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quote =<br>''The Official Religious Text of Aristoi Atamarism as translated by Prophet Aeryn''<br>|
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==The Old Testament==
==The First Testament==

===The Book of Genesis===
===The Book of Genesis===
In the beginning, there was Nothing.  And we call ''that-thing-which-is-not-something'' the ''Aestin''.  Since the ''Aestin'' is not something, it could not be evil, and therefore ''Aestin'' is good.  The ''Aestin'' also did not have any parts, since it was not something, and being without parts, the ''Aestin'' could not be disordered.  And so from ''Aestin'' we are given order.  Thus, order is good.
! Modern Atamarean
! Ancient Suvillean
But order is.  And so in the beginning, there was only order, and it was good.  But since there was a beginning, there must have been ''that-which-is-after-the-beginning'', which we call the ''Agenoi''.  The ''Agenoi'' could not have been ordered because if it were order then it would have been the beginning, which it was not.  And so ''Agenoi'' was disordered, and so it must have had parts.
|In the beginning, there was Nothing.  And we call ''that-thing-which-is-not-something'' the ''Aestin''.  Since the ''Aestin'' is not something, it could not be evil, and therefore ''Aestin'' is good.  The ''Aestin'' also did not have any parts, since it was not something, and being without parts, the ''Aestin'' could not be disordered.  And so from ''Aestin'' we are given order.  Thus, order is good.
But parts are not the whole, or else they would not be parts, and so the parts do not have to be disordered like the whole.  And parts are, and things that are are things, so parts are things.  And so after the beginning there were things.  And since there was also order and disorder, some of these things were ordered and some of these things were disordered.
|Στην αρχή, δεν υπήρξε τίποτα. Και καλούμε ότι-πράγμα-που-είμαι-όχι-κάτι Aestin. Δεδομένου ότι το Aestin δεν είναι κάτι, δεν θα μπορούσε να είναι κακό, και επομένως Aestin είναι καλό. Το Aestin επίσης δεν είχε οποιαδήποτε μέρη, δεδομένου ότι δεν ήταν κάτι, και όντας χωρίς μέρη, το Aestin δεν θα μπορούσε να είναι διαταραγμένο. Και έτσι από Aestin μας δίνεται η διαταγή. Κατά συνέπεια, η διαταγή είναι καλή.
And ''those-things-that-are-ordered'' are called the ''Pragma'' because they are useful.  And ''those-things-that-are-disordered'' are called the ''Kalos'' because they are beautiful.  Therefore, after the beginning, there was only utility and beauty, which are good.  And one day ''Pragma'' and ''Kalos'' decided to make something else, and we call this something ''The World of BattleMaster''.
|But order is.  And so in the beginning, there was only order, and it was good.  But since there was a beginning, there must have been ''that-which-is-after-the-beginning'', which we call the ''Agenoi''.  The ''Agenoi'' could not have been ordered because if it were order then it would have been the beginning, which it was not.  And so ''Agenoi'' was disordered, and so it must have had parts.
|Αλλά η διαταγή είναι. Και έτσι στην αρχή, υπήρξε μόνο διαταγή, και ήταν καλή. Αλλά δεδομένου ότι υπήρξε μια αρχή, πρέπει ότι-που-είμαι-μετά από-ο-, την οποία καλούμε Agenoi. Το Agenoi δεν θα μπορούσε να έχει διαταχτεί επειδή εάν ήταν διαταγή έπειτα θα ήταν η αρχή, η οποία δεν ήταν. Και έτσι Agenoi ήταν διαταραγμένο, και έτσι πρέπει να έχει τα μέρη.
|But parts are not the whole, or else they would not be parts, and so the parts do not have to be disordered like the whole.  And parts are, and things that are are things, so parts are things.  And so after the beginning there were things.  And since there was also order and disorder, some of these things were ordered and some of these things were disordered.
|Αλλά τα μέρη δεν είναι το σύνολο, ειδάλλως δεν θα ήταν μέρη, και έτσι τα μέρη δεν ειναι απαραίτητο να είναι διαταραγμένα όπως το σύνολο. Και τα μέρη είναι, και τα πράγματα που είναι είναι πράγματα, έτσι τα μέρη είναι πράγματα. Και έτσι μετά από την αρχή υπήρξαν πράγματα. Και δεδομένου ότι υπήρξε επίσης διαταγή και αναταραχή, μερικά από αυτά τα πράγματα διατάχτηκαν και μερικά από αυτά τα πράγματα ήταν διαταραγμένα.
|And ''those-things-that-are-ordered'' are called the ''Pragma'' because they are useful.  And ''those-things-that-are-disordered'' are called the ''Kalos'' because they are beautiful.  Therefore, after the beginning, there was only utility and beauty, which are good.  And one day ''Pragma'' and ''Kalos'' decided to make something else, and we call this something ''Battlemasterra''.
|Και ' ' εκείνος-πράγμα-ότι-είμαι-ordered' ' καλείται ' ' Pragma' ' επειδή είναι χρήσιμοι. Και ' ' εκείνος-πράγμα-ότι-είμαι-disordered' ' καλείται ' ' Kalos' ' επειδή είναι όμορφοι. Επομένως, μετά από την αρχή, υπήρξε μόνο χρησιμότητα και ομορφιά, οι οποίες είναι καλές. Και μια ημέρα ' ' Pragma' ' και ' ' Kalos' ' αποφασισμένοι για να κάνουμε το κάτι άλλο, και καλούμε αυτό το κάτι ' ' Battlemasterra' '.

