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The Duchal Army of Virovenes Elite(DAVE)

Created by the Ruler of Virovene, Kaiser Cato De La Fere, after Virovene's secession from Springdale, DAVE is a reincarnation of Springdale/Duchal Army of Muspelheims Elite or DAME. It is Virovene's only army, and as Virovene is only a small realm, it is more then enough protection the realm needs.

A notable feature of DAVE is the DAVE Strike-Force (D-SF). Considered an elite wing of DAVE, it never has more then 4 members, including the D-SF Commander. Under the command of the Vice-Marshal , D-SF allows far more flexability, allowing a few select nobles to split from the main army and complete orders for which a mesure of independence is required.

(All Awards earned whilst a noble was a member of DAME are carried over to DAVE)

Medals of DAVE

Honors to nobles of DAVE, they can be awarded by either the Marshal of DAVE or the Kaiser himself. All are attached with black silk ribbons, with different silver stitch patterns for each award catagory.

Decoration Medals: Awarded to knights of DAVE who have gone above and beyond thier duty in singular acts defending the Empire. Their design is an 8 pointed star cast in different metals

  • Red Star - (1st level) - Sir Claudius VonRavenHeart
  • Silver Star (2nd Level)
  • Golden Star (3rd level)

Order Medals: Awarded to Knights who destiguish themselves in thier military career as one of courge and wisdom in the face of battle. Their design is a silver shield fronted by either a smaller blue shield or a golden lily.

  • Order of the Blue Sheild - Vice-Marshal Landro Darlor Lawrence
  • Order of the Golden Lily

Medals for Courage: A cast Bronze disk, one side dipicting a simple sword, the other enscribed with the action name and holder's name. Generaly awarded after a notable specific action, such as a major battle, it is awarded to all who take part. The medal will be named as the '.....(eg 1st battle of X) Medal for Courage'

Highest Honors: Awarded only by the Duke himself, it is a singular represetation that the holder is everything members of DAME should strive to achive. Honor, Courage, Valor and Wisdom, atributes of the perfect knight. There is only one highest order at this time.

  • Order of the Duke's Household

Design; a Blue shield, framed in gold, with a golden stripe down the sheild's center. A golden lily is eblazoned in the fore-ground.

Current Holders: - Duke Cato De La Fere

Miscellaneous Honors:

  • The Silver Arrow - Awarded to all members of The DAVE - Strike Force, it is a silver cast miniture arrow, pinned to formal uniforms above all other awards.

Marshals of DAVE

DAVE's current Marshal: