high-profile individuals, and most of their servants would be known. They are not well placed to perform any kind of covert investigations, as they have neither a Judge’s resources nor my own freedom to move as necessity dictates.

There are a number of people in this realm that I trust enough to task with the particulars of this investigation. They will themselves be watched carefully to ensure that any evidence they acquire is genuine.

I will disclose the identity of these agents after they conclude their investigations, and they will be invited to present their findings themselves. This should ensure that the investigation happens as fairly as is possible.

Drystan Bellator (Priest of The Order of St. Iestyn)

Roleplay from Ramirez Sidonia (5 days, 3 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Ramirez was prowling about his camp in Poryatu...His men had just returned from a full day of constructive efforts, and they were not at all happy. The grumbling quickly grew tiring, and Ramirez sought to be away from them...He calls for his aide to have his horse saddled.

While he awaits his mount, Ramirez takes delivery of a message bearing a seal he had come to recognize recently.

With interest, Ramirez opens it and reads to himself. When he has finished, he recoils it tightly and rebinds the tie, tucking it deep inside the traveling robes he had donned earlier in preparation of traveling away from his men. Looking up into the sky, he considers the task ahead.

-"Your horse, sir, as ordered." -Thank you, Remy. I shall be gone longer than I expected...I do not know how long, but I must travel a distance and have important business to attend to. Order Captain Renald to take command of my troop here. He is to follow the orders of our Marshal to the letter. I will return when I have completed my business.

Remy, his aide, looks somewhat taken aback at this abrupt decision to travel afar, but does not argue.

Ramirez mounts his horse and has a quick look around his camp before riding hard southwest...Looking again at the stars, Ramirez thinks hard upon what he must do.

Ramirez Sidonia (Knight of Askileon Purlieus)

Letter from Alanna Anaris (5 days ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Nobles of Pian en Luries, It has come to my attention that there are those dissatisfied with the method in which Sir Finegus was convicted and banished. Some believe that there should have been a formal trial.

First, I would ask what a formal trial would have provided that was not already given to Sir Finegus? I saw him with my own eyes as I fought for my life against him; there were no other witnesses. The only people who could have provided evidence were Sir Finegus and me. We both spoke our piece before the Royal Arbitrator passed sentence. What more would a trial have consisted of than that?

Second, I would point out that the crime Sir Finegus committed was the most heinous possible: he attempted to kill the Queen with his own hand. That I have not ordered him hunted down that we may execute him is mercy and kindness.

Third, I would remind everyone that this is not a Republic. We do not vote on our laws, we do not decide the fate of the realm or its people by consensus. This is a Monarchy, and I am the Monarch. As such, my word is law.

That said, I do prefer to govern according to the direction my subjects would like to take. I want to know what everyone in this Kingdom wants. Sometimes, I will decide that the direction I chose is still the best; other times, I will see directions I did not think of before; and still others, I will look at the arguments for other directions I had decided against and see that they are valid, and I will change my mind. This will not work if everyone is afraid to speak to me, so let me say this and say it clearly:

I will never punish anyone for disagreeing with me, as long as they do so politely.

Rudeness and insults I will not tolerate, but reasonable disagreement is the only way to learn new things, new directions.

If you believe that something I have done is wrong, I want to know this, and I want to know why. It is the only way I can improve as your Queen.

I will not always change my mind. I will not always do what you want. If you want to have direct control over your government, I strongly advise you to move to a Republic or Democracy, for you will not find that here. But I will always listen to you if you have something to say, and say it politely.

In the name of Sun and Shadow,

Lady Alanna Anaris Queen of Pian en Luries

Roleplay from Drystan Bellator (4 days, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)

Drystan looked over the report strewn across his desk and frowned someone. Of the twelve people in Alanna’s inner circle, there were several of which he was uncertain. Most disturbingly was one very close to her indeed, who had a period of several months where he had been able to find absolutely nothing on her.

It was almost as if Kyra had simply dropped from the face of the world, only to return when Alanna set sail from Sirion nearly a year later. Her last sighting before that had been Ikalak, something his uncle had managed to confirm, and it was not altogether unlikely that the apparently loyal servant had harbored some discontent for being abandoned in that failing realm. Still, he had not been able to find much apart from the gap in her history, and he did not want to trouble his aunt with suspicions raised against her closest associates without some reasonable amount of certainty…

A knock came on the door. He looked up, somewhat startled, and quickly shifted the sensitive papers into one of the strongboxes next to his desk before answering the knock.


The figure that appeared through the door was a sight so often described in fear by some rebellious elements of the local populace, yet one with which he was quite comfortable. A black cloak over silver scales, and hanging from his collar a full face mask that was identical for all four men who wore them. Though they had once worn Green Cloaks instead of black, they had served him more than loyally since he started his travels.

The man bowed politely and delivered a sealed scroll. “Your Eminence, I bring distressing news. Our inquiries have established that five of Her Majesty’s guards were away from their posts, three of whom are knights-aspirant with our Order…”

Drystan frowned, and quickly scanned the scroll. Negligence, dereliction of duty, insubordination, whatever you wished to call it, the report was clear. He knew one of the accused personally, but trusted his men enough to accept the report for what it was. Damning. Negligence in matters of this importance, particularly since the Kingdom could be considered at war by any definition, was something he could not tolerate in his own men.

A heavy sigh. He scanned the document one last time, then made up his mind. Resolute action was needed, it was a pity that these men could not have been more attentive to their duties. A pity that they would have to become the example for others…

“Inform those three that they have twenty-four hours to wash away their shame by their own hand… deliver the reports on the two others to the Royal Arbitrator…”

“Of course, your Eminence, as you command. We shall continue our investigations with the palace servants…”

The man bowed again, and quickly exited the chamber. They were efficient, that much Drystan couldn’t deny, and he was beginning to appreciate their skills more and more the longer he worked with them. Perhaps there was something to Hoshi’s methods after all.

He sighed again, and opened the strongbox to return his attention to the other documents.

