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Although Nemethos did not succeed in his goal, this action inspired Risfou. In [[a letter to the Strategic council]], he tells he has a plan to get the capital back to Nazia and asks permission to take charge in this. He also writes: ''we need to find out what happened with the military department, moved by Nemethos.''
Although Nemethos did not succeed in his goal, this action inspired Risfou. In [[a letter to the Strategic council]], he tells he has a plan to get the capital back to Nazia and asks permission to take charge in this. He also writes: ''we need to find out what happened with the military department, moved by Nemethos.''

At first his asking for taking charge brings confusion and [[Lord Envirgar disagrees]]. But this is talked out and Si Ju Jarugi asks him to share his plan. Risfou shares his [[plan]] and gets [[permission]] from his king.
At first his asking for taking charge brings confusion and [[Moving the Capital/Lord Envirgar disagrees|Lord Envirgar disagrees]]. But this is talked out and Si Ju Jarugi asks him to share his plan. Risfou shares his [[plan]] and gets [[permission]] from his king.

Risfou immediately calls for a scribe and sends [[a letter]] to all non-captures troopleaders in Drachenwald, in which he shares his plan and gives orders.
Risfou immediately calls for a scribe and sends [[a letter]] to all non-captures troopleaders in Drachenwald, in which he shares his plan and gives orders.

Revision as of 18:52, 16 December 2005

December, 15

King Si Ju Jarugi sends a message to all Drachenwaldian troopleaders: Do we have any progress about moving the capital back to Nazia?

The answer is a letter from Nemethos:

Greetings all,

I was on my way to Nazia with the whole depardment of military affairs and all our papers saved from the fall of Tarasac. But unfortunately I was captured in Alaise and am now in a Cagilan prison. I will see if it is possible to get out of here.

In the mean time we all need to work on restoring our regions and moving the officials and offices to the temporarily capital.


Sir Nemethos

Although Nemethos did not succeed in his goal, this action inspired Risfou. In a letter to the Strategic council, he tells he has a plan to get the capital back to Nazia and asks permission to take charge in this. He also writes: we need to find out what happened with the military department, moved by Nemethos.

At first his asking for taking charge brings confusion and Lord Envirgar disagrees. But this is talked out and Si Ju Jarugi asks him to share his plan. Risfou shares his plan and gets permission from his king.

Risfou immediately calls for a scribe and sends a letter to all non-captures troopleaders in Drachenwald, in which he shares his plan and gives orders.

The plan needs two troopleader, Silver and Vinnie, to protect former queen Lucela and help her getting the departments with their officials and paperwork unnoticed out of Tarasac. Via Nazgorn-Galadia-Nazia these departments will be protected and guided by the so-called "Guiders": Penny, Arcadia and Krator. There are also two "Watchers", Ben's and Risfou, since the guiders will only travel between two posts. The "Watchers" are to guard the departments while they wait for the following "Guider" to take them with. Gilead is asked to prepare their arrival in Nazia.

With these orders he also send a personal request for Lucela. Then he waits the night for responses.

During the night Ben's responds and receives special orders from Risfou.

Roleplay from Melissa

To all concerned: I have done my best to prepare Alaise for its role as the new capital, and I'm happy to say...

... what? Nazia? Who's idea was it to put the Capital in Nazia???!!

And why didn't you merntion this earlier, you stupid scribe....

(Sounds of hurried packing)

Roleplay from Greed

wow, good plan, Risfou. hm....wait a minute...hey, where is my name? you dont include me in this project?!! what about me, what about Greed?!

December, 16

Roleplay from Gilead

Roleplay from Risfou

Risfou and his 2 scouts are exhausting their horses on the road towards Galadia, as they see another rider approaching.

They slow down their horses and slowly draw their swords. When the other rider sees them, he also stops and from a distance he shouts: "Lord Risfou?" "Yes!" "I bring you some messages."