===The Book of Exodus===
===The Book of Exodus===
There came to be many things which were not before.  And some of these things were beautiful, and some of these things were useful.  But some of these things were neither beautiful nor useful, and since only the beautiful and the useful are good, these things were not good.  ''The World of BattleMaster'' was full of ''those-things-which-are-not-good'', especially on the continent we call [[Atamara]].  Therefore, ''Pragma'' and ''Kalos'' decided to bring together into one realm all the beautiful and useful things of [[Atamara]] so that the people of [[Atamara]] would see what beauty and utility is.  Thus, ''Pragma'' and ''Kalos'' justly said in harmony "Let there be [[Abington]]", and so it was.
! Modern Atamarean
! Ancient Suvillean
But the rest of the [[Atamara]] became jealous of the beauty and utility of [[Abington]], and so they called [[Abington]] evil.  But they did not understand what they were saying, because only beauty and utility, as well as those things that come from beauty and utility, are good, and therefore [[Abington]] is good and not evil.  And so ''Pragma'' and ''Kalos'' smiled upon [[Abington]] and made [[Abington]] powerful among the realms of [[Atamara]].
|There came to be many things which were not before.  And some of these things were beautiful, and some of these things were useful.  But some of these things were neither beautiful nor useful, and since only the beautiful and the useful are good, these things were not good.  ''Battlemasterra'' was full of ''those-things-which-are-not-good'', especially on the continent we call [[Atamara]].  Therefore, ''Pragma'' and ''Kalos'' decided to bring together into one realm all the beautiful and useful things of [[Atamara]] so that the people of [[Atamara]] would see what beauty and utility is.  Thus, ''Pragma'' and ''Kalos'' justly said in harmony "Let there be [[Abington]]", and so it was.
But it came to pass that many of the other realms of [[Atamara]] saw the goodness of [[Abington]], and they decided to be good.  And so they wanted to do beautiful and useful things like the people of [[Abington]].  But they did not know how, since all the beauty and utility of [[Atamara]] was in [[Abington]].  But the ''Abingtonians'', being useful, taught the other realms how to be beautiful.  And the ''Abingtonians'', being beautiful, taught the other realms how to be useful.  And so in this way, many realms came to be good like [[Abington]].
|Ήρθε να είναι πολλά πράγματα που δεν ήταν πριν. Και μερικά από αυτά τα πράγματα ήταν όμορφα, και μερικά από αυτά τα πράγματα ήταν χρήσιμα. Αλλά μερικά από αυτά τα πράγματα δεν ήταν ούτε όμορφα ούτε χρήσιμα, και δεδομένου ότι μόνο όμορφος και ο χρήσιμος είναι καλός, αυτά τα πράγματα δεν ήταν καλά. Το Battlemasterra ήταν πλήρες του εκείνος-πράγμα-που-είμαι-όχι-αγαθού, ειδικά στην ήπειρο καλούμε Atamara. Επομένως, Pragma και Kalos αποφάσισαν να συγκεντρώσουν σε μια σφαίρα όλα τα όμορφα και χρήσιμα πράγματα Atamara έτσι ώστε οι άνθρωποι Atamara θα έβλεπαν ποιες ομορφιά και χρησιμότητα είναι. Κατά συνέπεια, Pragma και Kalos που λέονται δίκαια στην αρμονία " Αφήστε εκεί να είστε Abington" , και έτσι ήταν.
|But the rest of the [[Atamara]] became jealous of the beauty and utility of [[Abington]], and so they called [[Abington]] evil.  But they did not understand what they were saying, because only beauty and utility, as well as those things that come from beauty and utility, are good, and therefore [[Abington]] is good and not evil.  And so ''Pragma'' and ''Kalos'' smiled upon [[Abington]] and made [[Abington]] powerful among the realms of [[Atamara]].
|Αλλά το υπόλοιπο του Atamara έγινε ζηλότυπο της ομορφιάς και της χρησιμότητας Abington, και έτσι κάλεσαν το κακό Abington. Αλλά δεν κατάλαβαν τι έλεγαν, επειδή μόνο η ομορφιά και η χρησιμότητα, καθώς επίσης και εκείνα τα πράγματα που προέρχονται από την ομορφιά και τη χρησιμότητα, είναι καλές, και επομένως Abington είναι καλό και μη κακό. Και έτσι Pragma και Kalos χαμογέλασαν επάνω σε Abington και κατέστησαν Abington ισχυρό μεταξύ των σφαιρών Atamara.
|But it came to pass that many of the other realms of [[Atamara]] saw the goodness of [[Abington]], and they decided to be good.  And so they wanted to do beautiful and useful things like the people of [[Abington]].  But they did not know how, since all the beauty and utility of [[Atamara]] was in [[Abington]].  But the ''Abingtonians'', being useful, taught the other realms how to be beautiful.  And the ''Abingtonians'', being beautiful, taught the other realms how to be useful.  And so in this way, many realms came to be good like [[Abington]].
|Αλλά ήρθε να περάσει ότι πολλές από τις άλλες σφαίρες Atamara είδαν την καλοσύνη Abington, και αποφάσισαν να είναι καλά. Και έτσι θέλησαν να κάνουν τα όμορφα και χρήσιμα πράγματα όπως τους ανθρώπους Abington. Αλλά δεν ήξεραν πώς, δεδομένου ότι όλες η ομορφιά και η χρησιμότητα Atamara ήταν σε Abington. Αλλά το Abingtonians, όντας χρήσιμο, δίδαξε τις άλλες σφαίρες πώς να είναι όμορφο. Και το Abingtonians, όντας όμορφο, δίδαξε τις άλλες σφαίρες πώς να είναι χρήσιμο. Και τόσο κατά αυτόν τον τρόπο, πολλές σφαίρες ήρθαν να είναι καλές όπως Abington.