Word spreads through Askileon of three men wearing penitent’s robes, allegedly members of the royal guard, entering the courtyard of the Grand Cathedral escorted by the temple guards a priest.

Witnesses report that the priest took confession and led the three men in a prayer for the dying, in which they asked forgiveness for their sins. All three then committed suicide by throwing themselves on their own swords, whispering a last prayer before the waiting guardsmen mercifully ended their pain.

Drystan Bellator (Priest of The Order of St. Iestyn)

Roleplay from Ramirez Sidonia (4 days ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Ramirez dismounts outside the great Askileon library and hurries inside...He had been slowed by inclement early-winter weather, and the ride had taken him longer than he had wished. Once inside, he spoke to an attendant...

-I believe there are certain reports that have been made available for me? -"Yes, sir, they are here...I will have them placed in a private reading room for your perusal.

Ramirez enters the small room, lit only by candlelight on the table. Large bundles of reports lie waiting, but a much smaller sheaf of parchment is set aside with a short note - "Sir Ramirez, so far as I can tell, these are the most relevant." Ramirez takes a seat and pulls the small stack of papers toward him and begins to read of the agent's reports of Finegus's final actions before the attack.

After reading through the reports, Ramirez leans back, tenting his fingers in front of his mouth. After a few moments of thought, he rifles quickly through to a certain sheet, which contains a reference to something in the larger stacks. Kneeling on the ground, he moves several piles and begins feverishly flipping through stacks of parchment before finding the one he wants. With a quill, he underlines the last line, "Originally from Santoo, currently awaiting assignment in Askileon". 'Perfect', Ramirez thinks. He rolls that piece of parchment and places it in his robes before exiting the room and the library.

Remounting his horse, he rides for the messenger guild. Arriving a few minutes later, he asks for the relevent messenger.

-You were assigned with carrying two notes written by Finegus' own hands, were you not? -"Sir, I'm not sure if I should" -Your discretion in this matter is ill-placed. The former Count has been banned from these lands on counts of treason, as you should know. Tell me at once. -"Yes, I was sir." -What was contained in them? -"I would not be a suitable messenger if I was able to read them, Sir." -Do not take a tone with me. You are useless. Were responses written by the recipients of those letters? -"Yes, Both Duke Giask and Royal Arbiter Zile quickly wrote responses which I carried back." -And what did they - Ah yes, you would not know...What can you tell me of their personal responses? -"Actually Sir...I do not feel comfortable in saying this, but Duke Giask dictated his response...Royal Arbiter Zile, however, penned his in his own hand." -And what did Duke Giask say to Finegus? -"I will not betray such information. I will tell you that it was a message of regret, as a friend was traveling away. I sense that you are a part of some inquiry, so I will tell you that there was nothing about his reponse that forebode the Count's actions in any way." -I see. And Royal Arbiter Zile? What was his response? -"I have already told you that I do not know the actual content of his message, but I can tell you that he sent a parcel along back with his message." -...I see. Is that all? -"Yes sir." -Very well.

Ramirez turned to leave, but the messenger followed him.

-Is there something else? -"Er...yes sir. You must not let this get out that I have spoken, or I will lose my head for certain but...Royal Arbiter Zile's response was...different...Than Duke Giask's." -Different? How so? -"His attitude was...not so much sadness. If I had to name it...I would call it apprehension." -I see. You have been helpful. I will protect your identity as I can. Do not repeat what you have told me again. -"Yes, Sir." -Good day.

Ramirez rode back to the library, wondering on what he had been told. Further action would obviously be necessary, but he was unsure what his next steps should be. Upon arrival at the library, he requested a scribe.

-Send word to His Eminence Bellator. Tell him I may have learned something, but wish to speak with him in person. Do this quickly, inform him I will await him in Askileon, at the Library.

Ramirez Sidonia (Knight of Askileon Purlieus)

Roleplay from Zile Zeric (3 days, 23 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) After Zile removed a sealed shield one the wall, a small coffer emerged before him. A purse full of gold coins lied in the coffer as always.

"Take the key, my son. This is your source of future. It will never go exhausted. Until the day you put true glory inside ...

It was the first day of his seventeen, right before he leaving family manor for seeking his own lordship. "Six years already..." he sighed. Every single weekend, he returned to this coffer to get his 'salary' - the coffer was refilled every week, never been interrupted in the past six years - even when the Disastrous Starving spreading in the city.

Sighed again, Zile left his sanctum and enter the garden - another place he should go every single week. Deep in the garden, flowers and leaves had been washed out tidily by cold winter rains.

-"My lord," a familiar voice bursted from nowhere." You are targeted." -"Tell me more." Zile didn't even rise his eyelid. -"Someone visited the messager guild tonight." -"Who." -"Sir Ramirez." -"Ramirez? Ramirez Sidonia the ass-kisser?" -"You don't have a second Ramirez." -"More details!" -"Yes, my lord. He asked ..."

After finished listening the brief report. A sneer floated on Zile's face. -"Now go. Keep following."

Without a hint, the garden sinked into silence again...

How shall we stand if all our honest nobles keep leaving, but our queen is still clustered round by flattery. An apprehension rised in Zile's eyes again, or maybe even more likely to be - fear...

Darkness had been already covering upon city of Giask. No sunshine, no moonlight. Another cold night was coming...

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Roleplay from Joaquim Anthaigos (3 days, 17 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) On the road between Irvington and Cadier, a small group of ten or so riders is seen, all in a quite unkempt appearance, their clothes dirty, some broken lances, a wounded soldier barely managing to ride his horse. Several helmets are missing, and one rider has to manage without a saddle.

None in the group appear to be in a particularly cheerful mood. The young noble leading the riders, however, seems to be preoccupied with one thought or another, hardly noticing his surroundings. Suddenly he orders the riders to halt and take a rest by a small creek surrounded by short dark trees, all without their usual bright green leaves. A few riders begin to gather dry firewood, a true game of chance, then lit a fire and begin to cook what little of food they have left.

