Fontan (Realm)/Judge Bulletin: Difference between revisions

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* [[Fontan/Judiciary/Treaties|Treaties]]
* [[Fontan/Judiciary/Treaties|Treaties]]
* [[Fontan/Judiciary/Statutes|Statutes]]
* [[Fontan/Judiciary/Statutes|Statutes]]
* [[Fontan/Judiciary/Trials|Trials]]

Revision as of 16:34, 15 August 2008

The Judge's Bulletin

Executive Branch of Fontan

The Executive Branch of Fontan is in charge of the administration of local governments. The Maintenance Corps, under the guidance of Supreme Judge, has full authority over regional domestic affairs, and can assume controls over region commanders and ordinary nobles when emergencies occur, providing the circumstances are acknowledged by Minister of Defense.

Bureaucratic Assignments

This is not a public information.

Judicial Branch of Fontan

The Judicial Branch of Fontan is in charge of the execution of laws. In case of any violations of the law, the defendant will have time to plead their case to the judge, then an appropriate punishments shall be imposed by Supreme Judge on the defantant in accordance with the law if found guilty.

Laws of the Realm

These will be documented in Statutes.

Transgression of laws

  • Military - looting, razing fortifications, attacking allies, not following orders, moving into prohibited areas, etc.
  • Non-military - purchasing on black market, duels during war time, etc.

All actions that may have adverse effects to the realm cannot be issued by anyone except from the MoD directly or through a consensus of the CoD in the absence of the MoD. MoD or a CoD representative is required to notify the Supreme Judge of such actions beforehand.

Trials and Transparency

  • In the event any noble found to be breaking any realm laws they will be sent to the jurisdiction of the Judiciary branch (or the Supreme Judge) for trial. However, each and every noble will be given a fair trial which lasts around one week for all parties involve to present their case. Trial will be conducted in private and if necessary the proceedings will be publicize for transparency purposes. How the trial is conducted is up to the Judiciary branch.
  • Once the trial has ended, if found guilty, the punishment will be entirely decided by the Judiciary.


  • Marshals and MoD can choose to pardon anyone found breaking any military laws. Marshals can only pardon nobles in their army, MoD any non bureaucrat, trader or priest. However if the same incident were to happen again after the pardon (limit to 30 days), the Marshal or MoD who requested for the pardon will have to stand for trial together with the noble.
  • Non-military laws do not have pardons.


  • All newcomers to the realm (OOC: <7 days) are exempted from any punishment that are military related. However, if found repeating the offense, they will be sent to the Judge directly for trial. No pardon is necessary for 1st offense. Immunity will last for 7 days from the day joining Fontan.

Issued by: Helos Helron, Supreme Judge of Fontan, 2007.07.17

Further Details