Unti Family/Philip/Act 4/Act 4 Scene 6: Difference between revisions

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Roleplay from Tomaas
The ride, easy as it was, was taking its toll on the battered Tomaas. He was using every ounce of strength he had to stay on the horse and conscious. As they rounded the last corner before reaching the warehouse, his strength gave out and he slipped from the saddle. Luckily for him a pile of rags broke his fall.

"That's one way to dismount," notes Kultan as he reigns in the horse and jumps down to help Tomaas.

As Tomaas is helped out of the rags, they hear a groan from the pile. "Tomaas!" the rags groan in surprise and anger. "You said I would be safe here, and now you attack me. What manner . . of . . . . " Seeing Tomaas' condition, "Is he okay?"

"I'm . . . alright," he groans. "But this time . . . we walk."

Together, Kultan and the witness help Tomaas to his feet and half walk, half carry him to the warehouse.

"You look like you could use some water."

Roleplay from Kultan
After helping Tomaas back to his feet after his ungraceful dismount, Kultan was about to ask the rag-pile man who he was and how he knew Tomaas when he spotted Lalakis and Tzoutzoutkos. He immediately ran towards them, leaving Tomaas in the stranger's care.

"Wotcher, Kultan, what's the good word?" Lalakis asked, trying to inject some cheer and normalcy in his voice.

"Not much good, sir. Right now that Lina person is leading Philippe in a chase through the Ducal mansion, I think in a bid to give us more time. I managed to get Tomaas out of there, though he's still injured."

Tzoutzoutkos groaned. "They better not destroy my priceless collection of toothpick buildings! It took me three whole months just to make Doc's palace ..."

"Anyway, Lina said something to Philippe about him breaking 'the Oath', and talked as though somebody else was controlling his body. Mind you, this was right after Philippe turned his head around 180 degrees ..."

Lalakis shook his head. "Whatever Philippe is or whatever power he's drawing on, it's definitely beyond our control or comprehension. Hopefully we can find some clue how to stop him in his warehouse here. Right now we've got militia surrounding the building, and I'll be leading a team inside soon with Tzout. Care to join us?" Lalakis asked, in a tone of voice more suited to asking if Kultan wanted to join them for afternoon tea.

Shrugging, Kultan replied "Sure, beats waiting around for Philippe to break out, besides what could be so bad in there?"

"I'll tell you ..." came Tomaas' strained voice behind them ...

Roleplay from Paris
Lord Lalakis and Lady Naira received Sir Paris’ message that was sent from Westmoor. The messages were sealed, so it was sure that they were the only ones who had read them. Lord Lalakis then decided to sent one of his most loyal and agile messengers to Westmoor and inform Sir Paris about everything that was going on in Avamar City.

After a long non-stop journey, the messenger found Sir Paris while he was preparing to leave Westmoor to continue with his mission. The messenger explained to Sir Paris what was going on in Avamar City and how Lord Philippe looked like, with every detail.

“So you mean that Lord Philip has been transformed to a beast-like Demon?” Sir Paris asked the messenger astonished.

“Sir, I have told you everything that Lord Lalakis wishes you to know!” the messenger replied.

“What do you mean, Messenger? Speak! What else do I need to know and your Lord told you not to reveal?” Sir Paris inquired.

“Well…Sir…I can not tell you. I have orders not to reveal you anything about this, Sir, as it could affect your mission. My Lord was clear about that. He told me not to reveal his plans to you, as you could even think to abandon your mission and return to Avamar City. And he told me that your mission, if successful might be decisive for the future of the People’s Republic of Avamar.” the messenger responded.

“Damn! I have no more time to lose! Speak or I will have to take you with me in my mission, until I learn what I want to learn!” Sir Paris started to intimidate the courier.

“Errr…Sir, you know, these are my Lord’s orders.” the emissary tried to defend himself.

“Ok Avamarian! We shall see… Fromstel! Bring the Alexi’s Preparation Whip for this trusted emissary! It is time to acquire some information…” Paris requested the rarest and most painful whip to be brought by one of his loyal men.

“Sir! The Alexi’s Preparation Whip… Not in this case!” Fromstel tried to save the Avamarian from real pain.

