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|author= Baldur Mekorig
|author= Baldur Mekorig
|date= 10/04/1008
|date= 10/04/1008
{{Template:Baldur Mekorig Travel Log|
|title= The lands of Via
|text= ''The lands of Vakreno, or {{Reglink|DW|Vakreno Heaps}} like the few inhabitants this land have call it, its just north of the Eicur province. The land is not as rich and bountiful as in the south, and huge rocky and dirt hills do the landscape. A night, when camping near one of those hill, Lucas find its origin. Some of them are mass graves. After checking some other we found more graves, and in one we find something that scares us. It was a finger. But a giant finger, made of hardwood and metal. The rest of the hand was under the rocks. Was that a war machine? Was that what razed the walls of the numerous cities of the south?''
''Some day after we reached the city of {{Reglink|DW|Via}}, a small town build in a mountain pass. The most interesting aspect of it that is partially build inside the mountain, and it have the ruins of what appeared to be a magnificent wall. Surely in the past this was a very fortified military garrison. I also make friend with the local defenders, members of a militia organization called "The Waywatchers". They remember another madinian passing trought here in the past. It is posible that this noble was Sir Milmice? ''
|author= Baldur Mekorig
|date= 12/04/1008
{{Template:Baldur Mekorig Travel Log|
|title= A new beginning
|text= ''A lot as happened since my father ended this diary. His return to Madina, his murder, the mysterious incident that get my grow up, my adventurers, my indoctrination into the Sanguis Astroism, and my recognition has a true member of the Mekorig House. ''
''And now i write in this diary again, to set a record of my exploration of the northern part of the west continent on behalf of Morek. After leaving {{Reglink|DW|Eildub Outskirts}}, i traveled trough the Everguard lands, and found a decaying realm, a place where undead and monsters roam freely, and where the nobles can not gather the armies to defend their nation. I don't know if this realm will last enough to see a new year. Now i am heading west, to a province named {{Reglink|DW|Forguthrie}}. I just hope that the Bloodstars guide me, and that my father protect me.  ''
|author= Lucas Mekorig
|date= 16/01/1009

Latest revision as of 21:21, 16 January 2009

Randis small.jpg New to Madina
A few days after my arrival, my acclimatization to Madina`s weather and my try to get a meeting with the Great Abbot, and began my journey to find a good place to claim my own. I depart from Madina in company of my scribe, some servants, three mules, supplies and a new horse. I really hope i find a good and prosper place to fund the Order.
- Baldur Mekorig,23/03/1008
Randis small.jpg Preparing to travel in Madina Gardens
I stooped in Madina Gardens to hire some guides. I found a group of three willing ones, who tell me they know the souther tip of the west continent. I hope they are right. We bough some more supplies.
- Baldur Mekorig,23/03/1008
Randis small.jpg Leaving the island
We passed by the lawless province of Lugagun, and don't stop. The trip goes well. Shortly we will passing the Bol-Gun Bridge bridge.
- Baldur Mekorig,24/03/1008
Randis small.jpg Into the dangerous new lands
We passed the accursed bridge in the dead of the night because of a thrice dammed unit of Hobgoblins camping near it. If only i would be leading some soldiers...
- Baldur Mekorig,24/03/1008
Randis small.jpg The Fatmilak Island Heartlands
We arrived to Fatmilak. This decrepit region is occupied by simple peasants more afraid of the monsters that anything else. They told us of a abandoned tower and port to the north, Tower Fatmilak.
- Baldur Mekorig,25/03/1008
Randis small.jpg The ruins of Tower Fatmilak
We arrived to the tower, or what is left from it. Its inhabitants tell us the history of how a mighty warrior, surely a pirate Captain from what they said, build this tower to reign Fatmilak and defend it from roaming monster. From what i see, he failed.I don't know why, but it design makes me remember of Ikalakian architecture. I hired a boatman to cross us trough the strait to a city called Candiels.
- Baldur Mekorig,25/03/1008
Randis small.jpg The cruel reality, a wild land and a new servant
Candiels is what is left of what looks like a small military post in the southern tip of a peninsula. Its crumbled walls shows the scars of war machines, and few buildings inside the city are more than rubble. Part of it is dominated by gangs of bandits and goblins. Lucky, a family of humble scavengers gave us shelter for the night. One of their kids, the youngest shows great intelligence and wits, and they are more than willing to gave me him has a servant in exchange of a few coins of silver. The youngling, Lucas, is better with me than here, has he and his family shown sign of malnutrition. Has a side note, i have seen a number of sign stones scribed with strange runes. Lucas tell me that the runes are "old speech", the language of the ancients. Maybe he is referring to the old inhabitants of the city.
- Baldur Mekorig,26/03/1008
Randis small.jpg The scars of war
Today we passed trough the townsland outside Candiels, or i would better say, what was left of it. Both rich states and commoner houses grinded to ruble, looted and burned dotted the place. The remains of its inhabitants scattered on the fields, his bones bleach white by the time and sun. And remains of the mighty siege weapons that teared down Candiels´s walls lay shattered here, rotten and burned. Only one inhabitant we found, a old and senile men. He was clearly crazy, has he speak wonders of Madina, to change at the second and speak vile words about the republic, to change again to talk wonders of it. We left the poor soul to his own devices. A sign stones in what was left of a stoned road tells that the next province north of here is called Agl, and the woodland i can see to the west is called Tubrel.
- Baldur Mekorig,26/03/1008
Randis small.jpg The desolate yet fertile lands
We passed trough Agl and spend the night near the rotten ruins of a road Inn. The fields are empty of cultivated grains, but it seems fertile. Properly populated and worked, this land could gave a huge amounts of grain each harvest.
- Baldur Mekorig,27/03/1008
Randis small.jpg The welcoming party
Our arrival to Celtiberia, has it is the name of the province according to the ancient roadside sign stones, was not pleasant. Shortly after crossing a stream that market the frontier, we found an abandoned village, where we were attacked by a small group of undeads, skeletons in this case. We quickly dispatched it, but it seems it was just a welcoming party, has there were signs of a bigger unit in the region.

