Perdan (Realm)/War 2007-11: Difference between revisions

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Perdan Vs Ibladesh (Nov '07 - April '08)

The Beginning

Account from Evangeline Uceek, former Queen of Perdan, 17th January:

Letter from Evangeline

(Personal message to Rafael)

Its a long story. We have long since fought Ibladesh, but there came a time when we surrendered and signed an uneasy peace. We gave them Lorient, Beziers and Bisciye, all the land that surrounded and fed Aix. We were told that if peace was long lasting we could buy the regions back from them. Peace lasted over a year, but they would not sell us back our regions.

Soon Fontan and Itorunt got into a disagreement about an infiltrator that Itorunt allowed into their realm. Fontan was going to attack Itorunt, but Perdan wouldn't let them come through our lands to hit our ally. We beseeched Ibladesh if they would fight with us to protect our common ally, and they refused point blank. It was my feeling that they would have attacked Aix while we fought our northern front.

Anyway, Ibladesh didn't look after our regions, barely fed them and eventually Beziers revolted and returned to Perdan. They demanded the region back and we said 'no'. They agreed that we could keep it, then the next day they sent all their priests (about 4) in Beziers and started using them to turn the population against Perdan. We declared war, we could then arrest the priests, it was obvious they were waging war anyway, just a different type.

Our plans were to have our regions back, including Woolton and Ar Mosul. But as the war continues, words are said and hostilities rise. Ibladesh are arrogant and will never surrender in my opinion. They hope they can last until they will have allies come and fight their war for them like they always have.

Lady Evangeline Uceek

Marchioness of Bescanon, Marshal of the Perdan Liberation Force

The Ending

On the 15th of April, King Nightmare announced to Perdan that he had agreed to end hostilities and signed a treaty that was between Ibladesh, Itorunt, Caligus and Perdan. The treaty was named the Serendipity Treaty. Serendipity meaning the art of finding something while looking for something else entirely, combined with the ability to appreciate those bits of unexpected fortune that come along. King Nightmare explained that the name of the treaty symbolizes an effort of a unification of the south. King Nightmare explained that after many wars, this peace treaty is a good chance for southern realms to work together towards the betterment of all southern realms.

Letter from Nightmare Aroo
Message sent to All nobles of Perdan
"Serendipity Treaty"

1. Ibladesh, Itorunt, Perdan, and Caligus agree that they will improve relations to a minimum of Peace.

2. Ibladesh will hold the Following Regions: Al Aquabah, Oc Lu Pesh, Al Arab, Ar Raqqah, Ibladesh, Moyale, Mines of Isadril.

3. Itorunt will receive Zawr, Az Zarqua and Dayr as soon as the treaty is signed.

4. Ibladesh shall not assist Tuchanon V in case of the continuation of the war waged by Itorunt.

5. Ibladesh priests are not allowed to preach in the signatory realms lands unless by explicit permission from the Judge and/or Ruler of a realm in question. In adition, any realm needs explicit permission from the Pontifex of Ibladesh in order to preach in Ibladesh lands.

6. All realms agree not to allow any infiltrator perform actions in Ibladesh (and vice versa). If an unauthorized infiltration attack occurs, the realm that the infiltrator belongs to is bound to punish the infiltrator by a ban if the crime is an assassination of a Noble, and a fine of equal or over 50 gold for any other crime.

7. All realms that participate in this agreement, will be bound to support any realm that will be attacked by any realm of the signatories in the treaty.

8. All realms agree to cooperate closely in food management, and if their food needs are covered, they are expected to provide any help to the realms that need food in good prices (aprox 25g/100 b).

9. The duration of the treaty is 6 months. During this time realms can improve relations at their will, but cannot lower relations below peace.

All signatories have signed it.
Nightmare Aroo (King of Perdan)