“Fromstel…!” Sir Paris pretended.

“Alright! I shall speak!” the loyal messenger started the revelation “Lord Lalakis is going to visit the warehouse of the Demon. That is all I know about my Lord’s plans!”.

“What? For Republic’s Sake!” Sir Paris reacted obviously worried and continued “Messenger write down my talkings! Find Lord Lalakis and hand him the first note, while the second note post it at every street of Avamar City! You hear me? Everywhere!”.

And Sir Paris started:

“Lord Lalakis I advise you to be very careful of beast-like hunting hounds with sharp nails and teeth! It is much possible that they will guard the Black Knight’s property!”(first note)

“People of the People’s Republic of Avamar!
Stay away from Lord’s Philippe Warehouse!
Beware of murderous hunting hounds!”(second note)

“Now move fast! You have an urgent task to fulfill!” and Sir Paris cautioned the already retiring messenger “Try to avoid the region of Oporto!”.

Out-of-Character from Julia
Hope that you do not expect me to read about a thousand new messages, do you? :)

Could you please provide me in brief with the recent events?

Alexia-Julia (Jon)

Out-of-Character from Philip
Summary of events? Why nothing has happend Julia, nothing at all! Everything is just wonderful, right everyone?

Anthony Cerqueira

Out-of-Character from Julia
ANTHONY? You bad boy! What did you do to our beloved Philip? :o

/Julia reads with great interest about Philip's change

Alexia-Julia (Jon)

Roleplay from Tomaas
Pinching his nose Tomaas says, “Where to begin? Philippe is a monster in human form; Lina has said it often enough and from what I’ve seen it is true; and yet unlike the undead that plague the world, Philippe has a reason that normal men can understand; which makes it all the more terrible. The details are complicated, especially since much of my information comes from Lina who has, feelings, about Philippe’s kind; but it boils down to this: Philippe completely believes, with every fiber of his being, that he is a perfect creature. This belief of his wouldn’t be so bad, there are many arrogant men, except that it breeds an insane confidence which when combined with his natural talents drives him forward, the result; he is a master of every weapon every devised, an educated scholar in multiple fields, a tactician, leader, and anything else you can think of. As a result of this, to him we are insects, hardly worthy of his notice and a nuisance at best. I would be surprised if he even considers us truly sentient or just well conditioned animals. This belief in his own perfection leads to a scorn of all others and the philosophy that only the strong deserve the riches of the world and since he is perfect everything should be his. The end result of this process is called the Anti-Virtues in a mockery of the Knights of the People who’s ideals seem in direct odds to the very existence of people like Philippe. This code is broken into seven ‘virtues’ which are: Cowardice, Prejudice, Avarice, Hypocrisy, Deceit, Hatred, and Arrogance. Philippe has been trying to keep this other self from you, while he manipulated Avamar to his advantage, and much of what he did was to the benefit of Avamar, for a strong Avamar could help him more than a weak Avamar. Helping to found a chapter of the Knights of the People here is a puzzle though....

Now as for what’s in that building….. Picture if you will, you are the perfect being, everything you do is Right, you can never be Wrong, even in the face of overwhelming evidence; and everyday you get up and take orders from insects, help the poor insects, and you have to pretend to be one of them. Though Deceit is one of his guiding ways the continual existence contrary to his true nature begins to take it’s toll; many crack right away, some never do, but most begin to find ways of ‘venting’ the rage and disgust of those they must associate with and pretend to be. Inside that building we’ll find Philippe’s way of ‘venting’ and considering his violent nature I’m sure it won’t be arts and crafts. From what I do know Philippe has been bringing many of the poorer and less noticed people to 'work' in this establishment. By my count, which includes but a fraction of those missing, this company should employ as many people as 5 businesses this size would normally employ."

Lalakis recoiled, "You don't mean to say . . ."

"Of course that’s what he means! With my own eyes I have seen many of those people enter and never leave. . . . My own family among them," replies the rag-pile man, his anger turning to sorrow for his loved ones.

"From what this man tells me, it is always the same, Philippe and the victims enter that alley, from which there is no escape, no doors or anything, and only Philippe ever leaves."