===The Gospel of Pragma===
===The Gospel of Pragma===
And ''Pragma'' made himself seen to the original ''Abingtonians'' through all things useful, and most especially through geometry, for geometry is the most useful thing of all.  Through geometry, the ''Abingtonians'' learned to measure the land of [[Atamara]], and so were able to divide the realm into duchies, and the duchies into regions.  And they measured the distance from each region to another so that they would know how much time it would take to travel from the former to the latter.  And many other things came to be measured, such as the amount of gold and food each region would produce, the quality of the weapons and armour of their units, the populations of their duchies, and the combat strength of their armies.
! Modern Atamarean
! Ancient Suvillean
And so too were academies built in the cities to measure the skills of its nobles and to make those skills more useful by increasing their measures.  These skills, such as leadership and swordfighting, were much more difficult to measure than the land of [[Atamara]], but through careful study even these things came to be known to the ''Abingtonians'', and they even learned, through the lessons of geometry, how to measure justice, which is to give to each what is directly proportional to their utility.  And so the ''Abingtonians'' invented taxes to measure and distribute what is directly proportional to the utility of each.  And so it was through geometry that ''Pragma'' bestowed upon the ''Abingtonians'' the Commandment of Justice: '''Thou shalt obey the Realm Laws''', for obedience is useful, and the laws are just.
|And ''Pragma'' made himself seen to the original ''Abingtonians'' through all things useful, and most especially through geometry, for geometry is the most useful thing of all.  Through geometry, the ''Abingtonians'' learned to measure the land of [[Atamara]], and so were able to divide the realm into duchies, and the duchies into regions.  And they measured the distance from each region to another so that they would know how much time it would take to travel from the former to the latter.  And many other things came to be measured, such as the amount of gold and food each region would produce, the quality of the weapons and armour of their units, the populations of their duchies, and the combat strength of their armies.
|Και Pragma γινόταν βλέπω στο αρχικό Abingtonians μέσω όλων των πραγμάτων χρήσιμων, και ο ειδικότερα μέσω της γεωμετρίας, γιατί η γεωμετρία είναι το πιό χρήσιμο πράγμα όλα. Μέσω της γεωμετρίας, το Abingtonians έμαθε να μετρά το έδαφος Atamara, και ήταν σε θέση έτσι να διαιρέσει τη σφαίρα σε δουκάτα, και τα δουκάτα στις περιοχές. Και μέτρησαν την απόσταση από κάθε περιοχή σε άλλη έτσι ώστε θα ήξεραν πόσο χρόνο θα έπαιρνε στο ταξίδι από τα πρώτα στα τελευταία. Και πολλά άλλα πράγματα ήρθαν να μετρηθούν, όπως το ποσό χρυσού και τροφίμων που κάθε περιοχή θα παρήγε, η ποιότητα των όπλων και τεθωρακισμένο των μονάδων τους, οι πληθυσμοί των δουκάτων τους, και η δύναμη αγώνα των στρατών τους.
|And so too were academies built in the cities to measure the skills of its nobles and to make those skills more useful by increasing their measures.  These skills, such as leadership and swordfighting, were much more difficult to measure than the land of [[Atamara]], but through careful study even these things came to be known to the ''Abingtonians'', and they even learned, through the lessons of geometry, how to measure justice, which is to give to each what is directly proportional to their utility.  And so the ''Abingtonians'' invented taxes to measure and distribute what is directly proportional to the utility of each.  And so it was through geometry that ''Pragma'' bestowed upon the ''Abingtonians'' the Commandment of Justice: '''Thou shalt obey the Realm Laws''', for obedience is useful, and the laws are just.
|Τόσο επίσης ήταν ακαδημίες που χτίστηκαν στις πόλεις για να μετρήσουν τις δεξιότητες των nobles του και για να καταστήσουν εκείνες τις δεξιότητες πιό χρήσιμες με την αύξηση των μέτρων τους. Αυτές οι δεξιότητες, όπως η ηγεσία και, ήταν δυσκολότερο να μετρηθούν από το έδαφος Atamara, αλλά μέσω της προσεκτικής μελέτης ακόμη και αυτά τα πράγματα ήρθαν να μαθευτούν στο Abingtonians, και έμαθαν ακόμη και, μέσω των μαθημάτων της γεωμετρίας, πώς να μετρήσουν τη δικαιοσύνη, η οποία πρόκειται να δώσει κάθε τι είναι άμεσα ανάλογος προς τη χρησιμότητά τους. Και έτσι το Abingtonians έφηυρε τους φόρους για να μετρήσει και να διανείμει αυτό που είναι άμεσα ανάλογο προς τη χρησιμότητα κάθε μια. Και έτσι ήταν μέσω της γεωμετρίας ότι Pragma παραχώρησε επάνω στο Abingtonians την εντολή της δικαιοσύνης: υπακούτε τους νόμους σφαίρας, γιατί η υπακοή είναι χρήσιμη, και οι νόμοι είναι ακριβώς.

===The Gospel of Kalos===
===The Gospel of Kalos===
! Modern Atamarean
! Ancient Suvillean
|And ''Kalos'' made herself heard by the original ''Abingtonians'' through all things beautiful, and most especially through music, for music is the most beautiful thing of all.  And music is most beautiful because it is most harmonious and harmony is beautiful.  The ''Abingtonians'' than came to know many others things that are harmonious, most especially cooperation, which is only possible through communication and organization.  And so the ''Abingtonians'' began to collect information, such as lists and bulletins and maps, and they used scribes to deliver messages and record events, and they began to vote for their rulers and judges and set unit formations so that the armies of [[Abington]] would work together in harmony and therefore be beautiful.
|Και Kalos γινόταν ακουσμένου από το αρχικό Abingtonians μέσω όλων των πραγμάτων όμορφων, και ο ειδικότερα μέσω της μουσικής, για τη μουσική είναι το ομορφότερο πράγμα όλα. Και η μουσική είναι η ομορφότερη επειδή είναι η αρμονικότερη και η αρμονία είναι όμορφη. Το Abingtonians από ήρθε να ξέρει πολλοί άλλοι πράγματα που είναι αρμονικά, ο ειδικότερα συνεργασία, η οποία είναι μόνο δυνατή μέσω της επικοινωνίας και της οργάνωσης. Και έτσι το Abingtonians άρχισε να συλλέγει τις πληροφορίες, όπως οι κατάλογοι και τα δελτία και οι χάρτες, και χρησιμοποίησαν τους γραφείς για να παραδώσουν τα μηνύματα και τα γεγονότα αρχείων, και άρχισαν να ψηφίζουν για τους κυβερνήτες και τους δικαστές τους και τους καθορισμένους σχηματισμούς μονάδων έτσι ώστε οι στρατοί Abington θα εργάζονταν μαζί στην αρμονία και επομένως θα ήταν όμορφοι.
|And so too was the heirarchy invented by the ''Abingtonians'' so that they could cooperate most harmoniously.  And it came to pass through the heirarchy the use of orders, which was the most beautiful communication of all for above all else these orders brought cooperation and harmony to the people of [[Abington]].  And through great battles did the ''Abingtonians'' come to be the most beautiful people in [[Atamara]] for they obeyed the orders and thus cooperated with each other.  And so it was through music that ''Kalos'' bestowed upon the ''Abingtonians'' the Commandment of Harmony: '''Thou shalt obey the orders of the Realm Council''', for it is cooperative to do so, and harmony is beautiful.
|Τόσο επίσης ήταν η ιεραρχία που εφευρέθηκε από το Abingtonians έτσι ώστε να μπορούν να συνεργαστούν ο πιό αρμονικά. Και ήρθε να περάσει μέσω της ιεραρχίας τη χρήση των διαταγών, η οποία ήταν η ομορφότερη επικοινωνία όλες για προ πάντων αλλιώς αυτές τις διαταγές που παρουσιάστηκαν τη συνεργασία και την αρμονία στους ανθρώπους Abington. Και μέσω των μεγάλων μαχών έκανε το Abingtonians έρχεται να είναι οι ομορφότεροι άνθρωποι σε Atamara γιατί υπάκουσαν τις διαταγές και συνεργάστηκαν έτσι ο ένας με τον άλλον. Και έτσι ήταν μέσω της μουσικής ότι Kalos παραχώρησε επάνω στο Abingtonians την εντολή της αρμονίας: υπακούτε τις διαταγές του Συμβουλίου σφαίρας, γιατί είναι συνεταιριστικό να κάνει έτσι, και η αρμονία είναι όμορφη.