The young noble calls for his scribe, then hastily dictates a letter and soon sends one of his scouts on his way to deliver a letter. The messenger rides towards Cadier, his final destination unknown. The noble kicks some dirt and wet rotting leaves away from under a tree, sits down in a relatively comfortable position, folds his fingers behind his head, leans against the dark trunk of a tree and begins to smile, seemingly satisfied with himself.

Joaquim Anthaigos (Knight of Orz)

Roleplay from Zile Zeric (3 days, 16 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Another morning of Bak district in Askileon.

Captain Reiner wakes on a bed in the townhouse - the 'Happy End' inn. Drinks, girls, grilled geese - like most dismissed soldier, he always enjoy such a commers' court before he finally meet his destined 'happy end'.

But this morning is a little different. Through the windows, forty armed policemen can be seen already surround this building. Who are they seraching for?

No need too much guess, the answer is coming quickly without . The door of Reiners room is kicked aside without a warning. Policemen roll in and contoled every corner. A young noble step in.

-"You got my messager last night, right?" Young noble asked. -"Yes...Y...Your honor..." Reiner's face is pale like a body. -"Where is my stuff?" -"Under...the bed...Sire...Your...Honor..." -"So he didn't get it?" -"Y...Yes... His Lordship...the...Finegus...had disappeared already when...when it arrived." -"Be still, soldier" Zile is calming the captain."Nobody opened it?" -"Yes..." Reiner swallows, "I kept it myself, nobody touched." -"well." Zile checks the seal. It truely is as integrity as a virgin. He is satisfied now.

"Captain Hamlyn, bring it to my dungeon. Lock it in a cell. Protect it with your life. Shall nobody leave my dungeon if he dare to touch it." Zile turns around and orders. "Take forty policemen with you. Report to me if anyone even asks about it."

After exiting the building, Zile looks upto, it is still somber, no much sunshine. Maybe only pigeons can still enjoy the sky.

-Nice to have a trained raven, he thinks. "I will need more.".This thought suddenly remind him his friends who was and is in shadow, specially that one. -"You did taught me a lot, my friend." he whispers to himself. "May all gods bring you peace on your path.

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Roleplay from Alanna Anaris (3 days, 15 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) In the recently reclaimed Royal suite in Poryatu, Alanna reads her latest undercover reports and frowns. She mutters to herself, "I wonder if Sir Zile knows the meaning of a 'thorough investigtion'...I said specifically that he had to be investigated, and now he thinks that just because one of the investigators talks to a messenger about something he sent, he's 'targeted'? Gods, the man is more of a fool than I thought."

Lady Alanna Anaris Queen of Pian en Luries

Roleplay from Drystan Bellator (3 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)

Drystan sat at a desk in the closed section of the temple Library in Askileon, practically enshrined in the books, scrolls and reports he had collected around him. A sheet of plain parchment lay before him, similar in appearance to a map but listing people instead of places. He hadn’t included any names, but some of the runic codes on the parchment had been encircled for emphasis. One had been underlined as well.

At the center of this web of connections he had written a number of, again illegible, notes that might be assumed to be related to his investigation. He lay down a scroll bearing a Sirionite seal and took up a piece of charcoal, adding several more scribbles to the elaborate diagram. He cocked his head sideways and scanned the diagram again, frowning as he tried to gauge the relations he had spent hours plotting.

Footsteps. Somewhat familiar, though a sound only recently learned. Drystan lay down the charcoal sliver and ran a hand through his ruffled hair. “Through here Sir Ramirez…”

The young knight emerged between two bookshelves looking somewhat bewildered at the labyrinth of rooms that made up the catacombs beneath the temple. Drystan looked up at him, smiling faintly. “Welcome to my domain. We can speak openly here, the guards have been instructed to ensure our privacy.”

Drystan Bellator (Priest of The Order of St. Iestyn)

Roleplay from Joaquim Anthaigos (2 days, 10 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Joaquim rode alone through the gates of the great city of Giask. There was not much that distinguished him from any common rider, such as a messenger or a scout, except for his noble posture, the way he carried himself even when he was obviously quite tired of the long journey to the southern frontiers. The guardians at the gate first attempted to stop him in order to find out his business in the city, but the apparent determination of the young noble had them change their mind.

Once within the city, the young noble left his weary horse to the duchal stables. He beckoned a young servant to approach.

"Do take good care of my horse. Have someone show me to the visitors quarters, have a bath and suitable clothes prepared for me. His Grace Duke Chris of Giask is expecting me. Send a word of my arrival to him at once."

Joaquim Anthaigos (Knight of Orz)

Roleplay from Chris Hsieh (2 days, 8 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)

Chris stands outside the Ducal Palace and waits for his guest, Joaquim. He had a worried look on his face. But than again he was almost always wearing that face these days.

Around Chris stood three of his best guards dressed in full armour. People he kept with him at all times to ensure his safety. These were maybe not his most skilled but definately most loyal. They had sweat and bled with him more than any other.

Standing at the top of the steps he see's Joaquim walking briskly towards him. A bit travel worn but easily distinguished as a noble.

"Captain, go see to Joaquim. If he needs your assistance offer it to him. If not that is fine also. Make sure to close the palace gates behind him."

Chris Hsieh Duke of Giask

Roleplay from Ramirez Sidonia (2 days, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Ramirez was lead by an attendant through the twisted corridors of the Askileon Library catacombs. Some of the corridors were walled in stone, others in unbelievable stacks of books and documents. Some of the books were well preserved or new, others seemed aged beyond anything Ramirez had ever seen.

He was shown into a room walled in a similar way - Perhaps behind the stacks of books there were walls, but he could not see them. Drystan greeted him, but hardly looked up from the documents he was poring over, strewn over the writing desk he had placed there.

Ramirez seats himself opposite Drystan, and clears his throat.