Risfou rides towards the messenger and takes a letter from Arcadia. After reading it, he quickly writes a message with secret orders and hands it out to the messenger. "Is there more?" The messenger hands out a short letter from Penny, which is again followed by the writing of orders. "Anything else?" Risfou asks. "Yes, rumors say lady Lucela and lord Silver have been captured."

Risfou thinks for a moment. "Has Olan returned from Eaglin?" "I heard so." "Is he without a unit?" "I'm not sure, but I suppose he is." "Maybe he is willing to replace Silver, but Lucela will be a bigger problem."

Risfou thinks again. "There must be an elder one in Nazia, I will ask Gilead to replace Lucela until she comes back." He looks up to the messenger. "That was it?" The messenger responds with a smile and says: "Greed wondered why he was left out."

Risfou laughs and answers: "Tell him we need all soldiers to defend, I hope he still has some."

The messenger nods and leaves quickly. Risfou writes a few other messages, send his scouts away with them and continues his travel towards Galadia.

Of course did the message not arrive in time to get Ben's, but Ben's was perfectly able to take care of by himself. The other messages, however, did receive their message in time, as is clear in a message from Vinnie.

Roleplay from Krator

It is a dreary morning as I depart my family’s house in Nazia. The great sun is shrouded by many clouds and there is a wisp of rain in the air. All I can think about is my task and seeing it through. A plan is in motion which will bring the government back to my homeland, back to Nazia. As I set off towards Galadia, I notice that the sun begins to break through the many clouds in its way. I sliver of light lands on my face, I stop, and I can feel it’s warmth through my whole body.

Perhaps things won’t end as badly as I feared. I let my thoughts wander over the events of the past week and I ask myself how I got here. There is no answer, and I know I can only look to the future and find solace there.

The spirit of the Dragon flows in me, giving me strength and the weariness that has been creeping over me like a dark veil begins to wane. We each have a part to play in this, and when the people of Drachenwald play in harmony, the music that is brought forth makes the mountains tremble.

The sun is setting as I approach Galadia and my resolve is stronger then ever; I will see the departments and paperwork safely to Nazia. In this task I cannot fail, and I mean not to.

Roleplay from Arcadia

Arcadia and Robin mounts their horses and start their journey towards Galadia and ride in silence as they approach the borderpost between Drachenwald and Falasan. They show their papers to the guard and are allowed to continue. As the light starts to diminish, Robin rides up alongside Arcadia.

Maybe we should stop and rest for a while, Robin asks, even if it looks much the same we are no longer in Drachenwald and could easy get lost if we are not on the alert.

You are right Robin, Arcadia replies with a tierd voice, we will stop as soon as we find a good place were we can make a fire.

A little while later they umount near a small waterfall to rest a couple of hours, before they continue into the valley were the town they travel towards is supposed to be.

Meanwhile Gilead understood that Risfou had not heard of his achievements, yet, and sent him a letter. Also Penny was appointed to become Count of Alaise.

Roleplay from Risfou

When arriving at his parental home, Risfou's parents are waiting with a lot of letters from Drachenwald. Risfou does not read them immediately, however, but first explains to his parents that he needs them for an operation to move the capital of Drachenwald back to Nazia. He also tells them that it needs to be kept a secret, since CE might not be willling to coöperate.

When his parents agree in helping him, Risfou explains the whole plan and asks his father to come with him. On fresh horses they move about three miles west, where Risfou shows his father a well hidden cave. This will be my post, since it would be easily noticed when we move in and out of our house.

Coming back there are already visitors from Drachenwald. Risfou recognizes Krator and Vinnie and guesses that the other two must be Arcadia and Robin. They all confirm and are shown the cave by Risfou's father, while Risfou reads the letters and writes a quick letter. About the time they come back, Risfou is done and likewise is a festy dinner.

Roleplay from Si Ju Jarugi

I am on my way to Nazia to announce it the new capital.

Hopefully, other Mountain regions will eb pleased a morale and loyalty will raise towards Drachenwald once more.