And ''Kalos'' made herself heard by the original ''Abingtonians'' through all things beautiful, and most especially through music, for music is the most beautiful thing of all.  And music is most beautiful because it is most harmonious and harmony is beautiful.  The ''Abingtonians'' than came to know many others things that are harmonious, most especially cooperation, which is only possible through communication and organization.  And so the ''Abingtonians'' began to collect information, such as lists and bulletins and maps, and they used scribes to deliver messages and record events, and they began to vote for their rulers and judges and set unit formations so that the armies of [[Abington]] would work together in harmony and therefore be beautiful.
==The Middle Testament==
And so too was the heirarchy invented by the ''Abingtonians'' so that they could cooperate most harmoniously.  And it came to pass through the heirarchy the use of orders, which was the most beautiful communication of all for above all else these orders brought cooperation and harmony to the people of [[Abington]].  And through great battles did the ''Abingtonians'' come to be the most beautiful people in [[Atamara]] for they obeyed the orders and thus cooperated with each other.  And so it was through music that ''Kalos'' bestowed upon the ''Abingtonians'' the Commandment of Harmony: '''Thou shalt obey the orders of Abington's leaders''', for it is cooperative to do so, and harmony is beautiful.
==The New Testament==

===The Metacallisto, Part 1===
===The Metacallisto, Part 1===
And there came to be a prophet in [[Abington]] by the name of Aeryn [[Arete_Family|Arete]].  And to her came ''Pragma'' and ''Kalos'' who spoke to her and said "You will build a temple."  But Aeryn did not want to build a temple, and so she said "I do not want to build a temple.  I want to be useful and beautiful."  But ''Kalos'' said to Aeryn "If you wish to be beautiful, you will be harmonious," and ''Pragma'' said to Aeryn "If you wish to be useful, you will be just."  And so Aeryn built a temple.
! Modern Atamarean
! Ancient Narvillean
And than ''Kalos'' and ''Pragma'' returned to Aeryn and said "You will preach harmony and justice to the peasants of [[Atamara]] so that they can be beautiful and useful too."  But Aeryn did not want to preach harmony and justice, and so she said "I do not want to preach to the peasants of [[Atamara]] for I do not know what harmony and justice is."  And so ''Kalos'' and ''Pragma'' told Aeryn how the world was created, how Abington was good, how music teaches us that harmony is beautiful, and how geometry teaches us that justice is useful.
|And there came to be a prophet in [[Abington]] by the name of Aeryn [[Arete_Family|Arete]].  And to her came ''Pragma'' and ''Kalos'' who spoke to her and said "You will build a temple."  But Aeryn did not want to build a temple, and so she said "I do not want to build a temple.  I want to be useful and beautiful."  But ''Kalos'' said to Aeryn "If you wish to be beautiful, you will be harmonious," and ''Pragma'' said to Aeryn "If you wish to be useful, you will be just."  And so Aeryn built a temple.
And so Aeryn shared the teachings of ''Kalos'' and ''Pragma'' with the people, who than shared it with others, and in this way knowledge of justice and harmony began to spread across the land of [[Abington]], which was already useful and beautiful, already just and harmonious, but did not yet know it, and thus these teachings came to be known as ''[[Aristoi Atamarism]]'', which means "The Best of Atamara".  And so the people of [[Abington]] continued to be useful and beautiful.
|وهناك الى ان جاء نبي من قبل في مدينة ابينجتون اسم aeryn arete. وجاء pragma لها وkalos من تكلم لها وقال "انكم بناء المعبد." Aeryn ولكن لا نريد بناء الهيكل المزعوم ، وذلك وقالت : "لا أريد لبناء المعبد. اريد أن أكون مفيدة وجميلة". ولكن kalos الى aeryn وقال "اذا كنت ترغب في أن تكون جميلة ، انك ستكون منسجمه ،" وpragma الى aeryn وقال "اذا كنت ترغب في ان تكون مفيدة ، وسوف يكون لكم". وحتى aeryn ببناء المعبد.
And this made Aeryn happy, and so she asked "Will [[Abington]] always be this useful?"  But ''Pragma'' said "No."  And so Aeryn than asked "Will [[Abington]] always be this beautiful?"  But ''Kalos'' said "No."  And this made Aeryn sad, and so she asked "Is it not beautiful for [[Abington]] to be useful?  Is it not useful for [[Abington]] to be beautiful?"  But ''Pragma'' and ''Kalos'' justly replied in harmony "Those who are ugly and useless are jealous of [[Abington]] and will accuse [[Abington]] of being unjust and disharmonious.  The ugly and useless are wicked and they are ignorant; they will attempt to destroy [[Abington]], and all that is useful and beautiful in [[Abington]] will forever be made to be less so by the wicked and ignorant.  In this way will [[Abington]] die, and therefore will no longer be useful or beautiful."  And so Aeryn asked "When will this come to pass?"