-Your Eminence, I may have turned up something of interest. I took steps to locate the messenger Finegus utilized moments before his attack, and learned that he sent letters to both Duke Giask and Royal Arbiter Zile. Now the word I have is that the letter to and from Duke Giask was an ordinary letter of parting, so I see no guilt on Duke Giask's behalf, however I am told that Arbiter Zile responded altogether differently, with an attitude of apprehension and foreboding...It would seem, Your Eminence, that he was aware of the illegal actions about to take place, and did nothing to stop it. Further, I understand that he passed Finegus paraphernalia of some sort, however I have no information on what this was or what became of it. I have no doubt, however, that the Royal Arbiter's actions were of honest intent, however, because of its stark contrast with Duke Giask. Further, I had the most ominous feeling that I was being watched over at the messenger's guild, and on the way here, however I cannot attribute that to the Royal Arbiter, I do not know why he would have me followed.

Ramirez leans back, waiting to hear if Drystan thought what he was learned was of the same significance he thought it was.

Ramirez Sidonia (Knight of Askileon Purlieus)

Roleplay from Drystan Bellator (2 days, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)

Laying aside the diagram he had drawn up earlier, Drystan straightens himself in his seat. He rummages through the piles of paper surrounding him for a moment and comes out with a report dated the day before.

“Hmm…” He scanned the document quickly and frowned. “Your findings regarding the duke Giask are milder than the outcome of some of my own inquiries. I do agree with you that his involvement, if indeed he was involved at all, would have been minimal…”

“However…” he continued. “…your findings mesh exactly with reports I have received from other sources regarding Sir Zile’s frame of mind at the time these messages were exchanged.”

He closed his eyes for a moment, and considered what he had learned thus far. Though he had hoped he was mistaken in his suspicion of ZIle’s involvement, he found this suspicion grew stronger with each passing day, and the evidence mounting against one of Alanna’s own didn’t help his temper any. He placed the document before Ramirez, and indicated an underlined passage. “You may have been right in thinking that you were being watched. Mere hours after your visit to the messengers’ guild, a package was taken to the dungeons under heavy guard, accompanied by one of Zile’s closer servants…”

He ran a hand through his hair and shook his head. “I didn’t think much of it at the time, but the information you provided puts it in a gloomy perspective…”

Drystan Bellator (Priest of The Order of St. Iestyn)

Roleplay from Chris Hsieh (2 days, 2 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)

Chris and Joaquim are exchanging a few pleasentries and discussing current events when a scribe comes upon them.

"Excuse me for a second Joaquim, I must take this. I will have one of my guards escort you to the dining hall. There should be fresh fruit and if you request it boar meat."

Chris walks briskly away with his scribe and the two other guards. They come upon a small double doored room. The doors are thick with concrete between two slices of wood and concrete walls to ensure private discussion. The small room is bare. No table, chairs or drapes. Just concrete walls lit by multiple lamps.

Barely above a whisper they speak:

"What took you so long?" Chris asks the scribe jokingly.

"My liege, I began travelling to Santoo to report but by the time I got there you were already in Askileon Purleius. I have been playing catch up ever since." the scribe says a bit unsure of himself.

"Calm yourself, I was only joking." A look of relief falls over the scribes face.

"Did you report what I said to Sir Ramirez?" Chris asks.

"Word for word."

"And he believed it?" Chris asks

"Supposedly he made a meeting with Drystan to report his findings."

"Very good, go on your way and as usual our conversations are purely confidential."

The scribe looks up with admiration in his eyes and speaks. "My Lord, as the oath I swore said, I am yours to command."

As the scribe leaves, Chris stays thinking, "This Ramirez is more arrogant than I thought. To think he can get information on me without even offering a gold piece? Than again, I treat my servents so well it is impossible for anyone to think he can bribe them. Well, I'll keep this piece of information in the back of my head. Maybe it will come in handy again."

With that he walks towards the dining hall to finish his converstaion with Joaquim.

Chris Hsieh Duke of Giask

Roleplay from Zile Zeric (2 days ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) No. 55 Rue Plumet, Nebu, Askileon. A beautiful townhouse with gentle and quiet garden. It belonged to former Duke Giask - Lord Exiled. It has been left unused since the duke escaped from his duchy and his mental suffering, until Zile was elected to be the judge of realm and took over it again.

Xanadu - the Primary Office of High Lord Court - as Zile called it.

It was almost night when zile returned his office. Crowds - messagers from frontline, lieutenants from police, representatives from local courts and personal scribes - had been thronging in the lobby for whole day.

No much time for lax. After quickly washed his face and hands, he started censor the reports.

"Army report: ...More than hundred of undead and monsters are still in Mellifera..." "Army report: ...Six Guardians leaders are in Cadier. The others are all on their way to rallying, except Sir Renald and Sir ..." "Grand Imperator's reply: ...Sir Jobe, the Silvers Leader who are seen at Cadier's front line is under his permission.... "Duke Giask's reply: ... no more gold is available for redistribution this week... "Local court report: ... Peasants of Santoo have small intent to be unrest, bad word against local lord is spreading arround the temple." "Realm secretary reply: ... Poryatu, Cadier and Santoo are in need of more knight..." "Foreign information: ...Astrum and D'Hara is discussing a treaty subject to Ownership of Commoners..."


The final bunch was subject to case of assault. "...One of Sir Drystan's servant claimed he has see Finegus left for Giask..." "...Among all registered nobilities, only Finegus, Lady Gwendolyn Elorie Archbane and Sir Drystan has been seen in the city of Giask after Our Queen was injured..." "...the first report of the queen's injury was from Sir Drystan..." "...five of rayal guards were summoned by Sir Drystan. After a private talk, two of them have been commit to the dungeon... The rest three have been comfirmed death by multi witness..." "...Sir Ramirez is summoned by Sir Drystan in temple... " "...Sir Joaquim is simmoned by Duke Giask in his palace... "

"Find the servant who saw Finegus that night. He is a important witness, find him and bring him here for investigation. If anyone want to deny the action. Arrest." Zile ordered, "Take the men send by Sir Drystan to torture room. Prepare horse, we are leaving tonight. See if we can catch up the duke in Giask."