Some hours later we found some nomadic families living in the fringes of the province, fearful of the undead. This, like Agl, its a rich and fertile rural area, just waiting to be taken by a capable noble. In that case, its grain production could be one the highest i can remember, but this is just an speculation.

- Baldur Mekorig,27/03/1008
Randis small.jpg The Midland Woods
After leaving Celtiberia behind, we head up to a forest up north, called the Rettlewood according to the sign stones. The stone paved road is in good shape, but wines and trees have grow to near of the road, and now it is blocked by its branches in some places, making it difficult to pass. Also, a numbers of small hills make the road a little difficult sometimes.

Shortly before sunset, we cross paths with a crafter in a cart. His name was Creoric, a metalworker from a small forest village named Twainville, in the west woods, and was heading to another village named Rettleville, in the east part of the woods, in his bi-monthly selling travel. He gave me a good deal of information about the forest, that is huge according to him, and full of dangers further north, but little of the history of the place.

- Baldur Mekorig,28/03/1008
Randis small.jpg The forest village
After a long travel trough this jungle, we finally reached Twainville. It is a small wooden town, surrounded by a makeshift wooden wall. Its inhabitants are mainly hunters and woodcutters, with some crafters and farmers in the fields surrounding the clear. Theirs is a hard life, constantly defending their home against marauding beasts and humanoids that lives in the forest. Only one stone building remains in its feets, what apparently was a governmental building in a distant past according to the people. We resupply here and headed north-east, to Paisly.
- Baldur Mekorig,29/03/1008

Randis small.jpg The past again sadden my hearth
Today we entered the lands surrounding Paisly. The zone is a mess, almost no building was left intact, what can be recognize has skeletons are littered in the fields and road like sand in a beach. Iron weapons and armor are rusting in the fields, and the long-ago rotted parts of their owners still fill them. What disturb me more were some burning marks in what was apparently a battlefield. It make me remember the hellish balefire balls that the Daimons in Beluaterra shoot at the human troops, as Dedmerath described me in her letters. Oh Dedmerath, my sweet child sister, how i miss you. But you die defending what you believed, and that lessen the weigh of your departure a little.
- Baldur Mekorig,29/03/1008
Randis small.jpg Civilization at last!
We finally reached Paisly, capitol of the Duchy of the same name, and home to Duke Albert. But even this once proud city shows the same scars that the land since Candiels. The walls were teared down, the siege machines guilty of this destroyed and rotted outside the city limits. Some of the walls sections are melted, like wax near the flame. This worries me more. Inside the picture is not better. Most of the buildings are burned to the ground, only its foundations showing, and the few building not destroyed were made of stone.

The Duke and his men occupies the north part of the city, were they have garrisoned, and with the help of the peasants and workers, have restored a numbers of buildings, to serve has the Ducal Place and the home to a number of Duchy knights. I request an audition with the Duke, but he was very busy with the visiting Great Doge. I left a letter t the Duke along a number of reports made in my travels. I hope they are of use for the Duke.