|And than ''Kalos'' and ''Pragma'' returned to Aeryn and said "You will preach harmony and justice to the peasants of [[Atamara]] so that they can be beautiful and useful too."  But Aeryn did not want to preach harmony and justice, and so she said "I do not want to preach to the peasants of [[Atamara]] for I do not know what harmony and justice is."  And so ''Kalos'' and ''Pragma'' told Aeryn how the world was created, how Abington was good, how music teaches us that harmony is beautiful, and how geometry teaches us that justice is useful.
|وpragma من kalos وعاد الى aeryn وقال "انكم الوعظ والانسجام والعدالة الى الفلاحين من atamara حتى انها يمكن ان تكون جميلة ومفيدة للغاية." Aeryn ولكنها لا تريد ان الوعظ والوئام والعدالة ، وما الى ذلك وقالت : "لا اريد للتبشير الى الفلاحين من atamara لانني لا اعرف ما هو والانسجام والعدالة." وحتى kalos وpragma قال aeryn كيف انشئت في العالم ، مدينة ابينجتون كيف كان ذلك جيدا ، كيف يعلمنا ان الموسيقى وئام جميل ، والهندسه ويعلمنا كيف ان العدالة امر مفيد.
"There will be a queen of great beauty and utility, and she will reign over [[Abington]] most justly and harmoniously, and all will be good for the people of [[Abington]] for many years.  She will be known as ''The Good Queen'' and ''Lady Virtue''.  But if she comes to ruin, all that is ugly and useless will rule over [[Atamara]], and the people of [[Abington]] will be scattered and forgotten.  Justice and harmony will give way to the wicked, and there will be only despair for your people."  Upon hearing this, Aeryn wept, and pledged her loyalty to the common good of [[Abington]] and its people, for any one of them might be ''The Good Queen''.
|And so Aeryn shared the teachings of ''Kalos'' and ''Pragma'' with the people, who than shared it with others, and in this way knowledge of justice and harmony began to spread across the land of [[Abington]], which was already useful and beautiful, already just and harmonious, but did not yet know it, and thus these teachings came to be known as ''[[Aristoi Atamarism]]'', which means "The Best of Atamara".  And so the people of [[Abington]] continued to be useful and beautiful.
|وهناك الى ان جاء نبي من قبل في مدينة ابينجتون اسم aeryn arete. وجاء pragma لها وkalos من تكلم لها وقال "انكم بناء المعبد." Aeryn ولكن لا نريد بناء الهيكل المزعوم ، وذلك وقالت : "لا أريد لبناء المعبد. اريد أن أكون مفيدة وجميلة". ولكن kalos الى aeryn وقال "اذا كنت ترغب في أن تكون جميلة ، انك ستكون منسجمه ،" وpragma الى aeryn وقال "اذا كنت ترغب في ان تكون مفيدة ، وسوف يكون لكم". وحتى aeryn ببناء المعبد.
|And this made Aeryn happy, and so she asked "Will [[Abington]] always be this useful?"  But ''Pragma'' said "No."  And so Aeryn than asked "Will [[Abington]] always be this beautiful?"  But ''Kalos'' said "No."  And this made Aeryn sad, and so she asked "Is it not beautiful for [[Abington]] to be useful?  Is it not useful for [[Abington]] to be beautiful?"  But ''Pragma'' and ''Kalos'' justly replied in harmony "Those who are ugly and useless are jealous of [[Abington]] and will accuse [[Abington]] of being unjust and disharmonious.  The ugly and useless are wicked and they are ignorant; they will attempt to destroy [[Abington]], and all that is useful and beautiful in [[Abington]] will forever be made to be less so by the wicked and ignorant.  In this way will [[Abington]] die, and therefore will no longer be useful or beautiful."  And so Aeryn asked "When will this come to pass?"
|وهذا يجعل aeryn سعيد ، وذلك وسألت "وسوف تكون دائما مدينة ابينجتون الفاءده من هذا؟" ولكنه قال pragma "رقم" وذلك من aeryn وتساءل : "سوف تكون دائما مدينة ابينجتون هذا البلد الجميل؟" ولكن kalos وقال "رقم" وهذا يجعل aeryn المحزنه ، وهكذا وتساءل : "أليس جميلا مدينة ابينجتون لاجل ان تكون مفيدة؟ اليس من المفيد ان تكون جميلة لمدينة ابينجتون؟" Pragma ولكن وردت kalos بالعدل في وئام "من تلك قبيحة وغير مجديه هي غيور من مدينة ابينجتون مدينة ابينجتون وسوف تتهم بأنها غير عادلة وغير منسجم. البشعه وغير مجديه هي الشرس وانهم جهلة ؛ ستحاولان لتدمير مدينة ابينجتون ، وعلى كل ما من المفيد والجميل في مدينة ابينجتون الى الابد الى ان تكون اقل من ذلك من قبل الاشرار وجهله. فى مدينة ابينجتون هذه الطريقة لن يموت ، وبالتالي لن تكون مفيدة او جميلة ". وحتى aeryn وتساءل : "متى حان لتمرير هذا؟"
|"There will be a queen of great beauty and utility, and she will reign over [[Abington]] most justly and harmoniously, and all will be good for the people of [[Abington]] for many years.  She will be known as ''The Good Queen'' and ''Lady Virtue''.  But if she comes to ruin, all that is ugly and useless will rule over [[Atamara]], and the people of [[Abington]] will be scattered and forgotten.  Justice and harmony will give way to the wicked, and there will be only despair for your people."  Upon hearing this, Aeryn wept, and pledged her loyalty to the common good of [[Abington]] and its people, for any one of them might be ''The Good Queen''.
|"ستكون هناك ملكة جمال وفائدة كبيرة ، وقالت انها سوف يسود مدينة ابينجتون على مدى اكثر عدلا ووئام ، وجميع وسوف يكون جيدا للشعب مدينة ابينجتون لسنوات عديدة. وقالت انها ستكون جيدة والمعروفة باسم الملكه والسيدة فضيله. ولكن إذا كانت تأتي الى الخراب ، كل ما هو قبيح وغير مجديه اكثر من atamara تتولى الحكم ، وشعب مدينة ابينجتون ستكون مبعثره ويصبح طي النسيان. الوئام والعدالة ويفسح الطريق امام الاشرار ، وسيكون هناك سوى اليأس لشعبكم. " عند الاستماع الى هذا ، aeryn بكي ، وتعهد الولاء لها الى الخير المشترك للمدينة ابينجتون وشعبها ، من اجل اي واحد منها يمكن ان تكون جيدة الملكه.