Leaving everyone in the building yet, Zile and his suite were on their way to Giask...

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Roleplay from Ramirez Sidonia (1 day, 22 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Ramirez leans back in his seat and contemplates what had been discussed. After a few moments, he leas forward again.

-My way forward is clear to me. I must find what Zile has put under guard, as it is clearly relevant to the investigation, else why would he hide it now? I will find what this is and bring the information to you, Your Eminence. I take my leave.

Ramirez rode to the dungeons and dismounted, tying his horse at a post. He is allowed into the dungeons by the entrance guard, as a noble, and he continues down the long stairs into the deep dungeons. Once there, it is immediately obvious to Ramirez where the guarded package is, as one cell clearly has more standing guards than any other.

Ramirez approaches the cell with confidence.

-Stand down, I am here to see the contents of what is stored here. -"By order of Royal Arbiter Zile, no man is to enter here." -I am uninterested in your orders. Stand down at once. -"Perhaps you did not understand, Sir. The Royal Arbiter has ordered this under guard. You have no rank over our orders." -I have n-... Look here, you impertinent fool, I am investigating the circumstances surrounding the assault on Her Majesty, by royal decree. -"We know nothing of a royal decree, and it has no standing here. We are Royal Arbiter Zeric's guard."

Ramirez smiles, thinking he understands.

-Right, of course you are, and well you do your duty. Now, how much does it cost to hire this band of guards? I will employ you myself. *Ramirez opens his purse of coins* -"No, that is not within question. We are guards of the Royal Arbiter, and are not for hire. You must leave now, or we will be forced to deter you." -Excuse me? What right do you think you have? You would attack me? I am a Knight, fool! -"Please, sir, I meant no offense. I must carry out my orders, however, and they come from a post higher than yours." -You have not heard the last of this, peasant. You will be fortunate to live long enough to defy another.

With that, Ramirez turns on his heel and leaves the dungeons, riding back to the library, he is lead once again to Drystan.

-Your Eminence, I have chilling news indeed. I was unable to retreive the package, for it is heavily guarded. 40 men, at least...And what is more, the Royal Arbiter has placed his guards in open contempt to the crown's decree. They would not let me pass, and threatened even to lay hands upon me. Whatever that package is now seems irrelevenet, the Royal Arbiter is clearly seditious.

Ramirez Sidonia (Knight of Askileon Purlieus)

Roleplay from Zile Zeric (1 day, 21 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Early in the morning. After a whole night sail, Zile and his elite guards are about to reach the city of Giask. The Greate Lighthouse of Giask is emerging out from morning fog. Probably I can still have luch with duke if he is not leaving the city, Zile thinks.Aha, Giask! Pearl of Dwilight!

Suddenly, with almost nobody noticed, a raven slids onto zile's board.

In the cabin, the scribe is reading the message lowly. -"My lord, emergency from Askileon, your dungeon had just been visited by Sir Ramirez. A royal decree is mentioned, thought the guards blocked him as your ordered." -"Well, no surprise. But a royal decree? " Zile thinks for a while. "Order the guards keep their order, don't care any royal decree unless the queen herself presents. Scolls. I need to write to the queen in person."

Your Majesty, just before the first word is put. Another raven hit into the cabin.

It's not belong to me, interesting. Zile smiles. He picks up it and start reading. After a few seconds, his face turn pale suddenly.

It first line if the scaring letter is, "Royal Arbiter Zeric, Morek has recently just founded a colony. As it is a colony and now a separate sovereign realm, the treaties between Morek and Pian Luries no longer apply to it..."

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Roleplay from Zile Zeric (1 day, 18 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) The boat finially docked. As been informed in advance, a servant with six horses had been waiting for there. Without a word, Zile jumped on to a horse. His suite followed closely.

This regardless bunch just rampaged cross streets of Giask, cracking everything lying on roads, and crashed onto the step of the palace. The guards recognized the riders. They were completely shocked by Zile's such terrible face and such rude actions so that even freezed from stopping him.

A horse was tied under the steps, but Zile overlooked it. He jump down from the horse and yelled to a guard.

-"Report to His Grace, I request being summoned immediately. I have an emergency to report and I ask for a purely confidential conversation!"

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Roleplay from Morahack Sequentis (1 day, 13 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Morahack stood still as his captain and himself once again checked over their armour, making sure it sat right and checked for any faults. He didn't expect to find any now.

That done they left and headed over to where the men stood in formation. Time had given these men the kind of air proper soldiers had. He hd no qualms about leading these men.

He mounted his horse and looked out towards the approaching dustcloud. Inside it where the lumbering massses of the monsters that were approching.

Morahack gave the command and the men began to move out and into posistion. As commander it was only right he move first with delay. He always felt right in leading by action.

The tingling in his flesh promised much to Morahack. He loved battle and it had been a while.

Morahack Sequentis (Knight of Orz)

Roleplay from Chris Hsieh (1 day, 11 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)

Except for his breast plate Chris was fully dressed in armour. Hopefully he could make it to the second battle in Cadier. A small knock tells Chris there is someone at the door.

"Come In."

A servant of his walks up to him and whispers "Marshall Zeric is here to see you. He seems quite disheveled."

"Damn! Tell my captian to rally the men and meet me at the gates of the palace. And tell him to pack this." Chris says while throwing his breast plate to the servant.

Chris jogs down to the palace entry and sees Marshall Zile standing there.

"Marshall Zile, you caught me on the way to battle. How about we talk about this on the road. Our troops combined strength and noise should be more than enough to keep any unwanted listeners out."

Chris Hsieh Duke of Giask

Roleplay from Joaquim Anthaigos (1 day, 11 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) The conversation, according to the source, was not entirely audible. Some bits and pieces could, however, be heard. The young noble by the name of Joaquim had asked many questions, regarding the current assassination attempt on the queen, many of which the duke seemed hesitant to answer, or simply did not know an answer to.

