Outer Tilog (Realm)/Valion Torture

From BattleMaster Wiki

This is the torture of the Giblot Infiltrator Valion.

One Man's Torture -or- How-to-Make an Outer Tilogian Cake

Three figures emerge from the dark hall and approach the cell door … they can hear the ragged breathing of a man who has been well entertained already this day.

Zane sniffs and makes a face. "Oh dear ... he appears to have soiled himself again."

Zane grabs a bucket of water and douses the prisoner with it. He listens perplexed at the screams for a moment before remembering that the bucket had been filled with vinegar. Zane shrugs and tosses the empty bucket over his shoulder. "A pity ... that'll probably clean up any festering wounds."

"Damn and I worked hard to make those wounds fester," grumbled Moira.

Zane looks thoughtful, "Does anyone have any baking soda?"

Moira fingers her whip thoughtfully as she circles Valion. With a wicked grin crossing her face, she takes the whip from its place on her belt and gives it a sharp crack just missing Valion’s ear. Moira smiles again, "That was just a warm up ... where should I land the whips first lick?"

Despyria purrs, "Ohhhh that is a loaded question ... focus on Valion dear."

Moira growls.

Zane pulls up a stool and sits in front of Valion. "And just what are we supposed to do with you?" He sets down a large toolbox next to the stool. Zane pulls out a mixing bowl and calls out over his shoulder, "Guard. Bring me the head of that Giblet we executed this morning." Zane pulls on a pair of thin black leather gloves and opens up a small packet. The unmistakable odor of cayenne peppers wafts out. "Wouldn't want to ruin my manicure and burn my fingers on these."

Moira nods, "No that wouldn't do at all."

Zane nods as the guard returns with the head. He holds it above the bowl and cracks the skull open with a cleaver. He drains the gray tissue inside into the bowl much like a baker cracks an egg. He pours the packet of chilies into the bowl with the brains and begins to whip them together vigorously. "I so relish the culinary arts. Don't you?"

Zane whips the mixture until it is smooth and starts to form soft peaks. "There! Now let's let that sit for just a moment." He starts rummaging around in the box and pulls out a pastry decorator bag.

Moira looks on impatiently ... she has the rose nail ready to be inserted and a bag with a rose tip ready for the "frosting". Moira leans over Zane. "May I have some of that please...if we are going to decorate the bum... he will need some flowers won't he?"

"Oh indeed! I think it's ready to fill." Zane rummages around a bit more and pulls out a second pastry bag. He hands it to Moira. Zane picks up the bowl and fills the bag with the "frosting".

Moira takes the filled pastry bag and turns to Valion. "Give me your hand... I promise this will hurt a lot." She grins again as she takes the rose nail and inserts in the back of his hand. "Now you just hold that for me while I make these roses to adorn your head."

Moira begins twirling the nail while whipping the frosting onto it in quick strokes being sure to pull drops of the blood from his hand in to swirl around the frosting. "Nice touch the crimson edges don't you think?"

Zane nods in agreement as he digs into the box again and produces a moldy old brussel sprout. He eyes it critically for a moment, then nods and inserts it forcefully in Valion's left nostril.

Moira finishes one rose and removes the nail to gently push the rose from it and onto Valion's forehead. Moira quickly reinserts the nail in the back of Valion’s hand again, to start the rose making process again.

Zane inserts the tip of his pastry bag into Valion's right nostril.

Moira says brightly, "Oh this is fun isn't it? Maybe we can start a cooking with the prisoners series... or more aptly we could call it Cooking the Prisoners."

Zane holds up a cautionary finger, "Careful there. We mustn't be caught having 'fun'. It is, after all, illegal in Outer Tilog."

Moira shakes her head, "Oh not that we are having fun... but it does look like Valion is having fun doesn't it?" Moira finishes her second rose and places it next to the first...Moira admires the holes the rose nail is making in the back of Valion's hand. The way the blood bubbles up through the wound is quite thrilling. Moira pounds the nail back in and begins another rose

Zane looks thoughtful, "He does appear to be having an extraordinary amount of fun, doesn't he?"

Moira nods.

"Should we notify the Ministry of Injustice about this transgression?" Zane asks.

"I believe we must," Moira replies.