===The Metacallisto, Part 2===
===The Metacallisto, Part 2===
===Letter to the Carelians===
===Letter to the Carelians===
===Letter to the Ashlanteans===
===Letter to the Ashlanteans===
==The Last Testament==

Latest revision as of 15:50, 25 August 2008

ό Μέτριος

The Official Religious Text of Aristoi Atamarism as translated by Prophet Aeryn

The First Testament

The Book of Genesis

Modern Atamarean Ancient Suvillean
In the beginning, there was Nothing. And we call that-thing-which-is-not-something the Aestin. Since the Aestin is not something, it could not be evil, and therefore Aestin is good. The Aestin also did not have any parts, since it was not something, and being without parts, the Aestin could not be disordered. And so from Aestin we are given order. Thus, order is good. Στην αρχή, δεν υπήρξε τίποτα. Και καλούμε ότι-πράγμα-που-είμαι-όχι-κάτι Aestin. Δεδομένου ότι το Aestin δεν είναι κάτι, δεν θα μπορούσε να είναι κακό, και επομένως Aestin είναι καλό. Το Aestin επίσης δεν είχε οποιαδήποτε μέρη, δεδομένου ότι δεν ήταν κάτι, και όντας χωρίς μέρη, το Aestin δεν θα μπορούσε να είναι διαταραγμένο. Και έτσι από Aestin μας δίνεται η διαταγή. Κατά συνέπεια, η διαταγή είναι καλή.
But order is. And so in the beginning, there was only order, and it was good. But since there was a beginning, there must have been that-which-is-after-the-beginning, which we call the Agenoi. The Agenoi could not have been ordered because if it were order then it would have been the beginning, which it was not. And so Agenoi was disordered, and so it must have had parts. Αλλά η διαταγή είναι. Και έτσι στην αρχή, υπήρξε μόνο διαταγή, και ήταν καλή. Αλλά δεδομένου ότι υπήρξε μια αρχή, πρέπει ότι-που-είμαι-μετά από-ο-, την οποία καλούμε Agenoi. Το Agenoi δεν θα μπορούσε να έχει διαταχτεί επειδή εάν ήταν διαταγή έπειτα θα ήταν η αρχή, η οποία δεν ήταν. Και έτσι Agenoi ήταν διαταραγμένο, και έτσι πρέπει να έχει τα μέρη.
But parts are not the whole, or else they would not be parts, and so the parts do not have to be disordered like the whole. And parts are, and things that are are things, so parts are things. And so after the beginning there were things. And since there was also order and disorder, some of these things were ordered and some of these things were disordered. Αλλά τα μέρη δεν είναι το σύνολο, ειδάλλως δεν θα ήταν μέρη, και έτσι τα μέρη δεν ειναι απαραίτητο να είναι διαταραγμένα όπως το σύνολο. Και τα μέρη είναι, και τα πράγματα που είναι είναι πράγματα, έτσι τα μέρη είναι πράγματα. Και έτσι μετά από την αρχή υπήρξαν πράγματα. Και δεδομένου ότι υπήρξε επίσης διαταγή και αναταραχή, μερικά από αυτά τα πράγματα διατάχτηκαν και μερικά από αυτά τα πράγματα ήταν διαταραγμένα.
And those-things-that-are-ordered are called the Pragma because they are useful. And those-things-that-are-disordered are called the Kalos because they are beautiful. Therefore, after the beginning, there was only utility and beauty, which are good. And one day Pragma and Kalos decided to make something else, and we call this something Battlemasterra. Και ' ' εκείνος-πράγμα-ότι-είμαι-ordered' ' καλείται ' ' Pragma' ' επειδή είναι χρήσιμοι. Και ' ' εκείνος-πράγμα-ότι-είμαι-disordered' ' καλείται ' ' Kalos' ' επειδή είναι όμορφοι. Επομένως, μετά από την αρχή, υπήρξε μόνο χρησιμότητα και ομορφιά, οι οποίες είναι καλές. Και μια ημέρα ' ' Pragma' ' και ' ' Kalos' ' αποφασισμένοι για να κάνουμε το κάτι άλλο, και καλούμε αυτό το κάτι ' ' Battlemasterra' '.

The Book of Exodus

Modern Atamarean Ancient Suvillean
There came to be many things which were not before. And some of these things were beautiful, and some of these things were useful. But some of these things were neither beautiful nor useful, and since only the beautiful and the useful are good, these things were not good. Battlemasterra was full of those-things-which-are-not-good, especially on the continent we call Atamara. Therefore, Pragma and Kalos decided to bring together into one realm all the beautiful and useful things of Atamara so that the people of Atamara would see what beauty and utility is. Thus, Pragma and Kalos justly said in harmony "Let there be Abington", and so it was. Ήρθε να είναι πολλά πράγματα που δεν ήταν πριν. Και μερικά από αυτά τα πράγματα ήταν όμορφα, και μερικά από αυτά τα πράγματα ήταν χρήσιμα. Αλλά μερικά από αυτά τα πράγματα δεν ήταν ούτε όμορφα ούτε χρήσιμα, και δεδομένου ότι μόνο όμορφος και ο χρήσιμος είναι καλός, αυτά τα πράγματα δεν ήταν καλά. Το Battlemasterra ήταν πλήρες του εκείνος-πράγμα-που-είμαι-όχι-αγαθού, ειδικά στην ήπειρο καλούμε Atamara. Επομένως, Pragma και Kalos αποφάσισαν να συγκεντρώσουν σε μια σφαίρα όλα τα όμορφα και χρήσιμα πράγματα Atamara έτσι ώστε οι άνθρωποι Atamara θα έβλεπαν ποιες ομορφιά και χρησιμότητα είναι. Κατά συνέπεια, Pragma και Kalos που λέονται δίκαια στην αρμονία " Αφήστε εκεί να είστε Abington" , και έτσι ήταν.
But the rest of the Atamara became jealous of the beauty and utility of Abington, and so they called Abington evil. But they did not understand what they were saying, because only beauty and utility, as well as those things that come from beauty and utility, are good, and therefore Abington is good and not evil. And so Pragma and Kalos smiled upon Abington and made Abington powerful among the realms of Atamara. Αλλά το υπόλοιπο του Atamara έγινε ζηλότυπο της ομορφιάς και της χρησιμότητας Abington, και έτσι κάλεσαν το κακό Abington. Αλλά δεν κατάλαβαν τι έλεγαν, επειδή μόνο η ομορφιά και η χρησιμότητα, καθώς επίσης και εκείνα τα πράγματα που προέρχονται από την ομορφιά και τη χρησιμότητα, είναι καλές, και επομένως Abington είναι καλό και μη κακό. Και έτσι Pragma και Kalos χαμογέλασαν επάνω σε Abington και κατέστησαν Abington ισχυρό μεταξύ των σφαιρών Atamara.
But it came to pass that many of the other realms of Atamara saw the goodness of Abington, and they decided to be good. And so they wanted to do beautiful and useful things like the people of Abington. But they did not know how, since all the beauty and utility of Atamara was in Abington. But the Abingtonians, being useful, taught the other realms how to be beautiful. And the Abingtonians, being beautiful, taught the other realms how to be useful. And so in this way, many realms came to be good like Abington. Αλλά ήρθε να περάσει ότι πολλές από τις άλλες σφαίρες Atamara είδαν την καλοσύνη Abington, και αποφάσισαν να είναι καλά. Και έτσι θέλησαν να κάνουν τα όμορφα και χρήσιμα πράγματα όπως τους ανθρώπους Abington. Αλλά δεν ήξεραν πώς, δεδομένου ότι όλες η ομορφιά και η χρησιμότητα Atamara ήταν σε Abington. Αλλά το Abingtonians, όντας χρήσιμο, δίδαξε τις άλλες σφαίρες πώς να είναι όμορφο. Και το Abingtonians, όντας όμορφο, δίδαξε τις άλλες σφαίρες πώς να είναι χρήσιμο. Και τόσο κατά αυτόν τον τρόπο, πολλές σφαίρες ήρθαν να είναι καλές όπως Abington.

