Sanguis Astroism/The Bloodstars - Misunderstood source of enlightment

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The Bloodstars - Misunderstood source of enlightment


Medugnatos Stormcrow, High Inquisitor of Corsanctum, A.D. 1009, at the 149 day of the rule of our prophet


I want to thank my family, who has always believed in me even during the hard times when I began my carreer on the Beluaterra. The dead Grandmaster Deverka, in my opinion one of the greatest statesman and thinker on this continent. His wisdom and his open mind teached me a lot and I wouldnt be who I am without his example. Finally, the person I need to thank most, his Holiness Mathurin Hossenfeffer. The peace and wisdom of his presence was able to enlighten me on my path to the Bloodstars and more than once he honored me by helping to clear my mind when I got confused or lost my way.


Since the beginn of my journey from the Beluaterra I am thinking of the Bloodstars. They have guided our ship, lead my steps to the first Temple and finally brought me to the place where I am now and quite frankly made me what I am today.

During all this time I heard many interpretations about the what, why and how the Bloodstars influence us and most are a mistake in my humble opinion.

This book is intended to sheet light on a rather great misunderstanding concerning the Bloodstars, the idea of three seperate stars.

I wrote this book to help newcommers to understand Sanguis Astroism and the Bloodstars but even long standing members of the church might find the one or the other jewel of insight on its pages.

Chapter I - A sky full of Stars

When one is looking to the sky he sees a amazing mixture of darkness and light, millions of millions of Stars are pinned on the mantle of the night and a disbeliever or aspirant might ask:"Why should I follow the three Bloodstars when the sky is full of beauty?" The answer is simple but one needs to think a bit before he might fully understand the momentous of it. The stars at the nightsky are just, extras, the dishes we serve the wisdom of the Bloodstars. Think of it as the stage set where the wonderful and enlightning theater takes place that we can witness every day if we are open in heart and soul. I dont know if all the stars have influence on us but if they do it is to soft to recognize it. The Bloodstars on the other hand have a great influence on us, so strong that there are people out there who claim that several things they did was influenced by the Bloodstars and some are but most are not.

The Bloodstars are not only the most prominent on the sky they have phases like the moons and changing meaning and power when they wax and wan. That and their influence on us humans is the reason why other stars cant compete with them.

Chapter II - The seperating trap

Once the dedicated aspirant has enough insight to seperate the Bloodstars from the other stars he is likely to step into his first trap on his way to enlightenment. Seperation. Humans are single minded and it is no wonder that it is difficult for us to think in a trinity, Nobody, except perhaps his Holiness, is immune against this way of thinking and getting wise and open minded enough to understand its principals is a long way. When I started to think about the Bloodstars I always thought Maddening, Austere, Auspicious but to name them in such a way is seperating them. This seperation is the root of many misunderstandings concerning the Bloodstars and the dedicated aspirant is well advised to take this first steps on his journey very carefully since faults mights spread in his life and getting rid of them is more difficult than preventing them in the first place.

How often have you heard, "I am a follower of Maddening or Auspicious?" Such a way is false and will, if followed to the end, lead to tension in a persons mind that gives pain and disorientation but that is just the way the Bloodstars show us that we are on the wrong track. We always have the possibility to change our mind and find the right path again.

Where does the said lead us? The Bloodstars are a unity, a three bodied individual so to speak and thinking of them as individual entities will do a faithfull follower no good and lead him on a wrong path where pain and work are the currency with which he pays his fault.

Chapter III - Unity is the answer

When the faithful aspirant has escaped the seperation trap he is faced with his next challenge. Realizing that he is not single minded at all but instead is made out of three parts himself. This simple truth will enable him to understand the entity we call the Bloodstars and finding this parts and listen to them will be the first great success on his way to enlightenment. To truly understand this one has to look at himself. The body cant exist without the mind and this mind cant give us awareness without the sacred soul, the small twinkle of the Bloodstars that is within all of us, even a new born and as we dont exist in seperation of body mind and soul the Bloodstars dont exist without each other. As we observe and meditate on the Bloodstars and there wanning and waxing we can find similarities to our body, mind and soul. Integrating this wisdom and syncronizing ourselves with the phases of the Bloodstars is what finally will lead us to the wisdom and clearity that the Bloodstars have meant for us.

Closing Words

I am aware that due too the complexity of the Bloodstars´ wisdom and teachings this lines are far from being complete. Other topics will be raised in later publications, for now I concentrated on the one topic I felt is most talked about but least understood, the (united) influence of the Bloodstars on all beings.