The young noble, at the very end of the conversation, humbly, but with some degree of determination, brought up the name of the Marshal and Royal Arbitrator Zile. The question itself could have been asked casually like the other ones, but this, this particular one had a different tone in it. It was clear, the source said, that these were the exact words that Joaquim Anthaigos, Knight of Orz asked the Duke Giask:

"Now, can you tell me anything, anything at all regarding Grand Imperator Zile, that could link him with the attempt on the Queen's life? If not for any factual proof, but in his attitude or character, do you believe he could have had something to do with it?"

Joaquim Anthaigos (Knight of Orz)

Roleplay from Drystan Bellator (1 day, 9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)

“Sedition…” Drystan mused “…this is indeed a severe matter.”

He almost casually ran his hand along the hilt of his sword and felt a shiver running down his spine. “He left for Giask this morning… I hesitate to think how many of his own he might have on call there.”

He grabbed his cloak and headed towards one of the corridors that seemed to be heading deeper into the catacombs, sweeping up another black cloak as he brushed by one of the alcoves in the wall and tossed it to a stunned Ramirez. “His absence, however, allows us some breathing space. We must report our findings, and decide our next move.”

Drystan Bellator (Priest of The Order of St. Iestyn)

Roleplay from Ramirez Sidonia (1 day, 9 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Ramirez catches the cloak thrown to him by Drystan, and dons it as he follows him up a stairwell and out of the catacombs. They mount their horses, Drystan's ready, and Ramirez's still tied up front, and ride to where Queen Alanna is making her stay.

Having never met the Queen, nor even spoken with her, Ramirez keeps silent and stays behind and to the right of Drystan.

Ramirez Sidonia (Knight of Askileon Purlieus)

Roleplay from Zile Zeric (1 day, 8 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Zile is waiting in the guest room for Duke Giask finishing talking with the visitor. His spy has already informed him that it must be Sir Joaquim, the proud young knight, who will visit the duke. Anyway, that is not in Zile's interest.

He needs snack and nap. He hadn't eat or sleep for entire day. As a warrior, he knows how to suffer it. But he is now in a palace, not on field.

He swings the bell, but nobody answer outside the door. Did our duke indeed have to lay off his servants? Poor Chris! He smells. When he just exits his room to see if he can find someone, voice pass out from a corner - someone is coming.

Zile sits back and wait, appearently Sir Joaquim is coming into this room with Duke Giask, maybe he will join the trip of Chris and Zile. But definitely he didn't know who is here. Because he bursts to ask the duke with a particular tone:

"Now, can you tell me anything, anything at all regarding Grand Imperator Zile, that could link him with the attempt on the Queen's life? If not for any factual proof, but in his attitude or character, do you believe he could have had something to do with it?"

Grand Imperator Zile? My sweet gods, Haven't I had enought trouble? Zile puts up a painful smile.

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Roleplay from Alanna Anaris (1 day, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Less than an hour after Alanna arrives in Askileon, having left her unit still slogging through the rain in Nid Tek, there is a knock on her office door. Her aide Kyra answers it, speaks briefly to the servant there, then turns to Alanna.

"Your Majesty, Sir Drystan and Sir Ramirez wish to see you immediately."

Alanna sighs, not looking up from her paperwork. "Very well. See them in, Kyra. And see that the other servants are cleared from this suite."

Kyra raises an eyebrow, but bows and leaves quietly. A minute later, she opens the door again, and Drystan and Ramirez, both cloaked in black, stride majestically in (the majesty of Ramirez's stride broken somewhat by his obvious awe at being in the presence of royalty for the first time). Kyra follows them in and closes the door behind her.

"Your Majesty," Drystan begins without preamble, "We must speak with you...privately." He gives Kyra a forbidding look, much to both her and Alanna's startlement.

After a moment, Alanna says, "Very well. Kyra, please oversee the guard outside the outer door to the suite, and ensure that we are not disturbed for anything."

When she has gone, Alanna gives Drystan a speculative look before motioning him to proceed.

"Majesty, I must request that you accompany us to Royal Arbitrator Zile Zeric's vault at once. Without Kyra—and there is no time now, but I will explain why later, when there is the luxury to do so. For now, suffice it to say that I am not entirely convinced of her innocence in this matter."

Alanna's face goes completely blank at this, then she glares at Drystan. "You had better have something very convincing to be accusing my most trusted aide—but if, as you say, time is short, then you can explain yourself later. What's in Sir Zile's vault?"

Drystan's smile is lopsided and quite unnerving. "I do not know, your Majesty. He has guarded it with forty men who refuse to recognize our authority. I hoped that your presence would...expedite matters."

Alanna stands. "Indeed. Then let us make haste, before he can have...whatever it is...moved somewhere else."

Lady Alanna Anaris Queen of Pian en Luries

Roleplay from Drystan Bellator (1 day, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)

Less than an hour after the unusual meeting at the palace, a small party of noblemen had assembled by the entrance to the lower dungeons. They were accompanied by some fifty heavily armoured soldiers, of which two dozen bore the heraldry of the Royal Guard.

Drystan looked around warily, his black cloak now draped over a suit of heavy battle armour. He adjusted the pauldrons of his armour, unused to them after having spent so long with little more than practice, and turned to his fellows with a nod.

Ramirez had adjusted to the Queen’s presence with remarkable speed, though it was obvious the idea of such an action at the heart of the kingdom had taken him off guard. Alanna herself looked more frustrated than normally, and he silently pitied the soldiers down below should they choose to interfere.

He looked around one last time, and nodded silently to indicate that he was ready. Ramirez was the first to descend into the dungeons…

Drystan Bellator (Priest of The Order of St. Iestyn)

Roleplay from Alanna Anaris (1 day, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) A contingent of Royal Guards marches down into the dungeons, three black-cloaked figures among them. When they reach the cell guarded by the Royal Arbitrator's men, they halt, and the captain steps forward and announces in a voice loud enough for all to hear, "By Order of her Majesty the Queen, you are hereby ordered to stand down and grant us access to that cell, which contains evidence in the ongoing investigation of the attempt on her Majesty's life by the traitor Sir Finegus O'Shea."