Later that night we aw the workers returning from the lower wards, where they scavenge what useful building material they can found to restore the rest of the city. The people`s spirits seems to be well, but Lucas, my page, convince me to talk to this people. A short speech, a good practice to me, filled the hearth of these people with the hope that Madina would protect them from the horrors of the mainland. we will depart north in the morning after resupplying.

- Baldur Mekorig,29/03/1008
Randis small.jpg In Paisland again
We left Paisly in the morning, and head to the north, where according to the commoners, there is another city. We pass trough Paisland quickly. We pass along a few Madina military units patrolling the area. I cant wait to see this province fully claimed and restores, Madina`s banners waving in the wind

Those thrice dammed trolls! A group of trolls are camping near a stone bridge that cross a deep ravine, tell me my scouts. We could cross it a few miles east, but it will cost us some hours of travel more. There is no other alternative. Five adult trolls are too much, even for me.

- Baldur Mekorig,30/03/1008
Randis small.jpg Into the green and death fields of Larur
We cross the ravine, a few hours later retook the road, and enter Larur, what appeared to be a rural region. Its green fields now grow grass, but the earth seems to be very fertile, and the ocean winds bring enough water to the land.

But not anything is fertile, or alive, in Larur. In the ruins of a small town we cross path with a small scout party of skeletons, lead by what looked like a skeleton is a very antique full plate, like in Celtiberia. While my men deal with the minor undead, i face the creature, and after a hard fight returned it to its natural state, death. Its sword and armor were of very good craftsmanship, and took them as a spoil of war. We crossed the region under the cover of darkness, and there were signs of the presence of a much bigger undead unit in the zone.

- Baldur Mekorig,31/03/1008
Randis small.jpg The beautiful city of Chesney
We left Larur behind us and cross to Chesland, a nice, but ruined again, townsland surrounding a beatiful small city named Chesney. It walls were ruined, a common characteristic to this land, and a great part of its building were also ruined, but i found no "supernatural" sign or track in the zone. Its seems the city was spared the wall-melting fire of Paisly.

We contact the locals, and bought some food and supplies from them. Shortly, a sudden storm came form the east, from the ocean, and me and my men found refuge in a mostly intact noble house, or what was left of it. The most interesting finding was a half-wormeaten book, a kind of journal like mine, but written in a more delicate variant of the runes used in the road signs. It will take me some time to translate it, but with Lucas help i am sure i will have it complete in a few days, if the book don't disintegrate first.

- Baldur Mekorig,01/03/1008
Randis small.jpg Crossing the river, into the North
A few days after i left Chesland and the city of Chesney, we crossed and old and still firm stone bridge, into the lands north of the know territory. The lands ahead of us, a ondulating grassland, are called Gretchew. The few inhabitants of the region, families of farmers trying to get its food from this fertile lands while they defend from monsters raids, tell me of a city in the hills north of here.

With Lucas help i keep translating the book found in Chesney, but the dialect used on it its of a much more refined kind than the one used on the mark stones in the road. It will take me some more time.

- Baldur Mekorig,02/04/1008
Randis small.jpg Arriving to the Chateu
In the hills north of Gretchew we found the city of Saffalore, or Chateu Saffalore like the locals call it. Its a very active small city, mainly occupied in trading with the sourronding regions. A very old men told me that the city`s name is in honor to Lord Saffalore, a noble of old time who owned the lands, and after some kihnd of disaster, sheltered the commoners in his lands. The last of his line died some 5 years ago, according to the old men.
- Baldur Mekorig,03/04/1008
Randis small.jpg A little of ancient history
After a few days of travels we arrived to Shokalom, a small city north-west of Chateu Saffalore. The lands betewn these two cities are full of undead and monster, but we evaded them with minimal problem.

Shortly after arriving the city, i have a meeting with one of the elders of the city, a very frail and old women. She told me that when she was a chield, Shokalom was part of a realm that streched from there to an ocean in the west. Apparently, a catastopher, posible the one i have find clues, destroyed this realm. She remembers that the old Duke of Shokalom usually visited two cities in the west, past a forest. And according to her, one of these cities was the lost realm capitol. After resuppling we departed the city, happy with the good news and the little fragmentof history we recover.

- Baldur Mekorig,05/04/1008
Randis small.jpg Into the unexplored west
We left Shokalom and entered a huge rural region called Vassar, full of sign of monsters activity. After a long travel we found a forest on Vassar´s frontier, a dark and silent forest. After entering it we faced some forest goblins. I dont think these vermin are alone here, but i suspect that are part of a bigger army. These forest will need to be clared of these vermin in the future.

On happier news, i contacted again with Sir Milmice, the Madinian explorer of the north. He sent me a copy of his map, and some advices and contacts in the north. I am very thankful to him, and i will send him a copy of my discoveries.