Zane looks around for a moment and realizes Despyria has disappeared.

Moira leans in and whispers in Zane's ear just loud enough for Valion to hear, "I think Despyria went to find the you-know-what."

Zane strokes his chin thoughtfully.

Despyria returns with a miniature bellows and congealed puppy puke, and hands them to an awaiting assisting demon. The demon steps over and hands Zane the bellows. Despyria walks up to stand beside Moira to watch the blood splattered Zane and Moira's craft with great interest. Absently Despyria starts caressing Moira's upper arm, tracing intricate patterns lightly in her skin unless something unexpected or interesting catches her attention, then she inadvertently draws blood.

Moving around the foot of the table to draw closer to what Zane is doing with the miniature bellows, equally absently licking Moira's blood from her immaculately manicured nail and finger tip. When what Zane planned to do with the bellows becomes apparent, the Eternal Judge squealed with delight and bouncing with glee at his creativity. After inserting the nozzle in Valion's right nostril (the one without the brussel sprout) and looks about at the two Outer Tilogian ladies that accompanied him.

"Do you think there's enough room in there for all this? After all, we still have a lot of cranial frosting left over," he muses.

Despyria places her hand on top of Zane's right hand. Moira, taking the hint, does the same over his left, and then they alternate over each other's. With a quick grin to the women he squeezes the bellows to shoot the congealed liquid with extreme force into Valion's sinuses.

Zane blinks and looks down at his hand, a little surprised. Despyria's long nail has punctured clear through the back of his hand, through the palm and into the bellows.

"Why thank you, ladies. I didn't realize I'd get the benefit of your ministrations as well," Zane

This caused Despyria and Moria to look at the damage done, one of Despyria's nails had pierced Moira and Zane's hands. In her zeal she had not even noticed that she had driven her other nails into her own palm as well.

Moira gathers enough of the blood these three shed and paints Valion's face with it... three lines up each cheek. She then draws her finger across his lips, forcing him to taste the essence of their evil.

All three figures look up suddenly as the sound of trumpets echoes down from the citadel above.

"Oh damn," Zane curses, "Old Bag 'o Bones Dethargos finally finished falling to pieces. We'd better get up there and select us a new Chancellor before he comes back to haunt us. I suppose we'll have to bake this little cake later."

Feastival of the Cake -or- Damn cats!!

Welcome all to the feastival of...

Hey you people are so out of your minds you elected me Vice-Chancellorix and Supreme Injustice.

This it a special feastival by way of introducing the first ever Outer Tilog Cake. It has a base layer of Valion, and a bunch of decorations. A few candle holders have been spiked into the cake (aka Valion), but don't worry they are not deep wounds... he will be alive when we eat him.

Valion in all of his cakelike glory is wheeled out into the middle of the feastive lit with candle whose wax is extra drippy and starts scawling his skin causing involuntary whimpers much to the delight of the hungry feastival-goers.

The chorus starts signing some song badly even though none hears them... intent on getting a live piece of cake... before the hungry indignataries can claim their treat a roving band of Outer Tilogian cats break through and attack the cake.

Attack is not exactly a malicious thing with Outer Tilogian cats, as they are renown as among the most loving and affectionate creatures on all the known worlds... which is why Outer Tilogians in general despise the beast. They are also well known for their large size, boar like tusk, and tongue that is about as abrasive as a very coarse sandpaper. Another thing they are renown for is the insatiable need to lick.

In this case, the cake... Valion. Soon they have striped him of his cake-ishness, and the skin on the top half of him. This is too the disgust of the Outer Tilogians.

The last thing that the Outer Tilogian cats are renown for... their cleanliness... and now the very clean Valion, even the brussel sprout and congealed puppy puke. Outer Tilogians on the other hand are not fond of anything that is clean.

Hmmmm Valion. It appears that you have been spoiled and... cleaned by cats. Disgusting vermin aren't they?

I fear that we will simply have to banish you and await your return... you know you will. Next time we will eat you. Please marinate before you come back to us... Zane has taken the liberty to write down instructions for your Marinade, follow them to the letter.

Angus then seals Valion and the Marinade instruction in a barrel and launches cleaned and mostly skinless Valion back to Giblot.