The Gospel of Pragma

Modern Atamarean Ancient Suvillean
And Pragma made himself seen to the original Abingtonians through all things useful, and most especially through geometry, for geometry is the most useful thing of all. Through geometry, the Abingtonians learned to measure the land of Atamara, and so were able to divide the realm into duchies, and the duchies into regions. And they measured the distance from each region to another so that they would know how much time it would take to travel from the former to the latter. And many other things came to be measured, such as the amount of gold and food each region would produce, the quality of the weapons and armour of their units, the populations of their duchies, and the combat strength of their armies. Και Pragma γινόταν βλέπω στο αρχικό Abingtonians μέσω όλων των πραγμάτων χρήσιμων, και ο ειδικότερα μέσω της γεωμετρίας, γιατί η γεωμετρία είναι το πιό χρήσιμο πράγμα όλα. Μέσω της γεωμετρίας, το Abingtonians έμαθε να μετρά το έδαφος Atamara, και ήταν σε θέση έτσι να διαιρέσει τη σφαίρα σε δουκάτα, και τα δουκάτα στις περιοχές. Και μέτρησαν την απόσταση από κάθε περιοχή σε άλλη έτσι ώστε θα ήξεραν πόσο χρόνο θα έπαιρνε στο ταξίδι από τα πρώτα στα τελευταία. Και πολλά άλλα πράγματα ήρθαν να μετρηθούν, όπως το ποσό χρυσού και τροφίμων που κάθε περιοχή θα παρήγε, η ποιότητα των όπλων και τεθωρακισμένο των μονάδων τους, οι πληθυσμοί των δουκάτων τους, και η δύναμη αγώνα των στρατών τους.
And so too were academies built in the cities to measure the skills of its nobles and to make those skills more useful by increasing their measures. These skills, such as leadership and swordfighting, were much more difficult to measure than the land of Atamara, but through careful study even these things came to be known to the Abingtonians, and they even learned, through the lessons of geometry, how to measure justice, which is to give to each what is directly proportional to their utility. And so the Abingtonians invented taxes to measure and distribute what is directly proportional to the utility of each. And so it was through geometry that Pragma bestowed upon the Abingtonians the Commandment of Justice: Thou shalt obey the Realm Laws, for obedience is useful, and the laws are just. Τόσο επίσης ήταν ακαδημίες που χτίστηκαν στις πόλεις για να μετρήσουν τις δεξιότητες των nobles του και για να καταστήσουν εκείνες τις δεξιότητες πιό χρήσιμες με την αύξηση των μέτρων τους. Αυτές οι δεξιότητες, όπως η ηγεσία και, ήταν δυσκολότερο να μετρηθούν από το έδαφος Atamara, αλλά μέσω της προσεκτικής μελέτης ακόμη και αυτά τα πράγματα ήρθαν να μαθευτούν στο Abingtonians, και έμαθαν ακόμη και, μέσω των μαθημάτων της γεωμετρίας, πώς να μετρήσουν τη δικαιοσύνη, η οποία πρόκειται να δώσει κάθε τι είναι άμεσα ανάλογος προς τη χρησιμότητά τους. Και έτσι το Abingtonians έφηυρε τους φόρους για να μετρήσει και να διανείμει αυτό που είναι άμεσα ανάλογο προς τη χρησιμότητα κάθε μια. Και έτσι ήταν μέσω της γεωμετρίας ότι Pragma παραχώρησε επάνω στο Abingtonians την εντολή της δικαιοσύνης: υπακούτε τους νόμους σφαίρας, γιατί η υπακοή είναι χρήσιμη, και οι νόμοι είναι ακριβώς.

The Gospel of Kalos

Modern Atamarean Ancient Suvillean
And Kalos made herself heard by the original Abingtonians through all things beautiful, and most especially through music, for music is the most beautiful thing of all. And music is most beautiful because it is most harmonious and harmony is beautiful. The Abingtonians than came to know many others things that are harmonious, most especially cooperation, which is only possible through communication and organization. And so the Abingtonians began to collect information, such as lists and bulletins and maps, and they used scribes to deliver messages and record events, and they began to vote for their rulers and judges and set unit formations so that the armies of Abington would work together in harmony and therefore be beautiful. Και Kalos γινόταν ακουσμένου από το αρχικό Abingtonians μέσω όλων των πραγμάτων όμορφων, και ο ειδικότερα μέσω της μουσικής, για τη μουσική είναι το ομορφότερο πράγμα όλα. Και η μουσική είναι η ομορφότερη επειδή είναι η αρμονικότερη και η αρμονία είναι όμορφη. Το Abingtonians από ήρθε να ξέρει πολλοί άλλοι πράγματα που είναι αρμονικά, ο ειδικότερα συνεργασία, η οποία είναι μόνο δυνατή μέσω της επικοινωνίας και της οργάνωσης. Και έτσι το Abingtonians άρχισε να συλλέγει τις πληροφορίες, όπως οι κατάλογοι και τα δελτία και οι χάρτες, και χρησιμοποίησαν τους γραφείς για να παραδώσουν τα μηνύματα και τα γεγονότα αρχείων, και άρχισαν να ψηφίζουν για τους κυβερνήτες και τους δικαστές τους και τους καθορισμένους σχηματισμούς μονάδων έτσι ώστε οι στρατοί Abington θα εργάζονταν μαζί στην αρμονία και επομένως θα ήταν όμορφοι.
And so too was the heirarchy invented by the Abingtonians so that they could cooperate most harmoniously. And it came to pass through the heirarchy the use of orders, which was the most beautiful communication of all for above all else these orders brought cooperation and harmony to the people of Abington. And through great battles did the Abingtonians come to be the most beautiful people in Atamara for they obeyed the orders and thus cooperated with each other. And so it was through music that Kalos bestowed upon the Abingtonians the Commandment of Harmony: Thou shalt obey the orders of the Realm Council, for it is cooperative to do so, and harmony is beautiful. Τόσο επίσης ήταν η ιεραρχία που εφευρέθηκε από το Abingtonians έτσι ώστε να μπορούν να συνεργαστούν ο πιό αρμονικά. Και ήρθε να περάσει μέσω της ιεραρχίας τη χρήση των διαταγών, η οποία ήταν η ομορφότερη επικοινωνία όλες για προ πάντων αλλιώς αυτές τις διαταγές που παρουσιάστηκαν τη συνεργασία και την αρμονία στους ανθρώπους Abington. Και μέσω των μεγάλων μαχών έκανε το Abingtonians έρχεται να είναι οι ομορφότεροι άνθρωποι σε Atamara γιατί υπάκουσαν τις διαταγές και συνεργάστηκαν έτσι ο ένας με τον άλλον. Και έτσι ήταν μέσω της μουσικής ότι Kalos παραχώρησε επάνω στο Abingtonians την εντολή της αρμονίας: υπακούτε τις διαταγές του Συμβουλίου σφαίρας, γιατί είναι συνεταιριστικό να κάνει έτσι, και η αρμονία είναι όμορφη.