- Baldur Mekorig,07/04/1008
Randis small.jpg The ruins of an Old Empire
After a few more hours we walk trough the forest, and finally arrive to a plain near the sea. This land of low hills and vineyards showed the signs of an old war like the other regions.

In the coast we found the ruins of an old city, Koshtholm was named acording to the stone road signs. Its was a beatiful city when untouched i ams ure. Its walls, and tall building made of a dark stone. Most of the buildings have two or three histories, with black stone two water roofs. Its harbor is wide, but choked by the rooted remains of some galleys.

Some famelic peasant lives among this ruins, scraping what they can get to eat, fearful of the beasts that regulary visit the place.

After visiting what looked like the Duchal residence, i found some more old books, witten in the same dialect that the one i found in Chesley. I made some progress with it, and finally translate the name of the old capital city, Eichur. According to the recors, the place is north of here, behind a stone bridge that supposly cross a small bay.

- Baldur Mekorig,08/04/1008
Randis small.jpg The ruins of Eichur
Some days have passed since we left Koshtholmheading north. We crossed a very ancient, adn i have to admit, big stone bridge that crossed it in its narrowest part. Past it, a rich but abandoned rural region welcomed us. The rumors were right. The road stone signs tell of a city named Echuir north of here, and next to the name is what appears to be a Royal sign.

Near the sea is like the region around Koshtholm, full of ruined towns and full of low hills. The zone show sign of ancient conflicts, but i dont found the same escorching marks that appeared in Paisly and Chesley.

We were ambushed by bandits in a hill pass. We defeated the bringdans, but Kelior was wounded, a a mule died of an arrow hit. Lucas make me proud today. He took the axe of a fallen bandit, and splitted the head of another in a fist f rage. He killed his first men in battle. He is still a little in shock, but he will recover, he is an strong boy. The only survivor tell us about the ruins up north, and the people living there after we killed him. It was the onjly merciful option, as he was dying of its wounds.

Seeing Eichur ruins bring sadness to my heart again, the ruined walls, the destroyed buildings. A good number of scarvengers lives in the ruins, liveing of what they can found among the ruins. I meet with several gang leaders of the city after i become friend of the only healer in town. I tell them of the light of civilization, and i promised them to bring it to Eichur again. I also give them some advises of how to defend from the marauding bands of creatures that regulary raided them.

Eichur is also a tresure trove of knowledge about the ancient empire that ruled it. I found an old library, maybe the Royal Library, and saved what i can from the mountains of rotten and worm-eated books and scrolls, and stashed them in a safe and dry place. I took several scrolls with me, that can facilitate my translating work

Yvanna, the old healer, made what she can, but today Kelior died from the chills, maybe product of the deep wound made by that rusty sword. Curse that dammed bandit! We buried him. Also bought a new mule, and took a few new servants, willing to join me in my travels.

- Baldur Mekorig,10/04/1008

Randis small.jpg The lands of Via
The lands of Vakreno, or Vakreno Heaps like the few inhabitants this land have call it, its just north of the Eicur province. The land is not as rich and bountiful as in the south, and huge rocky and dirt hills do the landscape. A night, when camping near one of those hill, Lucas find its origin. Some of them are mass graves. After checking some other we found more graves, and in one we find something that scares us. It was a finger. But a giant finger, made of hardwood and metal. The rest of the hand was under the rocks. Was that a war machine? Was that what razed the walls of the numerous cities of the south?

Some day after we reached the city of Via, a small town build in a mountain pass. The most interesting aspect of it that is partially build inside the mountain, and it have the ruins of what appeared to be a magnificent wall. Surely in the past this was a very fortified military garrison. I also make friend with the local defenders, members of a militia organization called "The Waywatchers". They remember another madinian passing trought here in the past. It is posible that this noble was Sir Milmice?

- Baldur Mekorig,12/04/1008

Randis small.jpg A new beginning
A lot as happened since my father ended this diary. His return to Madina, his murder, the mysterious incident that get my grow up, my adventurers, my indoctrination into the Sanguis Astroism, and my recognition has a true member of the Mekorig House.

And now i write in this diary again, to set a record of my exploration of the northern part of the west continent on behalf of Morek. After leaving Eildub Outskirts, i traveled trough the Everguard lands, and found a decaying realm, a place where undead and monsters roam freely, and where the nobles can not gather the armies to defend their nation. I don't know if this realm will last enough to see a new year. Now i am heading west, to a province named Forguthrie. I just hope that the Bloodstars guide me, and that my father protect me.

- Lucas Mekorig,16/01/1009