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The dMagdala family is comprised of 3 fraternal siblings. Miryai being the eldsest is a balanced being who looks for good in every corner and is hopeful that there is a better balance of good than not. She is followed only by a few minutes by her sister Martha. Martha is brutish and does not share her sisters enthusiasm for the world. She sees it as a cold place were only the strongest physically will maintain order. The youngest is Lazarus. He is set in his ways and his highest belief is that the world is crumbling by letting women serve. Women should be left out of the battlefeild. His sisters defy him at every corner. They are estranged for the most of their time. Their beliefs are on opposite sides of the spectrum that it sometimes is hard to seize their sibling rivalry. But the one thing they all share is their family name and the honor in having it as their birth right.
== History ==
The dMagdala claims to come from the land d(meaning of) Magdala although it appears on no map. They have a curse placed upon them an age old curse but to some who have been passed it through their blood see it as a blessing and their curse all wrapped in the same package. Agnhor feeds the thoughts of his dimension breaker.
== Martha dMagdala ==
Lived a short life that came to an abrupt halt when she gave birth to her litter. She was a quiet women many said but she also had her loud side. She had a soft voice that could reach depths of new perorations. She bellowed a sound from deep within when she was angered. When she laughed she could not stop. Most people that knew her said everything she did, she did it too excess.
She gave birth to 2 children before her frail exhausted body could take no more. She tried with all of her strength, screaming and crying uncontrollable. Those screams were halted when the child came out and she looked into their eyes, she smiled a smile so wide that it seemed to reach each of her ears. She desperately tried to finish the job and push the last child through the canal but gave up shortly before the baby could be birthed. The midwife cut the last child from the dead women’s carcased  womb.
== Lazarus dMagdala ==
Was a valiant man who took care of his family until retiring in his old age. Many say he disappeared into the woods. Others say he died a long time ago. No one is sure. Many say that after the death of his wife he could no longer bare the pain of being alone and thus when his children were old enough he vanished.
== Miryai dMagdala ==
Was the first child born. She is a women who seeks truth and goodness in the world. She believes that with every action there is a balanced reaction. And with every choice comes a consequence whether it being good or bad. She likes to believe that the world is comprised of more good than not. She finds no comfort in battle but will do what needs be done. She believes that evil can and will be overcome, and if doing so some have to get blood upon their hands then so be it. Those are the ones strong enough to restore that balance. It is the teetering echo of the world. She has dropped the Baal from her name because she does not agree with her siblings life choices. As she sees her siblings as remoreseless scoundrals. She find beauty in all that is living and therefore respects all walks of life unless threat is upon her or her countrymen and women.
== Isobaal dMagdala ==
Was the second child bore to Martha. He is a lawful citizen and believes in rules and regulations. If these societal norms are not followed then all shall be punished. His philosophy is that order must take presedence in all things to keep a lawful abiding society. He is the silent type and sees no use for words. He accepts orders and thinks in tactical formation. He believes soley in military and political forces. He sees no real way that a society can be built and stay strong without the Hoplite Phalanx.  
== Baalat dMagdala ==
Was the last child to be cut from her mother womb. She is said to have the eyes of her mother and the heart of her. She has visions of what her mother looked like. It has always brought her a great pain that her brother and sister got to look into those eyes at least once before she was gone. Her father Lazarus shunned her because she had the image and mind of her mother. As a child she was very imaginative and explosive all in the same. When she fails she falls hard and when she is glorious she shines, when she is excited she sings and dances in merriment. It is said that when she cries her tears will not stop flowing until her next emotion slams her. She is a very passionate person in all that she does and just like her mother her mind shifts constently telling her what is expected. Others will say it is her curse she will say it was her mothers knowledge of the truth that has been passed down in thought to her.
[[Category: Families]]

Latest revision as of 16:38, 24 December 2008


The dMagdala claims to come from the land d(meaning of) Magdala although it appears on no map. They have a curse placed upon them an age old curse but to some who have been passed it through their blood see it as a blessing and their curse all wrapped in the same package. Agnhor feeds the thoughts of his dimension breaker.

Martha dMagdala

Lived a short life that came to an abrupt halt when she gave birth to her litter. She was a quiet women many said but she also had her loud side. She had a soft voice that could reach depths of new perorations. She bellowed a sound from deep within when she was angered. When she laughed she could not stop. Most people that knew her said everything she did, she did it too excess. She gave birth to 2 children before her frail exhausted body could take no more. She tried with all of her strength, screaming and crying uncontrollable. Those screams were halted when the child came out and she looked into their eyes, she smiled a smile so wide that it seemed to reach each of her ears. She desperately tried to finish the job and push the last child through the canal but gave up shortly before the baby could be birthed. The midwife cut the last child from the dead women’s carcased womb.

Lazarus dMagdala

Was a valiant man who took care of his family until retiring in his old age. Many say he disappeared into the woods. Others say he died a long time ago. No one is sure. Many say that after the death of his wife he could no longer bare the pain of being alone and thus when his children were old enough he vanished.

Miryai dMagdala

Was the first child born. She is a women who seeks truth and goodness in the world. She believes that with every action there is a balanced reaction. And with every choice comes a consequence whether it being good or bad. She likes to believe that the world is comprised of more good than not. She finds no comfort in battle but will do what needs be done. She believes that evil can and will be overcome, and if doing so some have to get blood upon their hands then so be it. Those are the ones strong enough to restore that balance. It is the teetering echo of the world. She has dropped the Baal from her name because she does not agree with her siblings life choices. As she sees her siblings as remoreseless scoundrals. She find beauty in all that is living and therefore respects all walks of life unless threat is upon her or her countrymen and women.


Isobaal dMagdala

Was the second child bore to Martha. He is a lawful citizen and believes in rules and regulations. If these societal norms are not followed then all shall be punished. His philosophy is that order must take presedence in all things to keep a lawful abiding society. He is the silent type and sees no use for words. He accepts orders and thinks in tactical formation. He believes soley in military and political forces. He sees no real way that a society can be built and stay strong without the Hoplite Phalanx.

Baalat dMagdala

Was the last child to be cut from her mother womb. She is said to have the eyes of her mother and the heart of her. She has visions of what her mother looked like. It has always brought her a great pain that her brother and sister got to look into those eyes at least once before she was gone. Her father Lazarus shunned her because she had the image and mind of her mother. As a child she was very imaginative and explosive all in the same. When she fails she falls hard and when she is glorious she shines, when she is excited she sings and dances in merriment. It is said that when she cries her tears will not stop flowing until her next emotion slams her. She is a very passionate person in all that she does and just like her mother her mind shifts constently telling her what is expected. Others will say it is her curse she will say it was her mothers knowledge of the truth that has been passed down in thought to her.