The Middle Testament

The Metacallisto, Part 1

Modern Atamarean Ancient Narvillean
And there came to be a prophet in Abington by the name of Aeryn Arete. And to her came Pragma and Kalos who spoke to her and said "You will build a temple." But Aeryn did not want to build a temple, and so she said "I do not want to build a temple. I want to be useful and beautiful." But Kalos said to Aeryn "If you wish to be beautiful, you will be harmonious," and Pragma said to Aeryn "If you wish to be useful, you will be just." And so Aeryn built a temple. وهناك الى ان جاء نبي من قبل في مدينة ابينجتون اسم aeryn arete. وجاء pragma لها وkalos من تكلم لها وقال "انكم بناء المعبد." Aeryn ولكن لا نريد بناء الهيكل المزعوم ، وذلك وقالت : "لا أريد لبناء المعبد. اريد أن أكون مفيدة وجميلة". ولكن kalos الى aeryn وقال "اذا كنت ترغب في أن تكون جميلة ، انك ستكون منسجمه ،" وpragma الى aeryn وقال "اذا كنت ترغب في ان تكون مفيدة ، وسوف يكون لكم". وحتى aeryn ببناء المعبد.
And than Kalos and Pragma returned to Aeryn and said "You will preach harmony and justice to the peasants of Atamara so that they can be beautiful and useful too." But Aeryn did not want to preach harmony and justice, and so she said "I do not want to preach to the peasants of Atamara for I do not know what harmony and justice is." And so Kalos and Pragma told Aeryn how the world was created, how Abington was good, how music teaches us that harmony is beautiful, and how geometry teaches us that justice is useful. وpragma من kalos وعاد الى aeryn وقال "انكم الوعظ والانسجام والعدالة الى الفلاحين من atamara حتى انها يمكن ان تكون جميلة ومفيدة للغاية." Aeryn ولكنها لا تريد ان الوعظ والوئام والعدالة ، وما الى ذلك وقالت : "لا اريد للتبشير الى الفلاحين من atamara لانني لا اعرف ما هو والانسجام والعدالة." وحتى kalos وpragma قال aeryn كيف انشئت في العالم ، مدينة ابينجتون كيف كان ذلك جيدا ، كيف يعلمنا ان الموسيقى وئام جميل ، والهندسه ويعلمنا كيف ان العدالة امر مفيد.
And so Aeryn shared the teachings of Kalos and Pragma with the people, who than shared it with others, and in this way knowledge of justice and harmony began to spread across the land of Abington, which was already useful and beautiful, already just and harmonious, but did not yet know it, and thus these teachings came to be known as Aristoi Atamarism, which means "The Best of Atamara". And so the people of Abington continued to be useful and beautiful. وهناك الى ان جاء نبي من قبل في مدينة ابينجتون اسم aeryn arete. وجاء pragma لها وkalos من تكلم لها وقال "انكم بناء المعبد." Aeryn ولكن لا نريد بناء الهيكل المزعوم ، وذلك وقالت : "لا أريد لبناء المعبد. اريد أن أكون مفيدة وجميلة". ولكن kalos الى aeryn وقال "اذا كنت ترغب في أن تكون جميلة ، انك ستكون منسجمه ،" وpragma الى aeryn وقال "اذا كنت ترغب في ان تكون مفيدة ، وسوف يكون لكم". وحتى aeryn ببناء المعبد.
And this made Aeryn happy, and so she asked "Will Abington always be this useful?" But Pragma said "No." And so Aeryn than asked "Will Abington always be this beautiful?" But Kalos said "No." And this made Aeryn sad, and so she asked "Is it not beautiful for Abington to be useful? Is it not useful for Abington to be beautiful?" But Pragma and Kalos justly replied in harmony "Those who are ugly and useless are jealous of Abington and will accuse Abington of being unjust and disharmonious. The ugly and useless are wicked and they are ignorant; they will attempt to destroy Abington, and all that is useful and beautiful in Abington will forever be made to be less so by the wicked and ignorant. In this way will Abington die, and therefore will no longer be useful or beautiful." And so Aeryn asked "When will this come to pass?" وهذا يجعل aeryn سعيد ، وذلك وسألت "وسوف تكون دائما مدينة ابينجتون الفاءده من هذا؟" ولكنه قال pragma "رقم" وذلك من aeryn وتساءل : "سوف تكون دائما مدينة ابينجتون هذا البلد الجميل؟" ولكن kalos وقال "رقم" وهذا يجعل aeryn المحزنه ، وهكذا وتساءل : "أليس جميلا مدينة ابينجتون لاجل ان تكون مفيدة؟ اليس من المفيد ان تكون جميلة لمدينة ابينجتون؟" Pragma ولكن وردت kalos بالعدل في وئام "من تلك قبيحة وغير مجديه هي غيور من مدينة ابينجتون مدينة ابينجتون وسوف تتهم بأنها غير عادلة وغير منسجم. البشعه وغير مجديه هي الشرس وانهم جهلة ؛ ستحاولان لتدمير مدينة ابينجتون ، وعلى كل ما من المفيد والجميل في مدينة ابينجتون الى الابد الى ان تكون اقل من ذلك من قبل الاشرار وجهله. فى مدينة ابينجتون هذه الطريقة لن يموت ، وبالتالي لن تكون مفيدة او جميلة ". وحتى aeryn وتساءل : "متى حان لتمرير هذا؟"
"There will be a queen of great beauty and utility, and she will reign over Abington most justly and harmoniously, and all will be good for the people of Abington for many years. She will be known as The Good Queen and Lady Virtue. But if she comes to ruin, all that is ugly and useless will rule over Atamara, and the people of Abington will be scattered and forgotten. Justice and harmony will give way to the wicked, and there will be only despair for your people." Upon hearing this, Aeryn wept, and pledged her loyalty to the common good of Abington and its people, for any one of them might be The Good Queen. "ستكون هناك ملكة جمال وفائدة كبيرة ، وقالت انها سوف يسود مدينة ابينجتون على مدى اكثر عدلا ووئام ، وجميع وسوف يكون جيدا للشعب مدينة ابينجتون لسنوات عديدة. وقالت انها ستكون جيدة والمعروفة باسم الملكه والسيدة فضيله. ولكن إذا كانت تأتي الى الخراب ، كل ما هو قبيح وغير مجديه اكثر من atamara تتولى الحكم ، وشعب مدينة ابينجتون ستكون مبعثره ويصبح طي النسيان. الوئام والعدالة ويفسح الطريق امام الاشرار ، وسيكون هناك سوى اليأس لشعبكم. " عند الاستماع الى هذا ، aeryn بكي ، وتعهد الولاء لها الى الخير المشترك للمدينة ابينجتون وشعبها ، من اجل اي واحد منها يمكن ان تكون جيدة الملكه.

The Metacallisto, Part 2

Letter to the Carelians

Letter to the Ashlanteans

The Last Testament