D'Hara/Oaths/Recorded Oaths/Oath of Sorsha McDowell: Difference between revisions

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After fighting off the threat of Qubel Lighthouse, Sorsha had left as soon as she was satisfied her help was no longer needed and boarded the first ship. She passed through towards Port Nebel quickly, sleeping most of the way, due to her exhaustion having had very little rest the last few days. She dazedly boarded the next ship to Port Raviel, finally on her way home.

As soon as she arrived, she grabbed the first scribe she could find. “Please inform the Queen I have arrived and that I wish to relay my report personally,” she sighed tiredly and looked ahead, it was time to finally meet the Queen, alone, she could no longer put this off and took a breath of courage. matilda anounced the arrival of Dame Sorsha McDowell.

"Please, show her in."

Matilda did so immediately.

Sorsha walked in.

"Dame Sorsha, I received your letter, You may have an audiance at any time. You need only arrive and let me know that you are here or wish to see me. Spring is taking hold in the garden. shall we move out there? I so like it there."

Katayanna and Sorsha walked our onto the patio that lead to the garden.

"I hope all is well." Upon her arrival to see the Queen, Sorsha noticed a young woman pass her by. It was very quick, but for her, something strange occurred. It seemed that time slowed to a crawl, and the intense gaze from the other woman pierced her quiet solitude. Like she had felt previously with Lady Kisharianda, she immediately knew, there was something special that surrounded this beautiful woman, kinship. She smiled shyly as a greeting and continued on her way.

She was led to the garden walking beside the Queen and smiled upon feeling the peacefulness surround her. “Thank you My Queen,” she bowed deeply. “I will remember that. I am well thank you.”

Before she could continue with any type of business, she stopped a few steps behind Katayanna. “My Queen I know my oath was presented upon my arrival, but I was not given the opportunity to show its validity in person,” Sorsha said confidently. Queen Katayanna nodded and she pulled out her sword, careful to keep it close to her body. She raised the blade and closed her eyes pressing it to her forehead and kissed it. Next she lowered it, resting the tip on the ground and knelt.

“May the dragons bless us this day as I, Sorsha McDowell daughter of Sairys pledge the whole of who I am to Queen Katayanna Ogren daughter of Fafnir. I offer this, my sword to thee. It is my strength in the face of adversity and danger, courage to face the unknown, and my unwavering loyalty to you. From this moment forth, I will do everything within my power to ensure your prosperity. I will put your safety before my own and will strive to accomplish your goals so long as you remain true or there is no breath left in me,” she finished quietly, lowering her eyes to the ground. Katayanna waited and listened to all that Dame Sorsha Proclaimed. She stepped forward and gently offered her hand to Dame Sorsha in sign that she should now rise.

Katayanna Placed her hand softlly on the hilt of Dame Sorsha's sword. Dame Sorsh reliquished the blade without resistance.

Katayanna lifted the blade horizontal arms bent at the elbow and holding the blade in her face up palms. All this seemed to be as in slow motion and Katayanna never took her eyes from those of Dame Sorsha. She could see the truth in her words and knew the oath she had just given had come from the heart.

Katayanna Smiled gently, Softly. "My dear, place your hands on the blade between mine own" This Sorsha did without pause.

Their eyes never averting or even blinking.

"For My part do I swear. As the steel in this blade is strong, so is my faith in you. As this blade was forged, so to is our bond, As this blade was tempered so too is our friendship. I accept your oath as you now accept mine own. I swear by the fire of Fafnir and the passion of my faith to be a good and just Liege, to honor and respect you in return, to listen to you council, To give you Estate and taxes according to the size of that estate, to make your causes mine own be they just. All this do I swear for a long as you remain in my service and as long as our paths are joined.

So say I, Lady Dame Katayanna Ogren, Duchess of Port Raviel and Dragon Queen of D'Hara,"

Katayanna released the sword back into its owners hands.

"Now let us enjoy a lunch under the old willow. And discuss what ever comes to mind."

With that Katayanna turn towards the path that lead to the willow and Dame Sorsha followed. They talked of marshal Colin, The General, recent battles, and even a little gossip of scandal surrounding Sir Bowie and Sir Mathias.

It became a very enjoyable day.