The men guarding the cell look nervous, and there is some muttering, but one near the front steps forward belligerently and declares, "We'll not open this cell! You'll have to kill us all to get in!"

With that, he draws his sword and strikes at the captain of the guard, cutting a long gash in his side. Before he can even pull his blade free, though, the black-cloaked figure at the front moves to his side, a scimitar flashing in his hand. The hapless guard's arm falls off, severed hand still clutching his sword, and his head follows a moment later.

As he wipes the blade clean on the fallen man's cloak, he pulls back his cowl, revealing the face of Sir Ramirez. The other two cloaked figures reveal themselves to be Sir Drystan and Queen Alanna, whose face is red with rage.

"Does anyone else here feel like committing high treason today?" she demands, her voice deathly soft, yet still clearly audible throughout the corridor.

The remaining guards outside the cell drop their weapons and allow themselves to be escorted out of the dungeon by the Royal Guardsmen, after Sir Drystan has ensured that the cell is unlocked. Once the last of them is gone, the three nobles enter the cell.

Lady Alanna Anaris Queen of Pian en Luries

Roleplay from Ramirez Sidonia (1 day, 6 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Ramirez steps over the dead guard's body, a hint of smugness on his face. He had warned him, after all. Entering the cell with Sir Drystan and Queen Alanna, he makes immediately for the small pile in the middle of the room.

The first item, he picks up...It is heavy and covered in black cloth. Sweeping the cloth away, Ramirez reveals the shield of Royal Arbiter Zile.

-So this is what the package contained...The symbolism is clear to me...What use would a retiree have of a shield? Clearly this wished luck upon a martial endeavour.

Ramirez stands back, holding the shield out to the second of the Queen's guards, to show Her Majesty himself. He exchanges dark looks with Drystan, for while Ramirez had never before met the Queen, it was all too clear that she was shaken by these rapid advances.

As Sir Drystan makes for the second, smaller package, Ramirez kneels, intrigued by what it may contain.

Ramirez Sidonia (Knight of Askileon Purlieus)

Roleplay from Drystan Bellator (1 day, 5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients)

Drystan removed the fallen soldier’s weapon, marked with the Royal Arbitrator’s stamp, and looked around to ensure that no more unpleasant surprises awaited. Finally he sheathed his own sword and stepped into the cell.

Seeing Ramirez go for the larger package, he retrieved the smaller and opened it. It revealed a small cylinder which revealed a parchment dated some time before. It bore Zile’s seal, and was addressed to Finegus O’Shea, Count Santoo.

His eyes went wide, and he read the letter out loud.

My best friend,

Best of luck.

Yours ever, Zile Zeric.

Looking at the stunned gaze on the faces of Alanna and Ramirez, he knew that they shared his thoughts. Given that Zile had gone through so much trouble to hide it from them, and when seen together with the shield, it could mean only one thing.

“By the Gods… he knew all along…”

Drystan Bellator (Priest of The Order of St. Iestyn)

Roleplay from Alanna Anaris (1 day, 4 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) On reading the letter, Alanna's face grows grim, and her eyes flash with suppressed anger. "By all the Gods, he knew. This will see him beheaded, if there is any justice in the world."

She turns and starts to walk out of the room. "Come with me back to the palace. We have work yet to do tonight."

Lady Alanna Anaris Queen of Pian en Luries

Roleplay from Zile Zeric (1 day, 3 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) -"Hey, are you okey!"

Zile finds himself waking on a horse's back. Duke Chris is riding beside him. Theya are not niether on a couch, nor in a palace. They are marching.

-"Where is Sir Joaquim? Isn't he with us?" Zile still feels dazed. -"Sir Joaquim? No. Sir Zile, he is not with us." Chris is a little aware, " Why do you ask so? Are you okay? Your face looks terrible." -"Never mind. My good duke." A dream? How can my feeling be so real. Zile tries to think harder, but it does work. Just like a patch of memory leaked away.

(a Patch for earlier RP. so that I can get going tonight.)

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Roleplay from Zile Zeric (21 hours, 20 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Zile and Chris were on their march. The earlier they get there, the ealier other Guardians can return for refitting.

-"Why are you so uneasy, Sir Zile." -"My good duke, I believe you aready recieve my report to the Crowns. Morek has recently just founded a colony. And they decleared that the new colony is not apply to the treaty." -"As a colony they must follow the orders of their mother realm and abide by their treaties." -"Indeed, my good duke, however. I think we have prepare before hand." -"What do you mean, Sir Zile." -"If we are on the right way, our government should put concentration on north soon, for quite a long term.

"So, Guardians from outside of Giask maybe withdrawed. Even part of Guardians maybe ask to defense north.

"You know that I have grouped some trained freemen since 3 years ago. From their recent report, Orz, Outer Giask, Cadier and Mellifera is entirely clean. We probably don't need to worry there in this season.

"But our food storage is dropping everyday as you know. Part of the city is in starving now. I am afraid that the city's income will be damaged later in the winter and earlier next spring.

"So, it's maybe the last chance for us to expland south in the next few months or years. If we do it quickly. I wish we will have those from Grondo to Maf, otherwise...

"And also..." Zile yields his face, "... I am afraid that I can't serve in Giask for too long..."

When Zile looks up again, the Palisade of Outer Giask is in front of them...

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Roleplay from Joaquim Anthaigos (16 hours, 24 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Joaquim approached the Royal Palace, his pace determined, but his expression somewhat concerned or perhaps worried, as if the determination was there to mask his nervousness. His mind still raced, replaying the conversation he had had with Duke Chris of Giask.

Was this how it was going to be, he thought to himself. The stream of clarity, would it always divide into a delta, marshlands of sorts, where all is foggy, slow and drifting, much different from the rapid streams that flow with clear sense of purpose.

