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Solarin Family/Lars

Hail Shield Brothers and Sisters! I Lars Solarin have decided to leave hearth and home and follow in the traditions of our people and seek fame and honor in glorious battle! A Warrior must have a foe just as a blade must have a strong arm to wield it! Instruct me as to where I may bash our enemies to make it the most painfull! Strength and Honor

the tall youth marches into the brothel flanked by his two Captains....

SLAYERS!!! TO ARMS! the youth bellows in voice seemingly out of place with his tall, lithe body. Several heads peek out of gauze screened doorways.

We finally got orders to march, so lets PULL OUT, its time to use your bigger swords!

with scattered cheers and quite a few curses the Slayers straggle out into the early morning light.

Well like my Great Aunt Hildegard use to say,"Its not the size of your Unit but how long you can keep it in the field!"

...on the cold dark street infront of "Sergi and Svens Seige Engines"....

The townwatch turns the corner and sees over thirty odd huddled forms asleep on the pavement. He sees a small field tent with a Lords Banner set up in the front yard of the siege works and approaches cautiously.

A tall youth hearing his approach ducks from under the tent and stands to his full height over topping the watchman by an easy foot.

"Yes what is it constable?" the young Lord asks the confused watchman.

"Oh yes M'Lord, well I was just wondering why you and your men weren't in one of the Inns or the barracks, Im sure you dont have to resort to livin in the streets." the man says by way of answer.

"Yes Im sure there are rooms left, but I am going to make sure I and my men get a Siege engine!" the Lord continues with a ferral look in his eyes, "You see we missed the last battle and by Odins' one good eye we WON"T miss the next one!"

The watchman takes a few steps back, looks around and replies with a shaky voice, "Very well M'Lord, good hunting, get those horselovers, I-I-I've got to be continuing my rounds now!" and with that quickly turns around and heads off more quickly than he came.

..outside "SERGI AND SVENS SEIGEWORKS" just after dawn...

The ponderous doors swing open and out rolls a beautiful new trebuchet! It rumbles to a stop on iron shod wheels in front of a tall Lord with a bag full of gold. Sven the shop owner seems startled to have a customer so early but says,

"How may I be of service this fine morning M'Lord?"

"I want it! Ill take it! Its beautiful, here!" Lord Lars gushes at Sven as he hands him the money. Sven knuckles his brow and goes back into the shop.


As the group of men begin heading out to the City towards Fiddleford, a strong voice singing happily disturbs the quiet mornig,"ITS MINE, ITS MINE, ITS MINE, BOULDERS IT THROWS TO BRING HORSELOVERS WOES, ITS MINE, ITS MINE, ITS MINE!"

....Outside Fiddleford.... The din of wagon and horse, the tramp of many shod and booted feet echo through the sleeping region. The long lines of troops dont stop only pass through on the way to the east.

I line of thrity-odd figures pulling a mighty trebuchet heads high eager to join in glorious battle! There leader raises his voice in prayer become song!


Lo, there do I see my father Lo, there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers Lo, there do I see the line of my people back to the beginning

Lo, they do call to me They bid me take place among them in the Halls of Valhalla Where the brave may live forever..

His men take up the call! Battle is coming! Vengence is coming! The Vikings are coming! Woe to all lovers of horses!

That was GLORIOUS! Well still got 14 troops hale and hearty! Glad I bought that cart though. The healer is confident he can save the 5 wounded even with the travel. Shame they didnt have something we could have destroyed with the Trebuchet! ONWARD!

Alright now lets see...hmm... 10 men to opperate the Trebuchet I have 14 hmm(scratches head tilt head to the side thinking) That gives me four left to ATTACK with!!!

YARRRR! The wounded can haul rocks to the Trebuchet!