He had never been to the palace before. He had never seen the Queen before, let alone met with her. Things had progressed far beyond what he could have had imagined.

Joaquim Anthaigos (Knight of Orz)

Letter from Alanna Anaris (12 hours, 12 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Nobles of Pian en Luries, I have news of a most distressing sort.

Though the investigation into possible co-conspirators in the treasonous attack on me by Sir Finegus O'Shea has not yet concluded, it has already uncovered evidence of complicity by Royal Arbitrator Zile Zeric.

When Royal Arbitrator Zile learned that Our investigators knew of a letter he had sent to Sir Finegus, very shortly before the attempt on my life, he placed a parcel and a letter under heavy guard in the dungeons. However, the guards yielded to a lawful Royal decree to surrender the evidence, though they were at first reluctant to do so.

When Our investigators and I were able to lay hands on the evidence, it proved to be a letter which I have reproduced below, and a shield with the Royal Arbitrator's arms on it. -- My best friend,

Best of luck.

Yours ever, Zile Zeric. --

From the letter, the military paraphernalia included with it, the timing, and the almost desperate attempts to conceal all these from Our investigation, we can only conclude that the Royal Arbitrator at the very least knew of the attack, and failed to prevent it—and may have even had a hand in its planning.

Therefore, I must hereby convene a trial of Sir Zile Zeric, presently Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, by my authority as Queen of Pian en Luries.

However, as we obviously cannot ask Sir Zile to pass judgement on himself, I must ask him to step down, and allow the election of another, more neutral party to the post of Royal Arbitrator—one without the conflicts of interest he has shown since he first took office, or the more personal conflict of interest in this particular case.

In the name of Sun and Shadow,

Lady Alanna Anaris Queen of Pian en Luries

Report from Zile Zeric (8 hours, 18 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Your Majesty,

Put justice onto a judge is the peculiar of monarchy. Your Majesty mustn't and shouldn't pass it to another one as you are passing your crown.

Your Majesty, it isn't the matter that I'd to step down and wait for another judge to determine my fate. I will await a trail by Your Majesty yourself. I will prove my innocence on my trial. And I yet have faith on your impartiality and honesty, Your Majesty. So if you want the fact be clarified, please give me the trial in public, and show how you are a justice monarch by interpretation of the evidence and affidavit given by Your Majesty.

We will see all misapprehend explained then. Before that I will never escape from my duty of the Royal Arbitrator and the marshal.

In the calling of duty,

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Letter from Alanna Anaris (8 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Royal Arbitrator Zile, I would like to make certain I understand exactly what you are saying.

Please confirm and swear to this: You wish a full, formal, and public trial, with me as Queen sitting in judgement, and you will abide by my decision when the trial is over—and if that decision is that you are guilty and the sentence is to be banished on pain of death, as Sir Finegus was, you will submit to banishment?

In the name of Sun and Shadow,

Lady Alanna Anaris Queen of Pian en Luries

Roleplay from Zile Zeric (7 hours, 46 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) A fair parchment have opened. All Guardians leaders are stand around their Marshal. Zile runs his eyes over them. Their emotions are covered by discipline and determine, except a few inexperienced one.

Zile start to read -

"I, Zile Zeric of Giask, swear to my title, to my noble blood and to my honesty, as such below -

I wish a full, formal, and public trial, with Queen Allana sitting in judgement, and I will abide by the queen's decision when the trial is over — and if that decision is that I am guilty and the sentence is to be banished on pain of death, I will submit to banishment."

After finish reading, Zile signed his name on the parchment give it to a heavy guarded messager - "messager to the Palace, read it for me before Her Majesty."

Then, he turned around to Guardians again, "Back to your pistions, prepare for March." He ordered.

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask

Roleplay from Alanna Anaris (7 hours, 40 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Alanna is surprised when she opens the parchment from Royal Arbitrator Zile and reads it.

"Well," she says, handing it back to Kyra to read, "this is certainly not what I had expected. Things are definitely going to be interesting around here for a while..."

Smiling somewhat bemusedly, she stands and summons several scribes. "We've got a lot of work to do. Notify Sir Drystan and Sir Ramirez...as well as...oh, I'll make a list. It looks like we're going to have a full, formal, public...and peaceful...trial."

Lady Alanna Anaris Queen of Pian en Luries

Letter from Alanna Anaris (5 hours ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Nobles of Pian en Luries, This was not precisely what I had planned for, so I fear we are not quite prepared for this type of trial.

At the moment I am conferring with my aides and scribes, and tomorrow I intend to publish to all a set of procedures for this trial. It should go without saying that out-of-turn arguing and scuffling will not be tolerated; however, the precise details have yet to be worked out.

I expect this trial to last at least several days, and do not at all intend to stop the normal business of the Kingdom for it. Please do not worry that fighting monsters and other important matters will be halted for this.

Now I must return to my planning.

In the name of Sun and Shadow,

Lady Alanna Anaris Queen of Pian en Luries

Roleplay from Zile Zeric (35 minutes ago) Message sent to everyone in your realm (34 recipients) Midnight, Cadier.

Zile is still awake, armed. Outside his tent, two sentinel are patroling dutifully. The camp of Guardians are still and silent. A few hours later, Zile will lead his army to march again.

Zile fetchs out a letter under his breast plate. It was the last advise he heard from his friend, his mentor, his predecessor - Finegus O'Shea. He opens the letter and reads it again silently,

...Sir Zile, my good friend. I will miss you most of all here in Pian en Luries, but I have seen your potential to be a leader and to stand up for what is right. No matter what happens, never lose sight of this. It is your greatest strength. Farewell,

Zile closes his eyes and speaks in his heart. My best friend, I have did all what I see right. I hope you won't be disappointed if I do this. Don't you blame me please...

Then, he rises his head again and move his hand closing to the candle...

Zile Zeric Royal Arbitrator of Pian en Luries, Marshal of the Guardians of Giask